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Jan 25, 2013 4:34 PM

Apr 2011
Angel Name: (Latin or Hebrew)
Angel Rank: (Sphere, and Type)
Current Name: (Human Name)
Current Gender: (Male or Female)
Current Age: (Human Age)
Past Lives: (Doesn't have to be overly accurate; just say where, when, and what you were doing... not all spaces required to be filled. But please try to do so if you can, it makes it more fun that way!)

Halo: (Your Halo instead of being upon your head like a crown is now a collar as a Fallen, a stigma only visible by Demons, regular Angels, and other Fallen. It summons your weapon or power of choice, examples would be Michael's Sword or Gabriel's Horn... include in spoilers what it looks like as well please)
Bio/Personality: (Based upon his previous lives... who or what is your Angel like? Humanistic and caring? Or cold hearted monster? Or a hardboiled badass somewhere between?)
Current Appearance: (1 or 2 pictures only describing your Angel's appearance)
Gibz0maticJan 29, 2013 4:03 PM
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Jan 26, 2013 11:08 AM

Apr 2011
Angel Name: Aureorum Qui Pugnis, מי שהוא מאגרוף הזהב, He of the Golden Fist
Angel Rank: Second Sphere, Power
Current Name: Jovan Constatine
Current Gender: Male
Current Age: 17
Past Lives:



Current Appearance:
Gibz0maticFeb 16, 2013 5:19 PM
Jan 28, 2013 5:57 PM

Jul 2009
(In Progress)
Angel Name:
הוא שמפלח את כל אלא בשר
(He Who Pierces All But Flesh)
Angel Rank:
Second Sphere, Power
Current Name:
Aoi Oomori
Current Gender:
Current Age:
Past Lives:

He Who Pierces All But Flesh Halo is called 'Longinus', a title that would later be given to the lance that stabbed Christ. It takes the form of a dark red Spear, though it's size changes with each rebirth, always matching the height of it's wielder. Its structure is inherently double-helical, with the majority of its length being straight and composed of two strands which are tightly interwoven. At one end, the two strands unwind and form two massive tines.

'Longinus' is widely regarded to be the perfect weapon for a Second Sphere Angel, as it was forged for the sole purpose of eliminating threats to humanity. The spear reacts to the presence of 'unnatural energies' that are given off by Angels and Demons alike, and negates said energies simply by coming into contact with them. Anything that utilize either Holy or Demonic energy, or 'Aura's', are effectively rendered useless against 'Longinus'. This includes barriers, which will shatter as soon as the spear's tip touches them.

Further, 'Longinus' is completely incapable of harming any living being that resides on Earth. Unlike Angels or Demons, Humans and Animals don't give off any sort of aura, as they are considered 'natural' beings. As such, the spear will simply pass straight through them. The only animals it have any effect on are cats, as they are half-way through the 'Natural' and 'Unnatural', but it is still incapable of killing them.

Before he fell, He Who Pierces All But Flesh was an Angel of the Second Sphere, Power. A warrior, A fighter who protected Heaven and Earth from forces that would wish them harm. However, unlike most other Angel of Power, He Who Pieces All But Flesh has never particularly enjoyed war. Even if the opponents were Demons from hell, He Who Pieces All But Flesh has always tried to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. The Angel would always give his opponents a chance to surrender, and studied military tactics so he could finish battles quickly and with the least amount of casualties. This trait didn't change even when He Who Pieces All But Flesh fell, this trait didn't change.

This belief, however, was what ultimately caused He Who Pierces All But Flesh to fall. During a standard Search and Destroy mission, he showed mercy on a Demon who, after loosing a arm, pleaded for his life. Much to his horror, this same Demon massacred his friends and a group of 26 trainees not a week later. He Who Pierces All But Flesh was charged with their deaths, and was subsequently stripped of his status and cast down to earth.

This act of foolishness has tormented him ever since, and the Demon that caused his downfall has haunted and mocked him throughout his many lives.

He Who Pierces All But Flesh seeks to redeem himself. If not in God's eyes, then at least in his own. All He Who Pierces All But Flesh seeks now is redemption for his past mistakes.
Current Appearance:

ChotgoriinJan 29, 2013 3:23 PM

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Jan 30, 2013 2:26 PM

Nov 2010
Angel Name: quae saltat super rosarum (she who dances upon roses)
Angel Rank: 2nd Sphere, Virtues
Current Name: Youka Tsukishima
Current Gender: Female
Current Age: 15
Past Lives:



Current Appearance:

rika713Feb 1, 2013 1:45 AM
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings.
To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea.
You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri
Jan 30, 2013 9:30 PM

Jul 2008
Angel Name: Virgo Argenti Linguis (Maiden of Silver Tongues)
Angel Rank: 2nd sphere, Virtues
Current Name: Minna Howe
Current Gender: Female
Current Age: 15
Past Lives:

Halo: Simply referred to as "Silver Tongue", her halo allows her to understand and speak any language. This also allows her to use power words to create miracles that most modern people would just call magic. It can bring people to life but otherwise can only affect surrounding objects, causing indirect harm (such as a wall conveniently falling at just the right time.)
Words are power. This halo is the embodiment of that.
Bio/Personality: A bit of a showoff, a liar, and a cheat. Abuses her power to create miracles for personal profit. Has become jaded and simply doesn't give a shit about what the job she used to do. Doesn't care about mortals anymore either due to millenia of being referred to as 'just a woman who didn't know her place.' Thus, she can be a very angry person.
Current Appearance:

TamoballJan 31, 2013 3:54 PM
Feb 1, 2013 3:00 PM

Apr 2011
Angel Name: מי שמביא קרח, ille qui profert glacies, He Who Brings Ice
Angel Rank: 2nd Sphere, Virtue
Current Name: Antonio Morales
Current Gender: Male
Current Age: 25
Past Lives:

Halo: Simply named "Heaven's Cold", it is a formless Halo that allows one to summon and manipulate the ice from Heaven into any form deemed necessary. The ice itself is super-dense with a strength comparable to diamond as well as super cold with a temperature just above absolute zero. Weapons, barriers, and even golems can be constructed with this ice but the size of the object determines how much time it takes to construct/summon it- simple items like swords can be made in no time at all while a towering golem can take up to several minutes. Proper mental preparation of the desired object beforehand can drastically reduce the amount of time it takes to summon the object but this would not be useful in a surprise attack or other such desperate situation. The one who possesses this Halo is not affected by the extreme cold, allowing them to properly wield whatever they create. Example:
See also: Ice-Make


Current Appearance:

Newmn84Feb 7, 2013 3:09 PM
Feb 3, 2013 9:30 PM

Feb 2011
Angel Name:Oi Guardiani Ombra (The Shadow Guardians)
Angel Rank: Third Sphere, Archangels
Current Name:Shana Xiong
Current Gender: Female
Current Age: 17
Past Lives:

Halo:Shadow Warp-Shana can control her own shadow bending it to take any shape and form she can think of use it to fight.She can also swap place with her shadow as long as her shadow can naturally stretch that far.However because the type of her Halo she is rather sensitive to light and any prolong expose to a long time to light or burst of bright light will weaken her.
Bio/Personality:As a Shadow Guardian Shana is expect to help the human from behind the shadow with her own Judgement which what the human might call "Assassination" .She has done this job very before the advance of human technology which as made thing harder for her.The Angel have turn a mostly blind eye to her latest Judgement but with the assassination of JFK they could no longer stand around and instead they banished her to Earth and to become an Fallen
Current Appearance:

FockfearFeb 6, 2013 11:57 AM
Feb 4, 2013 4:54 PM

Jul 2011
Angel Name: Quae Quaerit Doctrinam (She who seeks Knowledge)
Angel Rank: 3rd Sphere - Guardian
Current Name: Elaine Felix
Current Gender: Female
Current Age: 20
Past Lives:

Halo: Foresight of Calamity Elaine has the ability to foresee the future. This includes future events, that may or may not appear to her randomly during the course of the day. The foresight may show events that will happen within coming hours, or within the course of centuries. Elaine may not, however; use this ability to predict present and immediate action. (I.E. She cannot use it to see every enemies move)
Bio/Personality: There are certain slivers of knowledge that not even the highest rank of Angels are allowed to know. Thus, what chance would a lowly third sphere angel like Quae Quaerit Doctrinam have if she wanted to seek the forbidden knowledge of God? For her, there were no boundaries. As a guardian angel who dwells mostly amongst the mortal world, she slowly and slowly began to adopt the human nature of seeking more and more knowledge. She was intrigued by them, intrigued by how their thirst for knowledge was nearly as massive as her own. The other angels became disapproving of her habits of clamoring to the human world until eventually, the opportunity arose that she might be able to find out the reason of human existence, one of the most forbidden secrets of the universe, known only to God. Upon nearly attaining it, her wings suddenly gave away. The voice of one of the head angels spoke to her,
If you want to learn about humans so much, then why don't you become one?
And thus forth, she had dwelt amongst the mortals.
Quae Quaerit Doctrinam, or her human name as she insists, Elaine Felix, is an extremely curious person. She constantly asks questions to try to fully understand something, and eve more than that. She is extremely deductive, and intuitive. She learns things very quickly. Elaine also enjoys dressing up in an early 1930's style claiming that it was her favorite time in history. Some might even call her the classiest person in the world.

Current Appearance:

Gibz0maticFeb 5, 2013 5:07 AM
Even Death has a heart
It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out.
THAT's what life's all about.

Feb 5, 2013 12:10 AM
Jun 2010
(In Progress)
Angel Name: Ille qui inducit Bello (He Who Brings War)
Angel Rank: 2nd sphere, Power
Current Name: Zen Pax
Current Gender: Male
Current Age: 34
Past Lives:

Halo: Warmonger- Rather then any one weapon, warmonger takes the shape of any weapon the user likes, the downside is the weapon gets weaker and weaker with each use, it gets stronger when it comes in contact with blood.

Another bonus for Warmonger is that it has the ability to bestow upon humans the idea of hatred or war.

Bio/Personality: As his name imply's he has brought many wars, while most of the angels looked down upon that, he knew in the end the wars will all be worth it and be for a greater good. Zen can be fairly cold but only due to his bringing of so many wars.
Current Appearance:

(In Progress)

Gibz0maticFeb 6, 2013 5:33 PM

Feb 6, 2013 9:48 PM

Dec 2012
Angel Name:
מי לעורר הרס על ידי חשמל (He who triggers destruction by electricity)
Angel Rank:
Second Sphere, Power
Current Name:
Hubert Kinji
Current Gender:
Current Age:

Past Life

Halo: Hand-50n1c can anticipate anything that can sense its existence in a 500m radius it also give the wielder Electric powers. Hand-50n1c will start glowing, and then construct itself on both hands. The speed of the construction is based on the enemy movement.

The constructed version of the Hand-50n1c is a Dark blue metal plated glove. The ability is to control Electricity manipulating it and controlling it. It can also drain nearby energy sources to enlarge its power, Hand-50n1c can be used like an electro magnet but it can only lift metal objects if its weight is no heavy then 3 kilos

Hand-50n1c can lift smaller metals towards the palm charging it up making it energised, then if fired at max velocity the accuracy is most perfect like a sniper rifle also the projectile can be manipulated to curve only slightly

The more energised it gets more it can curve but it cannot curve a more then 30 degrees angle
The speed of each shot is at supersonic speeds between 800 and 1000 m/s. The range of how far it can go is 2000k radius (pointless there isn’t a scope to use it like a sniper). The projectile doesn’t drop and hit the ground it slowly disappears

Hand-50n1c Gloves Appearance

(Some Advantages)

(Some Disadvantages)


IDC_SAOFeb 9, 2013 12:24 PM
Feb 16, 2013 10:04 AM

Jun 2011
Angel Name: Illa Quae Silentio Cædere, היא שהורגת את השתיקה (She Who Slays The Silence)
Angel Rank: Second Sphere,Dominion
Current Name: Rhea Delacroix
Current Gender: Female
Current Age: 24
Past Lives:

Halo: Caesitas Et Russus (C.E.R.)
She Who Slays The Silence's Halo manifests as pure energy,colored azure and vermillion. This pure, raw energy can be shaped into a wide variety of things - from clothes to weapons, from armors to barriers and animal-like familiars. It has a nearly impossible to destroy physical resistance; only high-level magic or the command of the wielder can dispel it. It isn't, however, nearly as immune in the presence of other, un-fallen angels. It also owns the propriety of switching from a material to an immaterial state, thus passing through obstacles of both human and astral nature.
The downside of C.E.R. is that it drains life force and blood from the wielder. If She Who Slays The Silence uses it for long periods of time, she will be fatigued, her movements will become slow and wobbly, and she will cough up blood, thus incapacitating her human body and eventually, dying. She is also suffering from chronic anemia, headaches and chronic exhaustion due to her ability. As a consequence to those, she has developed a habit of storing away unused energy that would otherwise go to waste, and using the stored amount as the main fuel for her power.

Bio/Personality: Before her fall,She Who Slays The Silence was a Dominion of the Second Sphere. A highly respected, much loved individual. As human race ascended in the heart of the Holy Father, she became enraged. Very much so. Jealous, she followed Lucifer's example. She descended from Heaven, killing everything in her way; entire villages fell victim to her wrath. Hearing this, God exiled her. Last thing she saw before the gates closed in on her, was the sorrow on Michael's face. With time, she began to understand humans and empathize with them. Nowadays, she wants to protect the innocence she once destroyed with her own hands in order to atone, at least partially, for her sins. Disgusted with herself at first, she came to terms with her nature as a sinner. But she will never fully regret it. Sooner or later, we'll all sin.

Current Appearance:

AngelicXIMar 2, 2013 12:58 PM
Mar 3, 2013 7:39 PM

Jul 2012
Angel Name: Qui moderatur ignis, one who controls fire
Angel Rank: 2nd - Virtues
Current Name: Kahmu Echovald
Current Gender: Male
Current Age: 18
Past Lives: (Doesn't have to be overly accurate; just say where, when, and what you were doing... not all spaces required to be filled. But please try to do so if you can, it makes it more fun that way!)

Halo: “Ignis” a Halo based on fire, can be molded into many forms, like a ball of fire conjured from his hands to a spear of fire. Mainly when appearing as an object if flows around his hands like a gauntlet , free flowing till he commands it to form his weapon, both of ranged and close quarters combat. It will only scorch that of which the user wants to burn.

Bio/Personality: Being a person who chooses what he wants, tends to use his power for personal gain, but is with certain nudges is willing to, be of help to others, indifferent. This personality came around by way of how his parents were and the crew he ran with, he was intelligent but didn’t show. His world views are of that it doesn’t matter.
Current Appearance:

Gibz0maticMar 4, 2013 3:03 PM

Mar 14, 2013 4:36 PM

Apr 2011
Angel Name: Filius qui unus canis horribilis, מי הוא בן מפחיד אחת כלבה, He who is one terrifying son of a bitch
Angel Rank: Second Sphere, Power
Current Name: Sophie "Zoey" Rabidus
Current Gender: Female
Current Age: 13
Past Lives:



Current Appearance:
Gibz0maticMar 15, 2013 6:45 PM
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