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Jan 13, 2011 12:15 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri see's the fire and can already tell she's an elementalist Yuri allows her to cast her next attack and throws his blade to the side he runs to her getting up close grabbing the fire she's controlling then shooting up a huge monster comes from the fire yuri looks at alice and says
"You must of summoned flamest the demon of fire instead of fire he's a greater demon too much for your skills get out of here alice"
Yuri pushes alice out of the way as flamest shoots fire towards them then roles yuri shoots high bursts of ice at flamest arms and legs and the ice stays even though flamest tries to get out of it yuri jumps on flamest head and puts the ice seal on its head permananetly sending him back to the land of demons yuri falls to he ground and looks at alice
"Are you hurt?"
Jan 13, 2011 3:32 PM

Sep 2008
E: *laying on a bed, and realized she is gagged*
K: so u remember me now uh? well miss angel, im going to enjoy this, while u were out, i made a pact to a demon to give me powers and i lured u here by a voice to save an innocent. *laughs horrible*
E: how could u, u left i love Yuri so leave me alone! *tries to struggle, and something pushed something against her, and blood drips* let me go.... *labor voice*
K: umm what is my answer... uh no, shut up *smacks her, and walks away*
E: shoot... *the dagger still digging inside of her* this isnt good, if keeps going ill be dried up. i need to send a message, *goes and slowly writes a slow message, and gets a small white dove out of her sleeve, and gives it to it, and flies away to where Yuri is* hurry up when past this place become the beautiful creature u r, my lovely Phoneix, Kadra.
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Jan 14, 2011 11:43 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice looks surprised Flamest after she's pushed away by Yuri. She tries to remember which spell she used and swears. After the demon is defeated, Yuri returns to her*
"I'm alright. You really saved me. Again. Are you alright? It was my fault. I used the spell from the part from the book with the lock on by accident. I managed to open it."
*She looks worried*
"I wonder why it was locked in the first place, because except from things like these, there are really good spells too. And if they had to lock it, they should have taken a more difficult protecting and locking spell."
*Alice looks up when she sees a phoenix. She looks in the smart eyes and stands up. She stretches out her arm and it lands*
"It has a messages with him. Here."
*She gives it to Yuri and looks at the phoenix again. I wonder how old it is.*
Jan 15, 2011 12:26 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri reads the message the message and then puts it in his pocket then says to alice
"You never should of opened that part of the spell book that was part of my test was whether you would follow my orders obviously you didnt I switched the spells around in the locked part"
Yuri looks at the phoenix and whispers in it ears and it bursts into flames Yuri looks at alice and says
"He's five hundred years old a young fledgling but he's great now come with me we have a job to do"
Yuri opens up a portal to the human world then looks at alice and says
"Estelles been taken that foolish girl I told her she's not ready to be doing anything maybe I never should have given her those powers this always happens now get ready this leads to the base of operations for Driv the demons minions and where estelle is being held"
Yuri runs through and on the other side is full of soldiers and demons yuri slashes madly at them and kills them all except one he grabs the demon and says
"Where is my wife"
The demon laughs and says
"I will not tell you god Driv is my ruler and I will not tell"
Yuri laughs and says
"Tell Driv if he wants war with the gods he shall have and tell Driv his master will lose this war like he always does"
Yuri slices the demons neck off then walks to the building he goes through it and sees a man and says
"I know you from somewhere don't I"
The man angrily says to Yuri
"Yes you do know me you stole estell from me now you shall pay"
The man sends huge bolts of fire at Yuri who just puts his hand out and absorbs them then he says
"My turn"
Yuri sends a huge fire and electrical bolt at the man who turns to ash from the burst and Yuri goes to the room he was standing in front of and finds estelle gagged and bleeding Yuri says a few words and all of estelles wounds are healed he then says a few more word and a light shines on estelle yuri then ungags estelle and says
"I told you not to do such foolish things I'm sorry but now you are a broken angel an angel without wings until you can prove that you will never scare me like that again"
Yuri walks away in the back of his head he knows he shouldnt have been so harsh but if she only knew what lies ahead yuri goes and finds alice in the building and says
"Come now we must train fast now we have no time to lose there is a war coming a war where even an apprentice like you will have to fight now come"
Yuri puts his hand out to alice
Jan 15, 2011 2:44 PM

Sep 2008
*Estelle laying on the bed, an waits and here men screaming and yelling and knew something bad had happen.
when Kyler went out he never came back, but Yuri came*
Yuri im happy to see u
*hears what he said, and her wings been ripped away from her and lays on the bed with bleeding skin, no wings, and hurts soo bad*
*tears fall down her cheeks* im srry yuri... ill just go away then... *walks to an open place, and sits under the tree, and her head hurts again* i feel depressed... *lays down and goes sleep* maybe its better if i stay away from yuri so he can train alice... *looks down* maybe thats a better idea. *reaches behind her back and still has the brun mark of the wolf family* i remember i was a wolf, but not sure if im still am but oh well.... im done with this ill stay here forever bound my self to this park never to leave again. *curls into a hole of a tree, and puts a spell around this place, and lays down and rests*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Jan 16, 2011 7:16 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice grumbels something after al the demons were defeated. He told me to remeber the whole book, so I did. But if he switched them, then it means I can put them back in the right order. While thinking this, Yuri returned. She looks up at his hand and then closes her eyes when she feels that Estelle is moving away from them. Alice opens her eyes again, pushes Yuri's hand aside and stands up*
"You must learn that punishing Estelle won't help. So she got in trouble. But it wasn't her fault. She's just followed by bad luck. You shouldn't be this harsh with her. She gave everything up for you,just like I did. Don't forget that."
*She looks Yuri directly in the eyes and her eyes are becoming more red than normal*
"I know that a war is coming. I feel it, like I always did. But this is a war that shouldn't be fought in the first place."
*Alice turns around after giving him a warning that he shouldn't follow her and walks to where Estelle is. She looks around and soon finds a magic shield. She smiles, casts her own spell and makes it disappear*
"My lady, do you want to talk?"
Jan 16, 2011 9:53 AM

Sep 2008
*Estelle was laying her head on the trunk, and feels her shield was dispelled. she gets out of the trunk and still has blood running from her back, when yuri took them away.*

what is it Alice, what do u want to talk about? *looks at u* *sits on the grass*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Jan 16, 2011 11:42 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice smiles sad and looks at Estelle's back. She kneels down behind her and treats her wounds*
"Do you regret leaving everything behind to follow Yuri? I loved my life, being an ordinary wolf, giving orders to my squad and fighting together with them. I also loved serving Yuri-sama and you. But now, with these new powers, I'm not sure about anything anymore. In this world, I can't trust on my own skills. It's so dark that I can't see a thing. Why can't I see my own path anymore?"
*She bites on her lip and goes sit in front of Estelle*
"Estelle-sama, are you happy?"
Jan 16, 2011 12:10 PM

Sep 2008
*Estelle looks at Alice*
Well of course yes, because i left my children behind. i did too, and the thing is he never mentioned to me that his family was God-like creatures. he told me when we had to make Ellen into a wolf. i liked being a wolf. angel is okay, but its fun, but not who i am. and plus he said to u have to be an apprentice for him. to me the reason u cant find ur path because its hidden inside of you, and the only way is to be back on track. Maybe we werent supposedly to be god like people, we have to get our wolves back. even though i might not get mine back.... i still love Yuri, my love, but something has gotten him so hard, harsh, god, other things. Plus if u feel like ur path is black, means your not supposed to be this person at all. alright. Thats why u cant see ur path of life.
To tell u the truth, i am happy but not as much as happy when i was a proud queen wolf. Yuri, to me he is protecting way to much, and also i think he is hiding something from which is very important, thats why he keeps taking my powers or giving a new power to me.. i think there is something bad might come and get me, or afraid of something.... *looks at her*
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Jan 17, 2011 10:37 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice listens to Estelle in silence. She nods a few times, because now Estelle tells her this, she understands*
"I did feel more comfortable as a wolf as well. This just doesn't feel right. It's not me. But will I be able to go back? I can't feel my wolf form anymore. Even Alicia is gone."
*She looks Estelle in the eyes*
"Yuri-sama is really worried about you, because you are the one he loves the most. He's overprotecting you because you're being followed by bad luck. That time when you disappered for such a long time, I'm sure he was so worried, thinking about you, wanting to save you. I was worried too. I think he thought by taking away your wolf powers and giving you these that you would stay closer to him, so he could protect you. Taking away your wings must mean that there really is going to happen something. He mentioned something about a war. I can feel it too, but I don't think we need to fight. I think this is a war that shouldn't be fought."
*She looks at the blue sky and sighs*
"Estelle-sama, after this is over, should I ask Yuri-sama to let me be a wolf again? I don't think I can spend my life here, learning and using magic."
Jan 17, 2011 2:09 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri leaves and goes to the palace of the gods and heads for his father and says
"Father I tire of these humans let the war finally began against those demons and there so called king it matters not to me how many humans are killed in the process"
Yuri's father looks at him and says
"As you wish my son but remember you are the ranger it is your duty to protect these humans except in a time of war remember that once this war is ended"
Yuri looks at his father and says
"I know father now let us began this war"
Yuri's father signals the rest of the gods with the lighting of the war towers and the war begans against demon and Yuri returns to his palace to collect his weapons and armor he looks at himself in the mirror his red eyes have not disappeared yet he says to himself
"Why have you returned"
Yuri swipes his hands over his eyes and they turn back to there normal brown color and says to himself
"Because I know this is wrong but now its time for me to have some fun"
Yuri tells his servants and guards to go to full alert no human or demons are allowed in the house under any cercumstances and Yuri starts to leave his castle....
Jan 17, 2011 2:26 PM

Sep 2008
*estelle relaxing on the bench, and is protected in her spell shield, and relaxes*
i cant believe this at all.. *sighs* took my wings, then this... i know what alice said was true... but i cant keep doing this *walks to end of the shield and looks up and a tears strolls down her cheek* look at this im crying. horrible...
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Jan 17, 2011 2:38 PM

Sep 2008

*Estelle looks at you smiles, and gets up and hugs u* Alice what you said is true, because i think he needs to know that this war might be a war that we cant not be involved.. if we did, i have a feeling i wont be here with you guys, to be its involve around me... but to me u should be a wolf again. i think your split personalty helped you a lot to live, same as mine, even though they do dumb mistakes but they are part of our selves, and help us on tough decisions in life. so i agree we should it.
*hugs u and kiss ur cheek*
you should get back okay *smiles* take care of him.
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Jan 17, 2011 2:46 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri goes to his castle war room and all around are the gods of the world he looks at all of them and says
"Now is the time for us to finally destroy these vermin these demons that inhabit this world we fight for ourselves and the ungrateful humans that inhabit it"
All the gods scream cheers and they all go to work organizing there armies yuri walks up to one of the gods Kilza the goddess of woods yuri smiles at her and says
"Kilza you are very beautiful perhaps we should spend sometime talking on how to protect your forests better"
Kilza smiles at yuri and says
"Theres no time like the present"
Yuri leads her to his room and they shut the door.....
Jan 17, 2011 2:51 PM

Sep 2008
*estelle suddenly felt something odd, and her back started to hurt horribly* what is this pain.. *suddenly the wounds that were healed by alice started to bleed again*
this is strange... *Walks slowly and its gushing again, and walks to the tree trunk and goes in it, and holding it but going everywhere* what is this? is something manipulating me? controlling me? making a spell from my blood. this isnt good. *slowly fades into her inconsciousness self*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Jan 17, 2011 3:43 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri Wakes up next to Kiez he looks at her and as she tries to hug him he says
She stares at him and Yuri's eyes turn red and she kisses him on the mough then leavs yuri turns his eyes back to brown he feels something Estelle bleeding but he doesn't care but he runs to where estelle is and she's bleeding out he heals her and then lays her down along the tree trunk and says to her even though shes unconciouss
"estelle i'm sorry about what I did to you but it had to be done you and I were never meant to be gods and humans no this war you don't want to fight its time we went out separate ways I love you estelle goodbye"
Yuri kisses Estelle then puts his cloak to cover her he goes back to the castle and helps to organize the war efforts Yuri is now in charge of the war against the demons his words to the other gods we will not lose
Jan 17, 2011 4:00 PM

Sep 2008
*estelle slowly wakes up and realize she is under a cloak, and slowly pulls its off* well he did come, but *looks at the ground* he left me... so its time then... *stands up, but she still has pain into her back, its healed, but sees marks on her body everywhere, huge tattoos. Realized whats happening, she is possessed by a demon* well this is great. and i think this demon is the main boss... great..
*Driv, the leader awakes into her blood* well this is a great surprise im in a women, not any women, the women of the ranger, Yuri. this shall be fun. *laughs*
*estelle talks to him* get out of my body now! *head is spinning, and realize he is taking control of her*
Driv: shut up you, *gets her to be quiet, and takes control and pushed estelle out, and she can only watch, and hear*
its time to kill those pesty gods... *laughs, and gets ready, calls all demons to where this protected place is*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Jan 17, 2011 4:14 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri hears something one of the gods whispers in his ears and he goes outside the hoarde of demons and at the front is estelle Yuri gets angry he runs to estelle and knows shes possesed by drive he hits her pressure points then uses his dagger to carve into her hand the Ruin of redemption and protection so this won't happen again he looks up at the other demons and says
"Tell driv we start the party when I say now go"
All the demons leave and Yuri goes and takes estelle to his bed and lays her down he sits on a chair on the opposit side of the room and waits for her to awake so he can tell her...
Jan 17, 2011 4:33 PM

Sep 2008
*estelle went to the gods world, and then he did the spells and used a dagger to curve in her hand, and she screamed, and then the powerful Driv left, and she fainted and he carried her to the bed, and lays there*
*slowly awakening up, and looks at him but not as happy herself, just looks at him and stares at him, and nods him of what he needs to say to her, that is over his face.*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Jan 17, 2011 5:45 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri gets up and throws her clothes to change out of her gown then tosses a pouch of gold and says
"You leave at noon you'll forget about this world and return to being just estelle the queen of the wolf kindom You'll think I died you will forget about all of this were going to do the same to alice Once you go through that portal your memory will be erased"
Yuri gets up and walks out then heads for a spare room he falls to the ground and starts crying then says to himself
"This is for the better she will be better off"
He wipes his face then goes into his room looks at estelle dressed and says
"Time to go Estelle"
Jan 17, 2011 6:27 PM

Sep 2008
*estelle looks at u and heard everything and she did ge dressed* Why yuri... why are u doing this to me?? u know once u said this : i love u soo much and i want to nothing to hurt or die.... guess what U lied to me big time, i came to you how many times.... i dont know probablly 10 times or more.. one: my children, two i helped u battle, 3. ur split personalty, 4. helping ellen become a wolf, and 5. u help me. 6. u changed me. 7. u protect me from Kyler. 8. when u said beauty things about our past and turn me back to my self not a wolf... You know i dont believe u love me anymore... u make excuses after another one... maybe i will become a wolf maybe not. its my chose, maybe i choose something u hate and let u kill me? how about so much things.. *smirks* lies after lies... im tired of this... literally. maybe.... we are not supposedly to gether.. im been thinking okay. that im going to give someone my whole and leave. *looks at u* goodbye Yuri *disappears and goes to the demon tribe world, and offers herself as a helper, a master, a protector, and erase the memories of it. becoming the wife of Driv.*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Jan 18, 2011 4:54 AM

Sep 2008
[not showing my message this is not it.]
Hime-samaJan 18, 2011 5:12 AM
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Jan 18, 2011 11:09 AM

Aug 2009
*After Alice talked to Estelle, she went back to her room to sleep. She stares a few seconds to the ceiling, but soon she falls asleep. "Alice, come here." Alice looks up and looks into deep blue eyes, watching her from a distance. "I don't want to." She turns around and walks farther away. But suddenly, she doesn't see the woman anymore. "Mom? Mother?! Don't leave me! I will do what you ask, so don't leave me alone!" Everything is black, but she hears people screaming, whispering, crying. "Let me go, Alice." Alice looks around and sees someone who looks exactly like her, but definitly isn't her. "I can't be in your body. Don't you feel it?" She nods and looks at the woman. "So, let go of me then." Alice walks to her, crying. "How?" The person smiles. "You know how." Alice thinks and then knows it. She bans the person out of her mind and her body. And when she's gone, Alice looks at her wolf form again. "You are back?" The wolf shakes her head. "Not yet, but soon." Then she is alone again.*
"I don't want to be alone."
*She turns around in her sleep and dreams about her past*
Jan 19, 2011 9:51 PM

Nov 2008
Yuri talks to the other gods and plans his assault the god of truth told him of his wife's transformation Yuri must not falter he looks to the gods and says
"We attack at noon tommorow"
Yuri gets his equitment ready as well as the gods organizing the army he sleeps in the early morning he helps build portals to the demon world he leads the charge and they kill any and all they see Yuri screams
"Kill every last one no matter what"
The goddess of water looks at yuri and says
"What of your wife?"
Yuri looks at the goddess and says
"She betrayed me so she must die with the rest so be it"
And Yuri continues to kill demons
Jan 20, 2011 3:56 AM

Sep 2008
*estelle next to driv, and waiting for the coming of Gods, so she is in her room having her change out of her clothes, and looks at them* Yuri... u shouldnt have lied to me at anymore or less..... no matter what i loved u, if killing me or u ill live with that... *looks down* but i cant deal with the betrayal u left me. *puts on her warrior clothes, but sits on her bed though, thinking, while still in pain*
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Jan 21, 2011 6:20 AM

Nov 2008
Yuri and the gods have killed all the demons on the field with few casualties they now storm the castle the goddess of flame leads a platoon of mages and has them shoot flaming boulders at the castle of driv Yuri joins in once the wall fall down Yuri screams
"Attack kill every last one of those vermin"
Yuri runs through the opening in the wall and kills every demon in his sight being taken over once more by Francois not caring what demons he kills whether human servants he just kills and slaughters them all
Jan 21, 2011 8:01 AM

Sep 2008
*estelle is sitting in the bed, and not sure but feels different then usual, and her mind is clearing like madness*

i dont get it whats happening to me, i feel weird like want my old self but its weird... *lays on bed, even through the battle is still going on* well it doesnt matter my life will end badly but ill reborn later i know of this because my parents told me when i left.... ill become someone and not knowing of past at all...
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Jan 22, 2011 2:03 AM

Aug 2009
"Alice, wake up. You must protect Estelle."
*Alice wakes up with a shock and gets up. She looks around and sees that the sun is already far up. How long did I sleep? She walks to her clothes and looks at them. Then she shakes her head and she puts on her kimono. How hard she missed these clothes. All her old weapons lay in a drawer. The weight feels so nostalgic. After she took a bag and put her stuff in it, she lays it on her bed*
"I know what to do now. Since it is gone, I can think so clear."
*She walks out of her room and sees that nobody is in the castle anymore. Finally, she finds someone who tells her everything. After he heard her story, he leads her to a portal. She smiles at the man for a last time, looks serieus at the portal and steps forward. Suddenly, she sees a battlefield. At least, there has been a battle here. Everywhere are dead bodies with blood flowing out of it*
"Hmm, it has been such a long time."
*Alice closes her eyes and listens carefully. Even without her wolf senses, she can hear, see and smell everything perfectly. She runs to the place where she hears swords and looks at Luka, surrounded by 20 Vermins. She grins when he notices her*
"Well, would the god of Warriors like some help?"
*He smiles at her while he fights them*
"You've changed. You look happier. Come here, Alice."
*Alice nods, takes her katana and jumps in and they stand back to back. She kills two Vermins who came to close*
"You can say that I changed. I got rid of the magic in my body. Once a Wolf, always a Wolf."
*She smiles and decides to start being serious. She runs through the Vermins, jumps away when they try to hit her and kills some in the same movement. Luka too was finally getting serieus. In no time, they were the only one standing. Alice had a few scrathes, but nothing serious*
"Wow, it really has been some time. Those lowlifes wouldn't have a chance of scratching me if I was in form."
*Luka smiles and walks to her. He rubs away some bloodo on her cheeck and looks at her*
"Become my pupil. Wouldn't you like that better? I knew from the beginning that Yuri shouldn't have given you magic."
*Alice looks up to him and shakes her head*
"No, I want to be a Wolf again. I'll get my life back. I don't know how yet, but I will get there. But remember this, Luka. When I die, if it's tommorow or in 100 years, I'll make sure to be reborn as your pupil."
*He grins and looks away*
"I'm keeping you to that promise."
*Alice nods and walks towards the noise further away. Luka follows her*
"Luka, where is Yuri?"
"He is heading to the leader of course. But Estelle betrayed Yuri and became the wife of Driv. He's going to kill her, that's for sure."
*Alice stops and looks at Luka. Then she swears and runs at her top speed towards the noise*
"That idiot! Doesn't he see that he's the reason that she betrayed him?"
*She runs and runs and finally finds the place that Yuri is. She stays in the shadows together with Luka and looks at him. She askes herself if he's that mad that he didn't notice her, but she knows that the chances are very low*
Jowii-chanJan 22, 2011 2:09 AM
Jan 22, 2011 7:15 AM

Sep 2008
*estelle sitting in her room and goes to mirror and looks at her clothing and smiles* well i cant do anything now, but maybe to die. its okay for me, as long i be reborn and live a happier life.. *sighs, and opens her door and goes where Driv is, and see if the Gods havent arrived there or at least not Yuri*
*when she got there she hid right away and realize Driv is in a talking mode with Yuri and hid behind a pillar and bushes and listens to their talking and wont get involve unless she has too.*
* while they still talking, something happened into her, and she blanked out and some reason her soul went to another part of a dimension.*
" what the? where am i, im sure i was at the castle and watching the yuri and driv talk, and now im here, who summoned me.????
*a figure appears right before her*
" Your here to know the truth whats going to happen there and you...*walks toward her* Estelle, you are going to die in this castle pretty soon, but someone will take action to reborn you quickly, but when ur reborn u will forget everything, buy maybe regain them later.... but its the prophecy thats said u will die and become better and more powerful wolf and a helpful queen to another and same. *sighs* but im srry u have to say here until its time for me to send u back to the other world.
*walks back to her seat*
" Okay? i know it was true but i cant go back yet?? fine ill sit here and wait *sits down and impatiently waiting*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Jan 23, 2011 12:28 AM

Nov 2008
Yuri and his army burst through the stronghold killing all of the demons in the castle Yuri runs into the throne room and inside is driv says
"I have your wife "
Driv then laughs and Yuri stares at Driv serious the says
"I don't care either way you will die driv"
Yuri pulls out his sword and Driv runs at him Yuri slices at driv the fight ends with Yuri loping of Drivs head and Yuri falls to the ground covered in wounds hurt bad he passes out before he does he see's some of his gods caring him back to his castle.
Jan 23, 2011 2:51 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice looks at Yuri who is carried by a god and walks to them. So touches his cheeck and gives him a kiss on his forehead*
"You're an idiot, Yuri-sama. A goodhearted idiot. You've always been and will always be. But I still loved fighting for you. Goodbye, my Lord. See you in my next life."
*She nods at the god and walks away, still followed by Luka*
"What's wrong? Why are you following me?"
*He grins*
"Is was thinking that I should kill you."
*Alice laughs*
"When you do that, I won't keep my promise, you know."
*She walks around a bit and feels a presence. She looks around and sees Estelle sitting there*
"Estelle-sama, are you okay?"
*Alice looks at her and notices that something isn't right*
"Is she even here?"
Jan 23, 2011 12:22 PM

Sep 2008
*estelle still waiting patiently, and wonders when time is up, and so she lays there and looks at the figure in white sitting on the chair.*
" So when i able to return to my body??, and by the way, who are you??
*figure looks at her*
"You dont need a name for me, but i am god who tells you what u need to do, and plus when u die. You will return when they take your body, and the chosen person kills you and other one who will save u and raise your reborn body to pay for you sins and anything u did."
*Estelle sighs and nods and lays there, and thinking who is going to kill her, and save her soul.*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Jan 23, 2011 12:59 PM

Aug 2009
*Alice looks first worried at Estelle and then at Luka*
"What should I do? What's wrong with her?"
*Luka kneels down and looks at Estelle*
"Her soul is somewhere else. It's most likely that she was taken away so that somebody would kill her. When somebody does, she will be reborn again."
*They stay silent for a moment*
"Shall I do it?"
*Alice looks at Estelle's face and shakes her head*
"If somebody has to do it, I will. But I need to be sure that she will be happier when I do so."
*She vows her hands and closes her eyes*
"Please, god who watches over all the Wolfs in the world, answer my call. I want to know... Is this my destiny?"
*Luka looks at her, then sits down and waits patiently while Alice is praying. Suddenly, she stands up and takes her katana*
"I'll give you the fastest dead, so you won't feel any pain, even if you're soul isn't here. But please, don't be angry with me. I only followed my heart. May you have a happier and more peacefull life after you've been reborn."
*A tears slowly rolls over her cheeck. Then she swings her katana and separtes Estelle's head and body in a second. Alice throws her katana away and sits crying on the ground*
"I'm so sorry, my Lady. I'm so sorry."
*Luka sits behind her and embraces her*
"You did the right thing."
Jan 23, 2011 1:21 PM

Sep 2008
*estelle sits there, and then suddenly felt ill and bend over and pukes up blood everywhere* Well... i see that im dead... great.... now who is going to reborn now... *sighs* well.... ill forget everything... fun.... *sits there, and looks up at the God*
" well we will wait when ur soul is called, u will forget, and ur body is reborned into ashes, and up and u will be a baby so. just wait.. * sits there and waits*
" i hate this.... *sighs* hurry up and make me get a new body and mind *impatiently*
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Jan 24, 2011 10:52 AM

Aug 2009
*Alice sits there a while, without saying anything. Then, suddenly, she looks at Luka*
"What should I do now?"
*Luka remains silent and streches out his hand. He thouches the place where Estelle's heart should be. Let this soul be reborn in the ashes of his last host. He pulls his hand back and waits patiently for something to happen. Alice, who still has tears in her eyes, looks from Estelle's body to Luka. She has no idea what's going on*
Jan 24, 2011 3:15 PM

Sep 2008
[ Jowii, Yuri, is getting tired of this so he might not be on here anymore, but will make a new one up, but i think i enjoy this, so let us keep going alright :D]

*estelle feels something* what is going on?
*figure looks at her* its time for u return, when u return u will have no memories of who u were, and u will be reborn in the ashes of your body, and be a baby good luck goodbye my child *waves and estelle vanishes*

Estelle's body is burning and caught on fire and slowly became ashes, and suddenly appears a baby girl in the ashes, crying out, and she has the old mark of estelle's mark, the wolf family crest on her left shoulder.
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Jan 24, 2011 3:16 PM

Sep 2008
[ Jowii, Yuri, is getting tired of this so he might not be on here anymore, but will make a new one up, but i think i enjoy this, so let us keep going alright :D, u okay with that right?]

*estelle feels something* what is going on?
*figure looks at her* its time for u return, when u return u will have no memories of who u were, and u will be reborn in the ashes of your body, and be a baby good luck goodbye my child *waves and estelle vanishes*

Estelle's body is burning and caught on fire and slowly became ashes, and suddenly appears a baby girl in the ashes, crying out, and she has the old mark of estelle's mark, the wolf family crest on her left shoulder.
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Jan 25, 2011 11:32 AM

Aug 2009
[Ah, that's why.I'm curious of hiw new idea. I hope that there will be a lot of other people joining it.^^ Yes, no problem. I would like to continue as well.=)]

*Alice looks at the body while it's burning*
"Wait. That shouldn't be happening, right?"
*She bends forwards when the fire is gone and sees a baby, a little girl, laying there*
"Is that... Estelle-sama?"
*Luka smiles and nods*
"Yes, she is. See, she still has the mark of the wolf family crest."
*Alice looks at the baby and smiles. She stands up, takes of one layer of her kimono and wraps it around the little Estelle. She has it a bit cold without the warmest layer of her kimono, but she doesn't reaaly care. Suddenly, she remembers something*
"Estelle's not a Wolf anymore? Normally, Wolfs are born as a wolf. Or is it fiffernt when somebody's reborn?"
*Luka, who noticed that Alice was cold, takes of his jacket and lays it over her shoulders*
"I don't know. But we'll know soon enough, won't we? We could test her natural instinct when she's a bit older."
*She looks over her shoulder*
"What do you mean, we? You know I won't stay here. I'm going back to earth. But first, I'm going to get my wolf form back."
*He smiles*
"You didn't think I would let you go alone, right? Even though you are one of the best, that doesn't mean I would let a young girl and a baby alone. I'm comming with you. I have a nice little castle that lays just in the Wolf Kingdom. How about it?"
*Alice doesn't say anything, but he can see that she's seriously thinking about it. She walks, with Estelle in her arms, to the portal. When they stand right in front of it, she nods*
"Alright, you can come with us. But there is one condition. Find someone who can make me a Wolf again."
*He grins and takes her hand*
"I promise."
*He pulls her through the portal and they're back in the castle where all the gods live. Everone was running around, tending the wounds, bring stuff from one room to another. Luka takes over Estelle*
"Go pack you stuff. I will wait for you at Dedrick's room. He should be there."
*Alice nods and runs to her room*

[We should make a new topic for this. After they return to the earth, my next post. How many years in the future?=)]
Jan 25, 2011 1:47 PM

Sep 2008
alright, we will do the new topic who are going to do, its going to be 16 yrs later, when im a teenager, and ill be able to turn into my wolf form from there. an then at age 21 i think ill remember everything from my past life. but not until later. You can start making the new post but write the last post here. and then do one okay. also u can make up a name or here are suggestions for topic names: The New Beginning: Reincarnation, The Wolf Family, Alice and Luka's Family, Outskirts of Wolf Kingdom... something around the lines
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

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