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Dec 3, 2010 12:38 PM

Jan 2010
i'm pretty psyched for the movie. as i don't read the manga, anybody got any thoughts on what the movie will be about?
Dec 3, 2010 3:23 PM

Mar 2010
If there really won't be third season, then I guess it'll be a made-up little story, totally unrelated from the manga itself. Well as far as everyone says, this movie will be the so-called "substitution" of the third season, but even so I hope for another series to start in the not-too-far-future, because the manga has some pretty decent arcs, which I definitely want to watch in animation, so I won't give up at least the hope.
Dec 3, 2010 10:56 PM
May 2010
Daisuken said:
If there really won't be third season, then I guess it'll be a made-up little story, totally unrelated from the manga itself. Well as far as everyone says, this movie will be the so-called "substitution" of the third season, but even so I hope for another series to start in the not-too-far-future, because the manga has some pretty decent arcs, which I definitely want to watch in animation, so I won't give up at least the hope.

So you suppose that if this is anime-original, it'll make up some random ending for the entire series? Or just rewrite and condense all development that would've occurred if season 3 was animated?

I don't get how else "substituting" the third season would work, because they could make this an anime-original story and still animate a season 3 that follows the manga.

And as I recall... most of season 1 contained anime-only material, correct?
If so, I wouldn't be surprised if it played out exactly how I said. The chances of season 3 are probably going to be banked on the successfulness of the movie.
Dec 6, 2010 12:50 AM

Jul 2009
Iisan-kun said:
Daisuken said:
If there really won't be third season, then I guess it'll be a made-up little story, totally unrelated from the manga itself. Well as far as everyone says, this movie will be the so-called "substitution" of the third season, but even so I hope for another series to start in the not-too-far-future, because the manga has some pretty decent arcs, which I definitely want to watch in animation, so I won't give up at least the hope.

So you suppose that if this is anime-original, it'll make up some random ending for the entire series? Or just rewrite and condense all development that would've occurred if season 3 was animated?

I don't get how else "substituting" the third season would work, because they could make this an anime-original story and still animate a season 3 that follows the manga.

And as I recall... most of season 1 contained anime-only material, correct?
If so, I wouldn't be surprised if it played out exactly how I said. The chances of season 3 are probably going to be banked on the successfulness of the movie.

Well then, let's make the movie successful!

I can't wait for the movie!
Dec 6, 2010 1:35 AM

Dec 2008
Slypheristic said:

Well then, let's make the movie successful!

I can't wait for the movie!

i 2nd that!

having only watched the anime series, i think its style works better as an anime series rather than a full-length movie. but i'm happy to get more hayate & co. in any form avaliable.
"why waste time learning
when ignorance is instantaneous"
calvin (calvin & hobbes)
Dec 6, 2010 3:44 AM

Jun 2009
I am willing to bet this movie wont be filler. Not to spoil it for any one who hasnt read the manga but I am sure the move going to be the Golden week arc (involving Hayates past and some pretty high tention fights, its also the most story focused arc) definatly one my favorites.

Could be wrong but its just itching to get turned into a movie and it would be too perfect. :)
Believe in me that believes in you.
Dec 7, 2010 2:24 AM

Mar 2010
To be honest, I expect something like the OVA, but I don't think that the movie will decide whether there will be a third season or not... I think that the manga is popular enough to make the next series, but this'll also depend on the studio(s).
Dec 9, 2010 11:24 AM

Apr 2010
Hope A-tan will be in the movie since she was on the scan. The movie perhaps will be based on the "End of the world" chapters of manga. Just predicting ^^
Dec 14, 2010 5:22 AM

Oct 2010
Hey since I wipe my body and hands on a Hinagiku towel all the time (yeah she is in a swimsuit) seeing more of her in this movie is all good.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Dec 15, 2010 5:54 PM

Dec 2008
If they show the A-tan arc in the movie, then it might as well head to the Haruhi Suzumiya route, by just making movies instead of making another season. I'm kinda and yet not excited about this. Good that they have a movie, but it's just too early. Another season would have been better. Hell, it could go for another 50 episode season, seeing how the manga is so far ahead from where it stopped.
Dec 15, 2010 5:56 PM

Jan 2010
Prongs said:
If they show the A-tan arc in the movie, then it might as well head to the Haruhi Suzumiya route, by just making movies instead of making another season. I'm kinda and yet not excited about this. Good that they have a movie, but it's just too early. Another season would have been better. Hell, it could go for another 50 episode season, seeing how the manga is so far ahead from where it stopped.

this is true. but maybe this is to see whether people want to see more of this. i know i will watch this.
when its fansubbed XD
Dec 16, 2010 11:58 AM
Aug 2010
Hopefully it starts into the next section of the manga (/Athena arc) instead of being random filler/an ending to the series. I hope there's going to be a third season.
Dec 17, 2010 5:06 PM

Sep 2008
Since we've been talking about it on MF as well, I've realized the possibility that the movie could be the class trip and Izumi's arc, filling in what hasn't quite been covered and allowing a possible season 3 to begin with EoTW arc and end with the Athens arc.

What with the poster here being of Hina-tan's #1 spot of the third character contest, there's also the possibility of it being the promised Hinagiku and Yukiji backstory that ends up being animated for the movie.

"You're such an idiot."
~Celty (Durarara)

"How many seconds until the boy confesses his love to the girl?"

Should it be sad now that twice in a season I've been glad that subs scrolls by to quickly for me to process?

Dec 27, 2010 2:28 PM

Jan 2008
Prongs said:
If they show the A-tan arc in the movie, then it might as well head to the Haruhi Suzumiya route, by just making movies instead of making another season. I'm kinda and yet not excited about this. Good that they have a movie, but it's just too early. Another season would have been better. Hell, it could go for another 50 episode season, seeing how the manga is so far ahead from where it stopped.

agreed. except i'm fairly excited about since i love hayate so anything new about hayate is great news to me xD
But yeah, you have a good point about making another season, i don't really see any reason not to do it, i'm pretty sure they'll gain a decent amount of profit from it too, but who who knows, i don't make anime so i wouldn't know better =P

Jan 6, 2011 8:53 PM
Sep 2009
Season 1 - Studio Tulip
Season 2 - J.C. Staff
Movie - Manglobe

Hope Manglobe can give the movie a good ending that can have a tv series sequel... and hopefully J.C. Staff picks up Season 3 >.<

To me, I prefer tv series since it's longer, slower, gives more time to develop character and story, especially when A-tan is coming closer to our screen...
Jan 6, 2011 10:32 PM

Oct 2009
I'm just going to catch up with the manga instead of wait for a 3rd season, it was pretty successful in terms of sells so no idea why not do it :(.
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Jan 8, 2011 12:06 PM

Nov 2007
Bastion said:
Since we've been talking about it on MF as well, I've realized the possibility that the movie could be the class trip and Izumi's arc, filling in what hasn't quite been covered and allowing a possible season 3 to begin with EoTW arc and end with the Athens arc.

This could actually work, however wouldnt this mean they would have to pretty much skip the small Hayate-Hina mini date? I mean Izumi's arc and the school trip are related somewhat but the chapters in between are not related at all.

Either way Im still not completely sold on this concept of having a movie for Hayate right this point I really think a filler movie might even be the best option
Jan 10, 2011 8:06 PM

Oct 2008
it can be the part where you learn about athena's and hayate's past =/

don't exactly remember what that arc was called. people probably already mentioned it :P

Jan 31, 2011 11:24 PM

Mar 2008
From reading the manga I'm assuming that the movie will cover the A-tan arc as it was not only announced when Athena made her return, but they announced it with the 3rd character poll in which Athena took 2nd place. Also, seeing how when she made her cameo in the 2nd season they gave Ayako Kawasumi the voice acting role I've kind of been wondering when rather than if they were going to animate A-tan's story. Little disappointed that they're going with a movie rather than a full length TV series as the story is pretty large and I just can't picture a movie being long enough to properly cover the material.
Feb 1, 2011 9:42 AM

Jan 2010
Quintessence said:
From reading the manga I'm assuming that the movie will cover the A-tan arc as it was not only announced when Athena made her return, but they announced it with the 3rd character poll in which Athena took 2nd place. Also, seeing how when she made her cameo in the 2nd season they gave Ayako Kawasumi the voice acting role I've kind of been wondering when rather than if they were going to animate A-tan's story. Little disappointed that they're going with a movie rather than a full length TV series as the story is pretty large and I just can't picture a movie being long enough to properly cover the material.

seeing as i don't read the manga but know of its contents, i can't disagree with you.
Mar 1, 2011 6:26 PM

Jun 2010
Seeing as how the anime finished the way it did, then only two things can happen either, it will resume where the anime finished and go into depth about A-Tan or it will be nothing according to the manga and just be a random story line. Either way it'll be pretty funny, considering it's Hayate no Gotoku.

Mar 1, 2011 6:43 PM

Sep 2008
odds are, it'll most likely be the A-tan arc seeing as we have already gotten glimpses of her in the first 2 seasons....and the arc itself can easily fit in a 1.5-2hr timeslot
Mar 3, 2011 9:27 PM

Jul 2010
I love A-Tan, but I personally love Hinagiku. Poor Hinagiku! Don't worry I'm still here for you! <3 hehe, can't wait for the movie :) go Shiraishi Ryoko!! aka Hayate! <3
Mar 8, 2011 7:04 AM

Jan 2008
3rd season would be better, but a movie is fine too.
(side note: MAL picture for movie page is full of *_*)
Mar 9, 2011 2:05 AM

Jul 2009
dear world,

where would we be without Hina,Nami,maria,hayate,"hamster",sakuya,isumi and all the others?

well we wouldent have alot to laugh at thats for sure...

the world wont end if the movie sucks and a season 3 doesnt get produced...

Mar 26, 2011 7:28 AM

Nov 2009
Well the contents and the plot about the movie is very suspensing... Although the contents of the movie will be the most important factor in terms of dertmining furhter sequels of the Hayate No Gotoku Project.

According to Animenewsnetwork: The next step after the Hayate Film is already being planned......

Lets hope for the best!!! :D


Apr 7, 2011 5:24 PM

Jan 2009
the Movie will most likely be 2 things from the manga: the end of the world arc and hayate goes to greece arc, cause that the only plot ive seen that is really good to be a movie. plus is a good way to present athena to the anime public XD

Apr 16, 2011 1:30 AM
Feb 2011
I am almost sure that the movie will be based upon the End Of The World Arc
May 22, 2011 2:21 PM

Jun 2009
Really pissed off, I schedule my Summer trip to Japan to coincide with the FMA Brotherhood movie release but would have rather pushed back my trip so that I'd be able to see this in theaters. Dammit.
May 22, 2011 7:14 PM
Sep 2009
I sure hope the animation isn't anything like the teaser image on MAL D:
May 23, 2011 12:31 AM
Aug 2010
Judging from the image on MAL I'm guessing this movie won't cover the End of the World arc.

Can't wait for the movie. Only a few months more... :P
Jun 2, 2011 8:10 AM

Jun 2011
Judging from the image, i think it will have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the manga. Its just gonna be a side story or smth about them going on a trip to the countryside and found a wonderful/beautiful place over there, that explain the title. And is no one as psych as me that the theme music for the movie will be done by FRIPSIDE? *screams in a girly voice*
Jun 9, 2011 9:12 PM

Dec 2010
I have high hopes in this. And a real movie with real people will also be out. :D Along with the third season.

So 3 shows coming this year! :D SO EXCITED!!!
I read Manga in both English and Chinese.
Jun 9, 2011 9:17 PM

Nov 2010
i loved this series, so i have pretty high hopes for the movie. cant wait for more Nagi, Maria, and Hina <3

but the title is a little odd. it sounds like the title to some shoujo slice of life or something.. lol

and i havnt seen many series from Manglobe, but the ones i have seen, i loved. so hopefully they will do a good job with this movie.
Hokuto_no_FuzzJun 9, 2011 9:24 PM
Jun 11, 2011 8:20 AM

Jan 2011
Just read finish the manga, it's so way awesome. I hope they will fit in the end of world arc.

I hope it won't be a random slice of life chapter adaption though.
Jun 11, 2011 8:09 PM

Jun 2011
I cant believe people thought they would use the end of world arc for the movie thats definitly something they would save for the 3rd season of the anime. Most anime films are normaly side storys, why would they even try shove the end of world arc into film length it would be to rushed. It is definitly better suited for the anime. I would rather see a nice side story for a film anyway, save the manga stuff for the anime thats the best idea. I am pretty sure the 3rd season will be done sooner or later the author already hinted at it when he announced the film in the manga, also the manga and anime are both popular so i dont see a reason why not.
Jun 23, 2011 3:38 PM

Sep 2008
We've been given some tidbits on the movie.
1. It'll be a future (by manga) event
2. It'll have a new character introduction.

With these two pieces of information, it's probably not going to have Athena in it at all (given that, by the manga she's essentially gone.) except in flashbacks. It's possible that the movie will introduce the teen idol singer to the anime world though. It might also be Himegami's official entrance to the manga storyline.

There's also hinting that season 3 will be announced at the same time as the movie release, so we're probably going to have to wait until 2012 to see Athena animated properly.
Although that's not confirmed that Athena's going to appear even when season 3 is presented.
Skip Beat anime stopped literally in the middle of an ark and there's no hint that a next season is going to be happening, even though there's plenty more manga to go off of.
BastionJun 23, 2011 5:30 PM

"You're such an idiot."
~Celty (Durarara)

"How many seconds until the boy confesses his love to the girl?"

Should it be sad now that twice in a season I've been glad that subs scrolls by to quickly for me to process?

Jul 10, 2011 1:16 AM
Jul 2011
Sorry to burst your bubbles guys, but take a good look at this blog:

All of the cast of characters in the said movie are there..... including Suirenji Luca.
Jul 10, 2011 2:19 AM
Jul 2009
Hayate no gotoku -> HnG > HiNaGiku :D!
Jul 17, 2011 9:19 PM

Nov 2010
Oh man, it's going to be so sad when Hinagiku gets "rejected". I don't think I can bear to watch. x[

Assuming this follows the manga, and A-tan's arc. o-o
Sep 2, 2011 8:00 AM
Sep 2011
Guys... It was already planned since the start of summer anime that there will be a third season of Hayate no Gotoku to start airing during fall, and recently, about a few weeks ago, it was confirmed. The third season does in fact involve "The End of the World" Arc... which is personally my favorite. Can't wait to see the anime.
Dec 14, 2019 7:49 AM

Aug 2017
Movie had unexpectedly high quality, production value and songs. I thought it was good.

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