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Sep 21, 2011 5:26 AM

Jan 2009
nice episode im shock to see a lot of whiners in this thread though lol
Sep 21, 2011 7:25 AM

Feb 2010
RD said:
I don't know if anyone has considered this possibility, but maybe Satan was tricking Yuri all along just so she would bear his children for him. This is so that he could gain full control of a body in Assiah just like he did here with Yukio. This would fit in perfectly with his evil character that we have all being assuming before.

I agree with this! There are always some naive people in the world that might think they are doing the right thing... Satan probably just showed that to Yukio because it would mentally tire him, so he could be possessed, same thing that happened to Fujimoto (I think thats his name). Anyway this is what I think about it.

Other than that it was a pretty good ep. :D
Sep 21, 2011 7:38 AM

Mar 2010
Yeah satan is no good guy, this was his plan all along but damn that guy takes his time for plans, waiting 16 years for a good body.. After 1 year i would have already forgotten the plan.

Sep 21, 2011 8:13 AM
Sep 2011
j0x said:
nice episode im shock to see a lot of whiners in this thread though lol

haha whiners like me huh! :P
Sep 21, 2011 9:50 AM
Review Moderator

Jun 2007
Only cause they tried making Satan the good guy, I feel FRUSTRATED!
I hope he was tricking Yuri but even if he was, the girl was extremely stupid in both cases. I can't even feel sad for her. In the whole flashback, I just only thought "What is wrong with you?!" I actually pity Rin and Yukio for having her as their mother rly -_- And Yukio, isntead of being extremely offended by the flashback, he should see that his mother was a tiny bit stupid and brought all this to herself. GAWD ~.~
Sep 21, 2011 10:58 AM

Sep 2010
outlawauron said:
Paiguy said:
Did they seriously just try to paint Satan in a sympathetic light?


Yes they did. It's pretty humorous as they try to paint him in a positive light and then follow it up with the apocalypse starting.

Sep 21, 2011 12:10 PM

Feb 2010
1. Geezuz, is Satan good or bad?

2. what about mephisto and Aminon are they REALLY related to Rin and Yukio?

3. What does Satan look like 4 real? I mean we've all seen some pretty god awful variations of Satan. (Even though he's just supposed 2 be a fallen angel).

Anywayyyy, great episode :)
Sep 21, 2011 3:00 PM

Jul 2010
For those of you who think Satan is caring, remember SATAN WAS TELLING THE STORY to get Yukio angry. Of course he wasn't loving to Yuri, he just wanted her to bear his sons so he can have a 'perfect vessel'.

Or, at least, that's my opinion :)
Sep 21, 2011 4:02 PM

Sep 2010
fishergirl16 said:
For those of you who think Satan is caring, remember SATAN WAS TELLING THE STORY to get Yukio angry.

Ok, I need to agree with you. Anyway, they put it in a sense that seems like Satan have a good side. :|
Sep 22, 2011 2:11 AM

Mar 2009
Blue Exorcist season 2: My Little Satan can't Possibly be this Cute!

Satan: I-it's not like I'm in love with you, Yuri, or anything!
Sep 22, 2011 8:07 AM

Mar 2010
This anime turns into self-parody...
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Sep 22, 2011 1:05 PM

Aug 2010
This anime is great, especially with the plot twists in this episode. Satan pondering what's life like as a human and whatnot? What an interesting perspective.
Sep 22, 2011 2:57 PM
Sep 2011
Haha, this topic is hilarious. I remember times when Anime didn't draw clear lines between good and evil, hero and bad guy. When someone was evil, he had at least interesting motive or personality. Now when Satan was pictured as some Asshole-ish punk, everyone was cool with it. Now, they pictured him as some ancient presence trying to reach life in world from where he was banished from, and whom motives might not be completly sinister and people are in uproar. Yeeey the bad guy might not be a complete bad guy, how confusing, what are we suppoused to do?

Funny thing is, that this is actually more realistic. I doubt Satan is suppoused to be some giggling madman, but on the other hand, there are thousands of proofs in history that religious fanatics, christians included, were royal assholes that slaugthered innocent for rather pathetic reasons.

Ranting aside, anyone knows name of the music playing when Yuri was speaking about her encounter with satan? Can't find on the ost cd.
Sep 22, 2011 4:02 PM

May 2009
Rohoznick said:
Haha, this topic is hilarious. I remember times when Anime didn't draw clear lines between good and evil, hero and bad guy. When someone was evil, he had at least interesting motive or personality. Now when Satan was pictured as some Asshole-ish punk, everyone was cool with it. Now, they pictured him as some ancient presence trying to reach life in world from where he was banished from, and whom motives might not be completly sinister and people are in uproar. Yeeey the bad guy might not be a complete bad guy, how confusing, what are we suppoused to do?

Maybe pepole are in uproar because Satan never did anything to deserve the title of "Anti Villain", as the final minutes of this episode has shown to us?

Rohoznick said:
Funny thing is, that this is actually more realistic. I doubt Satan is suppoused to be some giggling madman, but on the other hand, there are thousands of proofs in history that religious fanatics, christians included, were royal assholes that slaugthered innocent for rather pathetic reasons.

Yes, because a few fanatical men are far worse than the Ultimate Evil itself. I find it realistic as a flying pig.

Anyway, this episode has shown why the True Cross Order is the worst demonslaying organisation ever. Is it possible that everyone buys Satan's words so easily?! Do we need to remind them that Devil means "defamer" in Greek?! They're supposed to not fall into temptation but every time they meet a demon they always do that! Do they think that Satan is a really trustworthy person?! If I were God, I'll tell those pepole to do anythinge else than fighting evil.

Also, the attempt from the anime producers to paint Satan as an anti villain completely backfired, not that he was any better before. Ao no Exorcist, Paradise Lost you ain't.
Sep 23, 2011 12:51 AM

Nov 2010
So I never read the manga, and I loved the show when it wasn't so serious, but I love it now as things are getting more serious as well, I can understand people's frustrations when a show doesn't follow the manga they loved so much. And I can understand people being pissed that Satan is suddenly portrayed in a different light.

I could rant about how the story was told from satan's viewpoint, or any of the other many flaws people have been finding displeasure in. But I liked this show, it doesn't mean I have lower standards or no appreciation for good anime. It's just, once you realize what a show it with that in mind, don't turn yourself into a jaded anime-fan in a never ending pursuit of the ultimate anime.

When a show is decent, just watch it and enjoy it, when a show sucks...just don't.

Rant done :D
Sep 23, 2011 2:14 AM
Sep 2011
Arashi89 said:

Maybe pepole are in uproar because Satan never did anything to deserve the title of "Anti Villain", as the final minutes of this episode has shown to us?

Yes, because a few fanatical men are far worse than the Ultimate Evil itself. I find it realistic as a flying pig.

Yeah, inconsistency of his character doesn't make much sense as of now, but there was 15 years between him meeting Yuri and current point of anime, so that change might be explained yet, either by him tricking Yuri, or simply wanting to take revenge on whole Asiah.

Satan is ultimate evil by bible, while Ao no Exorcist borrows some things from bible, it can't even be called interpretation of it. So there is nothing that explicitly says, that Satan in Ao no Exorcist is ultimate evil. Vatican said it, but as i pointed out before, opinions of religious zealots don't hold much value. If Yuri was right and Gehena and Assiah could coexist as single world, Vatican and exorcists would lost all their power and meaning. No one with power wants that. Also their whole ideology is based on some milenia old book, that doesn't have to be accurate, or true. Which is more realistic, becouse even in reality, anything but bible states that Satan, should he even exist, is some kind of Ultimate Evil. On the other hand, from crusades to witch hunts, and nowdays terroristic attacks are undeniable proofs, that people taking religion way to seriously are bad for society;)
Sep 23, 2011 6:54 AM

Sep 2011
That was... *shock*
Satan in yukio's body?! Why him and not Rin? I don't understand T_T. btw, it seems like Satan loves Yuri or what? I hope to understand ..someday
Sep 23, 2011 1:37 PM

Dec 2009
Nice episode, good back story.
Sep 23, 2011 1:44 PM

Sep 2010
Mon_Diamond said:
Nice episode, good back story.

But it is a back story as depicted by Satan. Not only is it probably inaccurate because he nor Yuri were not there for all the moments shown. It might be bull because he is Satan telling lies. But maybe the backstory is true and the writers figured that having Satan tell the story at the moment would make the most sense because most of the other characters involved back then are dead or being smothered in a pit of blood demons...

Sep 24, 2011 12:12 AM

Sep 2011
Takara spoke.
Sep 24, 2011 1:17 AM

Apr 2009
Well shit, son.
Sep 24, 2011 10:48 AM

Aug 2010
That was full of nonsense. Weird and just ridiculous. But still it is spectacular. This show went in such a wrong and strange way, so perharps it's even better for it to end as soon as possible, otherwise it will be a total crap.
Sep 24, 2011 12:29 PM

Sep 2009
Interesting how they had that ventriloquist guy narrate during the beginning of this episode.

I dunno, I guess the anime pretty much dove off a cliff to get as far away from the manga's path as posisble, buuut I guess that this is still interesting. Satan has a heart, wut. xD
Sep 24, 2011 12:46 PM

Jan 2011
I think that I want to read the manga instead, because the end looks obvious here. :(
Visit my Japan adventures' blog. =3
Sep 24, 2011 5:59 PM

Jun 2011
Seriously, I know it's everyone else's opinion and that you got the right to say/do whatever you want to but come on . _ . Reading all of the rant posts about how shitty or crappy this anime is makes me facepalm. Humans are so lame, they tend to take everything for granted and after a while they turn out greedier and greedier, I mean come on, why not just watch the anime instead of ranting about it for like 10 weeks orso. People weren't like this a couple of years ago but That's just proof that we're effed up I guess. It's like everyone is watching the anime to critisize it right after they've watched it or that you've all just forgotten how to be watch and enjoy some anile you've followed up to episode 23. Have fun instead =|

Oh and I cant wait for the next episode *-* Though I wish it would've been longer.
Sep 24, 2011 11:18 PM

Sep 2011
Decee said:
Seriously, I know it's everyone else's opinion and that you got the right to say/do whatever you want to but come on . _ . Reading all of the rant posts about how shitty or crappy this anime is makes me facepalm. Humans are so lame, they tend to take everything for granted and after a while they turn out greedier and greedier, I mean come on, why not just watch the anime instead of ranting about it for like 10 weeks orso. People weren't like this a couple of years ago but That's just proof that we're effed up I guess. It's like everyone is watching the anime to critisize it right after they've watched it or that you've all just forgotten how to be watch and enjoy some anile you've followed up to episode 23. Have fun instead =|

Oh and I cant wait for the next episode *-* Though I wish it would've been longer.

I agree entirely. Why so critical for? It's not like any of us can deny our excitement for the final episodes anyway :D
For there to be pain, there has to be kindness. For darkness to stand out, there has to be the sun.
Sep 24, 2011 11:38 PM

Jun 2011
ok honestly say what you will i have LOVED this show. I'm seriously annoyed that I have to wait to finish it. Not to mention that it's subbed. I'm used to subbed. but not waiting and... I have only recently been introduced to anime but this is a show I'd recommend to anyone. The idea of satan as a sympathetic character I think adds a depth to it. I don't know how the end will go. I won't read the manga past what I've watched. I love the suspense. Instead of Yukio causing Rin's sacrifice he takes his place. I'd hoped but didn't expect that. I'm pissed off I have to wait again and keep telling myself to just wait until the damn thing is done so I don't have to deal with the wait.
Sep 25, 2011 12:48 AM

Nov 2007
LOL OMG. I can't believe this episode! IT IS SO FREAKING RIDICULOUS AND AWFUL AND SO FUNNY. Can't believe they're putting this forward as a serious episode.

lolololllllllllll let's watch this trainwreck until the end~
Sep 25, 2011 8:48 PM

Mar 2011
Yukio vs. Rin? Surprise, surprise. I thought it was already set in stone several episodes back..
-I did enjoy the flashbacks though. Wonderful back story. Well, nice and plotty i guess...not to cheery at all.
Sep 26, 2011 12:59 AM

May 2010
Yes the granpa dies !!!

And next is Rin vs Yukio/Satan !!
Sep 26, 2011 8:50 AM

Feb 2008
Honestly, if God is able to be both caring and wrathful, I don't see it as so surprising that Satan can care for one person. Didn't he used to be one of God's most beautiful angels? Of course, just because he cared for one person doesn't make him good. He killed dozens of innocent people just to save that one person, and he was responsible for Fujimoto's death.

Sep 27, 2011 1:53 AM

Feb 2011
I wonder did Satan really care about Rin/Yukio"s mom? Or did he just learn that he too could be "alive" if he used her? I want to think he did care, but after possesing Yukio it seemed like he wanted to kill everyone.
Sep 28, 2011 9:25 AM

Jul 2009
OrochiPL said:
And i know it's stupid to ask such a question, but how the fuck did Satan impregnate Yuri?

Your guest is as good as mine. LOL :D
I looking forward to the ending. Great anime!!
1sttimerSep 29, 2011 8:11 AM
I invite you to answer some questions on my profile.

Sep 30, 2011 2:49 PM
Jun 2010
Paiguy said:
Did they seriously just try to paint Satan in a sympathetic light?


lol that's what i was saying. Ao no Exorcist is based off of exorcism and the concept of christianity. Every knows that Satan is evil so I was like why would they make him seem like a misunderstood demon. that part was kind of lame.

"There is someone that I must meet again. And until that day... not even Death himself can take my life away!"
Sep 30, 2011 2:56 PM
Jun 2010
-_- so she had sex with a wolf demon. Her personality was kind of cool but that is just somewhat disgusting IMO. She somewhat seemed psycho in a sense. So guys the anime isn't like the manga? Does this mean that this is the end of the Ao No Exorcist series or that they might make a remake or something? Anyways I guess I'll check out the manga and see the similarities with the anime. Still don't like the whole "I'll make Satan seem misunderstood and good." Everyone knows he used to be an angel and wanted to be a god so he was sent to hell to hell to rein down there. Well...something like that.

"There is someone that I must meet again. And until that day... not even Death himself can take my life away!"
Oct 2, 2011 7:38 AM

Oct 2010

I was gonna say I didn't really buy Yuri's past with all her care towards Satan and so on, glad I'm not the one. What was with the 'everything I touch burns to ashes' lol he's the freaking Satan he should know how not to burn things to ashes. And wth was he doing in Earth in the first place...?

Oh wow sorry if I sounded pretty rough.

Anyways, Yuki(o - geez I'm too used calling him Yuki) vs Rin, hmm yeah ok that's what happens when you have twins in shounen.

Looking forward for the ending though.
fianeOct 2, 2011 8:04 AM
Oct 2, 2011 7:46 AM

Jan 2011
Ollyx2OxenFree said:
-_- so she had sex with a wolf demon. Her personality was kind of cool but that is just somewhat disgusting IMO. She somewhat seemed psycho in a sense. So guys the anime isn't like the manga? Does this mean that this is the end of the Ao No Exorcist series or that they might make a remake or something? Anyways I guess I'll check out the manga and see the similarities with the anime. Still don't like the whole "I'll make Satan seem misunderstood and good." Everyone knows he used to be an angel and wanted to be a god so he was sent to hell to hell to rein down there. Well...something like that.

I won't say things are horrible, actually they're pretty interesting, I'm liking and Mephisto in his chair is epic, waiting for final episode.
Oct 11, 2011 1:50 AM

Jun 2009
So this is what I saw:
Satan: What is the meaning of life...? Oh boo-hoo. Nobodies loves me. I push everyone away because I'm misunderstood. See, watch what you do when I bite you little girl.
Yuri: Aww, you're not that bad Satan.
Satan: I'm not?
Yuri: No way. I'm friends with all kinds of demons. Say, let's you and I be friends!
Satan: 4 REALZ?!?!
Yuri: For Realzies! ~_^
Oct 12, 2011 5:47 PM

Dec 2007
Seriously, WTF is that ?
Fuck you scenarists. FUCK YOU !
Oct 15, 2011 10:06 PM

Sep 2008
ITT: Religious people against Satan being portrayed as a misunderstood individual. Good job people.

I'm really liking this anime all the way up to this point. Haven't read the manga so I wont have that massive bias the manga readers have towards this not being an identical adaptation.
Oct 26, 2011 9:45 PM

Sep 2008
Oh, so Stan is a good guy. <3
Yuri was adorable though.
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Oct 26, 2011 10:11 PM

Sep 2010
5layer said:
ITT: Religious people against Satan being portrayed as a misunderstood individual. Good job people.

I am for abstract takes on mythical symbols but when a series is heavily entrenched in the Catholic take off demonology and for 20 or so episodes satan gets built up to be the ultimate, most powerful bad guy changing the most infamous night in history into a misunderstanding shows that the writers, once free of the shackles of source material, don't know wtf to do with what the story setup.

Oct 28, 2011 9:22 AM

Jun 2011
So that hamster really is Amaimon after all~

Finally some back story about Rin's and Yukio's mom; Yuri. Guess now we know where rin got his upbeat, hot-tempered personality from.

This episode somehow told me that Satan is actually good, he's like a just born baby, oblivious to everything around him.... =X

Based on the preview, next will be Shura vs Yukio?
Nov 5, 2011 1:37 AM

Aug 2011
it felt like they tried to make Satan look like not so much of a bad guy. anyways it was kinda predictable that this would happen not that is bad i guess... anyways cant wait to see how it turn out
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Nov 6, 2011 8:46 AM
Apr 2011
Satan saying "I want to live" and crying for being a demon who destroy everything? LOL And saving her wife and children like a good daddy? xD
Mephisto giving the Kurikara to Shiro? Wow, so disapointing, i really like how in the Manga Shiro got the sword D:
KozupiNov 6, 2011 8:50 AM
Nov 20, 2011 7:51 AM

Mar 2010
wtf Broccoli turned into a hamster... how amusing xD oh well so long as I can still hear his voice, i guess it should be fine !

I really wanna see what Mephisto is capable of o.O
awhh Rin is really a kid who just laughs, even when he was still a baby..
<img src="" />
Dec 20, 2011 3:04 PM

May 2009
So Satan fell in love with a woman... I'm curious about what he's planning to do. Knowing the real story was good. This is getting interesting.

Sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I'm not living.

Jan 7, 2012 6:39 PM

Aug 2011
Thank God that the grandfather died, he was a crazy pawn of the catholic church until the end... :/
Feb 11, 2012 9:22 PM

Feb 2011
Tenchi_Ryu said:

From what I saw and got from this:

Satan has manipulated characters in this series and taunted them, we've seen it in episode 1.

Satan lets us know HE'S the one showing the vision, that's a automatic suspicious look he gets from me.'s the killer btw....AFTER he TAKES OVER yukio's body, he finally laughs HISTERICALLY evil on how he FINALLY got a body to use, and has a "The WORLD IS MINE" vibe pouring out of him right now....

Everything I've seen from the last 5 mins heavily suggest Satan is a dirty lying bastard to get what he wanted, and now that he did, shit is fucked. Yes maybe he did care for their mother, but I still feel he had dirty intentions from the start, and their mother was just the perfect sap to fall for the "nice" routine.


The whole "sweet, lonely" Satan thing weirded me out, but those last few minutes made everything fall back into place. Besides, all the grandfather really vouched for was that he ordered Yuri's death, so Satan could have very well dramatized everything. Like Satan's search for a strong enough vessel to save Yuri was more like a "crap, I've gotta save my unborn children or my doomsday plan's gonna reset back to square one."

I was kind of liking Yuri's character, but she was naive and well... stupid... for trusting Satan. Yeah, maybe not all demons are evil, but Satan? Come on now. -_-;

That said, I haven't read the manga to compare, but by itself, I'm actually enjoying how this anime is wrapping up. I'm probably gonna pick up the manga after this. :)
Apr 20, 2012 4:37 AM

Apr 2012
Convenient for them that the best place for the portal is on top of the academy.
Hope the Messiah doesn't miss, Jesus.
Holy shit, the hamster is Mephisto's brother? I never put that together, but it makes... well it doesn't make sense, but I get it. lol
People in this show lose so much damned blood that it's surprising that they don't at least faint.
I laughed when they used a fire extinguisher on the blue flames. lol
It feels kind of shoe-horned in to add a character as important as the pope so late in the series, even though I know the ending is changed from the manga.
So the Vatican had influenced Rin's "father", too?
Yuri looks so young, but not as in compared to any other picture of her, just in general.
I suppose it makes sense that they'd fill a few of the final episodes with flashbacks.
Okay, I guess they had the pope from episode one, I just forgot.
Mephisto's hair is out of control.
Hey, my prediction was right, to some extent. Yukio and RIn will have to fight.
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