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Nov 24, 2012 7:11 PM
Aug 2012
Claudius smirked, watching as Jesse continuously tried to help Victoria. Logan was sipping his tea. He poked Claudius, "Hey, King of this House, aren't you worried that the wolf will break everything?"
"Nope. Not at all. This is just for my amusement," Claudius laughed quietly.
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Nov 24, 2012 7:16 PM
Aug 2012
Victoria smacked Jesse's hand as he reached for the tea pot "that's porcelain from Kyushu, Japan. You can not touch it." Jesse looked down at his little sister with pleading eyes "but, I just wanted to poor some tea for you..." Victoria sighed and covered her face with her right hand "you're acting more like a puppy rather than a wolf." Jesse chuckled "and you are acting like a kitten!"
Nov 24, 2012 7:18 PM
Aug 2012
Claudius sighed with pleasure, "Excuse me, siblings. Would you mind fetching my newspaper for me?"
Logan looked up at Edward, "Edward, are you enjoying yourself or are you just smiling because you don't want me to feel bad?"
Nov 24, 2012 7:20 PM
Aug 2012
Edward was grinning at the two other demons "please forgive me sir, it's so amusing."
Jesse perked up "I'll get it!"
Victoria shook her head "just don't bring it back in your mouth." She joked as she walked outside to get the newspaper.
Nov 24, 2012 7:22 PM
Aug 2012
Claudius smiled and muttered, "The more you mess up, the happier I am. Victoria, we're going shopping today. Hope you're prepared because we're bringing Jesse and Logan and Edward."
Nov 24, 2012 7:29 PM
Aug 2012
Victoria sighed and nodded, setting the paper gently on his desk "I was afraid you'd say that. Tell me master, do you find this amusing?"
Nov 24, 2012 7:37 PM
Aug 2012
Claudius nodded, "Very. I'm glad Jesse came, actually. I was getting kind of bored." Claudius stood up and straightened his jacket, " for...Princess's birthday."
Logan looked at him curiously, "Princess? Who's that?"
Nov 24, 2012 7:46 PM
Aug 2012
Victoria smiled warmly at Logan, happy to talk about something besides her idiot brother "princess is what my master calls his betrothed, her name is Ellen Crawford. She's a rather kind young woman."
Nov 24, 2012 7:50 PM
Aug 2012
Logan gasped an oddly high-pitched gasp, "You're betrothed?!"
Claudius blushed, "V-Victoria, and Jesse, prepare the carriage. We're going out."

~At the shopping center area(what?)~
Damon milled around aimlessly. Those brats. He thought that they were in deep trouble, but they just didn't have anyone to carry their boxes and bags. He sighed, a tutor wouldn't do such a thing. He felt hot and sweaty under all the clothes.
Nov 24, 2012 8:06 PM
Aug 2012
Elizabeth turned around and smiled at Damon "thanks for coming to help us! I was getting hard to carry the boxes..." Ariel paused and gave a solemn nod before walking again.

Victoria had prepared the carriage and was sitting in the driver's seat while Jesse was holding the door open for Edward, Logan, and Claudius. Jesse seemed happy to just be able to help his sister, no matter how much he seemed to annoy her.
Nov 24, 2012 8:08 PM
Aug 2012
Damon nodded, "It's no problem. After all, you are my mistresses." Damon rolled his eyes as soon as the two turned away Mistresses my butt. I don't even remember why I actually made a contract with these two he thought
tronariNov 24, 2012 8:15 PM
Nov 24, 2012 8:17 PM
Aug 2012
Elizabeth skipped happily along, crossing the street before looking. Ariel followed after her sister, oddly forgetting as well. Suddenly, a carriage containing Jesse, Claudius, Edward, and Logan that was driven by Victoria came riding up the street. Jesse had made the mistake of distracting Victoria while she was driving and Victoria didn't see the twins walking in front of the carriage.
Nov 24, 2012 8:20 PM
Aug 2012
Damon saw the on-coming danger. He dropped the boxes and somehow managed to get his mistresses out of harm's way. The carriage skid to a stop, miraculously missing the boxes of freshly bought items. Damon felt a surge of anger, but he had to keep his a tutor of course.
Nov 24, 2012 8:31 PM
Aug 2012
Elizabeth and Ariel's navy blue eyes as they watched their 'tutor' miraculously save them. Victoria jumped out of the driver's seat on the carriage and dashed over, closely followed by Jesse. Victoria sighed in relief to see they were unharmed "I'm so sorry--Damon?!" Jesse looked over Victoria's shoulder at the three with a confused expression. Victoria shook her head in surprise "I haven't seen you in years!" She glanced at the twins "are these...?"
Nov 24, 2012 8:37 PM
Aug 2012
Damon glared at his friend. He hissed and felt venom in his mouth. He spat on the next to him and watched as the concrete sizzled. He looked back up at Victoria, "Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise, Victoria..." his gaze shifted up to Jesse, "I see you found your brother..."

Claudius gaped at the strange person. He was dressed like a tutor, not a butler. His eyes were yellow with black slits for pupils. This person felt...threatening. Was he angry? Claudius's gaze shifted to the two girls Damon stood in front of.
Logan smiled taking note of the tense atmosphere, but deciding to act like he didn't, "Well, this is nice, isn't it Edward?"
Nov 24, 2012 8:41 PM
Aug 2012
Victoria sighed "how is it thag everybody except me knew he was my brother?" She gave a polite bow, she wasn't in much of a mood to deal with Damon while her brother was here. Jesse smiled and waved to Damon, trying to lighten the mood.
Edward smiled at the scene "it is rather nice indeed, sir."
Nov 24, 2012 8:46 PM
Aug 2012
Damon smiled, revealing fangs of venom. He was so close to transforming into his true form that it was dangerous. He wish he had better control over his heated blood, but he wasn't. On top of which, he smelled souls being collected by Grim Reapers not to far. He looked in that direction, "Blast it...I've missed my lunch." he turned back to Victoria. He made a sweeping bow, "Pleasure to see you again Victoria. Pardon my rudeness earlier. You see, I was just so worried about my mistresses. Good day to you also, Edward."

Claudius felt a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. Logan noticed and whispered, "Go on, do it. You know you want to invite them over."
"Would you, my ladies, mind coming over for an apology dinner? My fiance will be there and she really loves making new friends," Claudius glanced over at Victoria looking to see if he had actually forgotten to tell his maid that his fiance was coming over and that was why he was buying her a birthday present then.
Nov 24, 2012 8:54 PM
Aug 2012
Victoria was trying to maintain a smile and gave a small nod to Claudius. She had already know that his fiancé was coming over but she had forgotten about it until now. She replied calmly and quietly to Damon "it's quite alright. And don't worry about your lunch, there'll be some more available soon."
Jesse smiled at his little sister, how is she always so polite to other? It doesn't seem like something most demons would do...then again, we are not most demons. he thought to himself. He looked over his shoulder at Edward and Logan, how they didn't seem to be affected by the crash made him grow slightly more curious about them.
Ariel nodded in reply to Claudius while Elizabeth took up a more...oral exceptance "of course! We would love to come over, we don't really mind about the 'almost-crash' though. It was an accident." She said with a cheery smile like she always does.
Edward waved slightly to Damon from where he stood, not offering much acknowledgment.
Nov 24, 2012 8:59 PM
Aug 2012
Damon made a slightly troubled face, "i was going ladies...I was going to know..."
"Oh yes," Logan smiled teasingly, "You can't starve a pet. Damon seems more like a snapping cobra though, right, Edward."
Damon glared at Edward and his master. The small brat seemed naive, but Damon wasn't so sure about that.
"You guys smell. I noticed you from ten blocks away," an annoyed voice of that of a Grim Reaper appeared behind the demon-owning group. "Good afternoon, Claudius, Victoria."
Nov 24, 2012 9:04 PM
Aug 2012
Victoria sighed "good afternoon..." Her voice was filled wight he slightest injection of annoyance but besides that it was rather mild. Jesse whipped around to face the grim reaper "hm? Who's this Victoria?" He asked as the shinigami walked over. Edward sighed slightly at Logan's choice of words "now now Logan, you know not to use that term." He said with an annoyed expression. Elizabeth nodded "we understand Damon, we can try to carry the boxes on our own." She gave a happy smile as she looked up at him "thank you for your help!" She said cheerfully before looking down both sides of the street.
Nov 24, 2012 9:15 PM
Aug 2012
"I am James L. Moore," he said, "Pleasure to...well, you know."
Damon sighed and picked up the boxes and bags he dropped, "No...I'll come with you. Since some people here seem to look down on me."
"Of course," Logan chuckled, "not. Hey Claudius, I can't wait for tonight!"
Nov 24, 2012 9:20 PM
Aug 2012
Edward rolled his eyes at his young master's disrespect for his position. It's a good thing that Edward was so calm, or else he might snap like Damon.
Elizabeth smiled "thank you Damon, that's very kind of you." The two twins helped their tutor by taking a few boxes and bags as well.
Victoria sighed and nodded to Jesse "this is my brother James, his name is Jesse." She added to herself "and he seems to get pleasure from my annoyance...."
Nov 24, 2012 9:27 PM
Aug 2012
James smiled, "Now, that's not very nice, Victoria."
Claudius smiled this has gotten tons, more interesting

~Dinner Time~
Ellen's carriage rolled towards the manor. It stopped. Ellen made her way elegantly to the door and knocked lightly.
Nov 24, 2012 9:32 PM
Aug 2012
Jesse opened the door with a smile "Hello Miss Ellen, how are you this evening?" He asked, giving a small bow to her. He was now dressed as a butler, even though he didn't serve as Claudius' butler technically. But his sister had insisted he dressed that way so he looked presentable.
Edward stood by the table, playing a peaceful song on the viola. His bow and fingers moving hypnotically together in synchronization.
Nov 24, 2012 9:35 PM
Aug 2012
Damon busied himself in the kitchen, helping Victoria. He heard the door click and glanced up at Victoria, "So? What now?"

Ellen smiled, "Why hello. Did Claudius hire you?"
Claudius came down the stairs and smiled, "Ellen."
Ellen held back a shriek of happiness.He was as stunning as always.
Nov 24, 2012 9:39 PM
Aug 2012
Jesse smiled as he watched the two, forgetting to answer the girl's question. As soon as she had walked in he closed the door and headed to the kitchen.
Victoria thought for a moment before answering "well, we wait for my brother to bring the food in to our guests. By the way, thank you for helping me cook. There was a large turnout this evening, I don't normally cook as much."
Nov 24, 2012 9:43 PM
Aug 2012
Damon smiled, "It's fine...I kind of missed you all those years I wandered around...I kind of looked for you, but it was like you disappeared off the face of the earth. Well, point being I'm glad to be able to help you." he looked up to see Victoria's reaction.
Nov 24, 2012 9:49 PM
Aug 2012
Victoria's cheeks turned a faint shade of pink "I'm sorry...I found Claudius...and I just couldn't let him be tortured in that horrid know I can't go without helping someone in need..." She checked to make sure Jesse wasn't listening, she didn't want him to hear her softer side. "When he found out I was a demon he wouldn't let me help him without making a contract...I've been here fore the past couple years."
Nov 24, 2012 9:52 PM
Aug 2012
Damon smiled, "Yeah, I know how you are." Damon cleared his throat awkwardly, "We should check on our masters. No, wait. You go on, I need to talk to James..."

James smiled as he watched Damon come over, "I'm no cupid, that's not in my job description, but I sense love?"
Damon rolled his eyes, "Come on, James. Don't tease me."
Nov 24, 2012 9:57 PM
Aug 2012
Victoria helped her brother carry out the food to the dinner guests, smiling and chatting with everyone. She glanced at Damon a few times as she did that, wondering what he could be saying. She walked back to the kitchen to look for the tea kettle but she couldn't seem to find it. She sighed as she stopped looking, thinking of what else could be served with dinner. She snapped her fingers as a brilliant idea came to mind. She brought out a glass of water for everyone with a quick apology for not having the drinks ready yet.
Nov 24, 2012 10:04 PM
Aug 2012
"If you like her, tell her," James rolled his eyes, glancing at Victoria. Damon shifted uncomfortably, " know, we kind of grew up together, but we haven't seen each other in ages!Plus, she probably thinks i'm a slob since I never had a contract until recently..."
"Man, look how you're dressed," James sighed.
Nov 24, 2012 10:09 PM
Aug 2012
Victoria soon came out with a pitcher of a mixture of drinks "I do apologize for not having some hot tea for everyone but I have come up with something I think is rather good." She poured a mixture of lemonade and cold tea into there glasses. As soon as she had done so, Edward stopped playing and passed James and Damon to go sit down. However, he couldn't help but hear their conversation.
Nov 24, 2012 10:11 PM
Aug 2012
"Hey, you, demon," James officially pulled him into the conversation. "Damon's confused."
Nov 24, 2012 10:12 PM
Aug 2012
Edward sighed "about what?" He asked calmly, only half interested in the conversation.
Nov 24, 2012 10:15 PM
Aug 2012
James cleared his throat, remembering his position. ""
Damon looked away, clearly embarrassed. He's the youngest, but he had consumed more souls than any demon in the room because he was a stray. he didn't have time to consider such strange feelings.
Nov 24, 2012 10:19 PM
Aug 2012
Edward smiled "well, who is he in love with? If it's someone he knows well then he should just confess. If he is in love with someone he barely knows or just met then he should get closer to them then confess." He said as he put away the viola "I hope you got the advice you wanted." He said before he walked over to the table where everyone sat. He set the viola beside him and relaxed in his chair.
Nov 24, 2012 10:25 PM
Aug 2012
Damon took a deep breath, "Um...okay..." Damon started walking closer to the table towards Victoria to ask how things were going, but Jesse got in the way.

Claudius smiled, resting his head against his hand. "Well...hmm...Ellen, wanna make your bets?"
Logan smiled, "I bet Damon won't be able to confess tonight!"
Ellen giggled, "I think he will. I can see the spark in his eyes."
"Yes, there's determination, but Jesse is here," Claudius said.
They chatted quietly enough for just them and the twins to hear.
Nov 24, 2012 10:29 PM
Aug 2012
Elizabeth and Ariel decided to be polite and not join into this part of the conversation. They just drank the combination of drinks quietly as they listened.

Jesse seemed to stand in the way of Damon, no matter where he went. Finly Victoria got annoyed with her brother and asked him to go to the kitchen to wash dishes. Jesse frowned slightly then walked off, leaving Victoria's annoyance lessened.
Nov 24, 2012 10:31 PM
Aug 2012
Ellen smiled, "See look, Victoria likes him too!" Claudius sighed, " the game over?" Logan sighed, "We're betting on kisses too.(whoa, what?)"

Damon made it over to Victoria, "Hey's your brother?" James facepalmed and sighed, grumbling, "STUPID!"
Nov 24, 2012 10:34 PM
Aug 2012
Victoria smiled "well, he's fine I guess. How about you?" She asked with small smile.
Nov 24, 2012 10:37 PM
Aug 2012
"Y-yeah, I'm good...getting meals...lazing know," Damon laughed nervously.

Ellen smiled, "Oh, look. Blushing!"
Logan frowned, "I don't like about you, Claudius?"
"Not even when it means bringing in love," Claudius shook his head, then he smirked.
Logan waved Edward over.
Nov 24, 2012 10:39 PM
Aug 2012
Edward walked over to Logan "yes sir?"

Victoria smiled warmly "you haven't changed much, have you?"
Nov 24, 2012 10:43 PM
Aug 2012
Logan smiled, "Listen to what Claudius tells you..."
"Please, politely, distract Damon from confessing to Victoria," Claudius smiled politely.
"Oh, you guys are cheating!" Ellen pouted. Claudius pecked her gently on the cheek, "Come on Ellen, it's not far if there isn't any barriers! Right, Lockington twins? It just proves how much Damon loves Victoria!"
"Twisted logic..." Ellen sighed, but she sat back anyway.

"Ha...i try not to," Damon smiled.
Nov 24, 2012 10:48 PM
Aug 2012
Ariel finally spoke in her quiet yet assertive voice "I do think it's nice you're trying to test his love but I I don't feel like dealing with a grumpy Damon. He's already nervous enough and if he doesn't get to confess he may not get to for a long time." Elizabeth just smiled and sat there quietly, not saying anything in support of either.

Victoria gave a small chuckle before asking "did you come over here to talk about the weather with me or for a different reason?"
Nov 24, 2012 10:50 PM
Aug 2012
Claudius frowned, these girls were too sweet to refuse, but he just had too. He stood up, making it as loud as possible, "Hmph."

Damon turned to Claudius, "Uh-oh..."
Nov 24, 2012 10:52 PM
Aug 2012
Victoria looked over at her master with a confused expression, what was wrong now? She walked over to him "master? Is something wrong?"
Nov 24, 2012 10:57 PM
Aug 2012
"Yes, actually," Claudius glared at Victoria with cold eyes. "I'm not really feeling up to it. Take care of the guests. I'm going out to the garden for a bit."
Damon sighed, "I should change out of these heavy clothes..."
Logan smiled, "Come on Claudius, you're making a scene."
Claudius rolled his eyes and stomped out. Just before he opened the door though, he felt a real searing pain, stabbing in his chest. He doubled over slightly, but managed to regain his composure and left.
Nov 24, 2012 10:59 PM
Aug 2012
Victoria stared in confusion and wory as her master stormed off. She looked at Logan as if she expected a reason "what in the world was that for?" She asked still quite confused.
Nov 24, 2012 11:02 PM
Aug 2012
Logan smiled and took a sip of his drink, "Side-effects. Ring master. Sound familiar?"
Ellen stared at him in confusion, "What?"
"Oh, nothing!" Logan giggled, he pushed himself out, "I'm gonna go check on him. Come on Edward."

Damon, changed into his regular shirt and boots and worn out pants, went to the kitchen where Jesse was.
Nov 24, 2012 11:07 PM
Aug 2012
Victoria rushed outside with a look of sheer worry on her face now. She called out for her master by name "Claudius?" She looked around the garden in search of him. She knew how the ringmaster effected him and she couldn't stand to see him in pain.

Jesse had finished all the dirty dishes he had been assigned to clean and was now, for some reason, cleaning clean ones as well. He noticed Damon had come in so he turned around "hey Damon! Something wrong?"
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