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NIS America Acquires Dororon Enma-kun Meeramera and Kimi ni Todoke

Jul 1, 2011 1:26 PM
Anime Moderator
Grammar Queen

Jun 2008
NIS America announced at their panel at Anime Expo their licenses for Dororon Enma-kun Meeramera and Kimi ni Todoke.

No release date for Dororon Enma-kun Meeramera was announced however Kimi ni Todoke will be released this October. NIS America will release the two series with subs only.
myanimelistllcMay 11, 2016 5:14 PM
p r o f i l e 👀
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Jul 1, 2011 1:29 PM

Apr 2011
Kimi ni Todoke coming to America! :o
Apologies, I just can't avoid to rant.
Jul 1, 2011 1:29 PM

Sep 2009
Dubs on Kimi ni Todoke?! Oh no... D: You can't dub Noto's voice...
Jul 1, 2011 1:32 PM

Sep 2009

waran4 said:
Dubs on Kimi ni Todoke?! Oh no... D: You can't dub Noto's voice...

They haven't dubbed any of their releases so far.
CententJul 1, 2011 1:35 PM
Jul 1, 2011 1:43 PM

Oct 2010
waran4 said:
Dubs on Kimi ni Todoke?! Oh no... D: You can't dub Noto's voice...
Well it does not matter you can change that feature with BDs/DVDs.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jul 1, 2011 1:45 PM

Nov 2006
Ugh, no more Kimi ni Todoke...
Jul 1, 2011 1:46 PM

Apr 2010
waran4 said:
Dubs on Kimi ni Todoke?! Oh no... D: You can't dub Noto's voice...

Nippon Ichi doesn't do dubs.

Jul 1, 2011 1:53 PM

Feb 2010
For me, the funny thing about Kimi ni Todoke is that wherever you go online, either everyone has heard of it or nobody has, so it often feels like it's underappreciated despite actually being very popular. Hopefully the American release can help it spread a lot more evenly.

By the way, I'm trying to sound intelligent so I don't start squeeing like a little girl. It's very tempting.

It's odd having NIS, of all groups, bringing it over. I guess I'm just used to their older PS2 games, which are NOTHING like Kimi Ni Todoke.
Jul 1, 2011 2:03 PM
Anime Moderator
Grammar Queen

Jun 2008
Btw I was at the panel when the announcement was made and this news post was typed on an iPhone! Videos of the previews will be added when I get home to a real computer.
NaruleachJul 1, 2011 2:09 PM
p r o f i l e 👀
Jul 1, 2011 2:40 PM

Jul 2010
Kimi ni Todoka will not have a dub. This is NIS America we're talking about. They do subs only.

BTW I'm so excited. I am pre-ordering the limited edition for this and i'm gonna fanboy it to death
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Jul 1, 2011 2:41 PM

Apr 2011
windy said:
Ugh, no more Kimi ni Todoke...
I just thought the same D:
Apologies, I just can't avoid to rant.
Jul 1, 2011 2:47 PM

Nov 2008
Just imagine the artwork they're gonna include... *Bliss*

Jul 1, 2011 2:56 PM

Jul 2009
The sparkly bubbles of KnT reach America =D
If your going to complain that Yu-Gi-Oh! Mangas are on the top NY times manga best sellers, you must not realize how popular Card games are(as well as the fact that you get a free card).
Jul 1, 2011 2:58 PM

Feb 2008
Naruleach said:
Btw I was at the panel when the announcement was made and this news post was typed on an iPhone! Videos of the previews will be added when I get home to a real computer.
I think Naru is a pretty cool guy. eh reports news from Anime Expo and doesn't afraid of anything... :)

Licensing Dororon Enma-kun is kind of unexpected and interesting. I wouldn't think there would be a market for it but what do I know. Kimi ni Todoke will probably sell by the truckload though.
Jul 1, 2011 3:15 PM
Dec 2007
Centent said:

waran4 said:
Dubs on Kimi ni Todoke?! Oh no... D: You can't dub Noto's voice...

They haven't dubbed any of their releases so far.
That's NIS for you, even their games have the original japanese track option.

Jul 1, 2011 3:30 PM

Aug 2009
Oh wow they licensed dororon enma-kun? adv was the only one who bothered with go nagai anime adaptations before.

i don't really see a market for it though. as i explained earlier, it's a show full with showa references so it's kind of hard to get the jokes if you didn't grow up during that time period, but hey, i fucking loved the show, so i'm picking it up for sure.
Jul 1, 2011 4:09 PM

Jul 2008
KnT with subs only, and both series THIS October? I am excited now.
Jul 1, 2011 4:29 PM

Aug 2008
kuroshiroi said:
Naruleach said:
Btw I was at the panel when the announcement was made and this news post was typed on an iPhone! Videos of the previews will be added when I get home to a real computer.
I think Naru is a pretty cool guy. eh reports news from Anime Expo and doesn't afraid of anything... :)
Yeah. At times like these I'm proud to have him as my daughter.
Jul 1, 2011 4:41 PM

Aug 2010
I will be buying the Kimi ni Todoke! Never watched the other one though.
CrystalLakeJul 1, 2011 9:37 PM
Jul 1, 2011 5:04 PM

May 2007
Mechablitz said:

i don't really see a market for it though. as i explained earlier, it's a show full with showa references so it's kind of hard to get the jokes if you didn't grow up during that time period, but hey, i fucking loved the show, so i'm picking it up for sure.

For some unknown reason, a 24 year old guy, myself got tons of the references, I mean, WACKY RACES!!!

Kimi ni Todoke is an autobuy, Enma-kun, I am going to have to see what it comes with, plus be nice to get good subs with it finally.
My anime list
Jul 1, 2011 5:15 PM

Sep 2010
Eww I hate subbed only DVDs, but I might buy it if it has good extras. =D
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Jul 1, 2011 7:25 PM
Jun 2008
mu ha ha yes this series has gotten it license & now come to dvd.

bit pity it not got a dub version maybe reason release for later time might start of nis going english in it?

besides if happen yes for finally doing a dub it.

give already finish series give it got one of my anime wishes came true (ayako-mamiko yuri stuff doing with a kiss).
you either with ANIME or against the anime
Jul 1, 2011 7:25 PM

Sep 2010
HATCHA said:
Strange, I was talking to a friend the other day about NIS America, I was saying they're probably going to be huge soon as they're getting some quality series'. Then, like 2 days later they come out with Kimi ni. ME GUSTA, I AM PSYCHIC.

Never heard of their other show mind, taking risks with that most likely.
Roloko said:
Eww I hate subbed only DVDs, but I might buy it if it has good extras. =D

You'll get a poster and an art book with the first volume, and and another art book with volume 2. The art books usually have original cast interviews and shit like that, as for extras on the discs you'll just clean OP's and ED's.

Now how big is this art book? Is it a few pages or is it something like 100+ pages? Will these be translated into English or will it be kept in Japanese?
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Jul 1, 2011 7:51 PM
Jul 2018
So Basically......

Jul 1, 2011 8:00 PM

Sep 2010
TheGDAFF said:
So Basically......


Sadly no since this is NIS and they just got into the anime business. I'm just saddened that Pandora Hearts will never be dubbed. I might as well buy it anyways since its looking pretty bleak for it ever getting one. I'm really starting to loose faith in the American anime industry cause a few years back all we got were dubs (well for the most part) now its all subtitled shit that for the most part have no extras to make it appealing to buy plus bland DVD covers.
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Jul 1, 2011 8:14 PM
Jul 2018
Roloko said:
TheGDAFF said:
So Basically......


Sadly no since this is NIS and they just got into the anime business. I'm just saddened that Pandora Hearts will never be dubbed. I might as well buy it anyways since its looking pretty bleak for it ever getting one. I'm really starting to loose faith in the American anime industry cause a few years back all we got were dubs (well for the most part) now its all subtitled shit that for the most part have no extras to make it appealing to buy plus bland DVD covers.

Aw, that sucks..... I was hoping it would be dubbed by Funimation, or something... *sigh* >__________<;
Jul 1, 2011 8:22 PM

Sep 2010
TheGDAFF said:
Roloko said:
TheGDAFF said:
So Basically......


Sadly no since this is NIS and they just got into the anime business. I'm just saddened that Pandora Hearts will never be dubbed. I might as well buy it anyways since its looking pretty bleak for it ever getting one. I'm really starting to loose faith in the American anime industry cause a few years back all we got were dubs (well for the most part) now its all subtitled shit that for the most part have no extras to make it appealing to buy plus bland DVD covers.

Aw, that sucks..... I was hoping it would be dubbed by Funimation, or something... *sigh* >__________<;

I know man same here, but I kinda figured it was going to be subbed only anyways I was just hoping Sentai would have gotten it instead since they eventually go back and dub their series if they sell well.
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Jul 2, 2011 12:22 AM
Jan 2009
oh wow, im a bit embarrassed. Since i heard that some american company had bought the rights to Toradora! if been checking the page for english voice actors to come up...
guess i dont have to check anymore
Jul 2, 2011 12:23 AM

Mar 2009
The title Dororon sounds funny.
Jul 2, 2011 10:14 AM

Dec 2007
Kimi ni Todoke licensed?! I don't care if it has no dub, INSTANT-BUY!

Dororon Enma-kun Meeramera licensed? Not so instant-buy...
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Jul 2, 2011 11:01 AM

Nov 2008
nice choice for kimi ni todoke but i don't know about the dodoron
Jul 2, 2011 1:22 PM

Jul 2010
Damn it! That means no dub for Kimi ni Todoke. I was so looking forward to get it licensed by any companies that dub their anime but not NIS! I'm so disappointed. I know they're new but still, I really want them to dub the anime they license.
I only buy anime that has both dub and sub. (Pokemon movies are an exception for me)
Jul 2, 2011 2:23 PM
Dec 2007
animelly said:
Damn it! That means no dub for Kimi ni Todoke. I was so looking forward to get it licensed by any companies that dub their anime but not NIS! I'm so disappointed. I know they're new but still, I really want them to dub the anime they license.
I only buy anime that has both dub and sub. (Pokemon movies are an exception for me)
Considering th crappy dubs they do for their games, I think anyone can agree that no dub it's better. They don't have the resources for quality dubs.

Jul 2, 2011 4:29 PM

Oct 2010
Roloko said:

Now how big is this art book? Is it a few pages or is it something like 100+ pages? Will these be translated into English or will it be kept in Japanese?

1. It's the size of the packaging.
2. It wont have loads of pages, the 2 I got with the Toradora volumes have 26 pages each. Both books are hard backs, and are well made.
3. English. (this isn't me)
Jul 2, 2011 6:47 PM

Sep 2010
HATCHA said:
Roloko said:

Now how big is this art book? Is it a few pages or is it something like 100+ pages? Will these be translated into English or will it be kept in Japanese?

1. It's the size of the packaging.
2. It wont have loads of pages, the 2 I got with the Toradora volumes have 26 pages each. Both books are hard backs, and are well made.
3. English. (this isn't me)

Well ok then I guess I'll buy it then, but I wonder what I will do with my subbed versions if they really will go back and dub their library later?

Sadly the Pandora Hearts ones might be out of print. Oh well I can always get a bigger artbook for like $60 dollars. I seen it last year at an anime convention, but I only had $80 to spend that year. *sad face*

Edit: I changed my mind after I read NiS isn't going to dub any of their anime ever. Which sucks since Pandora Hearts would have sold well as a dub. Nope not buying any of their anime now. Lets hope they stay away from 07 Ghost!
RolokoJul 2, 2011 8:00 PM
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Jul 5, 2011 8:10 PM

Mar 2009
Jul 13, 2011 6:47 PM
Jul 2018
Just so you all know, the official trailer released. |:-|
Jul 14, 2011 4:35 AM

Oct 2010
CCZilla said:
Kimi ni Todoke licensed?! I don't care if it has no dub, INSTANT-BUY! Dororon Enma-kun Meeramera licensed? Not so instant-buy...
Yes instant buy for what the following person says:
HATCHA said:
Roloko said:

Now how big is this art book? Is it a few pages or is it something like 100+ pages? Will these be translated into English or will it be kept in Japanese?

1. It's the size of the packaging.
2. It wont have loads of pages, the 2 I got with the Toradora volumes have 26 pages each. Both books are hard backs, and are well made.
3. English.
Yup that is worth buying and I want it in BD.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jul 14, 2011 4:48 PM

Jun 2008
aww, no KimiTodo dub. D;

Still. I've seen the packaging and extras with their releases before and they are GORGEOUS so I know it's worth the buy...but I'm still disappointed about the lack of dub D;
I do still hope they eventually make enough money to go back and re-dub the series they've licensed, because they've got some big titles under their belt and it'd be a shame for them to have no dub at all.

Also, I don't understand why people complain when series they don't like get licensed. No-one's going to force you to buy it. :/
This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.

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