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itazurana Kiss
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Aug 10, 2008 9:55 AM

Dec 2007
Heh, screw this episode, I can't wait till the next one!

Kotoko FINALLY realizes that when people are married, they typicallly reciprocate the wifely/husbandly duties. I'll bet they only went on that one date after she got into nursing school. Now she's wondering why she married such a frigid human being. And Kamogari, being such a "nice guy" is ready to, ahem, help her in her moment of weakness. Whatever, serves that bastard Naoki right, I say.

Loved the previews, with Kin-chan gleefully rubbing salt on the fact that Naoki's been dumped. Pretty much overshadowed the main parts of the episode about needles and autopsies.
Aug 10, 2008 11:18 AM

Nov 2007
Naoki is really cruel !!
I hated him in this ep =_="

he'll be sorry because he let Kotoko down ..
Aug 10, 2008 11:49 AM

Mar 2007
Woo hoo, great ending for this episode XD They sort of skipped the vacation house thing and rearranged a few things, but it works @_@ Irie finally has a bit of competition (kin-chan didn't really count...) Irie's mom is awesome as always, catching on right away about Kamogari's feelings, yet being totally defeated by him, lol :)

Ahh as expected, Irie doesn't react well to feelings of jealousy :) He can't handle it, so he just gets colder and pushes her away. Poor Kotoko ;_; Irie needs to pull the stick out of his ass and admit he is jealous and take kotoko away from Kamogari~

Tomoko's glee during the body scene was hilarious :)

Yes, Kin-chan is certainly enjoying the situation in the previews ^^

They haven't really shown Irie's classmate Funatsu, have they? Is that supposed to be him in the opening credits? o.o
Aug 10, 2008 1:48 PM

Jan 2008
Mr. tsumetai is going to lose if he can't warm up a bit. And all the veiwers are happy about that.
Aug 11, 2008 5:44 AM

Oct 2007
Hope Irie warms up fast. He's sooo mean. I feel sorry for him in a way though, since he doesn't seem to know how to talk about his feelings.

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Aug 13, 2008 7:12 PM

Apr 2008
YES YES FREAKIN' YES. Oh God I am -so- glad they actually gave Naoki's cold attitude some very negative side effects. I cannot put into words how happy I am that such a realistic end result comes out of it. Of course I'll be pissed if it's carried on too long, so here's hoping that this next episode at the very least -starts- wrapping it up, though preferably it's over and done with. If this goes on for more than this next episode and the one after, my enthusiasm for the situation's gonna drop out the bottom. :| Can't hold on to one situation for too long.
Aug 13, 2008 7:13 PM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
What an ending, indeed XD

The only that bothers me with this whole scenario is that she's married. There is no "breaking up". There's only months of divorce and lawyer fees, etc. And as chivalrous as Keita is, what is he really thinking?? I guess I'm being to "real-life" here, but things aren't that simple when you're married....

That's just a minor gripe, though :) I'm thoroughly enjoying it otherwise! Oba-sama is fantastic as always, and an older Yuki is fantastic to see as well.

It's obvious that Kotoko loves and only will ever love Irie, so he should (indeed!) pull that stick out of his ass. She doesn't like Keita, and she hasn't been misrepresented as liking him either, so Naoki should have no complaints for her.

Still, I have to say, him telling Keita off made my blood tingle and my heart thump! xD

KinetaAug 13, 2008 7:31 PM
Aug 13, 2008 7:53 PM

Jun 2007
AH! the pain! Stupid Irie that doesnt realize his feelings.
Im glad that Kotoko snapped at him, im always embarrassed by those kind of scenes though, specially if the crowd is looking.
Keita hugging her was kyu x3 but wrong!!! Even if Irie is a cold idiot, he should be with Kotoko.
Aug 13, 2008 8:03 PM

Jun 2008
I really cant wait for episode 19!
Naoki is always being cold towards Kotoko...

Aug 13, 2008 8:26 PM

May 2008
Gosh!!!! I cant wait till the next episode i want to see it now!!!!! Man Irie-kun should act a little bit more like Kotoko's husband, I hope in the next episode he starts taking more care of his wife!!!
Aug 13, 2008 9:26 PM

Jun 2007
Haha~ Tomoko being so eager at the autopsy was hilarious. :D

Oba-sama, as always, just pwns all.

I'll admit, I really like Keita. He's an honestly nice character (ignoring the whole stealing another man's wife, since he's just trying to give her better, IMO). I feel bad for him. ]:

And jeez, Naoki! Get a grip and get her back.
Aug 13, 2008 10:49 PM

Nov 2007
at least keita didn't try to kiss kotoko. it would ruin his whole image.

awesome episode and finally its about time that irie gets what he has deserved from the beginning. as mature as he claims to be, he really is even more immature than kotoko.
Aug 13, 2008 10:53 PM

Jan 2008
Wow, I loved the episode. Gave me a good laugh xD
Aug 14, 2008 12:24 AM

Dec 2007
crazy_eights said:
at least keita didn't try to kiss kotoko. it would ruin his whole image.

awesome episode and finally its about time that irie gets what he has deserved from the beginning. as mature as he claims to be, he really is even more immature than kotoko.

Well he did try to kiss her while she slept right?
Aug 14, 2008 2:34 AM

Jun 2007
I don't see whats so great about Keita. He didn't like Kotoko at all until Irie told him off at the bar when they first met. It's almost like Keita is going after Kotoko just to piss of Irie.

In any case its pretty easy to tell what Irie's emotions are. When he acts angry and cold he's really concerned and worried about Kotoko. He's just having a hard time expressing the real feelings he's having, since he's never had them before. It's kind of like how he married Kotoko because she made him feel different and made his life "interesting" when she was around.

I hope Keita gets denied by Kotoko and Irie wises up and starts giving Kotoko some much needed love.
Aug 14, 2008 2:54 AM

Jul 2008
Irie is an ass, but some of his efforts went unnoticed in this episode. He did wait at Kotoko's bedside, he told off Keita, and he returned to find Kotoko gone. He's not the type to make sure people know what he did when it goes unnoticed. He just has a bastard way of expressing his concern and uneasiness. At least he'll learn that you can't be a cold jackass to the woman that you married.

Keita was cruising and in control in this episode, I hope he at least grabs a kiss or a feel for his effort.
Aug 14, 2008 3:25 AM

Sep 2007
... I started to like Irie but now he annoys me. X_X

Aug 14, 2008 3:40 AM

Jan 2008
so THAT was a good episode!!! i started to hate irie, he is ass, he is wondering why is kotoko happy with another guy? he cant be so cold! i cant wait to see another episode!!!
Kruh sa uzatvara, ale mna to netrapi - povedalo avangardne kruzidlo a dalej rysovalo stvorce...
Aug 14, 2008 4:02 AM

Aug 2007
Irie-baka. Looks like Keita is siding up a bit too much with Kotoko for her sake. Right, breaking up. He's not really realistic and it's very one-sided, as Kotoko thinks that he likes Tomoko. Speaking about Tomoko, she's pretty freaky when it's about organs O_o Come one, Naoki, show some love >.>
Dutch anime blogger with a love for Ikuhara's antics and proper storytelling.
Aug 14, 2008 4:59 AM

Jan 2008
i gotta say i love the jealous denial thing Naoki got goin on..
but seriously the nerve of Keita just saying break up with him i mean this isnt some sort of bf gf thing its marriage for cryin out loud.. but this is the spice i was lookin for.. only 7 eps to go.. hope it all goes well.. which it will we all knw that

DeathfireD said:
I don't see whats so great about Keita. He didn't like Kotoko at all until Irie told him off at the bar when they first met. It's almost like Keita is going after Kotoko just to piss of Irie.

well personally i think he started falling for her after finding out that Kotoko actually tries her hardest even though she's bad at it.. i think he just ended up seeing the good points of Kotoko where she puts her all in everything she does that kinda makes you wanna cheer her on kinda thing.. not to piss Naoki or anything well at least thats what i've gathered
Di27Aug 14, 2008 5:05 AM
Aug 14, 2008 5:37 AM

Jul 2008
Naoki ftw why he is so cruel!!!!!!!! If Naoki keeps like that way Kotoko will be tired and fed up of it. Cant he think it he must be very clever right?! But when it comes to Kotoko he just get cruel only. Ahh geez >.<
Aug 14, 2008 5:54 AM

Mar 2008
OMG...the end was like OMG
that Irie...why isn't he honest??? i mean you tell your wife you're jealous and that's it..the end of story. but no..
i can't wait to see ep 19 ^^
Aug 14, 2008 7:22 AM

Oct 2007
LOL you already seen 18 episodes and you still ask why Irie isn't honest?

I still don't get why how does people approved Keita to steal someone's wife? Do you think just by seeing someone everyday and you can understand their everyday life?

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Aug 14, 2008 9:20 AM

Jul 2008
Siva said:
LOL you already seen 18 episodes and you still ask why Irie isn't honest?

I still don't get why how does people approved Keita to steal someone's wife? Do you think just by seeing someone everyday and you can understand their everyday life?

I dont approve anything like that. Ofcourse it isnt a good thing. I'm not saying "Kotoko choose Keita" or smt. Kotoko didnt even think to cheat his husband till now. I dont think she will fall over him. (if this anime doesnt make me shock)

But Irie STILL behaves cruel. Even they are MARRIED. Wtf is that...Is he sadistic or smt?! He should change his cold behaves. Doesnt he love her? Thats enough already. Even his mom complains about it.
Aug 14, 2008 10:18 AM

Feb 2008
lol thats why kids will always be kids.

its rather ironic that hes far more apealing to girls than kotoko is to guys and yet shes the most likely to be stolen than he is. his attitude is just crap in the mud.
Aug 14, 2008 11:11 AM
Mar 2008
I loved this episode but only because we have jealous!Irie and I'm hoping it'll knock some sense into him. I mean I've sort of been WTFing at their entire relationship... I can't really put it into words. I want to believe he's just a jerk who can't express how much he loves her, but it seems like their relationship will always be off balance, with Kotoko loving him completely and Irie being unable to fully understand. It's like he wants to keep her for himself without giving anything in return.

I fail at getting my point across :P Anyway, I can't wait for episode 19!
Aug 14, 2008 11:28 AM

Apr 2007
D: fuckin idiot Naoki...but I'll still root for u Tsumetai-san!

Screw that ugly head Keita ;p
Aug 14, 2008 12:09 PM

Mar 2008
Finally, it came. Irie-kun is losing ground. He really doesn't know what to do and what is happening. Keita isn't too bad but the chivalrous part irks me a bit. Why does he need to save her? I guess I am asking irrelevant questions here. That was an very good episode. I rarely feel the need to re-watch an INK episode but today yes. There's always one of the partners who'll love the other more. Well, at least, Irie Naoki should show more love than that.
Aug 14, 2008 12:44 PM

Apr 2008
the weird part was when kotoko automatically assumed tomoko liked keita.. if you know your classmate is about to get poked 100 times by a needle, wouldn't you show your concern? -_-

meh i dunno, the fact that theyre still in school probably affects their actions towards each other (naoki & kotoko). other people are still around to interrupt their relationship so. i hope kotoko understands.
Aug 14, 2008 5:03 PM

Jan 2008
i feel sorry for Kotoko.... stupid irie..
Aug 14, 2008 5:22 PM

Aug 2007
One thing we have to remember about Irie is that he is emotionally stunted.

He doesn't KNOW what jealousy is. Honestly, he has gotten anything he has ever wanted and more. He hasn't had to try for anything. Everything has come naturally and easy.

He has never been frustrated, or antzy, or anxious. Especially not jealous.

So what does a "child" do when they are faced with something they don't understand. They back off. It reminds me of the old "girls have cooties" tale that all the boys use, (or girls) because they don't understand.

He may be very educationally mature, but he has the emotions of a 5year old.

Thats why it makes this marriage so interesting :D And people wondered what this arc would be about!

Aug 14, 2008 6:53 PM

Jun 2007
Zeino said:
Kotoko didnt even think to cheat his husband till now. I dont think she will fall over him. (if this anime doesnt make me shock)

She hasn't thought about cheating at all including this episode however she was thinking about why she got married to Irie. I honestly don't think she will think about cheating. You cant dismiss your 5 year love in a blink of an eye like that. I'm sure she will reject Keita in a nice way but at the same time try and figure out why shes with Irie and it will probably cause some misunderstandings between Irie and her.
Aug 14, 2008 11:12 PM

May 2008
great great episode. cant wait for next one!
Aug 15, 2008 5:03 AM
Apr 2008
Really great episode. I can't believe how annoying Irie is being though, he's meant to be a genius but he seems to have no idea when it comes to feeling and how he should treat his wife.

The ending just left me wanting to give Kotoko a great big hug!
Aug 15, 2008 8:40 AM

Jul 2007
that was SUCH a good episode <3
omg ... at first i wanted kotoko to be with irie... and now i'd much rather see her with keita D: argh this series is getting so good now, i can't wait to see the drama and conflicts <3
Aug 15, 2008 9:20 AM

Nov 2007
lol tomoko's awesome
Aug 15, 2008 10:07 AM

Apr 2008
I'm amazed about the approach they are giving to Keita being in love with a married woman, Kotoko that is :P. I don´t approve at all that a person comes so aggresively into a couple's life and act like he knows better. But, I think I do understand one part : nobody is bound to live miserably, married or not we choose someone to be happy, if the person treats you like crap at somepoint you are going to snap. Keita is taking advantage of that and yeah, he is a good kid with many appealing points.
I did wonder for a while there why the hell Irie was still being such a stuck up, and I agreed with his mom when she asked herself in one episode "are they having trouble in bed?", 'cause I really can't even IMAGINE how that part is going, It was probably just that one time during the honeymoon! and if not then has to suck!
Irie has come to be disliked 'cause he just won´t lose that cold barrier... not even for kotoko.

Aug 15, 2008 3:27 PM

Mar 2008
Same thing as usual

A ordinary episode with an extraordinary cliffhanger that makes you want to watch the next one ...
Aug 16, 2008 12:24 AM

Apr 2007
Poor Kotoko.

Let's see how Irie handles this next episode ya~
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Aug 16, 2008 5:35 AM

Feb 2008
the thing is, that Irie don't know, how he should react in his situation. Cause he don't even feel something for other ppls before. ^^

I hope, he know, what he should do, cause he can lost Kotoko.

sry 4 bad english xD
Aug 16, 2008 5:05 PM

Jan 2008
Wow, now that was an ending! o:

If I was Kotoko I would definitely have ditched Irie by now!
Aug 16, 2008 7:24 PM

Nov 2007
This was one of my favorite episodes so far, just because it finally made Irie notice that he's not the center of Kotoko's universe and that there are other guys willing to take his place at any time. Hopefully, Keita will force Irie to notice that Kotoko is not confident in her relationship with him since he never willingly shows his affection for her, and this will cause some changes in his actions and behavior towards her.
Aug 16, 2008 8:23 PM

Jul 2007
RAWR now i want to see the next episode >_>;
i wanna see what happens between keita and kotoko
zomg if kotoko breaks away from keita and realizes irie is the one she loves, i'll be unsatisfied D: i need DRAMA.
Aug 16, 2008 8:30 PM

Oct 2007
Aarana said:
One thing we have to remember about Irie is that he is emotionally stunted.

He doesn't KNOW what jealousy is. Honestly, he has gotten anything he has ever wanted and more. He hasn't had to try for anything. Everything has come naturally and easy.

He has never been frustrated, or antzy, or anxious. Especially not jealous.

So what does a "child" do when they are faced with something they don't understand. They back off. It reminds me of the old "girls have cooties" tale that all the boys use, (or girls) because they don't understand.

He may be very educationally mature, but he has the emotions of a 5year old.

Thats why it makes this marriage so interesting :D And people wondered what this arc would be about!

exactly! :3 That is Irie's problem, haha. You're right on target.

Aug 17, 2008 8:41 AM

Apr 2007
Catching up with the past 4 episodes I've been ignoring, seeing new characters was surely refreshing, since every character up to then had managed to disappoint me. And then we get Keita. I was seriously thinking about dropping the show until he came around - finally a breath of fresh air and rationality about the ridiculous way Irie treats Kotoko.

I can't really blame Irie, since I'm sure jealousy is a foreign emotion to him. However, he had it coming. Hopefully now that he has a serious rival, he'll begin to realize how much he's wronged.

Also, I'm glad to see Kotoko is beginning to be serious about something in her life that is not Irie. Dear God, seeing a woman doing everything in her life based on a man just annoys me to no end. Doesn't she have hopes and dreams of her own? But if she continues to show interest in what she's doing, then I'll be satisfied.

For now, I just want their relationship to go somewhere near healthy.
MaxwellLilyAug 17, 2008 8:52 AM
Aug 17, 2008 5:26 PM

Jun 2007
Mhm...and THAT'S what happens when you marry somebody who has never ever been nice to you, not even once.

Irie pisses me off. But I can't wait for the next episode muahaha! Its gonna be juicy >:D

Aug 18, 2008 7:55 PM

May 2008
it was ok, can't wait for the next episode.
Aug 20, 2008 4:35 AM

Aug 2007
I agree with Keita, Kotoko should break up with that guy! Irie pisses me off, he has never cared about Kotoko anyway! I feel sorry for poor Kotoko...
Aug 21, 2008 5:03 PM

Oct 2007
i love keita. he's such a nice guy. the moment at the end was so cute. I just wish naoki would be more.... openly jealous. it's sort of disheartening.
Aug 24, 2008 2:41 AM

Jun 2008
i'm starting to like keita... irie was really mean to kotoko!!! he'll really regret it when kotoko decides to go with keita...
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