A few things first off. The guide isn't perfect, it just gives a general basis and idea on what to do.
If you have any suggestions or information on how to make it better, post it here and I'll look into it
and edit into the guide if I feel it belongs. A slight word of caution. This guide is intended to get the
ball straight into the cup. If you end up missing while trying, you may end up roughly
10y or more
past the cup, so you may want to keep this in mind.
Note: A 25y flat lie with 0 elevation will be used as a basis for the entire guide unless otherwise stated.
* Also, in the previous guide, I suggested adding backspin to the shot. As I no longer do this, I am unsure
as to its effectiveness. So, if someone would be willing to test this and see if it helps, hurts, or has no
effect at all, it would be greatly appreciated.
- For starters, make sure you are using the 6i. It is quite easy to take your shot only to find too late
that you forgot to use the 6i.
- Next, adjust for wind. All examples are given with due East and West winds. (I'm using the same
screenshot for each wind, so just assume the given wind.)
- Next is power. We will first cover ground properties. For the following properties, adjust power
accordingly (Storms affect % by 2%, so add 1%, though this is only hypothesized):
100% - Subtract 3%
95% - Subtract 2%
90% - Subtract 1%
85% - Subtract None
80% - Add 1%
75% - Add 2%.
- On the bar, assume each black mark as 10%. So, for instance, if you were 22y from the cup
and shooting from rough, you'd aim for the 2nd black line.
- For adjusting power to deal with head/tail winds. Add 1% power for every 3m head wind.
Same for tailwind, only subtract 1% instead.
** This part of the guide is still under heavy speculation, so you may decide to use your own best
- Elevation. It would seem that for every 2y the cup is higher/lower than the ball, you need to
add/subtract 1% to your shot accordingly.
- Range. The given help thus far is under assumption that you're roughly 25y away from the cup.
But for shots 19y and under, the 'rules' change a bit. When adjusting for wind, cut back a bit.
Also, adjusting power for head/tail wind switches from every 3m, to about every 4m.
For shots 33y - 39y, when adjusting for wind, move about an additional 1 cup width. Power remains
roughly the same.
That's about all I can think of. If you have any comments or suggestions, leave them here.
Also, if you'd like help in-game, just give me a heads up, and if I've got time, I'll help teach you in-game. |