Jan 14, 2012 3:36 PM
PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE CREATING A CHARACTER! There are three kinds of beings that live in Otherworld. There are humans, the ones who died and passed on to this realm, there are Cherub (kərūv); What you may know as Angels, or Demons. In the realm of Otherworld, however, they are metallic skeletal beings known to be native of the land. These beings harness a blue-green fire-like energy known as Chi. Chi is what makes up everything in this realm, and the Cherub harness it into a turquoise energy. Opposite of chi, or life energy, is Ki, or spirit energy. Spirit energy is what makes up Earth Realm, and Life Energy is what makes up Otherworld. These celestial beings known as Cherub wander the land in packs. They usually dress head to toe in ragged cloaks, covering all but their eyes. Their eye sockets glow with the turquoise energy, and they speak in ancient Hebrew. Few of them know English. The Cherub are what humans from Earth depict as Angels and Demons. They can access the Earth Realm at any time using their chi. Once they enter this realm, they take on the form of beautiful glowing angel-like creatures. They have been known to show up in important parts of history. Those who wander the desert occasionally encounter Cherubim peoples, but almost always end up dead because of it. The Cherubim people will kill the humans to make them one of their own. As soon as a Cherub will touch you, your entire skeletal structure is altered into the same metallic substance as the Cherub themselves. As long as they still have a grip on you, the area which they grasp will start eating away flesh until the entire body is a metallic skeleton, turning the human into a Cherub and erasing all memory/consciousness from the previous life. In other words, they become a new being. Among the human and Cherubim people are what's known as a Halve. Halves are humans who were subjected to a Cherubim skeleton, and survived. As soon as the Cherub were to touch them, they have gained the power to manipulate chi and travel between worlds. As long as the Cherub have grip on the person, however, the skin will deteriorate. Some people escape without any skin deteriorating. Most people escape with a metallic skeletal arm, free to use as their weapon to harness chi. Some maybe subjected to more, maybe a whole torso. As long as the head remain intact, the human will keep his human consciousness and become a Halve. Halves have a unique power. Other than the harness of chi, they can fashion it into a weapon of energy. Halves also have a gift. They can transform others into Halves as well, and on free will. Meaning they can touch anyone without turning them into Halves. When using their chi powers, Halves' eyes will glow turquoise. Also, the area where flesh stops and metallic bone starts would be known as the interval point, and that area is constantly surrounded by a turquoise flame (harmless to anything, and easily coverable by an article of clothing, and for those who don't know what it would look like; it looks similar to Allan Walker [from D. Gray-man]'s arm, where the anti-akuma weapon and shoulder connect). Those who have no flesh-loss, can deteriorate their own flesh for as long as they want in order to use it as a weapon. The same goes for all Halves. For a short time period, a Halve can transform into a full Cherub to access the awesome power of fate itself, and can overcome any obstacle. This transformation is limited to the Order of 12 only. When a Halve forms a weapon out of chi, it will differ with each Halve. The ones who have more skill and control will have a weapon that looks more sharp and detailed, most resembling a sword than anything else. Those who aren't as skilled will have a wild flame-like weapon. Humans have a unique ability. They are able to harness Ki, unlike Halves. They may stay neutral or fall into two paths. If they stray into the path of darkness, they can access the very power of Hell itself. These people are what's known as the Hellbenders. Those who follow the path of good, can call upon God-like powers of tremendous proportions. These people are known as the Godsend. Those who become Halves can NEVER access these powers, no matter what. Among the Halves there are the extremely gifted, the ones with enough skill to become one of the Order of 12. The Order of 12 are a group of Halves known to be the most powerful among the Halves themselves. The Order is composed of people that go by the names of the months. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December. For the humans there are two organizations for both Hellbenders and Godsend. For the Hellbenders, there is the infamous Black Syndicate, and for the Godsend there is the Divine Order. The Black Order is made up of 24 main members, and unlimited number of off-members. The main bosses of the Black Syndicate are Alpha, Beta, and Gamma. The other 21 are minor bosses. They follow as; Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Eta, Theta, Iota, Kappa, Lambda, Mu, Nu, Xi, Omicron, Pi, Rho, Sigma, Tau, Upsilon, Phi, Chi, Psi, Omega. All together that makes 24 bosses of the Black Syndicate. In the Divine Order, there are 7 main leaders and unlimited number of off-members. The main leaders of the Divine Order are Deftera, Triti, Tetarti, Pempti, Paraskevi, Savvato, and Kyriaki. For those of you that I do not know for your roleplaying, you will be given a chance to apply for any of these roles. You will choose what role you want, and then prove to me you are worthy for it. All of leader ranks are titles. You can choose to go by your title or your real name. Anyone else can apply for the same role you have, so be ready to battle for it. NOTE: You can roleplay as the Cherub also, but only if you are fighting it with your roleplay character or if your character is being attacked by one. Please also note that the Cherub speak Hebrew. Very few speak English. Human Template Name: Alias: [What you want to be called] Gender: Age: Birthday: Birthplace: History: [Give me some history on your character] Rank: Physical Appearance: [Pictures go here. If you are having trouble describing what your character looks like, go here to make a character. It is recommended, but not necessary] Weapons: [What weapon does your human from Earth carry and what does it look like] Godsend Template Name: Alias: [What you want to be called] Gender: Age: Birthday: Birthplace: History: [Give me some history on your character] Rank: Physical Appearance: [Pictures go here. If you are having trouble describing what your character looks like, go here to make a character. It is recommended, but not necessary] Godsend Powers: [What godsend powers do you have? Make sure they have a divine feel to them, and nothing extremely powerful that can wipe out everyone or anything in one blow. Be fair!] Hellbender Template Name: Alias: [What you want to be called] Gender: Age: Birthday: Birthplace: History: [Give me some history on your character] Rank: Physical Appearance: [Pictures go here. If you are having trouble describing what your character looks like, go here to make a character. It is recommended, but not necessary] Hellbender Powers: [What hellbender powers do you have? Make sure they have a hellish dark feel to them, and nothing extremely powerful that can wipe out everyone or anything in one blow. Be fair!] Halve Template Name: Alias: [What you want to be called] Gender: Age: Birthday: Birthplace: History: [Give me some history on your character] Rank: Physical Appearance: [Pictures go here. If you are having trouble describing what your character looks like, go here to make a character. It is recommended, but not necessary] Halve Appearance: [What part of your body was subjected to Cherub hands?] Halve Powers: [What do you do with your chi? What kind of weapon do you fashion with it? If you don't fashion a weapon, what do you do with your chi?] NOTE: By fashioning a weapon, I mean that you use the chi flame energy substance to form the shape of a weapon. It stays in the flame energy state, it just takes the shape of a weapon. NOTE: You can make up to 5 characters. |
HamnFeb 12, 2012 10:28 PM
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Jan 15, 2012 10:08 AM
Halve Template Name: Aaron of August Alias: He goes by August Gender: Male Age: Looks to be in mid 20's Birthday: N/A Birthplace: N/A Rank: Order of 12's August History: "..So there he was, on his knees infront of a Cherubim skeleton himself. Aaron, eyes wide and frightened, was looking directly into its eyes. The Cherub took both of his hands, as if praying with him when Aaron felt his body transform. He felt his skeletal structure alter it's very substance. He felt the unique power of life flow through him when his arms started to deteriorate. As soon as they deteriorated up near the shoulders, he ripped away screaming, and ran.." Physical Appearance: Thin sunglasses, and a suit with no undershirt. He also has turquoise colored eyes. ![]() Halve Appearance: Both of his arms, but he is able to reform flesh made of chi around them to make them look whole. Halve Powers: He can fire it like a cannon or turn it into a sword. He can make it any kind of sword, or dagger if he wants. He usually just uses this form (remember that it's made of pure energy, not actual metal) : ![]() APPROVED! |
HamnJan 28, 2012 10:56 AM
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Jan 24, 2012 5:32 PM
Name: Zsazsa Wynter Alias: Tainted Queen Gender: Female Age: Unknown. Her appearance is that of a teen. Birthday: 6th June Birthplace: Unknown History: Not much is knwn about Zsazsa. Her origins and backgrounds are a mystery, that still remain hidden. Her first appearance was in the City of Xerxes, were her black flames burned all who opposed her to a burnt crisp. It was this single act of destruction that rose her to prominence. The news of the 'White Haired girl who wielded black fire' spread far and wide. This soon attracted the attention of the black syndicate. It wasn't long before she joined thier ranks. With her help, the Black Syndicate became as powerful as it is today. She strength was recognized by all, which allowed her to reach the position of Alpha. Rank: Alpha Physical Appearance: ![]() Hellbender Powers: "Daemon Blaze" The ability to produce and control scourching black flames, that burn all it touches. "Death Perception" The ability to perceive Death. This ability, found only in her right eye, allows Zsazsa to the death of all things. This comes in the form of cracks, and by cutting along and splitting these cracks, she can take an object apart. APPROVED! |
ChotgoriinJan 25, 2012 11:00 AM
Jan 24, 2012 7:29 PM
Human Template Name: Roku Alias: N/A Gender: Male Age: 22 Birthday: October 5 Birthplace: USA (Raised in Japan, given Japanese name) History: He's an auto-mechanic. Makes all kinds of things. Rank: N/A Physical Appearance: ![]() Weapons: A mechanized blade that slides out of a hilt that he carries around. He also uses a hoverboard he made. It's shaped like a snowboard, and has stereo-head-like circles on the bottom to fly. It is also colored just like his outfit, and has two round magnetic plates on the top where his boots are magnetically sealed on so he doesn't fall off. There's a watch on his right arm that controls it when he's not on. APPROVED! |
HamnJan 24, 2012 7:43 PM
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Jan 25, 2012 5:10 PM
Godsend Template Name:Iwasawa Asami Alias: Ia Gender:Female Age:17 Birthday:Unknown Birthplace:Easten Himalaya History:Iwasawa was born to a tribe of normad.She was taught the way of the hunter and the way to live.One day as she was hunting she was trapped outside with a snowstorm coming.She hide out the storm by hiding in a cave.It was there that she was found by Kirin.They then fought for several hour with Iwasawa becoming the winner.Instead of killing Kirin she let it live.There they stay until she died from lack of food/water.It was then that she saw that she was in a strange world.And that she was not the only one,It seem also that the Kirin followed her.From there on forward they have stuck togther to tough it out of anything. Rank:Kyriaki Physical Appearance: ![]() Godsend Power: Raigeki-Kirin generate lighting in it mare and horn.Kirin then charge at the target to either impale or tample them.Kirin also leave a trail of lighting behind him. Raigo-Iwasawa creates a huge spherical cloud filled with electricity. The ball has enough power to destroy an small island the size of Hawaii.However this must be use with Kirin. Lighting Edge-Iwasawa gather the enegry from Kirin lighting attack around her hand to shock enemy or to damage them usually provide fatal. APPROVED! |
FockfearJan 26, 2012 5:39 PM
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Jan 26, 2012 6:48 PM
Name: Hijiri Kusuga Alias: Unseen One Gender: Female Age: 21 Birthday: 7th Febuary Birthplace: Xerxes History: The personal assisstant of Zsazsa Wynter, The Tainted Queen. She is completely loyal to her mistress. Everything about Hijiri is shrouded in mystery. Even her very exsistence is known only to high ranking members of The Black Syndicate. Rank: Unranked Physical Appearance: ![]() Hellbender Powers: "Shadow Meld" The ability to meld completely with any shadow, completely erasing her presence. "Hidden Pathways" A limited form of teleportation, that uses Shadows as a medium "Kusuga-Style Ninjutsu" NInjutsu that utilizes a Hellbenders natural energy to perform techiques, such as creating doppelgangers or shapeshifting. "Nightvision" The ability to see in the Dark. APPROVED! |
HamnJan 26, 2012 8:27 PM
Jan 26, 2012 6:54 PM
Name:Demera of December Alias:she goes by "D" ; her alias is Crystal Rose. Gender:Female Age:Her appearance is of late teens. Birthday:28th December,the year is a mystery. Birthplace:Unknown.She has vague memories of it. History: "A temple.Torches burning with blue flames.An angel behind me,I can see her beautiful face in this mirror...I feel pain.Deep pain,burning my back.I feel life and death struggling in my eyes are blind...I feel my heart beating slower,my blood getting cold in my frozen veins.I turn around,with a power I didn't know I had.Flame,blue flame burns out of my hands,forming a sword.A crystalized fire sword...I slice the creature in front of me,which screams in pain.I hear and soon I can see it burning:blood,on the white marble floor.I'm in a temple.I see roses on an altar...I remember now:I was supposed to be a sacrifice for the Crimson Angel that said will destroy my hole village...unless they sacrifice me.How selfish everyone is....Sempre Fi,I shall destroy those filthy beings..." Her personality is very various.She is rather a polite and taciturn person,as she is able to control her hate for everyone except the Halves,who she loves.In combat,she is merciless,sadistic and very cruel,rather torturing than killing quickly. Rank:Order of 12's December Physical Appearance: ![]() ![]() Halve Appearance:Her back is burned,under her white dress you can see the horrible huge scar.She however creates the illusion that her back is normal,aside from covering it with her cloak. Halve Powers: Crystalization This ability makes D able to make her chi become pure crystal or glass,with different resistance(how hard it is to destroy,and how hard can it cut) rates. Sapphire Sword She also,via chi crystals can create various weapons,but she seems to prefer this sword: ![]() Crying Clouds This particular one involves mercury(Hg) as her power mainly consists in manipulation of crystals and their chemical construction,she is also able to control some chemicals,but she masters mainly mercury,being able to create poisonous "showers" of Hg,that fall from small or large clouds. Particle Perception She can control matter at subatomic level,and this also grants her the ability to feel any presence,even where the eye cannot. Cherub Form:Flower of Life In her Cherub form,she can control all life,absorbing the attacks,extracting the chi from the enemy,making it her own and using it for a much larger amount of power and time in a Cherub form. APPROVED! |
AngelicXIFeb 2, 2012 10:02 AM
Jan 27, 2012 2:36 PM
Name: Amos of August Alias: N/A Gender: Male Age: Looks to be in mid 20's Birthday: N/A Birthplace: N/A Rank: The other half of the Order of 12's Aaron of August History: Amos is the other personality that resided inside Aaron of August's body. Aaron poured chi into a fake body along with a portion of his soul to get rid of Amos for good. Physical Appearance: ![]() Halve Appearance: Both of his arms, but he is able to reform flesh made of chi around them to make them look whole. Halve Powers: He can fire it like a cannon or turn it into a sword. He can make it any kind of sword, or dagger if he wants. APPROVED! |
HamnJan 28, 2012 11:00 AM
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Jan 27, 2012 3:25 PM
Godsend Template Name:Medea El Arah-Nanel Alias:Sephiri Empress Gender:Female Age:she looks as if she's in her twenties. Birthday:Unknown. Birthplace:Unknown. History:Little is known about Medea before she became the Deftera,but many things can be said once she became a Godsend.When she first show up,the hellbenders that were attacking some godsends died in an instant,being erased by a white feather rain. She shows a very merciless side with Hellbender kin,and her ultimate goal is to destroy them all,starting with the annoying Tainted Queen. She is not bothered by human and halves company,and sometimes help those when they need to. As for personality,she is optimistic,cheerful,polite and kind. Rank:Deftera Physical Appearance: ![]() Godsend Powers: The Angel Of The Opera Using her singing voice,she can paralyze hellbenders,who are forced to kneel. Feather Storm Adjusting her wings size after her own will,she can blow her feathers on the enemy,creating illusions which tire both body and soul to an extreme point,and from there the soul is sent away. Tears Of An Angel Her tears are special.They can heal wounds,bot physical and life energy,but they take out of her stamina. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Halve Template Name:Miranda Of The Shadows Alias:Mira,"The Dove" Gender:Female Age:Unknown;her appearance is the one of a lady in her late teens/early twenties. Birthday:December 1st 1310 Birthplace:Barcelona,Spain History:"I'm in a darkened cabin,now windows can be seen.I slowly open my eyes.A man whit beautiful comes closer to me. 'You're awake.' he smiles,while I realize I'm laying there naked. 'Who you are?' I ask,my voice shaking and sounding insecure. 'No one important.What matters is that you'll become what I am,' he smirks rudely and evil,placing both his hands on my stomach.I soon find myself crying and screaming in pain.'Stop it!Stop it,I'm begging you!It hurts!Stop it,please!' I beg for mercy trough tears. 'Scream how much you like,no one will hear you.' he grins,and starts to laugh.Paralysis embraces my body,I soon feel pain no more.Unconsciously,I move my hand in the air and spread my finger,mumbling some words I cannot understand.A pentagram forms,even if I can't see it clearly trough my eyes blurred with tars.Soon,the burning hands are there no more.The dove that appeared from the pentagram killed the man,who's now ashes at my feet. I fall asleep,in a tiring sleep... As I wake up,two friendly shinning blue eyes and a pale face greets me.'Are you okay,miss?' she asks,concern in her voice and eyes.I widen my eyes,to see her better.I'm laying on a white bed,and a beautiful lady with the hair tied in a complicated bun sits on a chair near my bed,brushing one hand softly on my forehead. 'Y-yes...' I murmur,weakly.'W-where....a-am I?' I ask,remembering the man who attacked me.The lady sighs. 'Welcome to otherworld.Starting today,you're a Halve.We are the ones that survived cherubim attacks.I am Demera of December.' she says.I widen my eyes and ask the lady to develop further. Is this a dream?Because,she looks like an angel in that white dress..." Rank:She does not own a particular rank.She is Demera's right hand. Physical Appearance: ![]() Halve Appearance:Her stomach.A huge scar around her belly button,who looks like a pair of wings because of the hand pattern marks the place.Even if the flesh was reconstructed,the reddish print still lays there. Halve Powers: Dove Pentagram A pentagram that uses her chi to create bigger or smaller doves that can burn because of the flames residing in them. Blue Blood Cutting her wrists she can create a sword out of her own blood combined with chi flames. It kinda looks like this,but it's made of blue fire: ![]()'s a secret! This one with funny name completely masks her energy,her presence,from anyone except of D's perception,who can feel anyone anyways. APPROVED! |
AngelicXIJan 27, 2012 4:57 PM
Jan 28, 2012 11:58 AM
Halve Template Name:Norton of November Alias:Norton Gender: Male Age:52 Birthday:Nov. 19 Birthplace:Earth History: As Norton moved through Death Valley for 3 days during the hottest month of the year he knew he would die. And as he took his dieing huffs he saw an angel the angel grabbed him. As he slowly went away he had a sudden rush of power and he stood up and struggled out. Norton escaped and found his way to a gas station in the middle of nowhere. Where he found his left arm to be nothing but a metal skeleton. That was 10 years ago today Norton try's to live as normal as possible. But his position makes him anything but. Rank:One of the 12. Physical Appearance: ![]() Halve Appearance:His left hand Halve Powers: He makes the Wolf seen in the background of his pic. He also makes shields. APPROVED! |
HamnJan 28, 2012 1:31 PM
Jan 28, 2012 1:58 PM
Halve Template Name:Sena of September Alias:Sensei Gender:Female Age:Her appearance late twenties. Birthday:13th September Birthplace:Never Stated. History: "I'm lost in a forest.As I step on the fallen leaves,I realize it's autumn.I'm running,running for my life.But the man and woman that are chasing me are much faster.They wear some glasses,I can't see their eyes;but they are dressed in white,and everytime I look behind me,they are more and more closer.It's a long in front of me,but I can't stop running.I step on it and I fall.The woman gets my hair and rises me to her eye level.She's taller with 3 feet than me,so now I'm hanging in the air.She starts to choke me,and I feel it burning.The man soon reaches,and I feel his cold hands grabbing my hips,giving me that burning sensation.I scream in pain in few seconds,and my eyes blur with tears.I soon feel my body eased,and the pain breaks away.I do not own control on my body anymore.I move my hands in the air,and even with my blurry vision I see shinning turquoise butterfly-like figures surrounding us.Soon,I lay on my knees,breathing heavily,the two laying dead at my feet." Rank:She is September in the Order of 12. Physical Appearance: ![]() Halve Appearance:Her neck and hips.She reconstructs flesh over the black skeleton once a month to keep a normal appearance. Halve Powers: La Reine des les Papillons(it's translation from french is "The Queen of Butterflies") The butterflies from the bio come in larger or smaller sizes,poisoning everything they touch,from levels that vary from producing temporary or permanent paralyze to a deadly degree. La Reine de la Guerre(it's translation from french is "The Queen of War") Her eyes loose the separation between the iris and the white of the eye,becoming fully turquoise and shinny.Flames come out of nowhere,shinny turquoise flames that burn like hell,but not to a deadly degree. Excalibur The sword,of course.It's made of flames,turquoise flames surrounding a silver version of this sword: ![]() Tempête des les Feuilles(it's translation from French is "Storm of Leaves") Shiny turquoise chi leaves that give traumatic dreams or illusion,or just cause a deep sleep,depending on Sena's wish. APPROVED! |
HamnJan 28, 2012 4:16 PM
Jan 29, 2012 3:02 PM
HamnJan 29, 2012 8:23 PM
Jan 29, 2012 8:46 PM
Human Template Name: Kisuke Alias: Kei Gender: Male Age: 27 Birthday: February 2 Birthplace: USA History: Kisuke is Roku's older brother by 5 years. Physical Appearance: Kisuke wears a tattered karate outfit. He has hand wraps and foot wraps. He is medium height, about 5'9" and lean. He's not super buff, but very built. He is skinny, not just super buff. ![]() ![]() Weapons: Kisuke is a master of various Martial Arts, and also a master at harnessing Ki (Spirit Energy). He uses the energy in concentrated blasts or as a catalyst to refine his martial arts skills into deadly super blows. His only weapon: His fist! APPROVED! |
HamnJan 30, 2012 11:11 PM
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Jan 31, 2012 7:52 AM
Hellbender Template Name: Kai Alias: The Shadow Assasin Gender: Male Age: N/A, looks 14. Birthday: N/A Birthplace: N/A History: Kai had never been depending on others. He is always wandering around by himself, using his own powers to protect himself from attacks. Kai has never shown any emotions and is always thinking everyone to be hostile. The only smiles Kai has shown was when he got into a fight that almost costed him his life, it was a dark and sinister smile. His powers have given him the name 'The Shadow Assasin', due to its manipulation of shadows. Rank: Independent Physical Appearance: ![]() Hellbender Powers: Shadow Manipulation APPROVED! |
HamnJan 31, 2012 2:25 PM
Jan 31, 2012 5:07 PM
Name: Marik of March Alias: Elegant Beast Gender: Male Age: 26 Birthday: 1st March Birthplace: London, England History: An Flamboyant, effiminate man who enjoys the simple pleasure of observing natures elegance. He can be strangely poetic at times, and is seemingly always cheerful. He has always loved flowers, and once on a popular Flourist in London. He even succeeded in breeding Blue Roses. Wanting to see the world, he left his shop to his assisstant, and left. Marik spent many years travelling, enjoying the beauty of the world and its plantlife. Then he encountered That.... A skeletal creature, surrounded in turqouise flame. It only touched him once, for a brief moment, but that was more than enough. His arm changed. His veins bulged. The pain was excrutiating. But he survived, somehow. Ever since that fateful day, his life has never been the same. Rank: Order of the 12 Physical Appearance: ![]() Halve Appearance: The entirety of his right arm. The veins are larger that a normal persons, making it seem as if roots are growing underneath the skin. Halve Powers: His weapon of choice is an elegantly designed Rapier. Blossoms of Spring Marik can turn his Chi into a petal like form, sharper than any blade. He can create millions of them at anyone time, and control them with simple gestures . Vibrant Display Marik's chi takes the form of numerous vines, that trap and ensnare his opponents. When they have been suitably subdued, the vines then grow flower bods, which absorb the opponents chi. When they bloom, the Chi is turned back on the opponents in a explosion of petals. APPROVED! |
HamnJan 31, 2012 7:45 PM
Feb 1, 2012 5:03 PM
Hellbender Template Name: Jack Hel Alias: The Cackling Jackal Gender: Male Age: unknown, looks older than 17 but less than 21 Birthday: October 31st Birthplace: unknown History: Rose to the 2nd rank posistion through a variety of ways. He is not the most... moralistic of Hellbenders and that's saying something compared to his other macabre kin. He's threatened, tempted, trick, deceived, lied, and corrupted his way to the top. But don't mistake him for being physically weak, he can hold his own and then some in almost any 'scuffle'. His 2 colored eyes are a rarity and he says symbolize 'choices people make'... its one of his unique features. Rank: Beta Physical Appearance: ![]() Hellbender Powers: Jack's 7 Sins 1.) DragonsMaw: Can spew molten red flamesflames from his mouth. Its hot enough to melt rocks into a puddle of goo. Power is multiplied in TeethInDarkness form as well it can be launched from anywhere there is shadow... 2.) ToadsTongue: His tongue can extend and serve as a 5th limb... kinda like super frog/toad tongue. It reaches up to at least 8 ft in length if needed and its very, very strong. Extends further and can 'split' in TeethInDarkness form and be reached out from anywhere there is shadow... 3.) IncubusLips: Quite the natural womanizer, but he can also suck the life and willpower out of anyone or anything through lip contact. Seductiveness increases in TeethInDarkness form as well as his potency in power absorbtion... 4.) VoicesRespite: Has the ability to mimic any voice to a degree of a completely disturbing nature. He can not only mimic but mock people with those voices. While in TeethInDarkness form, shadows can assume a silohuete of the person's voice he is mimicking... 5.) SinisterSaliva: All of his body fluids, everything from blood to spit. Is made up of a venomous/acidic compound. Serves as a fuel for his DragonsMaw ability as well, meaing its very flammable too. When in TeethInDarkess form, its potency incresases significantly and can be spat from anywhere there is shadow... 6.) PearlyWhites: His teeth can bite through anything, their like a diamond based compound great enough to etch glass and carve steel. When in TeethInDarkness form, he gains multiple sets of teeth that seem to glow in the dark and can attack from anywhere that there is shadow... Finally.... 7.) TeethInDarkness: Can fade and turn invisible into any dark or dimly lighted place. His body literally melts into shadow and he gains an almost insubstanial chi based form. With this form he can 'fast travel towards anywhere there is shadow within a ONE MILE radius... WEAKNESS: Outside of the shadows he can be injured by both chi and ki attacks. However when he goes into TeethInDarkness form he becomes VERY sensitive to any form of light based chi attacks and can be weakened or forced to retreat because of it. Otherwise he is immune to ALL ki based attacks as TeethInDarkness... APPROVED! |
Gibz0maticFeb 7, 2012 2:35 PM
Feb 4, 2012 4:28 PM
Human Template Name: Ryu Shunsen Alias: Blood Wolf Gender: Male Age: 22 Birthday: July 19th Birthplace: Kyoto, Japan History: The head of the Muen Tenshi, and brother to Hijiri. He travels to Xerxes upon hearing of Hijiri's death, to retrieve her body and take her place as Zsazsa accomplice. He was trained since childhood, and learnt many crucial survival skills under the guidance and watchful eye of Genshiro, the previous clan head. He was doing one of this training sessions, deep in the woods surrounding the villiage, that he discovered Hijiri. She was ragged and scared. He brought her back to the village, and was welcomed into his family. Upon the death of Genshiro, he succeeded as the clan head. It was during this turbulent time when the village was most vunerable. They were under near constant attack from rivals. It was also when they met Zsazsa Wynter, who saved the village. Since they, a pact was formed. One of the clans top members would serve her, and be replaced when needed. While mostly silent, Ryu has the demeanor and wisdom of a man far older than himself, due to his prolific lineage and mantle as a respected ninja. His exploits have given him an attitude far removed from most others, and he understands things in more abstract and philosophical terms. He adopts a tranquil nature, free flowing most of the time, but unforgiving and crushing when roused. His personality can range between two extremes. Outside of battles he is modest and refined, often speaking politely and being respectful.In life and death combat with his enemies he is cold, calculative and brutal, killing without mercy. Rank: Unranked Physical Appearance: ![]() Underneath the ninja mask and hood reveals a youthful face, with short dirty blonder hair. Weapons: As well as wiedling his Clan's Katana, the Kiki-Momji, and other Ninja tools like Shuriken, Ryu has mastered numerious Ninpo. They are Ninja spells, at involves utilizing his Ki. Art of Shadow Walker A unique Ninpo that Ryu placed on his own body. It create a sort of 'Deadzone' around his body, concealing his Ki and preventing people from detecting it. Art of Snow Storm A Genjutsu Illusion. Activated by the chant "rin pyo to sha kai jin retsu zai zen", it creates the illusion of a swirling Snow Storm, lasting for half a minute. While providing now attack power, it is used for covert operations. Art of Kamatachi A Ninpo that converts the caster's Ki into slashing blades of wind.This Ninpo amplifies sharp waves of vacuum created by lighting-fast movements of the arms. The blades of vacuum radiate from the caster, moving in straight line. They work like any other blade, and can blocked like a normal one. Art of Phoenix Flame A Ninpo that converts the caster's Ki into 4 protective phoenix spirits. This Ninpo summons the spirits of sacred Phoenixes to fly about the caster and protect him with their holy flame. It is used as a temporary shield against attacks, but can be broken with enough force and repeated attacks. Art of Thunder Lance A Ninpo that amplifies his bioelectric current and shoots it out towards his surrounding enemies. They resemble a Lance in shape. Art of Inferno A Ninpo that converts the caster's Ki into crimson flames. This ninpo uses the power of telekinesis to hurl a flaming mass of pyrokinetic energy at a desired target. The Art of Inferno is highly effective against enemies in front of the caster. Those unlucky enough to fall victim to this ninpo are completely engulfed in flame. Ninja Clones A Ninpo that uses the Caster's Ki to create full body clones. These are controlled telepathically by the original body. Art of Raging Mountain God A secret Muen Tenshi technique. Chanting the incantation and performing the gestures imbues the body with all other the Caster Ki, allowing them to release an earthquake-like shock wave. A dangerous technique to use, it takes time to gather all the Ki, and leaves the caster exhausted afterwards. APPROVED |
HamnFeb 4, 2012 7:53 PM
Feb 5, 2012 4:44 PM
Hellbender Template Name:dark Alias: Shadowbane Gender: male Age: 20 Birthday: Gamma Birthplace: fathers basement History: he dosent know who he is. his only mission is to find memories but he dosent noe were to start but his cold hearted to people to me rimes hes lazy but must of all he never backs down from a figth. but he has a little darknes to his heart. Rank: unranked Physical Appearance: ![]() Hellbender Powers: can summon any weapon and his fav is the bloody crimson dragon gentleness 2.control of shadows 3.controls fire 4. demonic frenzy 5.demon summoning APPROVED! |
ArashiYamazakiFeb 11, 2012 11:36 AM
Feb 8, 2012 4:19 PM
GENE/SIS Template Name: Allan Ridley Alias: Allan or Ridley is fine. Gender: Male Age: 25 Birthday: N/A Birthplace: USA History: This power was forced upon Ridley by the leader of his former gang, in order to do their bidding. Afterwards he wiped out the leader and left on his own. Physical Appearance: ![]() Weapon Type: SPP Weapon Appearance: His right hand has an eye on the back of it. His entire arm will morph into a large sword, and nearing the base of the sword, large black veins surround the base along with all of his arm in weapon form. APPROVED |
HamnFeb 10, 2012 2:56 PM
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Feb 9, 2012 2:41 PM
GENE/SIS Template Name:Silver "Silvia" O'Neil Alias:Silvia,Silvy Gender:Female Age:17 Birthday:13th of May Birthplace:The USA History:Before her transformation,her memories are blurry and few.This thing was forced upon her so she has now to live with her alter-ego;a cold and maniac killer,created by the symbiotic component.When she kills,she can't stop.Other than that,her fear of hurting keeps her as a loner. Physical Appearance: ![]() Weapon Type:Military Protocol Weapon Appearance: The eye is located on her abdomen.It develops into black veins down her legs,creating two great chainsaws blades on her each ankle sides,with chains attached(useful to throw the exterior side blades,and keep only the interior ones to cut).She usually however just jumps and cuts,using her legs as tilts. APPROVED |
AngelicXIFeb 10, 2012 2:49 PM
Feb 9, 2012 4:45 PM
Gene/Sis Template name: shade Alias: red Death Dragon age:21 Birthday:N/A Birthplace:Tokyo,japan History: shade was about to die but a vocie called out to him saying live and give me part of u so u can save or destory this world. Physical Appearance: ![]() Weapon Appearance: The location of Shade's GENE/SIS eye is on his left shoulder. His GENE/SIS parasitic weapon is his left arm and can morph into anything he wants it to, including a sword and such. APPROVED! |
HamnFeb 9, 2012 6:08 PM
Feb 11, 2012 1:24 AM
GENE/SIS Template Name:Albus Lucifis Alias:Albus Gender: Male Age:34 Birthday:15 Jun. Birthplace:Berlin, Germany History:Albus is a nature killer without emotions to spare. He is quite sane. Having been part of the GENE process since birth it is a miracle how he has kept his sanity and 'weapon' under wraps for so long. Physical Appearance: ![]() Weapon Type: MP (Military Protocol) Weapon Appearance:At birth a parasite was attached to his left hand. The left hand can turn into daggers, maces, ball n' chain and a cannon. APPROVED! |
HamnFeb 11, 2012 5:31 PM
Feb 12, 2012 10:28 PM
Name: Yuna Honeydew Alias: Scarlet Robe Gender: Female Age: 23 Birthday: March 11th Birthplace: London, England History: Yuna was just a shy average girl until chosen to be an SPP. With her parasite, Krom, she has become the second most powerful SPP known. As part of a bet she killed 40 MP's in a row using nothing but creative ways to kill with a dumpster. Seriously. She has no mercy for MP's. Period. If she runs into one she will attack it, end of story. Physical Appearance: Weapon Type: Standard Protection Protocol Weapon Appearance: Tentacles coming from the back of her neck that can take on a variety of different forms. |
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