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Jun 23, 2011 9:21 PM
Apr 2009
theres a difference between subtlety and obscurism. This anime does the latter as the ending had quite a few logic holes. One observation i noticed however

in weird heaven like state they reached, the Future value formulas turned into FV=PV (1+i). Not quite sure what the subtle change means. I get the feeling its noitanima trolling me but i could be wrong.

Not quite sure what to think of the ending, and the series as a whole but it was definetly entertaining and despite being a shounen it avoided most if not all of the usual shounen pitfalls .(i hate shounen)
Jun 23, 2011 9:23 PM

Sep 2009
awww poor kimimaro ....

great ep
but the ending could been better
Jun 23, 2011 9:24 PM

Jun 2010
Wildsleven said:
good ending but im not satisfied... i want more xD

+ 1

WANT MOAR!!!!!!!!
Jun 23, 2011 9:40 PM

Aug 2009
Seriously, the show was just full of " wtf?!"

So Mikuni wants to save the present at the cost of the future... but then everyone starts to disappear in the present and has shitty lives.

Maro wants to save the future at, god knows, what cost (someone please explain) and everyone is saved, but Mashu (Maro's supposed future) disappears.

Isn't that just the opposite of what they wanted to accomplish???

Anyways, at least the show got one thing right. Economies of the world are run by doings of a hidden world. "C" is analogous to private central banks around the world in which the share holders dictate policy and enrich themselves with fiat monopoly money. Collapsing economies are brought down due to bad policy that people know little about and even less say in the matters.

I thought this show would reflect on the economic situation of the world today and perhaps be somewhat critical of money systems. Instead I got a bunch of Pokemon styled fighting and little insight on economy and money systems. I kind of felt misled. But the last kiss scene made up for some of my dismay.

toneytigreJun 23, 2011 9:44 PM
Jun 23, 2011 9:50 PM

Jul 2010
Aw! Kimimaro and Mashu kissed! But what the heck? Only 11 episodes?!
Jun 23, 2011 10:00 PM

Jul 2008
Ending was way too open for interpretation to me.

Jun 23, 2011 10:04 PM

Mar 2011
im just gonna say... the ending made no sense... no pun intended...

but it just ended with more questions, and previous ones unanswered. i think ill give this a 6/10.
Jun 23, 2011 10:07 PM

Sep 2007
Hhhhmmmmm not sure what to make of this ending. C completely avoiding Japan was pretty bullshit. I'm glad they tacked in the epilogue though cause I was nerdraging at the "happy" ending they were trying to pull off. Disappointed that Mikuni kind of ended up being that typical selfish villain out to save his family or what not. So in the end, Kimimaro saves the future... at the expense of his own? Does this guy even exist anymore or has he just faded away into some obscure entity living between futures? What of Mikuni? Has he been wiped out of existence? Or does he exist in this new future? I guess they were trying to leave it as an open end but there were just so many plotholes to contend with. Great concept but pretty poor execution. I guess I'll leave it at a 8/10.
Jun 23, 2011 10:13 PM

Nov 2008
At least it was a better ending than what I had anticipated and they left the door open for a continuation.

Overall it was a good series and I hope that something similar to this one in the future.
Jun 23, 2011 10:25 PM
Mar 2010
I Think that he exists just that the future has changed one in which he doesn't know Hanabi(and though it may of seemed like he was invisible.) he actually just left when the screen paneled over to the Teachers kid & back to the street (he left, wasn't invisible.) The last episode leaves to with a lot of unanswered questions... Which may or may not lead to a season 2(Doubtful.)

So essentially... I give it an 8 & a 9 if they decide to continue the series. :p
Jun 23, 2011 10:27 PM
Nov 2008
At the end of the day, C was a good action anime that tried and failed to be so much more. It did a lousy job of explaining itself, and as a result, there wasn't really a side for the audience to cheer for. None of the entities felt particularly right or wrong. So the ending really didn't seem to be anything more than "protagonist won, therefore good end".

I kind of get the impression that C is similar to Eden of the East, where it tried to present a strong message about the state of Japanese economics (as opposed to Eden which was about Japanese politics), and just didn't do a very good job of doing so. Maybe even world economics. Regardless, the results were unfortunately underwhelming.
Jun 23, 2011 10:29 PM

Apr 2010
That was a really shitty ending. This anime was going for a sad end, one way or another, I knew that from when things started disappearing after people lost deals. He saved Japan but he lost Msyu and any connections with people in the present or the Future for the sake of everyone else. And WTF is with the Financial District still being there. From what I saw it was destroyed. There might be a season 2, based on the god like guy, and the mystery of who Msyu is and Kimimaro's dad. Idk, but I give this series a 7/10.
Jun 23, 2011 10:51 PM

Dec 2010
Yoga didn't become a ghost or an invisible entity, for god's sake are you all guys really paying attention to the anime?

The kid didn't see him just for the obvious reason he left already and the caretaker didn't notice him because it was not Hanabi, notice that he tried to call her but then he notice that it wasn't her. "Upon seeing the caregiver that looks like the girl your really fond of.." - Masakaki said it himself.

Masakaki also said that the Financial District is open anytime for people who have great futures and was sort of trying to invite Yoga again, I mean how can he invite Yoga if he is an invisible dude. Common sense guys.

Anyways 8-9/10 to the series, we all want our questions to be answered but we must take into consideration that this anime is only 11 episodes, bless us if they tried to make an OVA for a better [C]onclusion. IMO, they should have made the anime 2-3 episodes, that should have made a drastic change in the entire series, because in every episode of [C] contains a lot in it. If you miss a single one, you dont know what will happened.

Lesson learn: When Takagi Noboru makes the plot and progress expect the "Oh the ending was good but then it's not that satisfying" feeling.
Jun 23, 2011 11:04 PM

Jul 2010
MALz_Otaku said:
How is Q his sister i thought his sister already died.

How !? please explain Q takako and that guy to me
Assets are the Entres future. Q was Mikuni's future, somehow. Why Q was the only one to realize who she was is beyond me, though. It makes me angry about all sorts of other unanswered questions I have in my head. Like Georges - they made a big deal about Georges being the blonde woman's future, but we have no idea what the future is. They just made it seem like we should care about it because she did, or something like that.

CazzCrawler26 said:
most confusing episode since the last episode of Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom
HAHAHA! Phantom wasn't so much confusing as it left questions, though. [C] kind of did the same thing with its ending, but at least Phantom was more straightforward with everything else. Anyways, this whole show was just plain confusing for me since the half way point hit.

I have no idea what to think of this ending. It felt very underwhelming and left no satisfaction. So that guy with all the Masakaki clones is... God? What happened to Mashyu, Kimimaru, Mikuni, Q, and the blonde woman whose name I can never remember? Too much information crammed into to few episodes. It's like Fractale all over again. 6/10 from me.
Jun 23, 2011 11:08 PM

Mar 2010
Ending was 10% good, 90% horrible. No closure on -anything-. Unless they plan to do a second season, this anime purely sucks with that ending.
Jun 23, 2011 11:19 PM
Dec 2007
Man I must of missed an episode or something because I still dont know what the fuck 'C' is and what they were fighting for in the last 3 eps..
Anyone care to explain for me? :)
Jun 23, 2011 11:28 PM
Nov 2010
It was nice, the thing I liked the most, though, is the talk between Kimimaro and Masakaki(probably the coolest character in [C] anime) in the end and that picture...
Jun 23, 2011 11:29 PM

Dec 2007
I sense season 2 since the financial district is immortal!!!!!! Also I'm quite happy with the ending, but it also left a lot of unanswered questions......maybe some special episodes following?
Jun 23, 2011 11:39 PM

Feb 2011
Nice ending but I was hoping for Mashyu to be reincarnated as human since Mikuni's sister reincarnated as a asset.
Jun 23, 2011 11:58 PM
Feb 2009
waw.. not satisfied at all..
Jun 24, 2011 12:32 AM

Oct 2009
40 times.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jun 24, 2011 12:34 AM

Oct 2010
I really liked the ending here.
The only thing im not satisfied with is that we never really find out who Mayshu is.
other then that solid ep solid series
Jun 24, 2011 12:48 AM
Sep 2010
I felt like this whole show was way too rushed or something. I didn't really like it because of that. I didn't like the fights, though I don't know exactly why. And I wasn't able to fully grasp what was happening in the end there. Anyways, I think I might have liked it more if it was a longer series and everything was explained a little better.
Jun 24, 2011 12:52 AM

Jan 2008
Pretentious ending to a pretentious anime. Similarly to Fractale, lots of loose ends and incoherent plot elements. Noitamina is sure going downhill fast. Which is a shame, it featured so many great titles such as Mononoke, Higashi no Eden, Tatami Galaxy, Shiki.

6/10 , sadly

"There is a road in the hearts of all of us, hidden and seldom traveled,
which leads to an unknown, secret place."
Jun 24, 2011 1:05 AM

Jul 2009
Bwahahahaha, what the fuck was that? Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse.

Pathetic effort by the directors, and shame on Noitamina for picking up this piece of junk.

What a load of C:crap.

controlmajortomJun 24, 2011 1:19 AM
Jun 24, 2011 1:15 AM

Jun 2009
Don't like a cop out ending. That was Deus Ex Machina type.

Enjoyed it for most of the part but the ending and this episode in general is a let down. 7/10
Jun 24, 2011 1:19 AM

May 2010
WarRok said:
Man I must of missed an episode or something because I still dont know what the fuck 'C' is and what they were fighting for in the last 3 eps..
Anyone care to explain for me? :)

[C] is probably a phenomenon natural to the Financial Districts all over the world which rarely happens.

Maybe it's according to the will of the "Divine or Angel" Masakaki shown at the last minutes of the show to challenge the entres or something.

Not sure though.
Jun 24, 2011 1:33 AM

Jun 2011
It was a great episode. The fight was great, but i kinda dont get the ending? So what, Kimimaro saved the present but his alone now with no one who remembers him?

And YES! KimimaroXMasyu end. ABSOLUTELY love the kiss scene, even thought the censor ruined it, it was still great. But still im just sad that Masyu disappeared, i was hoping that she became human or something (yes i know its cliche but i like it). But wait if Masyu was indeed Kimimaro's future daughter and they kissed and Masyu saying she likes Kimimaro 40 times now, wouldn't that be sorta incest? lol, Kimimaro is gonna have a great future.

Overall i rate it 9/10 because of the enjoyment i get from this anime.
Definitely one of the best anime this season.
Jun 24, 2011 1:40 AM

Nov 2009
Disapointing end. Too much questions unanswered and kinda confused in the end. So he became invisible or just noone remembered him anymore?

I guess 11 episodes were too little for this show. Still a decent 7/10
Jun 24, 2011 1:44 AM

Dec 2007
Sery said:
So ok, Kimimaro is now ghost-like but i think, and just based on Masakaki offering him business for later, that his "future" or wherever is just waitting to fit in the new future?

Or maybe Mysu true form as a human would brought him back?

Because even with the kiss i still think she is his sister.

Overall i loved this show, i knew itll gonna let me waitting for more since it was just 11 episodes, and i really want and ova or special, not so much a 2nd season.

Mashyu is his daughter, it was already shown in a previous episode (cant remember which one)
Jun 24, 2011 1:48 AM

Sep 2010
Blah blah blah. I don't know if I understood that or if I even care. I stopped caring about what happened around ep 5/6. I just wanted some KimimaroxMashyu and all I got was a kiss. D:
Jun 24, 2011 3:34 AM
Jul 2008
I thought that teacher at the end only looked like Hanabi..The dude said the teacher only looked like the girl he loved..which is Hanabi so it probably wasn't her. Also I thought Hanabi was only a student teacher..I think the actual teacher is the old lady..and if not then that can't be Hanabi unless he traveled a year or more into the future..but ehh! His future was masyu his daughter..probably between him and Hanabi...he probably lost his future with her. But he can always get another one. Or he might still have it who knows!
Jun 24, 2011 3:38 AM
Jul 2008
I hated this ending well disliked it. I mean the action scenes were cool. But they were too vague on the answers and left stuff unanswered. They established a possible romance with Hanabi and totally trash it. They also don't have him meet masyu's mother or felt like just fail. I suppose he returned to his way of life..but they didn't really develop his stasis..he just set another forward at the end.

I think those kids coming out of the house was the teacher who lost his future's house not Hanabi's house.
Jun 24, 2011 3:54 AM

Feb 2011
Goddammed ending!
Kimimaro, you bastard, you killed off Mikuni's cute imouto~
Jun 24, 2011 4:00 AM

May 2010
Hmmm....lack of this & that, here and there somehow hard for me to give it 7+. So it going to stay at 6 :
Jun 24, 2011 4:14 AM

Oct 2010
falcon punch o.o
Jun 24, 2011 4:15 AM

Mar 2011
A bit disappointing ending, but overall good series. it's all about PRESENT vs FUTURE
Jun 24, 2011 4:23 AM
Sep 2009
Great anime - solid plot, unexpected twists, amazing characters.

Oh wait, it's just another naruto with financial district instead of hidden leaf. Deserves a solid 1.
Jun 24, 2011 5:13 AM

Aug 2007
Pretty good series.

imo... Kimimaro is probably going back to the financial district so he can get back Msyu :D
Jun 24, 2011 5:30 AM
Jun 2010
Well will this end like this or we will have more episodes ? In the beginning of the ending it says 26 series of Noitama hmm i think it will be more no? I've loved , a good anime! it deserves 10 !
Jun 24, 2011 5:44 AM

Jun 2011
What a disappointing ending. Overall it's fine. But there are a lot of holes in the story.
-I can see the ending-
Jun 24, 2011 5:48 AM

Sep 2009
AngelicFeces said:
I just wanted some KimimaroxMashyu and all I got was a kiss. D:
and that too a censored one D:

gracenote said:
falcon punch o.o
Nope. Falcon punch is cooler.

Like everyone else has already mentioned here, just TOO many unanswered questions. Really think that the directors where just too lazy with the entire plot. It seemed like they just didn't give a damn to like anything.
The sudden fairy tale-ish vibe made me want to puke but glad that the ending seemed acceptable (yup, have no clue to what I am saying acceptable to).
So what the hell is Masakaki? I wanted him to be like a crazy villain but the plot didn't have much about him on the table.
Oh well, something rushed was expected so not surprised.
Jun 24, 2011 6:18 AM

Jun 2011
I gave the series a 6/10. I enjoyed the first couple episodes, the ideas behind the plot were deep and unique, but the story development was so full of holes that it just went downhill the further along it went. All of the action scenes were cool to look at, but incredibly stupid to listen to. It should have been 24 episodes so they could flesh out the characters and ideas more.
Jun 24, 2011 6:30 AM

Feb 2008
The ending was pretty dull, but the episode was epic nevertheless :D
Jun 24, 2011 7:00 AM

Jun 2010
Overall, it has a potential but for me it was rushed, confusing and the ending just leave too many holes.. Overall 7/10. But still, I enjoyed watching this series
Jun 24, 2011 7:09 AM

Jan 2010
I think people are putting too much of a negative spin on the ending.

First of all, I have not seen it said anywhere in the episode that says Kimimaru is some kind of ghost. The only things are that the professors kid did not see him and Hanabi not saying hi. Both of those can be explained by other reason.

Kimimaru might have walked away before the kid looked, and Hanabi is busy working with kids, she can't exactly stop to chit chat. And she just might not have seen him.

So as far as I can tell, Kimimaru is still a normal person.
Secondly, things are looking good.

What was left out of the ending was how Kimimaru's father managed to go bankrupt and Kimimaru is still here.
EndarJun 24, 2011 1:50 PM
Jun 24, 2011 7:14 AM
Mar 2011
I feel like, somewhere along the chain of command in (director-scripwriter-animation director-character designs) something went wrong. Its like 4 random roommates were gathered together and forced to live in an apartment together. Its nobody fault but...somehow it just doesnt mesh. If you only focus on certain aspects of the anime..its decent, but if you look at it as whole...its a mess.
Jun 24, 2011 7:38 AM
Review Moderator

Jun 2007
Endar said:
I think people are putting too much of a negative spin on the ending.

First of all, I have not seen it said anywhere in the episode that says Kimimaru is some kind of ghost. The only things are that the professors kid did not see him and Hanabi not saying hi. Both of those can be explained by other reason.

Kimimaru might have walked away before the kid looked, and Hanabi is busy working with kids, she can't exactly stop to chit chat. And she just might not have seen him.

So as far as I can tell, Kimimaru is still a normal person.

Both of the cases are too much of a coincidence to be true . Plus Hanabi passed right in front of him , like what ? A meter away ? Except if she was blind , I doubt she didn't see him .

Though I don't think he's a spirit . Maybe he used too much of his own future (and past I guess) to turn things back to how they were and therefore he is forgotten ? I wouldn't rly be surprised .

I am kinda disappointed with the ending . The feeling kept building up and up and it just came to an abruptly . It wasn't rly bad , just expected something more and to at least see what happened to Kimimaro .
Jun 24, 2011 7:47 AM

Aug 2009
I hoped that they would give us, at least, a hint to what Mashu is to Kimimaro's future. Hopes crushed.
Well, I wanted more of the epilogue but that wasn't too bad. I liked it.
Jun 24, 2011 8:03 AM

Jul 2010
Hmm, little anti-climactic but that's it. The last battle was great and and the goodbye kiss with Mashyu was pretty emotional and sweet. =)

So now Japan is part op the US financial district huh. They're using dollars and all. Yoga's future wasn't that great so far though. It looks like nobody even welcomed him back. I wonder if he'll turn back in a sequel perhaps.

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