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Nov 1, 2008 6:11 PM

Jan 2008
If you have any suggestions on how a certain contest can be improved, please feel free to post. We are open to new ideas.
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Nov 1, 2008 6:36 PM

Jan 2008
Taken from the recent Sig contest:

Mathes said:
Talon said:
Mathes said:
Talon said:
Mathes said:
The signature/list contests should be more often again..

signature, maybe..
Listdesign is hard to make them often since there isn't much change over shorter times.
well that would be already something...

But when I remember how there were enough participants around year ago already in a much shorter period of time,
also thinking about how MAL is growing, it quite wonders me that we are doing it less frequently now, when we have even more people to participate then around a year ago.

Also when you know there is contest coming, lots of people make new list designs to participate. But now you could say 'ah it's still so long till then I'll use my current a while longer'.
Just saying that having it more often would probably build up more rivalry/competition.
Also it gives more people a chance - as when it's less often more people that are already good/popular join in and newcomers are having less to no chances again.

I think this should be at least discussed over and maybe not in here and not with just 2-3 people - like it's normally done concerning these competitions..

First of all, I totally agree with you.

Everyone is free to contact me (PM, profile, MSN, IRC, etc.) if he or she disagrees, has sugestions for the better or complete new ideas for those competition.
Since the last (stalled) listcontest I got ZERO of those. I'm currently stalling the listcontests but nobody really asked me why and nobody is telling me I'm doing it wrong while that can be completely the case.

So all I take as the correct thing for me is not doing any contest until there is enough change with those lists.

Ok now that sounds understandable on your side.

But what I also guess is that hardly anyone notices the discussions about changes in the Award Section. Mostly they happen in a "Winner" or "Nomination" Thread, where most people just scroll over the rules/who the winner is and then write a short replay concerning what the topic says.
To notice that there is also a discussion going on is mostly not happening in those cases.

If then after a month or such you notice that there is nothing happening and wonder why, you either think there have been some problems and it will come sooner or later (what probably most people do) or you search for the cause and fine a discussion in which something was decided with around 3-4 people and no one disagreed (which like you had said also results in no one starting to complain and bring it up again).

I'd say we should either have an own sticky for that (the current ones aren't mostly even up to date or much used anyway) so at least this would be separated from the topics and maybe some more people would what's the matter actually
OR, but I don't really know how high the chances for that to happen are, there could be a topic in the Site Updates Section, asking people what they think should happen with the Awards, maybe a poll and reach a lot more people, who don't frequently check the Award Board as well.

Ah and while I'm at it at the moment:
If someone opens a topic in here (e.g. a new nomination thread) he should also place a notice in the * Design Update Thread, so that the people there notice the topic over here.

So what you're saying that not enough people know about the awards and it needs more attention?
aeroNov 1, 2008 6:39 PM
Nov 1, 2008 7:09 PM

Mar 2007
I'm not very up-to-date with art jam, so entering the sub-forum seems very confusing for me. Obviously the names are descriptive enough, but I don't know what's running and what isn't. Which thread still needs attention (nominating or voting) or just needs to be left alone. I can imagine that people who just wonder in may have the same problem.
Editing the thread's title to see in a glance what the status is would help.

This club should be a huge help too. Making sure that people gather here by putting a link to this club in every new thread to promote it would help people stay up-to-date with what's going on. Especially showing the status in the club's info area with a link to the thread helps clearing up a lot of question marks.
Since these contests aren't held continiously (the same one over and over again), it's always nice to have a mass PM going around.

When it comes to improvement, it might be nice to hold meetings on IRC every now and then. We do the same thing before every season with FAL and it really does help bouncing around ideas that way. Aim to have around 6 participants (no less than 4 people, or else it's not worth it and not much more than 8, or else it'll just get chaotic) and I'm sure you'll get some results. :3

Just throwing some ideas around~ ^_^
Nov 1, 2008 8:57 PM

Jul 2008
Concerning participation, I put together a few random, on the spot ideas by looking back at past nomination/voting threads, since I wasn't really here for most of them:

1. The Club - To reiterate on Boursk's emphasis of the club(And probably one of the main reason as to why club was made), I think that this should get bulked up with as many members as possible for the simple reason of mass messaging. Since the process of nominations and voting is a month long event, people tend to forget, lose their sense of timing, or don't realize that a contest is going on and messaging will definitely remedy that problem. There's also people who don't visit the forums frequently, but would be interested in the contests and how you guys would want to round up the members is up to you, but a sticky on GD and Anime forums for a month or maybe a site announcement may be sufficient.

2. Involvement of New People - From what I can tell from skimming the contests, there seems to be a core 20ish people who grab/suggest a majority of the nominations. Selective_yellow had an idea in the winner of May's signature contest:

On the 15th of June I would like to open up a Best Beginner Signature Design Award.
Some rules will probably be:
* For the past 3 Best Signature Award Design contest they should not have made it to the voting round (debatable)
*Signature cannot have been made by another user (thus someone like Talon can not make someone new a signature for them to use in this competition)
*New people are encouraged to ask some of the "veterans" questions about how they can improve on their signature

In order to bring in fresh meat, this is something that could be done on a longer time basis than current contests.(Every 3 +/- months) While the details of this contest would have to be discussed further("Beginner" is a very debatable title) , it opens up and encourages the chance for those with less talent(/points at self) to get into the contests. If the numbers of participants of the main contests increase to a highly reasonable amount because of this, this contest could be abolished sometime down the road.

Just to add onto the idea, I would say the contest would have to be along the lines of submission style event since "beginner" lists/signatures could be forgotten very easily or not really noticed, and gives people the chance to whip something up.

I had a few more, but they seem to have slipped my mind during this tl;dr. Other than that, I don't really such much else wrong with the nomination process or how the contests are carried out.

I'd say start up the Winter List Designs when the time comes and when the club is more established and see how it goes. Hopefully it turns out much better than the summer manga list nominations. ^^b
FactorNov 2, 2008 12:28 AM
Nov 1, 2008 9:55 PM

May 2007
Boursk said:
I'm not very up-to-date with art jam, so entering the sub-forum seems very confusing for me. Obviously the names are descriptive enough, but I don't know what's running and what isn't. Which thread still needs attention (nominating or voting) or just needs to be left alone. I can imagine that people who just wonder in may have the same problem.
Editing the thread's title to see in a glance what the status is would help.

We put the dates of each jam and whether it is a vote or winner thread in the thread title. Is there another way we could do this that would be more clear?
Nov 2, 2008 12:54 AM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
ScrumYummy said:
Boursk said:
I'm not very up-to-date with art jam, so entering the sub-forum seems very confusing for me. Obviously the names are descriptive enough, but I don't know what's running and what isn't. Which thread still needs attention (nominating or voting) or just needs to be left alone. I can imagine that people who just wonder in may have the same problem.
Editing the thread's title to see in a glance what the status is would help.
We put the dates of each jam and whether it is a vote or winner thread in the thread title. Is there another way we could do this that would be more clear?

I think, what he means, is there's always a lot of confusion on the board as to what threads are open, and which are not.

I know that we always put the deadline dates in the thread themselves, but let's not fool ourselves, many people don't read them. So every now and then, we'll get someone coming through the board, bumping up old topics saying "I voted for..." when it's already done. And then, since they're on the top, more people do the same.

On one hand, I think it would be a good idea to say in the thread title whether a thread is still open or not. However, on the other hand, the thread titles are so long to begin with .....

Factor said:
To reiterate on Boursk's emphasis of the club(And probably the main reason as to why club was made), I think that this should get bulked up with as many members as possible for the simple reason of mass messaging.

I have a few worries about "mass messaging": for one, it annoys the heck out of some people. Of course, thread aren't made in the MAL award board every day, so hopefully this means messages would be kept to a minimum. Still, if we're going to mass-message, I think it should be stated clearly.

Another thing is, for some clubs (like the Icontests), we usually end up mass messaging our members anyway (it's really sad to see only 36 votes on a thread when the club has 700 members). How does this work if people are members of both clubs? They start getting mass messages from both?

If you really want to mass message, on thing might be to have it more as a "newsletter" as well. A lot of the threads begin at specific times: first of the month, middle of the month. If we could combine the threads into one message, that would hopefully cut down on the annoyance of it as well.

Just my two cents, so far, anyway.
Nov 2, 2008 1:25 AM

Jul 2008
Kineta said:

Factor said:
To reiterate on Boursk's emphasis of the club(And probably the main reason as to why club was made), I think that this should get bulked up with as many members as possible for the simple reason of mass messaging.

I have a few worries about "mass messaging": for one, it annoys the heck out of some people. Of course, thread aren't made in the MAL award board every day, so hopefully this means messages would be kept to a minimum. Still, if we're going to mass-message, I think it should be stated clearly.

Can't argue with you here about the annoyance level, and I'm also wondering if the time gap is wide enough so it doesn't tick people off too much. The option to accept/deny mass messages from clubs would be nice for this scenario.

The newsletter idea sounds like the best way to go around it. Only one single message has to go out early in the month and if you include all the contests and information(Nomination/Voting Dates and Deadlines) within one, clean notice, it should keep any dissatisfaction to a minimum. This will probably require a little bit more preparation from the contests that go by themes like Art Jam, Backgrounds, and Icontest but it should be worth it if you guys get a lot more people involved.

I would just hope people don't forget halfway through to vote after submissions/nominations. :)
Nov 2, 2008 1:56 AM

Jan 2008
Factor said:
The newsletter idea sounds like the best way to go around it. Only one single message has to go out early in the month and if you include all the contests and information(Nomination/Voting Dates and Deadlines) within one, clean notice, it should keep any dissatisfaction to a minimum. This will probably require a little bit more preparation from the contests that go by themes like Art Jam, Backgrounds, and Icontest but it should be worth it if you guys get a lot more people involved.

I would just hope people don't forget halfway through to vote after submissions/nominations. :)
A newsletter is a good idea. Like what you said, the contest's with themes will have to plan a month ahead in order to have this type of information the newsletter. Not sure if this would work as we all have real lives to deal with, but it would be nice if it did.
But first, this club needs to grow :)
Nov 2, 2008 2:41 AM

Mar 2007
ScrumYummy said:
Boursk said:
I'm not very up-to-date with art jam, so entering the sub-forum seems very confusing for me. Obviously the names are descriptive enough, but I don't know what's running and what isn't. Which thread still needs attention (nominating or voting) or just needs to be left alone. I can imagine that people who just wonder in may have the same problem.
Editing the thread's title to see in a glance what the status is would help.

We put the dates of each jam and whether it is a vote or winner thread in the thread title. Is there another way we could do this that would be more clear?
A simple *CLOSED* would suffice.
ex. "*CLOSED* Icontest: Elements (Early Oct '08) Voting"

There's no real need to put *OPEN* in it, so that should safe space. If you want to shorten the title, it -might- be an idea to remove the dates (since it should be clear what's currently going on and what isn't).

Again, I don't know how the MAL awards are held, but I was under the impression that they're held once a month and take about a month (first two weeks for nominations/submissions and last two weeks for voting?). I doubt that one mass message per month is too much, so isn't it just a matter of planning these contests together at the start of each month?

month 1: anime list design + art jam
month 2: manga list design + signature design
month 3: wallpaper + icontest
month 4: anime list design + signature

I guess it's the same idea of a newsletter, since you can tell the members who won last month and what's starting in the coming month. The only thing I'm adding to this is that you shouldn't start the contests too long after the newsletter's announcement, or else they'll just get forgotten again.

Putting on the club's info page when the new contests (for each category) are going to start would help too. That will make people have something to look forward to, instead of it coming so suddenly and having simply been forgotten. It makes the contest get a little more "professional" feel too it, since it shows that it's all planned. :D
Nov 2, 2008 2:51 AM

Jun 2007
If we're going with the newsletter/message idea then it would also be best if that newsletter/message comes out when you are already able to vote.
That would, in my opinion, mean that at least the list/signature design contest should start at the same time so people don't have to note some dates (which they will probably forget again) but can just click on a link, read and give their nomination/vote whatever.

In that case the first newsletter/message should go out when nomination starts, listing the dates of it's closing and when the voting begins.
The second one when the voting starts including the closing date and when the next nominations start. Then it starts from the beginning including the winners in the next nomination newsletter.

That system only included list and signatures now, since I don't know much about incontest and art jam, but I know that they are more often and that would bring us before a wall again, since everything starts at different dates and so it probably would require much more messages.
Wouldn't it be possible to combine that a little/making a new structure there?

Boursk said:
so isn't it just a matter of planning these contests together at the start of each month?

yep, I think so too.
But I think manga and anime list design have been put together if I remember correctly, or not?

But back to the point Talon and me started to discuss about this.
Are most people here really fine with list and signature contests being this much less often now?

Also I'd say yes to the Best Beginner * Contest as that looks like a good idea to me.
MathesNov 2, 2008 2:55 AM
Nov 2, 2008 3:47 AM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
Okay, when I suggested a newsletter, I meant a bimonthly newsletter. So, for example:

November 1st
- Sig Design Nominations <link>
- Icontest: *theme* Nominations <link>
- Art Jam: *theme* Voting <link>
- Wallpaper *theme* Voting <link> (<-- is this still running?)

New Winner Threads:
- list here <link>

November 15th
- Sig Design Voting <link>
- Icontest: *theme2* Nominations <link>
- Art Jam: *theme2* Voting <link>

New Winner Threads:
- list here <link>

All contests usually run bi-weekly or monthly anyway. And, to account for people having lives, we could send the newsletter out on, say, the 3rd and 17th instead of the 1st and 15th.

The only contest that doesn't fit to this schedule is the Icontest, with both Nominating and Voting threads, each having one week each. But we PM our members anyway, and even being able to post the Voting link in this club would be helpful.

Boursk said:
A simple *CLOSED* would suffice.
ex. "*CLOSED* Icontest: Elements (Early Oct '08) Voting"

There's no real need to put *OPEN* in it, so that should safe space. If you want to shorten the title, it -might- be an idea to remove the dates (since it should be clear what's currently going on and what isn't).
I'm imagining a big forum page with "CLOSED" all over it xD But I understand precisely what you mean.

It'd be nice, I also think, if we could all agree on a standard thread naming format.
Nov 2, 2008 4:11 AM

Feb 2007
Manga and animelist will be put together, except people give me reasons to do different. In my sight, both list are the same (technically) but both list are different (content and lenght). Some people give more thoughs about their mangalist but the majority has just a huge animelist and mostly ignores the mangalist. that's why mangalist contest doesn't has an impact like the animelist.
Back to the putting things together, the reason on my side is that people just notice more the mangalist. they are a little bit forced to nominate/vote for both since we speak about both in one topic. there is less way to "ignore" a running contest and I don't see alot of people just vote for one contest while two are offered.

Mathes said:
But back to the point Talon and me started to discuss about this.
Are most people here really fine with list and signature contests being this much less often now?

Also I'd say yes to the Best Beginner * Contest as that looks like a good idea to me.

Best beginner (newcomer sound nicer tho), it's very posible and still I'm a little bit concern if there will be enough newcomers over time.

Donate to my awesomeness! | "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein
Nov 2, 2008 4:21 AM

Jan 2008
Mathes said:
But back to the point Talon and me started to discuss about this.
Are most people here really fine with list and signature contests being this much less often now?

Also I'd say yes to the Best Beginner * Contest as that looks like a good idea to me.
The sig contest could be run more often I think. Every 2nd month, unlike the now every 3rd month. This means it could run along side with either the Anime or the Manga list contests.

Talon, is the idea where the Anime/Manga list design being a combined contest still a green light? If it is, how often should it run? And are you going to start it soon?

About the *beginners contest*. The issue still is that, who is considered a Beginner? If a beginner is classified as someone "new" to a GFX application, then how do we judge their works as "new"?
Nov 2, 2008 4:39 AM

Mar 2007
aero said:
About the *beginners contest*. The issue still is that, who is considered a Beginner? If a beginner is classified as someone "new" to a GFX application, then how do we judge their works as "new"?
Maybe do the first one where all the people who have won a MAL award at least once are excluded and with each new newcomer contest, exclude the people who have been nominated/were elligable in previous newcomer contests?
Nov 2, 2008 12:07 PM

May 2007
Factor said:

2. Involvement of New People - From what I can tell from skimming the contests, there seems to be a core 20ish people who grab/suggest a majority of the nominations.

What I have noticed is that people who have been nominated from the very first 1 – 5 posts gets a lot of attention. Maybe the people who nominate are too lazy to search for new designs and probably utilize themselves by choosing from those few designs what they like best. What I would suggest is make a thread ( a post)/blog showing the graphically extensive and all the decent designs , where people would have a brief look from what design they like most and what to nominate. Well I already know that there is a list/signature design updated thread, but in most of the cases there are the same old few people posting for a page or two, and most of the people probably wouldn’t go back to like 3 or 5 pages. I would have to say that Talon’s blog for Advanced CSS list designs is a prime example. Maybe something similar like that for the signatures. IF so there would be plenty to choose nominate and ofcourse involvement of new people and new designs and more nominations and more participants.

Boursk said:
aero said:
About the *beginners contest*. The issue still is that, who is considered a Beginner? If a beginner is classified as someone "new" to a GFX application, then how do we judge their works as "new"?
Maybe do the first one where all the people who have won a MAL award at least once are excluded and with each new newcomer contest, exclude the people who have been nominated/were elligable in previous newcomer contests?

Maybe a competition involving the new users who have joined in the recent 5 or 3 months?
Nov 2, 2008 12:43 PM

Jul 2008
Boursk said:
aero said:
About the *beginners contest*. The issue still is that, who is considered a Beginner? If a beginner is classified as someone "new" to a GFX application, then how do we judge their works as "new"?
Maybe do the first one where all the people who have won a MAL award at least once are excluded and with each new newcomer contest,

It does seem to be a little bit difficult on on deciding who should be considered a "beginner" or newcomer.

I would say anyone who had made it to the voting round in previous regular signature/list contests should be automatically ineligible. Or is that too extreme?

exclude the people who have been nominated/were elligable in previous newcomer contests?

This would be the the best way to ensure that there is a constant flow of new people, but for example, if someone were to make it to the voting round and placed in last or one before last, they won't necessarily get "better". I think that this should apply to something like the Top 5 or something as a medium.

DarkFlash said:

Maybe a competition involving the new users who have joined in the recent 5 or 3 months?

I don't know if this is the best method, since there may be people who have been around for a while who would be interested in the contest.
Nov 2, 2008 8:54 PM

Jan 2008
DarkFlash said:
Boursk said:
Maybe do the first one where all the people who have won a MAL award at least once are excluded and with each new newcomer contest, exclude the people who have been nominated/were elligable in previous newcomer contests?

Maybe a competition involving the new users who have joined in the recent 5 or 3 months?
Ok hold on. So what does "NEW" mean? I'm thinking "new" as in new to making sigs/lists. Boursk for example (sorry > <).
DF, you're thinking "new" as in a recently joined member of MAL?
Nov 3, 2008 1:48 AM

Mar 2008
aero said:
Ok hold on. So what does "NEW" mean? I'm thinking "new" as in new to making sigs/lists. Boursk for example (sorry > <).
DF, you're thinking "new" as in a recently joined member of MAL?

I'm not really fan of the "new" or "beginners" idea. I also doubt it'll work well anyway, cause I don't see how anyone will judge how new someone is. It's not bad overall but I think it's a bit unneeded, at least in my opinion.

I like more the idea of DarkFlash, making it easier for people to pick a sig/list design might help them voting. I haven't voted much so far, but I have to say that for the last sig one, it was a bit hard for me to remember the few I liked (except when the person post a lot, easy to see it often) and that it takes some time to go through the threads to vote. The main idea would be to get something like talon's Advanced CSS list designs.

It's easy to vote for icons because there's a list, you pick your fav. and you're done. If something similar could be up, it would be easier for people to vote.
People just need to submit snapshot of their sig (just like anime/manga list) and someone would be charged to update the topic. Then when a sig/list design contest is starting, just put a link to that show off list, in addition of the last design/sig update.
Also, by having a thread up with anyone interested in showing off their stuff, it helps people who doesn't post or spam a lot, and so it'll give a wider choice of vote, without needing to dig deep into a thread.
geoffNov 3, 2008 1:51 AM
Nov 3, 2008 4:20 AM

Jan 2008
kouki said:
I'm not really fan of the "new" or "beginners" idea. I also doubt it'll work well anyway, cause I don't see how anyone will judge how new someone is. It's not bad overall but I think it's a bit unneeded, at least in my opinion.

Ok, so instead we'll stick with the idea where "new" is someone who didn't place in
Factor said:
the Top 5 or something

Yes the idea of a list containing all the recently updated Sigs will be nice but problem is this:
kouki said:
People just need to submit snapshot of their sig (just like anime/manga list) and someone would be charged to update the topic.
How many people will do that though. Also I would imagine it would takes quite an effort to keep the list updated. Anyone up for the job?

Nov 3, 2008 4:28 AM

Feb 2008
There is no need for an updated list. Just get everybody interested (in creating signatures, lists, profiles etc.) into this club and then announce contests once every month, telling people they have so many days/weeks to submit an entry.
Then those who are interested can take a few minutes out of their lives to screenshot their current signature/list/etc. and submit it to whoever's in charge of the contest they want to participate in.
When the deadline is up, a thread will be started with all the entries and everybody can vote.

This, of course, hinges on the fact that we can get everybody who might be interested to join this club :)
Nov 3, 2008 11:04 AM

Mar 2008
aero said:
Ok, so instead we'll stick with the idea where "new" is someone who didn't place in
Factor said:
the Top 5 or something
So basically just leaving the "pro" out right ? If it can give a chance to the other why not. As long as main contest will remain, can always give a try if some people like the idea. I don't really have anything against it, I just don't really see if it can be a good idea by just reading it, because making 2 groups sounds a bit weird to me (with one side "pro" other side "beginner").

aero said:
Yes the idea of a list containing all the recently updated Sigs will be nice but problem is this:
How many people will do that though. Also I would imagine it would takes quite an effort to keep the list updated. Anyone up for the job?

Well I didn't really thought about it :p but after reading kuroshiroi, I think it can work pretty well with his way.

Most other contest have submissions before voting, which makes it a lot easier for people to choose their fav and vote. Instead of having an unique updated post that one will need to manage, just create a topic where people will be able to submit a snapshot of their current sig/list/profile design. Make a reminder before the contest, so everyone will post their update in that topic. Then, when contest starts link back to it to help people choosing.

Rule of that thread would be, snapshot only, so it's easier for people to copy/paste when voting and since you get the chance to show off, it shouldn't be too much to ask. Can only post once also, no comment or anything, it's just meant to be a big list for everyone to choose.
geoffNov 3, 2008 11:09 AM
Nov 3, 2008 2:47 PM

Sep 2007
kouki said:
I don't really have anything against it, I just don't really see if it can be a good idea by just reading it, because making 2 groups sounds a bit weird to me (with one side "pro" other side "beginner").

I think it's worth to give it a try, cos there are a lot of people, who are new to photoshop/gimp but do have talent and they spend a lot a of time to imrpove themselves, and IMHO they deserv to have an award fo their hard work. Besides maybe such a contest will encourage other user to make their own sigs and not ask others to make theirs while saying "but they can make so good ones, and I suck so why should I even try?".

As for the list: I'm for it. Well it will be a lot of work for the person in charge, but it really will nominating much easier. But this list should be "advertised" a bit too. I mean like talking about in sig update thread, having a link in the newspaper type mass message and so on.
Nov 3, 2008 4:39 PM

Mar 2008
Well I think I understood a bit better. And after thinking about it, I think that instead of beginner and pro, best would be a main contest and a newcomer contest. This term would give me much more motivation than beginner, really. I'm not sure if I'm alone on this but it tickles me a bit to say beginner contest lol. Also it avoids the 'level' separation, a little at least.
Something like status could be an other idea, Veteran for the people who made it up to top5 already and I don't know what else for the other.

But maybe I'm just too picky :p sorry.

edit: ah I didn't notice Talon talked about newcomer already. I went quickly through most post but didn't see that and quite misunderstood the idea I suppose.
geoffNov 3, 2008 5:13 PM
Nov 3, 2008 5:08 PM

Mar 2007
I don't really like how you say "beginner" and "pro". As far as I understand it, this isn't so much trying to differentiate between the contenders' skill level, but more about whether they entered a MAL awards contest before. That's why I like Talon's "newcomer" term more, since it's more descriptive. The opposite of this group are the "regulars", who don't have to be "pro" perse.......just people who frequently enter MAL awards contests. :3

I like the idea of a newcomer contest, because it tries to involve more MAL members to the MAL awards. Even if they don't manage to win the contests that has been overshadowed for a long time by the "popularity factor", they are able to hold their own ground in this contest that is (or at least should be) designed for the contenders who have tried to squeeze in the hard core of MAL awards contest regulars.
Nov 4, 2008 3:23 AM

Feb 2007
another crazy idea of me wich doesn't leave my head until I've written it, we totally shouldn't do this because the contests stands on a solid ground where everyone agrees with it that they should be done that way.
A listdesign league, everyone can subscribe his/herself and after an submissing period we're making 1 on 1 (on 1 on 1) contests with random parings for every day. (like moe-battle).
lol, newcomer league, regular league, champions league xD

okay, now I've written it, I can let go of the idea ~_~
While it solves 3 problems:
- no limit of contestants
- the popularity factor might be lower on 1 on 1
- people have time to see every little detail of 2 lists
we get new problems too:
- it takes time, long wait when you missed subsribing
- people might want to change style in the middle of contest
- alot of work to make contests on a daily base and I current don't have the time for that

btw. I've been thinking but this club currently only gives Awards away for someones creativity.. Shouldn't we expand this to some non-creative activities/deeds where people aren't forced to use expensive software and have the skills for that?
Review-writer of the month, fansub mistake of the month, spammer of the month, friend-collec... okay forget it ~_~
TalonNov 4, 2008 3:33 AM

Donate to my awesomeness! | "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein
Nov 4, 2008 6:40 AM

Sep 2007
Talon said:
Shouldn't we expand this to some non-creative activities/deeds where people aren't forced to use expensive software and have the skills for that?
Review-writer of the month, fansub mistake of the month, spammer of the month, friend-collec... okay forget it ~_~

Haha, it would be quiet interesting :D But for this many competition we would need a lot of people to work on it.

But I like the idea of skills not needing expensive software... Maybe a short story writing competition or something like that.
Nov 4, 2008 3:18 PM

Jul 2008

I'm a newbie for most of the contests. Having this club helps a lot! The Creative Corner section of the forums look scary to me, even to this day. :P

As for suggestions, I'm thinking of starting my own contest club. It would be nice to see some general guidelines to use as reference for building my club.

Nov 5, 2008 1:00 PM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
So, I've been scouting around, looking for interesting sigs from users that are probably less well known for the sig design contest. Well, I went to the thread today to think about posting some of them... and then I thought, what's the point?

Now, I know you guys have been running these design contests for a long time, and you've come to your current nomination/voting method for a reason. But, the truth of it is, while everyone is complaining about it being a "popularity" contest more than a design contest, I think the current nomination system is only helping it be like that even more.

What is the point of me putting less well known users up for nomination, if I'm the only one that's going to be nominating them? I'm sorry, but the entire thread is pretty much the same ten users. There are a few new ones (mostly people nominating themselves or putting them as special mentions) but the nomination thread is already treated as a voting thread. Gotta put the people we want to win up. So either I nominate which of those ten users I like, or I nominate users that have no chance of ever reaching the voting stage because no one has viewed their sigs but me.

At least if I could submit someone (or a few someones) names for nomination, and an image could be taken of their sigs, and then displayed in the nominations thread, more people could view that sig before choosing that nomination. And, even better, not all sigs have names on them -- you could number them rather than naming them, and people could nominate (with your point based system) based on numbers. And then, you could have the voting stage.

It's more work, and I know you may get something like 50 nominations, but at least this way people would be able to view the nominated sigs (still nominated by the users) before distributing points. It also makes the nomination round a lot easier for users to participate in: look at the available sigs for nomination, and distribute points, rather than going to scout on the forum and then coming back.... I doubt that they come back, OR they may just be looking at the ones already up for nomination and choosing those to save time. People want less work, and if everything's already in one thread, they may be more likely to participate.

In my opinion, the MAL Award bot isn't going to change the "popularity" factor of it, if it's just used for voting. I think the current problem lies in the nomination method, rather than the voting.

But that's just my (new, and probably uneducated) two cents.

Edit: I just went a looked at some of the older nominations threads, and I see people saying, "I looked around for less known users", and then there's a list of 10 users with 0 points, and the four or five that are given points are still the same users. To me, this only reinforcing my opinion on the current nominations strategy...
KinetaNov 5, 2008 1:17 PM
Nov 6, 2008 3:45 PM

Mar 2008
Btw. regarding new voting system with "MAL Awards bot". What about ppl with this problem: For example me. I can't send any PMs, so I won't be able to vote?

Sorry if this was already discussed here, u guys write too much, and I'm to lazy to read it all :p
Nov 6, 2008 4:24 PM

Feb 2007
viesiu said:
Btw. regarding new voting system with "MAL Awards bot". What about ppl with this problem: [url=] For example me. I can't send any PMs, so I won't be able to vote?

Sorry if this was already discussed here, u guys write too much, and I'm to lazy to read it all :p

Well that's technically not our problem. For the same it could happen that the forum messes up the poll or there are users who can't post but we never knew because they don't post that the can't post into the support area.

Donate to my awesomeness! | "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein
Nov 6, 2008 10:00 PM

Mar 2008
Talon said:
viesiu said:
Btw. regarding new voting system with "MAL Awards bot". What about ppl with this problem: [url=] For example me. I can't send any PMs, so I won't be able to vote?

Sorry if this was already discussed here, u guys write too much, and I'm to lazy to read it all :p

Well that's technically not our problem. For the same it could happen that the forum messes up the poll or there are users who can't post but we never knew because they don't post that the can't post into the support area.
Umm, that's harsh, but I guess u got some point here :p Well, I'll pray for this to get fixed soon :)
Nov 6, 2008 10:24 PM

Jul 2008
Moony said:
Day 1 to day 10 -> Entry Round
Day 10 to day 20 -> Nomination Round
Day 20 to 30/31 -> Voting Round

I'm guessing you guys decided on this method probably due to the high amount of entries the new contest is having, but have you thought about using this voting process for the future list/signature contests?

I think it comes to a good compromise with what Kineta just said, as anyone who wants to enter the contest can, and all entries will be in one single thread without the necessity for someone to put them together. This might be the best way for everyone to get their work out in the open, cut down to the best entries, and use the MALAwardBot to avoid the popularity vote.
Mar 13, 2009 1:12 PM

Oct 2008
Desktop styleup contest? A lot of photoshoper's (as I noticed) customize their desktop with anime wallpapers, addons. Dunno might sound stupid but that is my opinion :P
Sep 6, 2009 4:17 AM

Apr 2008
Ripaz said:
Desktop styleup contest? A lot of photoshoper's (as I noticed) customize their desktop with anime wallpapers, addons. Dunno might sound stupid but that is my opinion :P

thumbs up for mee
Sep 2, 2018 10:40 AM

Jun 2016
explain where to nominate people in the Nominations threads.

Idk how to nominate so I just ended up replying to the nomination thread. - I'm the only one so it feels super awkward.
Sep 2, 2018 10:59 AM

Jun 2010
@Inorichi You did it right, just you were the first to post. ^^
But, you didn't respect this rule
- Spend at least 4 points if you don't plan to nominate many members.

so, please, if you want for your post to be counted, edit it with another nomination (other person) for at least 1 point.

✿ forum set by rubixuitous
'You seem to vacillate between assistance and assault. Which is it?'
'I'm not surprised you've driven three men to try and kill you, I'm only surprised there weren't more,' said Damen, bluntly.
'There were,' said Laurent, 'more.'
Sep 4, 2018 4:04 AM

Jun 2016
Nate said:
@Inorichi You did it right, just you were the first to post. ^^
But, you didn't respect this rule
- Spend at least 4 points if you don't plan to nominate many members.

so, please, if you want for your post to be counted, edit it with another nomination (other person) for at least 1 point.

Ah ok - Thanks xD

I was looking for the post location so hard, I completely missed that.
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