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Jul 29, 2012 8:08 AM

Oct 2010
Another great episode. This one was very heavy on Sakai’s past much more than other ones. I think it was time to clear more of her feelings and boy was it out a lot this episode. One of the most remarkable things of this episode is the way they showed Sakai and her mother in the spoiler
normally as Sakai was visiting her mother. I do like they show Sakai attending school at this point with a uniform despite her mother being sick. The uniform is nice itself.

Learning of the meaning of that precious object in the spoiler
that was quite interesting to find out through Sakai’s mother when she was alive. In fact just seeing Sakai’s mother and talking is a a nice bliss. I always wanted to find out more of her mother. She really is graceful and kind.

One thing that is clear in the following,

Along with the spoiler
was quite suffering TBH.
Sakai’s suffering is so deep and touching. I wish I could comfort her there. Sakai’s mother….:( Sad really sad her fate.

Truly a most strong and powerful Sakai episode.

About the beginning, I really liked the part with Wien in the spoiler
kind of gave off a more personal approach towards his private life. Wien was quite interesting after that in the fact he got Konatsu somehow cheering along him. This is seen as she changes her mood in the spoiler
despite having very rich facials along with being funny until it falls apart a little.

I admit that during the competition it was nice to see Tanaka’s sister run in but more more than anything lovely dance in the spoiler
that was quite enthusiastic of them.

About the after competition, that was quite nice of Tanaka’s sister to be around till the end but Sawa impressed more in the spoiler
as talking to Tanaka nicely along with setting that the sun shows out. Nice of Wien to join along.

Sakai meeting with Sawa’s mother, very emotionally charged when going back into the past lane itself of Sakai. The most being the following one,

That shows Sakai’s mother when she was as young as Sakai herself along with even Sawa’s mother when she was young, which seems to suggest she was quite outgoing and cheerful. It was hard to see such flashbacks as in the spoiler
of Sakai and her mother. Knowing exactly the fate of her mother. The being said it was partial drama depressing and the first half was somewhat cheerful only to be stopped by depressing drama after.

About the preview, not good for Sakai IMO from the looks of the spoiler
she breaks down hard. Unless someone comes and cheers her up things will get worse on her mental health ultimately leading to worse things. Hope Sakai finds her smile back in the next episode.

BTW Intermission was nice in the spoiler

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Yumekichi11Jul 29, 2012 1:06 PM

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Jul 29, 2012 10:27 AM

Nov 2011
I feel sorry for Sakai now. She wasn't one of my favorites in the beginning..but now, I feel a bit sorry for her ;.;
Jul 29, 2012 11:30 AM

Aug 2008
So Wakana changed from a bratty girl to a gloomy girl. Well, she really was just a brat, so I don't blame her attitude towards her mother. But staying gloomy for years until now that she is not a brat anymore is so boring. I like her even less now. It has taken years after her mother's death and she still cannot understand what her mother tried to teach?

On the other hand Wakana's mother was a very nice person. She was talented and truly enjoying what she was talented at. Maybe she should be more straightforward to her daughter.
Jul 29, 2012 1:00 PM

Jul 2010
Wakana's mother was so full of energy and cheerful. Very sad to see her pass away like that.
Jul 29, 2012 4:07 PM

Jul 2010
Sakai really don't understand anything.She didn't really show her love to mother, she was simply mean to her while she was still alive...the worse thing is that there was no actual reason(or i missed it?).Tests? examins? are you fking kidding me? you have an amazing mother who wants to teach you music(the biggest treasure of life), and you care of examins?!.Here you have results idiot.You're mother passed and you are full of regrets ._.
I don't understand Sakai, i have a feeling that she's simply stupid.Or is it me and there is actual reason why i should think she is smart?.

Im angry because of Sakai.She threw away most important thing, and after all those years she still don't understand.Some people (me too) can't play music, even if they want like hell for whole life, and she just fking ignored it.

Jul 29, 2012 4:30 PM
Jan 2008
Wakana loved music as she was little but as she grew up she lost interest, I believe it's because her mother kept trying to force music upon her even though she wasn't interested
Jul 29, 2012 4:58 PM

Feb 2008
Well, Wakana mother want to teach the love of the music, Wakana sure grown up and forgot about that and yet she still don't understand that her mother want Wakana continue with the music.
It's not like she forcing Wakana to learn music.

Wakana is mentality broken and her friends will saved her, that's what I expect from the next preview.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Jul 29, 2012 5:16 PM

Jun 2010
Sad episode. Dora the explorer is lost >_>
Jul 29, 2012 5:26 PM

Jul 2012
Sakai no Baka!

Why give away the Piano and the Charm. What? so she doesn't have to face the painful memories of her mother anymore even if she's the cause of that pain? What a sore loser.

Honto ni Daikirai.
Jul 29, 2012 6:29 PM

Aug 2010
I found the story of Wakana and her mother sad. She's been holding onto that grief for a long time, too.
Jul 29, 2012 6:37 PM

May 2010
wow what a sad episode, just goes to show ya always be nice to someone you love, you never know when the last day you'll see em or talk em, never let the last word you say be full of hate.

i learn this lesson the hard way.
Jul 29, 2012 6:41 PM
Apr 2012
Ouch, that ending was pretty sad

almost made me shed a tear
Jul 29, 2012 7:17 PM

Jan 2011
Man most of this episode was pretty depressing and the sad Wakana of today is hard to watch with that being said it's a shame her mother died she seemed very cheerful and i would had liked to see her around still ;_;.
Jul 29, 2012 7:24 PM

Dec 2007
iLostReason said:
Sakai really don't understand anything.She didn't really show her love to mother, she was simply mean to her while she was still alive...the worse thing is that there was no actual reason(or i missed it?).Tests? examins? are you fking kidding me? you have an amazing mother who wants to teach you music(the biggest treasure of life), and you care of examins?!.Here you have results idiot.You're mother passed and you are full of regrets ._.

Exams are kinda important in Japan. No excuse to being bratty but they are important nevertheless. Also she didn't know her mother was dying. It was kept a secret from her so she could study without worry because like I said, exams are important in Japan.

I'm guessing she was simply going through the retaliation phase we all go through sometimes. Bad timing?
Jul 29, 2012 7:30 PM

Nov 2007
Sad, sad episode. I was almost in tears. It makes sense why she cannot love music anymore.

Great episode overall. This anime is doing surprisingly well for not being a romance genre anime.

Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Jul 29, 2012 7:48 PM
Oct 2010
so sad :'(
can see why she doesnt do music. she was so cold to her mother
Dont bother replying to my posts in forums, dont check them afterwards.

Jul 29, 2012 7:56 PM

Jul 2012
This episode this too damn sad. However, now we know why Wakana is being this way (in spoiler):

It shocked me though that she finally get rid of her piano, and it was gone as well! I thought from the last EP preview that someone would stopped her from doing that. However, I fell like

I wish things could get better for her. Seriously, the preview in the ending in the spoiler isn't good either:
Come on Konatsu, I think you can help Wakana to fell better.


Now for the fun part, this got me lol'ed at the beginning of the episode (in spoiler):
and I thought that Wakana would joined?!

I wouldn't think there'll be romance story in here, but I think Sawa x Tanaka does have some feeling for each other:

I think it might be a B-side story, which I think that's fine. :)

The other one that I like is in the spoiler:
So Sawa now bought Konatsu a hot tea instead of spanking her butt. They're so cute to each other.


This EP we also know more about previous Choir club. This also confirms Wakana's mother and Vice Principle relationship (and also, Sawa's mother .. surprised!) in the spoiler:
Also, they were singing "Melody of the Heart" in the competition, as carrying by the Vice President (Takakura-san)


Finally, tidbits:

* Where was Dora?!
* Wakana's smile in the spoiler is too damn adorable, don't you think?
sikachuuuJul 29, 2012 8:27 PM

Toshino Kyoko!!!
Jul 29, 2012 8:34 PM

Feb 2009
Ew. Wakana is so uninteresting to me so this episode failed to hold my attention. Meh.

More Sawa, Konatsu and Wien please.
Jul 29, 2012 8:43 PM

Jul 2012
More tidbits:

* Sawa wants to be a jockey.

* I believe the dance would come from an anime. Does anybody recognize the dance in the spoiler?

* This is in the letter from her mother to Condor Queen's:

* Also, this quote in the spoiler does tell us how she felt
After I re-watched the episode, seems like the rainy day that her mother forgot to bring her raincoat out, and later gave her a charm, was the day right before she was deadly sick. So yeah, she did totally regretted that she didn't say "I'm leaving" and "thank you" for the charm when it was possible. That's a heartbreaking ...

* And yes, I think Wakana regretted that she gave away the Piano (as she said "I'm sorry" on the last scene.)

Toshino Kyoko!!!
Jul 29, 2012 9:13 PM

Jul 2009
Droplet said:
Ew. Wakana is so uninteresting to me so this episode failed to hold my attention.

Actually, she's probably one of the most interesting character in this anime. You have to understand where she's coming from. She essentially regrets who she was in the past and can never, ever, make up for it.

I can probably sympathize with her because I see a bit of myself in her.

Be grateful for your parents you guys, they do a lot more for you than you can ask for (which probably is a lot already). They won't be around for long, and hopefully you realize all of this before it's too late.
Jul 29, 2012 9:19 PM

Jul 2010
Yumekichi11 said:

Nice summary and pictures Yumekichi11, as usual!
Peopie said:
Ouch, that ending was pretty sad

almost made me shed a tear

No almost here! I was just short of bawling!

This was a powerful episode. I loved the bit with Sawa and Taichi. I can see some budding affection there.

Wakana is in so much pain. I can't wait to see how her friends help her deal with it...
Jul 29, 2012 9:22 PM

Jul 2009
KaitoDash said:
It has taken years after her mother's death and she still cannot understand what her mother tried to teach?

That's such a flawed logic. Why? Because take a look at yourself. Did your parents tell you to do your homework and study hard when you were a kid? If so, do you study hard now? And I don't mean cramming before an exam to get a 75%. I mean, study weeks, or even months in preparation for exams. Did your parents tell you to stop watching TV so much? How come you're watching so much anime; it's TV, no? Wouldn't your time be better spent learning a new skill? Accounting? Programming (i.e. making a website)? A new language?

People do not change easily. This is why childhood basically shapes who you become. I won't deny that some people eventually evolve into something better, but this isn't always the case. And if what I said doesn't apply to you, then I take back what I said. However, what I said still applies to a lot of people out there, from friends to co-workers, and of course, including myself.
Jul 29, 2012 9:30 PM

Oct 2008
After steadily losing interest each episode, this one pulled me back in at the end.
Wakana's backstory was well done. Her feelings of regret and trying to move on were very powerful. Music helped a lot too.

Konatsu's antics were pretty funny to counterbalance it though.
Jul 29, 2012 9:44 PM

Jul 2012
atty said:
I'm curious as to where Wakana picked up that attitude that she must score perfectly for exams. I know Japan culture pressures kids to do the best they can in school but that's usually because the parents push the kids. In her case, her mother even said that getting good scores on exams is great but in the long run, music will always be there for you.

I don't think she has to made a perfect score though, but seems like it's *very* hard to get into this music school, so she gave it all. I'm not sure if Wakana wanted to be in the music school because she mother was there or not, but that might be the case. (As I don't seems to recalled that her mother was putting a pressure on her as well.)

And yeah, as a lot of people pointed out, entrance exam for high-school and university is totally life-changing event, and it's very important to get a good score to be able to get in one.

Toshino Kyoko!!!
Jul 29, 2012 9:52 PM

Oct 2010
Honestly this episode was boring as hell

Yes the story was def sad but it was uninteresting and they need to stop with wakana and her bullshit
Jul 29, 2012 10:29 PM

Jun 2012
I had my doubts about this anime from the beginning, but after this episode, I'm hooked and I just want to see more.

Why does next Sunday have to be so far away!?
Jul 29, 2012 10:32 PM

Feb 2012
I felt no sympathy at all for Wakana.

She grew up to be a bitch and resented her mother, then when her mother passes she realizes she's stupid for being a bitch, and now she's trying to throw away her memories of her mom just so she can hurt herself even more emotionally. Smart move.

Pushing everyone/everything away isn't going to solve your problems. Her dad being passive isn't helping at all either. This was all due to careless parenting.

But hey, drama is drama and atleast we got some character development. I'm usually not this critical of anime, but kids like these piss me off. Seen it all too much myself IRL. Bratty kids in highschool totally resenting their parents, then when shit hits the fan they try and get people to sympathize with them or turn emo and isolate themselves in their own little corner/table in school. Bleh.
YveseJul 29, 2012 10:40 PM
Jul 29, 2012 10:40 PM

Jul 2012
Hopefully Wakana's attitude improves and she realizes that throwing away her mothers memories isn't the right choice at all. She's more interesting then the other two to say the least, and hopefully this'll give some more character development on her.

I almost cried, not for Wakana - but for her poor mother who was trying so hard FOR Wakana.
Jul 29, 2012 10:44 PM

Jan 2012
Well, this sure was a sad episode.

Jul 29, 2012 10:50 PM

Apr 2011
Wakana's mom seemed mad cool as opposed to Wakana. Wakana just seems like a real ass :C
Jul 29, 2012 10:50 PM

Mar 2012
Two things I learned from this ep: child Wakana is an ungrateful bitch and Sawa shutting down Konatsu is awesome.

Wakana no longer deserves to be compared to Minko, Minko>>>>>>Wakana
LoneWolf said:
@Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian.
Jul 29, 2012 11:00 PM

Nov 2006
Wakana and her mom probably would have been great friends once she grew up a bit. Sad. I really don't agree with them keeping her mom's life-threatening illness from her, as it clearly created a more serious problem than not doing as well on exams would have.

Sawa and Ween continue to be the best characters.

Interested to learn what Taichi and Ween are supposed to be doing in the preview...
Jul 29, 2012 11:41 PM

Jan 2011
This was a really great episode. Wakana was an arrogant and selfish child when she was young. She was never kind to her mother as if she hated her. Her mother was so caring and loved Wakana. However when her mother passed away, she changed so much. Full of regret. D:

Wakana: 'I couldn't tell her "see ya later", "sorry" or "thank you". We'll never sing together again'
^I almost teared up at that part.

A really sad episode; finding out about Wakana's past. This is why she's my favourite character. Wien is a pretty cool character though. Like how he's like the outsider. xD Also I can sense a Sawa X Taichi pair coming.
Next episode looks interesting.
Jul 29, 2012 11:54 PM

Sep 2011
From the way I see it, this series has a very realistic feel to it, and I mean, most teenage girls do go through SOME sort of rebellious phase, especially the ones that grow up with great life styles, because they often take what they have for granted, which in this case, is what Wakana did. 

People are hating on Wakana because she was a bratty bitch? Come on, in the flash back, she was like, 14. She's like a real teenage girl. While it may not necessarily be a good thing, the creators did a great job at making things seem more realistic. She's not going to be your perfect animated tsundere or well behaved ojou-sama. I'm pretty sure the creators were going for realism, not your "omg KAWAII GIRLS IN CHOIR KLUB W/ SAD BUT NEAR IMPOSSIBLE FLASH BLACKS" How would Wakana fare out if she were different? B| 

She didn't really know better anyway. Her mom's illness was kept a secret from her, otherwise, she would've listened to her and maybe would've sang along with her. Wakana clearly thought everything was going to be okay, so she didn't bother changing the way she lived her life, which obviously includes the way she treats people. I'm pretty sure Wakana applied for the music section in the school (notice her uniform), so I don't see a reason for people to be pissed at her not following music. :|

Finally, when Takahashi-sensei bursted into the room during Wakana's interview, her expression changed immediately, which was pretty hard hitting for me. Of course, she never even knew about the seriousness of the illness, which made more of an impact on her. She was finally knocked into reality, and has grieved over it for years. Face it, when you're unable to spit out the words that were hidden deep down in your heart before one of your loved ones died, you'd grieve. 

I feel terrible for Wakana. She is an interesting character to me because of her development and how she runs away from music as if she fears it. Reality is catching up to her. The girl's looked like she's never felt so much pain in her high school years, but that's because she gave up music, which also shows she's running away from it to cover up her wounds. Now, her wounds have been reopened, thanks to Konatsu, and salt is being poured on it. She probably threw away all of her music stuff just to forget about her mom and to close up her past once and for all, but it backfired when reality hits her again on the back of her head.

This girl has almost no way out, and her only choice is to face all of the pain she's been bottling up. I feel really sorry for her. :| 

She's easily my favourite character in Tari Tari. It's weird, because at first, I thought Konatsu was the main character. I usually never like ~THE~ main character of any story. 
Jul 30, 2012 12:07 AM

May 2012
i guess Wakana well definitely go and get back the piano and charm later...
Jul 30, 2012 12:50 AM

Aug 2008
Kurogashi said:
KaitoDash said:
It has taken years after her mother's death and she still cannot understand what her mother tried to teach?

That's such a flawed logic. Why? Because take a look at yourself. Did your parents tell you to do your homework and study hard when you were a kid? If so, do you study hard now? And I don't mean cramming before an exam to get a 75%. I mean, study weeks, or even months in preparation for exams. Did your parents tell you to stop watching TV so much? How come you're watching so much anime; it's TV, no? Wouldn't your time be better spent learning a new skill? Accounting? Programming (i.e. making a website)? A new language?

People do not change easily. This is why childhood basically shapes who you become. I won't deny that some people eventually evolve into something better, but this isn't always the case. And if what I said doesn't apply to you, then I take back what I said. However, what I said still applies to a lot of people out there, from friends to co-workers, and of course, including myself.

I don't think what you said applies to Wakana's situation. Of course, people don't do what they don't like even though their parents told them to. But do you really think Wakana hate music? I don't think so. Her mother tried to tell her not to take musics seriously and learn to enjoy it. It's not anything like study seriously.

And I think kids can understand what their parents tell them to do and what will happen if they don't do it. Do it or not, they can understand teachings. But Wakana does not seem to understand her mother's teachings. I don't blame Wakana though. Her mother wasn't straightforward enough to make her understand while she was just a kid. But now she is not a kid anymore. It should be time for her to understand her mother, not running like a coward.
Jul 30, 2012 12:53 AM

Aug 2010
fantabular episode. Spectificent! The sad story about Wakana really drew me in, and her ranking in my heart raised quite a bit. Unlke quite a few people in here, I find her story to be rather convincing. I mean, who wasn't in the "stop treating me like a kid, I'm a grown up already!" mood at 14? I sure wasn't, disobeying my perants more out of spite than anything else. And her mom and dad may have had good intentions when not telling her about her moms terminal illness, but in the end, they did her a great disservice. Also, she would have needed counseling after her mothers death which I'm pretty sure she didn't get.

As it is now, I wanna hug her till she is better. And I hope Konatsu does exactly that.
I want Rambo in a mecha-suit with a laser-chainsaw gun that fires nuclear warheads, fighting the love-child of Predator, Alien, a group of Bangladeshi terrorists, and Satan. (Actually that would be a pretty sick show) - StopDropAndBowl
Jul 30, 2012 1:36 AM
Aug 2011
What blasphemy is this? People hating on Wakana for completely invalid reasons.

I cried, but on a more cheerful note, I loved Konatsu,Sawa & Wein's cheering, singing and dancing.

Jul 30, 2012 1:52 AM

Jul 2012
Great episode.Real tearjerker. I don't hate Wakana nor do i like her. She gave away her two precious things left from her mother. It was a painful thing yet she did it anyway. I honestly hope she gets back her stuff because during the preview she did say "thank you". I think it might have been Sawa's mother who took the piano and strap.
Jul 30, 2012 1:52 AM

Nov 2010
Okay, Wakana's mother was such a great character. I really wish she hadn't passed away.

I honestly want to feel bad, but I hate Wakana's guts right now. Lol.

Okay, cool, you care a lot about exams. But was that, any way, shape, or form to treat your mom like that? I mean, heck she greeted and talked to you with a smile on her face, even when bed-ridden and you tell her that her case was distracting you? I'm going to stop right here before I go on and on. Sure she was a kid, but have some respect towards those who raised you. I'm glad she's regretting all this crap right now,as it'll help her develop a better character in the future, by then I hope she can redeem herself. But as it stands, she'll get no sympathy from me. (I'm a mama's boy man! Get at me!!)

If it weren't for Wien and Konatsu saving this episode, I would've dropped it already. Love those two clowning around. Seriously, get me some Wien and Konatsu background stories.

Gash_V-D_Hetchum said:
What blasphemy is this? People hating on Wakana for completely invalid reasons.

People have their reasons. I'm extremely close to my mom, and I guess that's my major problem. Wakana's mother sounds like a saint, and Wakana took it for granted. Yeah, she was a kid, she makes mistakes. But this episode portrayed Wakana in such a way I find more annoying and selfish than someone I should feel sorry for. The raincoat scene killed it for me. Yeah, she's a great character, and I'm looking forward to how she'll handle things, but I'm just really easy to get angry if it involves parents and all that. Lol.

And dammit! It clearly said in that letter, "If I can hear her songs, my life would be perfect." C'mon Wakana! You read the letter yourself! She doesn't have to be alive for her dream to come true.

ThanatosPersona said:
I think it might have been Sawa's mother who took the piano and strap.

Or it could be the Vice Principal! That would be a good WTF moment. Though she will probably have to do something for it, knowing the VP...
EchoesOfManaJul 30, 2012 2:04 AM
Jul 30, 2012 2:44 AM

Sep 2010
Emotionally packed episode.... Poor Wakana.... But gotta admit the fact that she was always a brat... Even now.... So feeling sorry for her is bit hard....

So Wakana's mom and Vice Principle are friends and both were in choir club... OP mystery is solved... :D

Jul 30, 2012 3:10 AM

Aug 2011
I see a new light in Wakana now.
Though I always liked her from the beginning tbh.
Jul 30, 2012 3:31 AM

Oct 2011
I teared up during the scene when Wakana was crying after finding about her mother's death :/ A very sad episode.

On the cheerful side, Wien (is that how you spell his name?) and Konatsu's cheering song for Tanaka was AWESOME! And lets not forget Sawa and Konatsu's dance too, that was totally hilarious x)
Jul 30, 2012 3:54 AM

Jun 2012
that is all.
Jul 30, 2012 4:42 AM

Jul 2012
The people hating on Wakana don't understand anything with more depth than a teaspoon. Did you even consider the possible reasons behind her behaviour? We know Wakana was close to her mother when she was young. What changed? Well, her mother got sick, and her parents lied to her about how serious the illness really was. Perhaps without being told, she knew her mother was gravely ill, but couldn't deal with the thought of losing her. People deal with grief in different ways. She tried to push her mother away and distance herself emotionally using school and exams as an excuse. Was it a good thing to do? No, but it was a human thing to do, and she's filled with regrets now because of it.
Jul 30, 2012 4:43 AM

Oct 2009
After this Wakana is my favorite, she's like me in many ways....
Jul 30, 2012 5:05 AM
Dec 2010
This episode deserves 5,000,000 out of 10
Jul 30, 2012 5:20 AM
Mar 2008
It was sad and all, but, heck, the dead parent trope has been done to death (sorry, bad pun). It's hard for me to feel for her.
Jul 30, 2012 5:40 AM

Sep 2010
Wakana's mother was a great woman, and it's a pity she passed away.

Speaking about Wakana, she was rather nasty, especially towards her Mom. Okay, exams play a really important role in our life but it is not a reason to treat your parents that way. I'm happy that Wakana regrets about her past attitude now. Hope, she will find her way to recover in near future and her friens will help her. Next ep looks promising.

About pleasant moments... Taichi x Sawa = possible pairing, yep?)
And am I the only one who vote for Wien x Wakana? Oo
Jul 30, 2012 6:06 AM

Jul 2012
-Tsukkomi said:
She is an interesting character to me because of her development and how she runs away from music as if she fears it. Reality is catching up to her. The girl's looked like she's never felt so much pain in her high school years, but that's because she gave up music, which also shows she's running away from it to cover up her wounds. Now, her wounds have been reopened, thanks to Konatsu, and salt is being poured on it. She probably threw away all of her music stuff just to forget about her mom and to close up her past once and for all, but it backfired when reality hits her again on the back of her head.
Your post sums it up pretty well. I just realized that all she did was trying to run away from the problem (no more music, throw away piano, etc.)

EchoesOfMana said:
Or it could be the Vice Principal! That would be a good WTF moment. Though she will probably have to do something for it, knowing the VP...
That would totally be a WTF moment. I hope she'll get her piano back. (I mean, (a) how come it's so fast to find a person who'll take a piano and (b) wouldn't you think the piano mover would leave the dolphin on Wakana's desk instead, and think that she misplaced it?

fujioka-san said:
About pleasant moments... Taichi x Sawa = possible pairing, yep?)
And am I the only one who vote for Wien x Wakana? Oo

1) Yep
2) Hmmm ... I don't see that yet at this EP. It could be though, as they studied together so often :3

... well, seems like my Konatsu will be forever alone TT_TT

Toshino Kyoko!!!
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