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Jun 25, 2012 4:06 PM

Mar 2009
Major change.
Jun 26, 2012 1:34 AM
Dec 2010
Mr_DaftPunk said:
If anyone can help me out please do...

I got totally thrown off this episode...

Okay so Okabe, Christina and the group were talking about "Physical Time Travel." Christina then comments about Okabe being the guinea pig for the next experiment and jokes that Okabe is scared to turn into jelly.

Next, Okabe discusses about getting more info using the IBN 5100, however the group has no recollection of ever having the PC at all.

Now hear's where I get confused...

In earlier episodes Okabe, Christina and Itaru discovered this phenomenon that traveling physically back in time turns human's into "jelly." But they find this info by looking at the Jellyman report/photo's when hacking into SERN and decoded the info using the IBN 5100.

So overall, my question is...

How do the lab members know of this Jelly phenomenon when this knowledge from the report can only be obtained with the IBN 5100 decoding capabilities????

Maybe she was reffering to gel-banana.
And in the VN they hacked SERN without using the IBN5100 so this could be an Adaptation Induced Plot Hole.
Jul 1, 2012 8:53 AM

Mar 2010
Yeah they really are affecting the future a Lot with their requests, wonder what it will lead to.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Jul 8, 2012 11:03 AM

May 2012
i loved to earn them on the phone , hilarious !
Jul 23, 2012 5:50 AM

May 2012
Damn what an interesting ending :o
Jul 28, 2012 10:57 AM

Jan 2011
Great episode, this is getting very, very interesting.
I can't wait for the next episode.
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Aug 13, 2012 12:01 AM

Nov 2009
he doesn't discover everything that has changed before he sends a D-mail, at this point it will be impossible to tell where he is because he doesn't know what happened the previous step so can't know all that has changed this step... its a vicious cycle.
Aug 18, 2012 5:58 PM

Aug 2012
Dunno what Feyris nyan wrote in her D-mail, but as Akiba went into an old village state, and as we saw her father instead of a buttler, I guess it has something to do with her family wealth/ownership of the city...
That's why no more IBM er, IBN I mean.

This was really creepy, I had shivers down my spine at the end of the episode.

Gonna watch the next episode right now, even if it means less sleeping time :p


Fai said:
SolidSnakeUS said:
Great episode. Also, am I the only one who knows what Chaos Theory is without looking it up?

Nope. Its pretty much a must to understand what is going on and i bet majority of viewers have no idea that pretty much everything in the show is based on real science.

SO in case of those who have no idea:

Thats for starters.

I knew about the Butterfly effect, CERN (well I'm French so I heard of it ^^), LHC and the black holes of Kerr.
But holy crap John Titor is for real ? Sometimes I wanted to check google/wikipedia for some terms, but I said to myself "no way this is for real". I just shat bricks right now lol

Thanks for the links.

Aug 21, 2012 8:10 AM
Apr 2012
These fans... That look on his face... that OST... I'm speechless...
Aug 31, 2012 3:04 AM

Jul 2012
That ending along with the soundtrack playing at that time, just fantastic. The effects of all these d-mails are snowballing up, shit's gonna get real soon.
Sep 8, 2012 7:46 AM

Jun 2012
I just realized that I really like the ED.
Sep 10, 2012 12:16 PM

Jun 2011
This is officially the biggest, plot-twistiest series in all of anime history.

NOOOOOO!!! AKIBA!!!!!!!!!
Sep 17, 2012 10:50 PM

May 2012
Dat ending was unexpected but fantastic.
Sep 19, 2012 2:47 PM

Sep 2012
That's one of the best endings ive seen in an anime, Fantastic.
Sep 23, 2012 5:08 PM

Feb 2012
Why would you ever let a d-mail be sent without knowing the contents, when you would have no way of ever finding out if the world line shifted -- like it did. Major lapse of judgment on Kyouma's part, and I'm quite interested to see how he'll handle this.
Oct 8, 2012 10:13 PM

Oct 2011
Oct 26, 2012 3:51 PM

Mar 2010
Got big time goosebumps during the ending. This episode was quite good indeed.
Oct 28, 2012 8:34 PM

Aug 2012
This show does keep getting better and better.
Nov 7, 2012 8:52 PM

Feb 2012
Oh my god, the end part was AMAZING.

5/5! :D
Dec 14, 2012 6:11 PM

Jul 2012
HAHA, that's what Okarin gets for Messing with Time Travel So much
張大です for 張大勇督察
Jan 5, 2013 6:28 PM
Jan 19, 2013 7:16 AM

Jan 2012
God damn Feyris. Can someone shut her the hell up? Anyway, the episode was pretty good. Some real changes happened with last D-mail.

Feb 6, 2013 10:31 AM
Jul 2012
Hakuromatsu said:
Why would you ever let a d-mail be sent without knowing the contents, when you would have no way of ever finding out if the world line shifted -- like it did. Major lapse of judgment on Kyouma's part, and I'm quite interested to see how he'll handle this.


This show is getting crazy. Ending is bit wtf what have happend.
Now know each timeline they occured.
Lol Makise intrested in memes. And that phone conversations.
Feb 10, 2013 8:23 PM

Sep 2009
Watched the dub.

Christina being a Trekkie was way more amusing then her being into memes.
Feb 14, 2013 10:15 AM

Nov 2011
Lol at the @channer Makise moment.

The way the ep end is great. Okabe really fucked the timeline now when Akihabara lose it moeness.
Mar 2, 2013 4:45 AM

Feb 2013
Damn... that ending was something. I'm now really into this series.
Mar 10, 2013 2:53 PM

Aug 2009
Well, shit. The entire Akihabara as it is disappearing was shocking. Things start going down the hill really fast with all these d-mails.
Mar 28, 2013 1:52 PM
Jan 2012
I love re-watching this episode. Lots of goosebumps with the ending.
Jun 6, 2013 5:30 PM
Oct 2009
Nooo I feel too bad for Okarin! I think if it was me I wouldn't be able to keep up, I'd lose my mind.. probably he's goin in that direction too.. and when they sent the last d-mail did he get a headache or somethin..? I hope he's not gettin any damage from the d-mails changing the past.. :/ :S
Jun 25, 2013 9:34 PM

Feb 2013

Epic ending!! :D
Jul 2, 2013 6:44 AM

Jun 2012
I just can't stop watching!!! This show is SO AMAZING!
Jul 6, 2013 6:19 PM

May 2013
Intense! Woah this anime is really good now and i feel so mysterious watching this anime
Jul 21, 2013 7:27 PM

Jul 2011
Haha she uses one of the chan websites. DX
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Jul 26, 2013 8:54 PM

Feb 2013
It's really weird seeing Akiba like that. xD

Also, why would Okabe allow Faris to send a D-mail without knowing what's inside? He already seen and experienced how the world is changed by a single D-mail.

"And if, there were so many people in the world, there had to be someone living an interesting life that wasn't ordinary. I was sure of it. Why wasn't that person me?"
- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Part V
Aug 13, 2013 9:04 AM

Jul 2013
Well the question that arose for me from this episode is that if they never had the old computer then why is the red haired girl even around. It would mean that she never got to see those document's proving the existence of time machines so i doubt she would have sticked around.

EDIT: The ending was bit iffy. To me it seemed that Okabe realizes how drastic it's to change thing's yet he doesn't check the message.
KuruwinAug 13, 2013 9:12 AM
Aug 17, 2013 10:05 PM

Nov 2012
Good job screwing with the timelines Kyouma, you really did it this time.
Aug 18, 2013 3:32 AM
Jul 2018
This episode had a good ending.
Aug 27, 2013 7:04 PM

Feb 2013
Great episode. Things are really starting to "change" :D

"Just as planned, she fell for it! Now I can use her for all the grunt work!"
^ rofls

Is Okabe just nuts or is he really talking to someone on his phone...

Pretty interesting how they can send D-mails from anywhere, from any phone...
Sep 13, 2013 3:45 PM

Jan 2013
BurntJelly said:
Great episode. Things are really starting to "change" :D

"Just as planned, she fell for it! Now I can use her for all the grunt work!"
^ rofls

Is Okabe just nuts or is he really talking to someone on his phone...

Pretty interesting how they can send D-mails from anywhere, from any phone...
That made me lol too. And no he ain't talking to anyone, he is nuts xD.

The theory of what activates it seems to be the phone attached to the microwave. This needs to be fixed. Everything changed around him.
Oct 5, 2013 8:58 AM

Feb 2013
Man this series is getting really good, I'm hooked. I can't believe her D mail changed the entire city, that's just nuts.
Shape430Oct 5, 2013 9:07 AM
Oct 12, 2013 1:07 AM

Jul 2013
I understand now when everyone said that it takes a few episodes for the anime to establish itself. I liked the anime from the start but I'm currently getting electric vibes from it (is steins gate nearby?). I can't wait to see where it's heading because it supposedly only gets better from here.
Pirates are evil? The Marines are righteous? These terms have always changed throughout the course of history! Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values! Those who stand at the top determine what's wrong and what's right! This very place is neutral ground! Justice will prevail, you say? But of course it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!
- Doflamingo
Nov 13, 2013 6:26 PM

Nov 2012
Akihabara without the moe/anime culture.Truly a scary thought.

Lol'd at Kurisu talking to herself,spending so much time with Okarin is getting to her.

Liked what Okarin said to cheer her up when she was crying.And when he was talking on his phone about how she fell for his trap afterwards XD.

D-mails are getting out of hand.Too many changes due to the butterfly effect.

Okarin really should have seen Feris' message before she sent it.Considering how drastically just one message can change the world.

"It feels like Okarin is leaving me."

"It possible that we've already done something that can't be undone." The look on Okarin's face shows just how badly he screwed up.
Nov 24, 2013 4:50 PM

May 2013
Very good episode that dealt with the possible long term consequences of the d-mails altering the past that changed the present.

Okarin's phone conversation with Kurisu was funny.
Conan_KudoNov 24, 2013 4:59 PM
Armageddon was yesterday, today we have a problem.
Dec 8, 2013 4:10 PM
May 2012
this anime just gives me goosbumbs every episode. plot is so good.
Dec 14, 2013 4:47 AM

Oct 2013
the maid cafe is the source of all our mana
"Urushibara Ruka. The mannerisms and voice of a woman... No... More feminine than any woman. But he's a guy. Taller than Mayuri, but so very thin... But he's a guy. Looks great in a miko outfit... But he's a guy. It's already twilight And yet, it's so hot. The cicadas are crying. But... He's a guy."
Dec 18, 2013 12:32 PM

Apr 2012
I thought it was odd that Okabe wouldn't check what was in the message too, he definitely knows by now that even smaller things can have big consequences and if he had absolutely no idea what Feyris was sending, that's so risky!

But I'm not complaining lol I love this series! c: Kurisu as a 2channer is beautiful. I love all the incidental character development & relationships that occur around the main storyline!
Dec 19, 2013 9:08 AM

Aug 2010
Holy shit, this episode! The ending part where Okabe looked around and realized that so many things have been changed gave me goosebumps.
Dec 27, 2013 8:45 PM

Sep 2013
Goose-chase for the IBN5100 once more.

What the hell did she write?! The trade off was the Moeness of Akibara for more time with her dad?
Jan 5, 2014 3:00 PM

Jul 2013
Wow this episode was intense... Whatever Faris sent to the past, it was enough to get rid of the "moe" part of Akihabara and got renamed to Akiba.

Also it was hilarious when Okarin started kneeling as well when he decided to talk properly with Kurisu over the phone XD
Jan 9, 2014 12:58 PM

Oct 2011
Great episode! Akihabara being completely changed with the ED playing in the background was a great ending. I hope Okarin manages to fix this, and hopefully find the computer again.
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