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Feb 15, 2012 4:05 PM

Feb 2011
Only 10 minute since it blew up but in that small time the rest of the world knew what had happen.In face the whole of state of England were thinking they were under attack.Aready searchlight lit up the night sky and military were on full alert.Ato knew that now would not be a good time to stole away on a ship as everything coming in and out would be check.So instead she was in a apartment.Ato was trying to buy a room because it would be a while before thing calm down.
FockfearFeb 15, 2012 5:52 PM
Feb 15, 2012 5:31 PM

Dec 2008
"God damn it, do I really have to go? I am relaaaaaxing," Allan said.
Feb 16, 2012 2:51 PM

Jun 2009
Red walked up the the MP (ff), his arms were inside his coat holding the present.

"hello ato"
Feb 16, 2012 9:14 PM

Feb 2011
Turing around Ato gave him a hard look "You what are you doing here?' she ask him harshly.
Feb 16, 2012 9:28 PM

Dec 2008
Things are getting a lot harder. I can't sense Almaria anywhere. Allan was walking the streets of London, having been separated from Almaria. I'm feeling two MP units. One or both might be responsible for the Westminster Abbey incident. It's more towards this apartment complex. "Yeah, got it," Allan said, walking.
Feb 17, 2012 4:49 AM

Feb 2011
"Kill him,KILL HIM,if you don't he kill yooouuu" the voice whisper to her.Ato cuped her left ear as if that would stop her frolm hearing the voice "Shut up shut up SHUT UP!" she shouted outloud.Everybody in the lobby turn to look at her.There was a deathly silent as everyone stare at her.Eventually the man behind the counter found the courage to ask What wrong Miss?" It was the wrong thing to say as somthing snake out from behind her and impale him the chest. "Yes more of that" the voice crackle
Feb 17, 2012 6:35 AM

Jun 2009
"doing that in public i see you dont plan to live very long do you?
Feb 17, 2012 2:20 PM

Feb 2011
"That right after all I got nothing to loose" Ato told him.The place was in full panic as people rushed to get outside "I don't care what you do but don't get in my way" she told him.Without looking at him Ato walk out of the apartment.Outside she could see people running everywhere,but the one who caught her attention was the one who was looking at her.
Feb 17, 2012 2:28 PM

Dec 2008
Arriving at the apartment complex with his hands on his pockets, Allan looked around to see a girl. An odd girl. That's her. I was sensing some serious emotional fluctuation going on and I believe it's coming from her. "You there," Allan said, "You seem to be causing a disturbance." he continued.
Feb 17, 2012 3:07 PM

Feb 2011
Ato stare at him "I sorry sir?" playing it like a fool.So far it seem he didn't seem to notice that she was an MP.
Feb 17, 2012 3:18 PM

Dec 2008
((Dan already explained to Allan that the hosts in the area were MP so he already knows, Lol. Also, FF, don't take this the wrong way but it's bugging me so bad how you keep saying things like commands. Like, "Ato stare at him." <-- It's supposed to be "Ato stares at him." or something. I'm really sorry but it's just the biggest peeve to me. D: ))

Does she think you know that she's an MP? "I'll ask once again; You seem to be causing a disturbance, kindly leave or I'll be forced to kill you." Allan said. No, she's not leaving. Your job in London is to exterminate the MP in the area. She is MP. You will not just let her waltz out of here like she has a choice, Allan. "Whatever," Allan said. "Alright, nevermind, you don't have a choice in the matter and I'm going to have to kill you." he continued.
Feb 17, 2012 3:20 PM

Jun 2009
Red had punched a window out and aimed the gift out of it. The gift is a Milkor MGL 40 mm grenade launcher filled with HEAT (high exsposive anit tank) rounds and takes aim at Allan "say cheese!!!" Red shouted as he fired off a round.
Feb 17, 2012 3:39 PM

Dec 2008
ALLAN, EXPLOSIVE! Allan dives a few yards over behind a car as the grenade pelts the ground and explodes. "Dan what the hell am I supposed to do VS a GRENADE LAUNCHER?!" he yelled. You can morph your arm into a shield, you know, but that doesn't completely protect you. You'd get thrown back pretty hard. Allan's entire arm, hand and fingernails turn black. His fingernails grow a bit sharper and longer. This approach? You sure? "I think I may have an idea," he stated.
Feb 17, 2012 3:51 PM

Feb 2011
"I wonder if it will work" Ato appear before him.Leashing out with her hand to grab his throat "Sorry bout this" and brought her other fist to hit him (Hit or not hit is up 2 u)

//@Astare I sorry but i write alot of thing (from school) so i really use to it.Btw i did know but Rpwise i just wanted to say that so we would meet :)
FockfearFeb 17, 2012 3:57 PM
Feb 17, 2012 3:56 PM

Dec 2008
Allan grabbed her tail, while cracking the cement beneath him. Get out from there, she'll eventually crush you. Allan let go and leaped to the left. His hand was strained from grabbing her tail. "Man that was stupid," he said, shaking it off and morphing his arm into a cannon that was glowing with a greenish energy. "1 v 2? Hell no, I'm not stupid," Allan said, pointing it up at the apartment complex and launching a bolt of what seemed like plasma, caving in the entire apartment complex to get rid of the man with the grenade launcher. "I'm only fighting one of you. The other needs to leave, I'm sure Almaria will have fun with it." Allan said.
Feb 17, 2012 3:57 PM

Jun 2009
Red darts for the side door and heads to the next building over. People are funneling out like abomb just went off. He started sprinting up the stairs. a machine can never replace me. right? Red doesn't reply.

(you ninja'd me, but this works still. so no edit)
Feb 17, 2012 4:01 PM

Feb 2011
Seeing him run off Ato was confident that she would had no more problem from him in a while.Looking up in the air she saw a plane coming down "Good time to get out of here" and started running to the place where the plane was headed.
Feb 17, 2012 6:59 PM

Dec 2008
"Hey! Get back here!" Allan said. He opened fire with bolts of plasma in her direction, but no hits..

No tag 'n bag today.
Feb 17, 2012 7:04 PM

Jun 2009
Red now at the top of the four story building, takes aim down at allan. He peppers the area with 3 high exsplosive grenades.
Feb 17, 2012 8:36 PM

Dec 2008
Allan, now flying into a building, shield himself before the blast but was still launched at high speeds into the concrete wall of a building. "My.. god," he said. We need to get his hands off that grenade launcher. Either we get it away from him or he runs out of ammo and we're almost beat. Allan's back began to bleed. He got up and began to sprint towards the building. His morphed his arm into a sword as he was running. Making it to the side of the building, he launched himself up to the top of it next to Red. "I'm tired of your TOY!" he yelled, lopping the grenade launcher in half. "Now hopefully you'll fight me with your GENE/SIS!"
Feb 17, 2012 9:18 PM

Jun 2009
"sure but i get a handicap" In reds hand is a primed 40mm grenade. He slams the grenade down on Allans gene/sis the explosion launches them both back.
Feb 17, 2012 9:23 PM

Dec 2008
Allan entire arm explodes into tiny bits of god-knows-what as he flies back intensely the the ground, off the building. "DAAAAAAAAAAAN!" Allan screams at the top of his lungs, writhing in pain on the ground with a missing limb. From the base of his elbow, small tentacle-like vesicles squirm around. I took that one.. pretty hard.. Allan. "Damn it! God damn it!" he yells. "Grow back! Grow back god damn it!"

He stumbles up onto his feet. "I am going.. to kill you!"
Feb 17, 2012 9:26 PM

Jun 2009
The explosion sent red flying to the roof of the next building the forearm that the grenade was in is completly gone.

"didnt you already kill us once"
Feb 17, 2012 9:31 PM

Dec 2008
"It hurts.. it hurts.. it hurts.." he writhes. He falls to his knees clutching his upper bicep. "Dan.. please don't die," Allan begged. Just hold on. Dan's voice was static-like and hoarse sounding. "Dan you're eye is gone.. what am I supposed to do?!" Allan cried out. I can't guarantee my safety, just hold on. If I survive this, it will take awhile for your arm to fully regenerate itself because I don't have my eye. Allan continued to clutch his upper bicep while his head was to the ground.
Feb 17, 2012 9:34 PM

Jun 2009
Red grunted in pain. the grenade may have been a bad idea. "perhaps, lets get back to the hotel." Red starts jumping from building to building in a free running style.
Feb 17, 2012 9:37 PM

Dec 2008
I'm going to be okay, just get me back to the- Allan passed out on the pavement. Allan? Allan?! Wake up!
Feb 17, 2012 9:41 PM

Jun 2009

red arrived at the hotelwere he woke earlier. on the bed there was a very fancy leather brief case, atop it was a hk45 pistol, silencer, a few extra mags and a note eith instructions and an address. after a quick clothing change he was out the door with the case and on his way to his destination.

it was a short cab ride. the address brought red to the area hospital. the hospital was flooded with people from the terrorist attack. the pandemonium and chaos inside made it easy for red to slip in unnoticed. once down stairs he proped the suit case against a large gas pipe. "how many you think this will kill" my guess is somewhere in the thousand good''

Just as red started back up the stairs a custodian started down them, red dove next to the opening for the door way and as soon as the man walked through, boom. the silencer plus the overpoering noise of the chaos upstairs kept the shot nice and silent.

There was an old black ford sedan waiting for red outside. on the window was a note explaining that he should leave the area immeditley, 5 blcks is the safe distance. he hoped in the car and drove like a man man. just three blocks away the suitcase nuke exploded. The hospital was vaporized as well as the sourounding area, the shockwave and small EMP caused the sedan to die and red went out of control and crashed into a storefront. Unconsious
SajahoFeb 17, 2012 9:49 PM
Feb 18, 2012 9:56 AM

Dec 2008
((Ignoring that post, sorry but it's completely against what I was planning on doing. Plus that whole 'misguided' thing pissed me off to no extent. Sorry))

Waking up, Allan was still missing his arm. He stumbled to his feet, clothes torn and walking down the street. "Got to.. get out of London.. get help.. US," he muttered.

((Timeskipping. You guys do shit normally, I'm going to America))
Feb 18, 2012 2:21 PM

Jun 2009
Red broke free from the burning car and started his way to a privatley owned airstrip outside of town
Feb 23, 2012 5:25 AM

Dec 2008
A few weeks following Allan's sniper incident, he arrived in London again, fully recovered. "Ain't it somethin', Dan?" Allan asked. Huh? "I mean the attack. That shot should have left my arm completely immobilized for the rest of my life yet here it is, feeling good as new," he continued. Yeah, thanks to me. "Yeah, thanks."

"This place is pretty big. Glad the overseer decided to gimme this house for awhile," Allan said. There haven't been any terrorist attacks, must all be in New York right now.
Feb 24, 2012 8:58 PM

Feb 2009
hissss. Kazuki walks through the market place, breathing in the freshness of the commonplace despite the Chalfon's animals noises.groowlll.
Join the exciting adventure!
The God's World8059!
Feb 24, 2012 9:01 PM

Dec 2008
Allan, walking down the street, yawned and looked into the sky. "I guess I'm always getting separated from Silvie. Man this blows," Allan said. Uhh, Allan, I think we have a problem on our hands. See that guy in the market? He's a weird feeling MP unit. "Gotta be kidding me, here? Ugh," he continued.
Feb 24, 2012 9:12 PM

Feb 2009
ROAARRRR. Chalfon's voices starts to get louder. Kazuki casually looks around spots the strangers. He buys a shark tooth necklace from a vendor and slips off into an alley. "Synthesis, Chalfon." Kazuki whispers and his arms and legs changes to reptilian limbs. EERRReeerr. Kazuki climbs onto a roof of a building.
Join the exciting adventure!
The God's World8059!
Feb 24, 2012 9:38 PM

Dec 2008
"What the fuck?!" Allan yelled. People began screaming and panicking, fleeing the area. "Dan, what is that?!" Allan asked. Kill it. KILL IT NOW! Allan's arm morphs into a cannon, glowing with greenish energy. "Percent, Dan," he said. 25%. "Alright, let's see if this is effective," Allan said, aiming the cannon-arm at the reptilian thing and firing hell upon it.
Feb 24, 2012 9:51 PM

Feb 2009
Woof. Chalfon moves Kazuki's body before he could react, escaping the blast. Purrrs. "Thanks and I got it." He powers his reptilian legs and jumps across the market place. He flies over the attacker and throws a downward kick.
Join the exciting adventure!
The God's World8059!
Feb 25, 2012 9:14 AM

Dec 2008
"What the hell?" Allan said to himself, throwing his cannon up to block the kick. He indented into the ground from the power. Allan's arm morphed into a giant version of itself while in cannon mode, and he grabbed the MP. Allan chucked him clear up into the sky. Allan the thought wavelength I'm feeling from this one in more instinctive than anything. I don't think it's.. intelligent.
Feb 25, 2012 8:12 PM

Feb 2009
Cawwwww. Kazuki uses the force of his propelling body to stabilize his falling. As he dives towards the ground, giant feathering wings sprout from his back and he floats. Kazuki points at the man with his human-reptilian finger and directs, "You. What do you....Grrrrrr.... want from me?"
Join the exciting adventure!
The God's World8059!
Feb 25, 2012 11:04 PM

Dec 2008
"I am special operative Allan Ridley of the SPP units. I track and kill MP units, such as yourself. I am sorry, I am only doing my job," Allan said. Step it up a notch? "No, not yet," he whispered to himself. Allan's arm transformed back into a cannon, aiming it up at the MP. "I'll get serious when I get to use my sword.."
Feb 26, 2012 5:46 PM

Feb 2009
"I am no ordinary MP! Do not treat me like those barbaric creatures!" HIs right hand shifts into hybrid of rhino horns and shark teeth. Grrrr...Kill.....hissss. Kazuki dives down and smashes his mutant hand into the attacker's cannon.
Join the exciting adventure!
The God's World8059!
Feb 26, 2012 8:10 PM

Dec 2008
Allan's cannon is completely smashed up and destroyed. As this was happening, Allan planted his foot so hard into the MP and launched him away, reforming his arm into a blade afterward. "It's my job, no matter what. I am sorry," he stated, launching at the MP with his arm blade pointed directly at him.
Feb 27, 2012 1:45 PM

Feb 2008
Humming on a skyscraper high above the ground sits Abel eating a double cheeseburger pondering about. So... Are you gonna let him do as he pleases? Abel stops humming and eating. "Say, Gene... Which do you think is better? Cheeseburger with jam or chicken sandwich with bean paste? This is hardly the time and plac- Interrupting, Abel adds, "Obviously, after we settle this matter we need to celebrate!". Abel pushes himself off the skyscraper and decends. Hah, that'll be the day! Swiftly coming down like a bolt of lightning, stopping Allen's blade attack instantaneously with one hand. "Hey Al, long time no see, would you mind not hurting this particular MP? At least not until I'm finished with him". You should be more concerned about the MP. He might try to flee again. Abel responds calmly, "I wonder".
Feb 27, 2012 2:31 PM

Dec 2008
Allan's face grew into a frightened 'what the hell is he doing here' kind of look. "A.. Abe?" he asked, returning his arm to normal. Allan who is this guy? He's SPP, I can tell, but it seems you know him? "His name is Abel Cornelius. He was my best friend long ago before I met you. I can't believe.. he's here. And he is a Genesis host. I can't.. believe it. Abe?" Allan was utterly shocked.
Feb 27, 2012 4:58 PM

Feb 2009
Danger. Roar! Kazuki recognizes the new intruder. His animal instincts Jumps into action when he noticed an opening; venomous snakes jumps from his arms towards Abel's face. Knowing from previous experience of Abel's electro field, the snake did not get the chance. However, He uses that moment to do a roundhouse kick and kick Abel behind his neck with his electricity-protected reptilian leg. "What is going on here? Can I not shop for grocery like a normal person? I am not a monster". Kabuki says despite his looks. Grrr... he jumps into a safe distance.
-Madara-Feb 27, 2012 5:30 PM
Join the exciting adventure!
The God's World8059!
Feb 27, 2012 6:31 PM

Feb 2008
Getting kicked by Kazuki only manages to turn his head to the side. "Thank you sir, may I have another" Is what you are currently thinking. Abel smiles in a cynical matter before he responds. "Heh, you access things very quickly don't you? However, just knowing about it doesn't mean you will be able to counter it". Abel looks towards Allen and continues. "Hey Al, forgive me for meeting up with you so suddenly. That shocking look on your face is quite hysterical. And hey, look at you. You're the same as me". Quickly glancing back at Kazuki, Abel's hands spark uncontrollably. "Ah, I forgot about my important specimen. I have a bad habit of being distracted during important situations.Incidentally, that was the very reason he escaped in the first place Gene, interrupts. "Yeah well shit happens. Just like how shit is about to happen now~!" Abel retorts as he swings one of his arms before Kazuki, emitting electrical sparks that disappear before they reach him. Half a second later, Kazuki is surrounded by electrical sparks that rip through his skin as if the electricity was barbed wires.
Feb 28, 2012 2:20 PM

Dec 2008
"What the.. hell is going on here.. ?" Allan said, in awe. What an interesting turn of events, Allan. This is really weird. Do you think the overseer has him as an operative? "I don't.. know," Allan replied to Dan.
Feb 28, 2012 7:43 PM

Feb 2009
Kazuki was prepared for this attack. It was the reason why he jumped away after attacking. He had coated his body with a smooth bark layer. His foot was placed steady on the grown. The electric shock flowed into his body and into the ground taking a large portion of the damage with it. Still he was still majorly hurt and understood the that the odds were against him. "ROOOOOOOOOOOARRRRR" Chalfon screamed with a lion's roar and launched Kazuki into the air, flying away, still in his reptilian limbs and wooden insulating skin.
Join the exciting adventure!
The God's World8059!
Feb 29, 2012 2:28 PM

Dec 2008
Allan's arm transformed into a black spike. Woah, never seen you use this form before. "I got the idea awhile ago. A spear arm would be useful, y'know." Allan said. He pointed his arm at the MP. "Name. What is your name." he demanded.
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