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Mar 6, 2012 10:34 AM

Aug 2010
Episode all about Miu as expected from last week's preview. One thing I noticed is how tough it is for Miu and Sora to get to school, and then Miu tries to keep up her hard-working, diligent girl personality at school. Of course, this was taxing for Miu. Good thing Nimura showed up and took her on a "date" so she could clear her head and start to feel better. He even fixed her shoe that was scuffed on the train.

Sorry to mention this for anyone who wants to keep perverse things away from this show but I just got groping on a train hentai vibes from the first part of the episode.
Mar 6, 2012 10:37 AM

Oct 2010
Nimura been helpful as usual. Miu got really worked up about what other thought about her.
I thought the episode was going to be slightly different, I was rather surprise seem how Miu just kinda goes to her corner and not really socialize with anyone. Also no one seemed to be worried about her, just a bunch of gossip.

prismheart said:

I just got groping on a train hentai vibes from the first part of the episode.

I laugh so hard when Hina said watch out for the train *giggles*
Mar 6, 2012 10:40 AM

Jun 2011
Miu-chan~ :D noting realy happend this ep , still like it tho ♥♥♥♥/5 hearts :3
Mar 6, 2012 11:07 AM

Sep 2011
Good episode Miuntastic!!!

First minutes and BAM here goes the panties fanservice...not bad!!

Sora and Miu really have it hard...the subway part really bring back memories when i had the same horrible experience like that because of a work...i still hate subways since then.

I specially love the part they were carry by the people

...that sucks and more for girls how much grabbing can be done in that moments.

As the preview tell a Miu center episode....FINALLY AND IT WAS GREAT!!!

Nimura really is a nice guy she saw Miu with problems and help her anyway he could,the aquarium part was cute specially the faces and poses Miu did,

she looked cute trying on all the clothes

and finally she asking for the glass slippers.

Miu was worried about what everyone think of her at school...good advice Nimura give her just be yourself and never give a crap about what people think about you.

At the end good Miu episode she is just really a Cinderella!!!

Btw.....3 scenes of Hina and she was cute as ever!!1

More GIFS and Shit on the club!!:
raxius1230Mar 6, 2012 4:39 PM
Mar 6, 2012 11:12 AM

Nov 2008
Miu is overworked and well rounded. Doesn't help her shoe got scuffed by salarymen on the train, but Nimura went with her got them fixed.

Yuta you should know that a girl won't tell you what she actually did while she's out, it's a universal concept.

Hina lol watch out for the train yeah she has a point, because 70% of girls Miu and Sora's age get groped on the train. She became the voice of reason at the moment.

No one at her school seems to care much about Miu, poor dear, may karma strike them.

Mar 6, 2012 11:12 AM

Jun 2011
heartwarming as always it was great that she had someone to confide in to deal with her emotions and keep them in check. Dealing with them for someone her age is really tough and I'm glad that she feels better now
Mar 6, 2012 11:55 AM

Dec 2009
Of course we start off the episode with pantsu shots from Miu and Sora.
Yeah episode full of Miu fanservice... yawn...

Well unnecessary fanservice aside, the episode was ok. Nothing awesome though.

The Pedo Prez stayed away so I am happy. But no Raika makes me sad :(

Mar 6, 2012 12:21 PM

Sep 2008
ehhhh, I'm not a big fan of Miu so I was not so fond of the episode.
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Mar 6, 2012 1:09 PM
Feb 2012
A nice and heartwarming episode about Miu and her everyday life. Enjoyed it.
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
Mar 6, 2012 1:41 PM

Jul 2009
Fucking hell.. that was a dreadfully boring episode -.-''

Could as well throw up right now and that would bring more satisfaction^^
Mar 6, 2012 1:56 PM

Nov 2008
The next ep is Sora's and the 11th must be Hina's (which we will all enjoy), so for those who are bored just wing it until the 11th ep.

Mar 6, 2012 2:01 PM
Apr 2010
This ep definitely shows how mature the girls have become. They're state isn't exactly the best, but it's not as bad as most of the others make it seem to be. They're hanging in there! :D
Mar 6, 2012 2:35 PM

Dec 2010
Miu centered episode and it didn't disapoint; i like how they showed the maturity they've gained through there new lifestyles; I want to see a episode about Yuuta's college life now; more Raika! but ya it was a good episode :D.
Mar 6, 2012 2:37 PM

Jul 2010
I really like Miu and think this is the best episode so far
Mar 6, 2012 2:52 PM

May 2011
So it's all about Miu. She's nice indeed and so does the episode.
Mar 6, 2012 2:55 PM

Oct 2011
Cute as always.
Mar 6, 2012 3:13 PM

Sep 2011
Nimura got dumped in the end. She's a tough one LOL
Mar 6, 2012 3:26 PM

Jun 2009
Cute episode again, felt kinda empty compared to previous though. And that Shu shoe thing was seriously exaggerated.

I'll just leave this here. xd
OrochiPLMar 6, 2012 3:55 PM
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Mar 6, 2012 3:30 PM

May 2009
OrochiPL said:
I'll just leave this here.

....Oh my.

Well the episode was OK, nothing special though.
Mar 6, 2012 3:42 PM

Sep 2011
Hoppy said:
Hina lol watch out for the train yeah she has a point, because 70% of girls Miu and Sora's age get groped on the train. She became the voice of reason at the moment.
Yea, I've read about that also. I know they don't have much choice, but I'd probably go nuts, possibly violently so, if my kid had go through that.
Mar 6, 2012 3:51 PM

Jul 2010
Nice touching episode centered on Miu. Yeah, they threw a few seconds of pantsu of Sora and Miu but nothing major IMO.

One thing that always gets me how the producers make those CG people walk. It's so awkward, lol.
Mar 6, 2012 4:05 PM

Oct 2009
MillonzKub said:
I really like Miu and think this is the best episode so far

Agreed. If I didn't liked Miu before I simply love her now.

That was a Miutastic episode from the start. She and Nimura actually had some good chemisty together despite the age difference, though I viewed it more of a brother-sister relationship. The "date" was very nice and well-written (the Miu fashion show was the highlight of the "date"), and Nimura show great kindness and compassion in treating our little Cinderella. Nimura gave a lending ear and gave great advise to Miu (just be yourself). It was well-orchestrated and definitely the best episode of the series. Heck, this is now one of my 10 favorite anime episodes of all-time I was so entralled with it.

Yes, Miu, your were Cinderella for a day, but you'll always be Cinderella in my heart.
Mar 6, 2012 4:11 PM

Sep 2011
Ugh. I loved this episode miu all the way. Lolicon for life.
Mar 6, 2012 4:13 PM
Aug 2009
I know there is some sort of effort going in to create a decent story here, but I just can't buy it, not when the camera is more interesting in showing us under aged fanservice. It took me a while but I figured out what this episode was all about. It wanted the pervert lowest common denominator to project themselves onto Nimura so they could enjoy a date with a middle schooler. Wow, that's fucked up. We've even seen the 3 year old in the bath for about the 3rd or 4th time. Jesus, sometimes I really loathe my determination to finish what I start. I should probably watch something that isn't aimed at paedohiles. To each their own I guess.
Mar 6, 2012 4:30 PM

Dec 2007
Hoppy said:
Hina lol watch out for the train yeah she has a point, because 70% of girls Miu and Sora's age get groped on the train. She became the voice of reason at the moment.

Even though this is a light hearted anime, I was expecting some groping action on the trains. xP
Mar 6, 2012 4:35 PM

Aug 2011
If a Miu episode wasn't going to be awesome enough they went and had Nimura in most of the episode as well, and Ono, Daisuke characters just make everything so much better.
Mar 6, 2012 5:09 PM

Jan 2011
really liked this episode mainly because i could somewhat relate to Miu when i was growing up tough being so mature for her age lol,so Sora + Raikia focused episode next week? can't wait.
Mar 6, 2012 5:09 PM

Feb 2008
It was sad to see Miu getting desperated thought but still is was quite good that we could see how Miu were at school, but my impressed here it doesn't seem all good.
Well, I don't need pity if something happend so I kind know how Miu felt there.

Good timing that Nimura were there, thanks to him he saved her for become more depressed, that's a good sign.

It was enjoyable to see them dating and everything, Miu sure looks mature and cute. xD

Next preview: We can see a little bit for Sora (Tsun Tsun) School life.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Mar 6, 2012 5:11 PM

Apr 2009
bci110 said:
MillonzKub said:
I really like Miu and think this is the best episode so far

Agreed. If I didn't liked Miu before I simply love her now.

That was a Miutastic episode from the start. She and Nimura actually had some good chemisty together despite the age difference, though I viewed it more of a brother-sister relationship. The "date" was very nice and well-written (the Miu fashion show was the highlight of the "date"), and Nimura show great kindness and compassion in treating our little Cinderella. Nimura gave a lending ear and gave great advise to Miu (just be yourself).

Yes, Miu, your were Cinderella for a day, but you'll always be Cinderella in my heart.
i couldn't give any better words of appreciation for this awesome Miu episode than you just did.. Miu is certainly the most mature and most complex character among the girls.. and after this ep, she manages to be the least two dimensional among all the characters in the show.. they did well on building up on her character but somehow, i still want more episodes about her.. she's just that interesting, reminding me about some of my favorite characters..

HammersFan10 said:
I know there is some sort of effort going in to create a decent story here, but I just can't buy it, not when the camera is more interesting in showing us under aged fanservice. It took me a while but I figured out what this episode was all about. It wanted the pervert lowest common denominator to project themselves onto Nimura so they could enjoy a date with a middle schooler. Wow, that's fucked up. We've even seen the 3 year old in the bath for about the 3rd or 4th time. Jesus, sometimes I really loathe my determination to finish what I start. I should probably watch something that isn't aimed at paedohiles. To each their own I guess.
disregarding the unnecessary camera angles (that is pretty common nowadays, especially when the studio is something like Feel), i'm just amazed and/or disgusted at how you view this episode or the entire show entirely.. to you, it is just used for fanservice to lolicons.. to me (and i believe some of us), it's a show we thought would be filled with fanservice to lolicons but ended up actually getting a good grip on the concept of family and responsibility (not as solid as what Usagi Drop anime did, but still there).. your mind may have been corrupted by the world around you and all you see are bad things when it comes to dealing girls of their age.. Nimura is not a channel for pervert pedophiles to project onto because he is a womanizer to whom these pervert pedophiles may not be able to relate to.. and you're too funny to actually interpret the date as the real thing and not what seems to be an "older brother treating little sister" kind of thing that one would see in their "date" (even the in-character extras thought of this).. i also "date" my little sister or my friend's sister sometimes when i just want to treat her and/or we happened to see each other.. bathing with 3-year olds is also nothing to be ashamed of or to get overhyped with.. i sometimes do so with my niece when i'm left to take care of her when her parents are away.. but in your defense, i may just interpret the show myself as too nice because i could relate to most of the stuff they show.. or it could be a matter of culture.. most asian families are more tight with the family than those of the west..
argiliumMar 6, 2012 5:17 PM
Mar 6, 2012 6:21 PM
Jun 2008
so this ep an all miu ep

sora & miu going to school give hina said watch out for trains.
sora & miu on the train then get crowed & finally at school.
miu doing usual school doing give some people talking of miu's probs at home.
miu bit hmm some talk with sora on phone here nimura.
so they go around from water aquarium, lunch, etc.
then miu see shoes give looking at glass shoes but don't worry not buying glass shoe.
but she got her "glass shoes" her shoes all clean up from shoe cleaner with help from nimura.
yea long fun time with nimura back home & girls keep their secret.

wonder what next ep going to happen?
you either with ANIME or against the anime
Mar 6, 2012 6:24 PM
Aug 2010
Ugh....and I thought the NYC subway was dreadful...thank god I don't live in Tokyo.

Anyways, this was probably the first episode I didn't really like.

Miu is way too mature for her age!

Honestly, this episode was too boring for my tastes, I was barely paying attention near the end.

Now we have the "Sora episode" next week....*Sigh*, Hopefully it's better than this.
Mar 6, 2012 6:36 PM

Oct 2010
Another good episode. To me the most appealing of Miu is the following,

That dress with those legs strangely intermingle with appealing. Those feet I say with the dress. Considering this is about Miu, I will outline my points of what really made this episode with Miu apart from its apparent fan service short and not explicit at all. Standard at most.

About the beginning, well certainly it was nice to see Miu getting ready for school here as is seen about to put her shoes and very shiny at that. Loved seeing both girls smile so nicely here and when Sora along with Miu have nice blush faces here while Sora is getting worried over the time limit of making it for the train. Loved that Hina in the spoiler
said with the train BUMP! BUMP! *heart breaks of MOE* pretty much. Luckily they do make it on the train. Was nice to see Sora’s face up close here but from the looks of both of them, they seem to worry over getting a head start but due to space limitations cannot. I don’t think there is a solution to this. Regardless Miu stays positive about it. I do agree with people that according to the spoiler
those humans are CG animated and their walking look lame! Anime does not = to video game renders, at least make a better effort please.
Too bad they have to take up to 2 trains. That sucks!

Now once in the train, I totally did not like what Sora/Miu are going through in the spoiler
and in regards to the train part one should notice that most males had their hands in their pockets. Well that is custom in Japan to not get accused of groping. In fact it’s recommended to do that in order to be safe from the accusation./ Still I kept thinking such a wonderful thing the car is when I see poor Sora/Miu being all around adult males who God knows which x have done a child, who knows really. Thus I would feel safer to drive my kids than make them use transportation since peace of mind is a bliss. Regardless of that Miu/Sora faces in the spoiler
were very nice with the angels and blushes.

About Miu in school, Miu already from the start was concerned about her shoes being dirty here. Which tells me that she is concerned of her appearance despite that her face s in the spoiler
say that she does give up and faces on the challenge. From the looks of her friends here at first and when they suddenly blush here, that I wonder if they have a thing for her or a crush? Can it be just plain admiration? Miu’s face here while reading in class was nice due to her eyes being shown like that, while the teacher reminded me of some girl, on the spur of the moment it was her:
Although it makes not much sense. Looks like Miu’s chubby friend girl shows a lot about Miu not caring if you are her friend of your appearance that much. A good point shown and Miu was so MOE with her food here. Miu’s smile towards her friend here was nice and positive. While she was studying despite looking serious she was worried and I see that here. With people babbling like here of her having trouble at home due to sleeping, it causes unnecessary stress in her. Miu was still MOE when she was sleeping in the spoiler
and Where the heck did I see this girl’s face here? Even if for a little it was nice to see Sora pick up the phone and talk with Miu.

About Miu’s date with Nimura, I liked how he surprised her in the spoiler
I really though ti was a teacher or something at first. The way Nimura did the goggles somehow reminded me of Yui doing them in the K-ON at one point. Miu’s blushed response here was nice. I kind had to WTF O_O at the whole date thing here getting serious but somehow I knew deep down Nimura was joking around at most.

The aquarium part was nice with Miu in the spoiler
her smile and that marine animal showed some nice positive sides to Miu’s gloominess. Which brings me to the following,

One of the best poses of Miu full of MOE! That was nice. Miu’s blow-fish imitation in the spoiler
was very funny. Miu’s smile towards Nimura here was full of good positive light and Nimura imitating the marine animal was OMG hilarious. However when it came to Sako in the spoiler
OMG the horryfication started deep down. Still I appreciated some Miu face closeup here since it was blushed.

The restaurant part, in the spoiler
was mainly hilarious in how Miu had more of different faces an angles. It also proved at how she can tease in public but more how Nimura can get on with her into it. As a result the old couple that was jealous of their beauty but considered them as sibling got the ride of their life when both of them said they are lovers in fact.

The dressing part, produced loads and loads of Miu goodness in the spoiler
from the teasing glasses to the cool Dick Tracy fashion. It also showed off how Miu goes well with clothing and thus an indirect way of showing how well she goes with fashion hand in hand.

The photo-shooting part, in the spoiler

Yielded out some nice expressions of Miu/Nimura. While I further ROFL at Miu putting on the old sticker here the new one of her and Nimura here. Made way for some fun stuff TBH. It also showed how Miu reacts to Nimura’s attitude of not taking it serious. Perhaps itself was just a test for Nimura or for viewers to see what they think of that attitude. TBH I though it was nice but snobby a little kind of like the typical USA rich Blondie one.

The shoe buying part, OMG they did the parody of Cinderella in the spoiler
despite being a bit lame it was hilarious. Lame as in show is only out to be bought, I though it would have been different a little as parody itself. From what I read of the tag the price may be X00 000 yen, which would mean in the 1 000$s USA value. I was still quite satisfied of the end result in the spoiler
for Nimura read Miu quite well and got a solution to her satisfaction.

The final date part, on the roof in the spoiler
yielded out mainly gorgeous landscapes and marvelous Miu smiles. It was great! It also showed that Miu came to decision of not to be for others or be bothered of what others think of her but of being herself. A very important thing Nimura made her realize and she realized of why Nimura is so popular with girls. Too bad Yuuta has no such understanding of them like Nimura does.

About the fan service, the list says more.
  • Miu and Sora panties in the spoiler
    Miu seems to have the nick for stripped ones being pink. Daring fad in choice.

  • Miu had some chest exposition in the spoiler
    which was modest.

  • There was a questionable shot of Miu’s front in the spoiler
    the bloomer appeal so to speak

  • Hina and the bath in the spoiler
    hmmmmmmm as long as they keep it like that and the water too, I see no problem here.
So suffice to say it was good and modest. Nothing too explicit or risky.

About the end of the episode, the end shows a very nice Sora part of when she is studying for her classes. Seeing Miu’s blushed face was nice too here and of course Hina coming to cheer them up here was so MOE. Then we have a problem, one that I think many people might think bad of but to me it mean a lot. As Yuuta comes in and the girls tell him that they are made of secrets in the spoiler

A)You never fucking hide anything from your family. It’s a fucking problem in Japan when you get raped never tell and kill yourself when someone could have helped you overcome shit despite all this being shameful, is your life better by keeping shit and telling to your family about it? WRONG MESSAGE MAN! I don’t like it at all. You always communicate with your family, you don’t go around saying BS shit of secrets when it thee end you will keep what is most important to you. I am saying Miu should have said she Nimura and what happened. At least Yuuta would know of Nimura.

B)Girls should have no secrets in their families. If they have them it only means to me bad shit. In general the message is totally wrong. Girl should not have secrets with their family and that’s it and all. As result we have girls who are underage and sluts cause their family does not know and WTF do they do her in North America if they do? HELP! Centers that have good people for help and that person lives while person who does not can end up dead on the streets or worst.

C)Finally saying that stuff brings out the message in general for the population that girls hide stuff and should be examined more of what they say. Could be a good thing or not.

Conclusion is: in general I think the show should encourage kids of being honest instead of the opposite, particularly girls. Encouraging in keeping secrets only leads to shit getting worst by not telling. I hope I made my point clear and I do have and took care to half sisters since they were 5 years old. I know trust me.

About preview, IT’S SORA TIME! Sora’s teacher is here of ??? Well you will know soon enough. Sora looks in enjoying what she does here and there shall be some Raika? Well this sleeping all angle looks really nice.

BTW Image Stitches are done in the club:
Loads of Miu stuff!

Intermission were nice in the spoiler
of Miu/Sora/Hina and that of Hina/Neighbor girl.

End art in the spoiler
is nice of the group together. I like the style.
Yumekichi11Mar 6, 2012 10:34 PM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Mar 6, 2012 6:42 PM

Oct 2009
argilium said:
bci110 said:
MillonzKub said:
I really like Miu and think this is the best episode so far

Agreed. If I didn't liked Miu before I simply love her now.

That was a Miutastic episode from the start. She and Nimura actually had some good chemisty together despite the age difference, though I viewed it more of a brother-sister relationship. The "date" was very nice and well-written (the Miu fashion show was the highlight of the "date"), and Nimura show great kindness and compassion in treating our little Cinderella. Nimura gave a lending ear and gave great advise to Miu (just be yourself).

Yes, Miu, your were Cinderella for a day, but you'll always be Cinderella in my heart.
i couldn't give any better words of appreciation for this awesome Miu episode than you just did.. Miu is certainly the most mature and most complex character among the girls.. and after this ep, she manages to be the least two dimensional among all the characters in the show.. they did well on building up on her character but somehow, i still want more episodes about her.. she's just that interesting, reminding me about some of my favorite characters..

Well if you want more Miu, then I suggest you read her manga spinoff Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai - Miu-sama no Iu Doori (Miu-sama is right!). I think only the first two chapters are out, but reading them made me appeciate Miu even more with her maturity and the way she's handling the situation.
Mar 6, 2012 6:52 PM

Feb 2011
Wow, really? That's sickening. I'd go off the wall if I saw anyone doing that to someone.

On Topic:
Was a nice episode though it wasn't all that amazing. Can't say I'm disappointed though ^-^
Mar 6, 2012 6:55 PM
Aug 2010
Yumekichi11 said:
In regards to the train part one should notice that most males had their hands in their pockets. Well that is custom in Japan to not get accused of groping. In fact it’s recommended to do that in order to be safe from the accusation./ Still I kept thinking such a wonderful thing the car is when I see poor Sora/Miu being all around adult males who God knows which x have done a child, who knows really.

You see, that's what I don't get about Japan...

They claim to have "very low sexual abuse" in the country and yet they have weird shit like that.

I ride the Subway EVERYDAY here in New York, sometimes It's so packed I feel like I can't breathe.

Very rarely do I hear that girls are molested in Subways here and males definitely don't keep their hands in their pockets, even when it's really packed.
Mar 6, 2012 7:18 PM

Dec 2011
More Miu is always great. Again Hina wins. TRAINS GO BUMP BUMP!
Mar 6, 2012 7:25 PM

Oct 2010
ichigo03 said:
Yumekichi11 said:
In regards to the train part one should notice that most males had their hands in their pockets. Well that is custom in Japan to not get accused of groping. In fact it’s recommended to do that in order to be safe from the accusation./ Still I kept thinking such a wonderful thing the car is when I see poor Sora/Miu being all around adult males who God knows which x have done a child, who knows really.

You see, that's what I don't get about Japan...

They claim to have "very low sexual abuse" in the country and yet they have weird shit like that.

I ride the Subway EVERYDAY here in New York, sometimes It's so packed I feel like I can't breathe.

Very rarely do I hear that girls are molested in Subways here and males definitely don't keep their hands in their pockets, even when it's really packed.
It's true that it's problem in Japan but the difference is that not much is talked about and hence it does not reflect stuff just as much as Papakiri shows all the ecchi accidents yet you won't hear that "Oh my Uncle saw my panties" in class from a girl at all since there is image to maintain.

Did you even see how people reacted to Miu when her shoe got dirty or the fact she slept in class made people take pity on her? That's why it's there but not much is talked about. While in the USA much is talked about and sanctions are more severe.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Mar 6, 2012 7:47 PM

Feb 2010
I like how the first thing those students notice about Miu is her shoe as they walk by her. Did you see dem shoes? IT'S DIRTY! QQ

hurthades said:
Lolicon for life.

For life eh?
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Mar 6, 2012 8:18 PM

Jul 2009
She'll grow up to be a gem.
Need more miss.independent in this world! Where are my female leaders?!
Mar 6, 2012 8:20 PM

Jan 2011
argilium said:
bci110 said:
MillonzKub said:
I really like Miu and think this is the best episode so far

Agreed. If I didn't liked Miu before I simply love her now.

That was a Miutastic episode from the start. She and Nimura actually had some good chemisty together despite the age difference, though I viewed it more of a brother-sister relationship. The "date" was very nice and well-written (the Miu fashion show was the highlight of the "date"), and Nimura show great kindness and compassion in treating our little Cinderella. Nimura gave a lending ear and gave great advise to Miu (just be yourself).

Yes, Miu, your were Cinderella for a day, but you'll always be Cinderella in my heart.
i couldn't give any better words of appreciation for this awesome Miu episode than you just did.. Miu is certainly the most mature and most complex character among the girls.. and after this ep, she manages to be the least two dimensional among all the characters in the show.. they did well on building up on her character but somehow, i still want more episodes about her.. she's just that interesting, reminding me about some of my favorite characters..

HammersFan10 said:
HammersFan10 said:
I know there is some sort of effort going in to create a decent story here, but I just can't buy it, not when the camera is more interesting in showing us under aged fanservice. It took me a while but I figured out what this episode was all about. It wanted the pervert lowest common denominator to project themselves onto Nimura so they could enjoy a date with a middle schooler. Wow, that's fucked up. We've even seen the 3 year old in the bath for about the 3rd or 4th time. Jesus, sometimes I really loathe my determination to finish what I start. I should probably watch something that isn't aimed at paedohiles. To each their own I guess.
we must be watching two completely different because i didn't have any kind of thoughts like that while watching it i thought it was really nice that he was hanging out with her for the day.
Mar 6, 2012 8:27 PM

Jun 2009
I like most of the episode just not that Miu is making out a big deal of her stepped on shoes.

I mean, that will happen most of the time because she gets on cramped trains everyday. Deal with it and just wash it everyday.
Mar 6, 2012 8:31 PM

Oct 2009
-Quasar said:
I like most of the episode just not that Miu is making out a big deal of her stepped on shoes.

I mean, that will happen most of the time because she gets on cramped trains everyday. Deal with it and just wash it everyday.

I think it's more of a pride thing with Miu. She does have a good fashion sense so I kind of understand why she would get upset when they get scuffed up like that.
Mar 6, 2012 8:34 PM

Jan 2010
This episode was a bit disappointing. I understand that Miu might be feeling worn down and I don't mind an episode where she's front and centre. But surely there is a way to have something actually happen at the same time. It felt like a filler episode. Nothing happened in it. Even the way it played out — she just felt like not going home right away — made it hard for me to get into the show.

Miu is a charming character. Ironically, the episode that gave her the most screen time did the least with it. Hopefully, she'll be her usual self while interacting with others next week.
Mar 7, 2012 12:59 AM

Oct 2009
An episode dedicated to my favorite, :).

Miu will make a great woman.
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Mar 7, 2012 1:06 AM

Jun 2010
This Anime is so unrealistic. No train molestion LOOOOL! >:D
Mar 7, 2012 1:20 AM

Sep 2010
Very nice episode. I like Miu, but Hina is still my favourite. :)
I LOVE the end card. That was made by the same person who did the designs for Madoka Magica, no?
Proud mama and papa of Misha Yuuki* (02-01-2014 - 22-01-2014)
Thank you for the wonderful twenty days you gave us. <3
One day we will meet again..
Mar 7, 2012 1:20 AM
Jan 2012
Didn't even notice the panty shots in the beginning, so guess I'm slow xD.

Nimura is awesome for what he did for Miu.

Very good episode!
Mar 7, 2012 1:43 AM
Feb 2012
RomanaDesu said:
Very nice episode. I like Miu, but Hina is still my favourite. :)
I LOVE the end card. That was made by the same person who did the designs for Madoka Magica, no?

Yes, the character designs. Aoki Ume is also the one who created Hidamari Sketch.
Mar 7, 2012 1:46 AM

Nov 2009
Best episode yet despite being fairly meaningless.

Love Miu to bits, really envied Nimura but he did everything right and treated her the way she deserved to be treated.

Dont mind that we have a Sora ep next as I saw Raika in the preview as well which can only mean good things =D
Mar 7, 2012 1:54 AM

Oct 2010
Yogicat said:
RomanaDesu said:
Very nice episode. I like Miu, but Hina is still my favourite. :)
I LOVE the end card. That was made by the same person who did the designs for Madoka Magica, no?

Yes, the character designs. Aoki Ume is also the one who created Hidamari Sketch.
OMG It's true! In that case I say Sora looks amazing. Like Madoka except I find Sora better looking with that form Hina looks not bad there too.

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