Forum Settings
Apr 10, 2009 8:51 AM

May 2008

# - G

.hack//G.U.+ - TwilightHaseo
.hack//G.U. manga - BoomStick BANNER
.hack//G.U.+ manga - TwilightHaseo
.hack//roots - TwilightHaseo
.hack//sign- Luchixa
Grunty - TwilightHaseo
Haseo - TwilightHaseo BANNER
Balmung - Metal_Ganado
Weapon: Haseo's dual gunner - TwilightHaseo BANNER

+Anima manga - TwilightHaseo

07-Ghost - Prongs
07-Ghost manga - cloud9_eternal
Burupya - DarkRabbitReaper
Teito Clein - Prongs BANNER
Frau - Shion-chan BANNER
Ayanami - BoomStick BANNER
Labrador - Harada_Risa
Bizarre: Burupya - HibariDesu BANNER
Weapon: Verloren's Scythe (Frau's) - cloud9_eternal BANNER
Weapon: Eye of Mikhail - amukid08
Couple: Teito Klein x Mikage - HibariDesu BANNER

1/2 Prince manga - amukid08
Animal: Meatbun - amukid08 BANNER

20th Century Boys manga - Td99

37 C no Boyfriend manga - Fatal1078

5 Centimeters Per Second - raNdyhL

AAA manga - Cherry-chii

A.I.Love You manga - Reverie89

A Little Snow Fairy Sugar - darkmousy_06

After School Nightmare manga - Letty

Air - enixela BANNER
Potato - HeyAkari BANNER

Air Gear manga - Harada_Risa
Sumeragi Kururu - mucchi
Couple: Ringo Noyamano x Itsuki Minami - KariELA BANNER

Aishiteruze baby manga - annabloem
Yuzuyu Sakashita - Laulaly

Ai wo Utau Yori Ore ni Oborero! manga - sakura421

Akagami no Shirayuki Hime manga - CharisMagic

Amatsuki - BlackPoet

Angel Beats - Zargil
Kanade Tachibana - Zargil
Otonashi Yuzuru - Zargil
Couple: Otonashi x Kanade - Zargil
Couple: Yui x Hinata - EternalTears

Angel Dust manga - BlackPoet

Angel Sanctuary manga - Ebisu-sama

Angel's Feather - BlackPoet

Aoi Hana - yuna_ashe89

Aria - Knare
Aria Pokoteng - _Me_ BANNER
Mizunashi Akari - Yamitsu

Asu no Yoichi - raNdyhL

Axis Power Hetalia - KayChan4U BANNER
Axis Power Hetalia manga - OhaLucky
Taurys Laurinaitis (Lithuania) - HIMR BANNER
Arthur Kirkland (United Kingdom) - OhaLucky BANNER
Ludwig (Germany) - Haruka-SD BANNER
Liechtenstein - Tarrasji BANNER
North Italy - ZetsubouNoOu BANNER
Ivan Bravinsky (Russia) - AnyaOtaku
Feliks Łukasiewicz (Poland) - kuolema BANNER
Yekaterina "Katyusha" Braginskaya (Ukraine) - Haruka-SD BANNER
Matthew Williams (Canada) - Kyoko_SB BANNER
Seychelles - Kyoko_SB BANNER
Honda Kiku (Japan) - Qaszka
Gilbert's chicken - OhaLucky
Hungary's frying pan - OhaLucky BANNER
Animal: Kumajirou - Haruka-SD BANNER
Animal: China's Panada - Kyoko_SB
Animal: Japan's Dog - KyuubiChan
Animal: Hana Tamago - Qaszka
Bizarre: Korea's Soul/Ahoge - Haruka-SD BANNER
Bizarre: Arthur Kirkland (England) - Hiina-tan
Bizarre: Canada's Love - Kyoko_SB BANNER
Couple: Prussia x Poland - OhaLucky BANNER
Couple: Prussia x Germany - Haruka-SD BANNER
Couple: Chibitalia x HRE - Kyoko_SB BANNER
Couple: Sweden x Finland - lieachtenstein
Couple: Lithuania x Poland - iwonn

Ayashi no Ceres - Kyoko_SB

Azumanga Daioh - Miru-SAMA BANNER
Azumanga Daioh manga - azuro
Animal: Maya - Red_Butterfly

B. Ichi manga - Ebisu-sama

Bacanno! - StLzFirstLady

Baka to Test to Shoukanju - amukid08
Baka to Test to Shoukanju manga - amukid08

Bakemonogatari - amukid08
Hitagi Senjougahara - CharisMagic

Bakuman manga - _Me_

Bamboo Blade - Knare
Kawazoe Tamaki - Knare BANNER

Barajou no Kiss manga - Harada_Risa

Basilisk - HotaruKara

Basquash! - ShanaFlame BANNER

Battle Club manga - KyuubiChan

Beast Master manga - Fatal1078

Beauty Pop manga - Miru-SAMA
Koshiba Kiri-Pika876

Beck - Daphne4

Beelzebub manga - topadzidza

Berserk manga - funsohng

Beyblade (all seasons) - Airo_Rokkuhauto

Black Blood Brothers - darkangel_zhyra BANNER

Black Cat - flanneryblaze BANNER
Black Cat manga - flanneryblaze
Eve - Airtoizzy BANNER BANNER
Saya Minatsuki - Letty BANNER
Bizarre: Hades - Miru-SAMA BANNER
Couple: Saya x Train - Airitoizzy BANNER

Black Heaven - memorylag

Black Lagoon - TwilightHaseo

Blazer Drive manga - Sun_Princess BANNER

Bleach - _Me_
Bleach manga - ChocoPuddin BANNER
Kon - KayChan4U BANNER
Urahara Kisuke - _Me_ BANNER
Yachiru Kusajishi - Flanneryblaze BANNER
Kuchiki Rukia - z_JimiHaze_z BANNER
Kuchiki Byakuya - brandonboon BANNER
Toshiro Hitsugaya - arisa5669 BANNER
Ulquiorra Schiffer - ChocoPuddin
Halibel - BoomStick BANNER
Soi Fon - brandonboon
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez - XxImm0rtaLxX BANNER
Yoruichi Shihouin - Cheonyu
Abarai Renji - Cheonyu
Ichimaru Gin - Zelman
Hisagi Shuuhei - -Eva-
Weapon: Senbonzakura - Knare BANNER
Weapon: Suzumebachi - flanneryblaze BANNER
Weapon: Hyorinmaru - EtnaEraclea BANNER
Weapon: Sode no Shirayuki - HanyuuChan
Weapon: Hozukimaru - azuro

Blood+ - Death_2_all BANNER
Blood+Adagio manga - Haruka-SD BANNER
Saya Otonashi - saya_haji1309 BANNER
Hagi - StLzFirstLady
Weapon: Saya's Katana - JiGoKu_gAkUsE BANNER

Bloody Kiss manga - Gagana

Blue Drop ~Tenshi-tachi no Gikyoku~ - yuna_ashe89

Boku no Goshujinsama manga - Harada_Risa

Boku no Hatsukoi wo Kimi ni Sasagu - enya04

Boku wa Imouto ni Koi wo Suru - ShinePearl

Bokura Ga Ita - enixela BANNER
Bokura Ga Ita manga - enya04 BANNER

Bottle Fairy - annabloem

Boy Princess manga - kuolema

Boy's Next Door manga - Kyoko_SB BANNER

Busou Renkin manga - KyuubiChan

Canaan - ShanaFlame BANNER

Candy Boy - yuna_ashe89

Cardcaptor Sakura - true_heart BANNER
Cardcaptor Sakura manga - NewAnimeFan
Cerebus - Fay-kun
Bizarre: Clow Cards - EtnaEraclea BANNER
Couple: Sakura Kinomoto x Syaoran Li - Vivene

Cat Soup (movie) - JiGoKu_gAkUsEi

Change 123 manga - sarroush

ChäoS;HEAd - InoueAsuka BANNER

Cherry Juice manga - Cherry-chii
Couple: Minami x Otome - Cherry-chii

Chi's Sweet Home - SooChuuwy
Chi - laurenxtaylor BANNER

Chobits - enixela BANNER
Chobits manga - Death_2_all

Chrome Shelled Regios - KeigoAtobe007
Layfon Wolfstein Alseif - ShanaFlame BANNER

Chrno Crusade - Cherry-chii
Rosette Christopher - Death-Summoner BANNER

Clannad - KonataIsMyLeader BANNER
Clannad ~After Story~ - KitKatisRad BANNER
Clannad manga - -WELKIN-SAITO-
Dango - KitKatisRad BANNER
Ushio Okazaki - aichanXD BANNER
Ryou Fujibayashi - kamika
Furukawa Nagisa - true_heart BANNER
Kyou Fujibayashi - Cfos
Tomoyo Sakagami - Crazyz BANNER
Botan - KitaKatisRad BANNER
Okazaki Tomoya - Ikukihiko BANNER
Girl From the Illusionary World - HibariDesu
Fuko Ibuki - DwChan BANNER
Yoshino Yusuke - coralinee08 BANNER
Sunohara Mei - animeaddict777 BANNER
Shima Katsuki - liechtenstein BANNER
Tomoya Okazaki - ShinePearl
Kotomi Ichinose - Metal_Ganado
Bizarre: Furukawa Nagisa - enya04 BANNER
Couple: Tomoyo Okazaki x Nagisa Furukawa - aichanXD BANNER
Couple: Tomoya Okazaki x Tomoyo Sakagami - Zenit BANNER
Couple: Fujibayashi Kyou x Okazaki Tomoya - animeaddict777 BANNER

Claymore - TomPaul15
Claymore manga - Crazyz
Teresa - yuna_ashe89
Bizarre: Teresa - yuna_ashe89

Cluster Edge - BlackPoet

Code: Breaker manga - bloodykiba

Code Geass - Prongs
Code Geass R2 - enya04 BANNER
Code Geass- Lelouch of the Rebellion manga -x-Exia-x
Lelouch Lamperouge - HibariKyo BANNER
C.C. - KatekyoGirl7 BANNER
Shirley Fenette - Shion-chan BANNER
Kallen Stadtfeld - kantaroxxxharuka
Rolo Lamperouge - kantaroxxxharuka
Suzaku Kururugi - DarkSoul95 BANNER
Animal: Arthur - enya04 BANNER
Anya Alstreim - Miss_Scarlett
Gino Weinburg - Miss_Scarlett
Bizarre: Lelouch Lamperouge - kantaroxxxharuka
Weapon: Kallen's Guren SEITEN - kantaroxxxharuka
Couple: Lelouch Lamperouge x Suzaku Kururugi - KayChan4U BANNER
Couple: Kallen Stadfeld x Lelouch Lamperouge - kantaroxxxharuka
Couple: Euphemia Li Britannia x Suzaku Kururugi - KatekyoGirl7 BANNER
Couple: Lelouch Lamperouge x Shirley Fenette - Calypso
Couple: Lelouch Lamperouge x C.C. - Luchixa

Cowboy Bebop - Td99
Spike Spiegel - memorylag

Crimson Shell manga - Miss_Scarlett

Cromartie High School
Noboru Yamaguchi - rebekah

Cutie Boy
Couple: Yoo-min x Han-ah - Letty BANNER

Cyber Idol Mink manga - NewAnimeFan

D.Gray-man - Prongs
D. Gray-man manga - TomPaul15
Allen Walker - -exo- BANNER
Yuu Kanda - bloodykiba BANNER
Lenalee Lee - llara05 BANNER
Timcanpy - SetsunaSeiei97 BANNER
Lavi - HibariDesu BANNER
Cross Marian: Lauzi
Weapon: Crown Clown (Allen Walker's Innocence) - SetsunaSeiei97 BANNER
Weapon: Tettsui (Lavi's Innocence) - HibariDesu BANNER
Weapon: Mugen (Kanda's Innocence) - TomPaul15 BANNER
Weapon: Judgement and Grave of Maria (Marshall Cross's Innocence) - llara05 BANNER
Weapon: The Dark Boots (enalee's Innocence) - Daphne4
Couple: Allen Walker x Lenalee Lee - SetsunaSeiei97 BANNER
Couple: Lenalee Lee x Lavi - topadzidza
Bizarre: Allen's Scar - KyuubiChan

Daa Daa Daa - Tara113

Da Capo - ShinePearl
Da Capo II - mucchii
Da Capo II SS - mucchii

Darker than Black - Crazyz BANNER
Hei - shaku1347 BANNER
Yin - Shancakeschan

Deadman Wonderland manga - Sun_Princess BANNER

Death Note - _Me_
Death Note manga - JiGoKu_gAkUsEi
Light Yagami - laurenxtaylor BANNER
L Lawliet (Ryuuzaki) - Reverie89 BANNER
Nate River (Near) - animeluve
Misa Amane - enixela
Matt/Mail Jeevas - CharisMagic
Weapon: Death Note - Vivene
Bizarre: Shinigami Eyes - llara05
Couple: Matt x Mello - Xx_Dizzy-Chan_xX
Couple: Light Yagami x Misa Amane - Miss_Scarlett

Death Note Live Action 1 - Reiku_Sai
Death Note Live Action 2 - Reiku_Sai

Demon Diary manga - KayChan4U

Dengeki Daisy manga - Fatal1078

Detective Conan - Zelman
Haibara Ai - amukid08
Shinichi Kudo - amukid08
Couple: Shinichi Kudo x Ran Mouri - amukid08 BANNER

Devil May Cry - -WELKIN-SAITO-
Devil May Cry manga - -WELKIN-SAITO-
Dante - azuro

Digi Charat
Puchiko - Crazys BANNER

Digimon Adventure - -HatakeKakashi-

Digimon Adventure 02 - KatekyoGirl7 BANNER

Digimon Savers - SetsunaSeiei97

D.N. Angel - KariELA BANNER
D.N. Angel manga - cloud9_eternal
Wiz - Harada_Risa
Dark Mousy - sakura421 BANNER

Dogs manga - CharisMagic
Dogs: Bullets & Carnage manga - Charis Magic
Dogs: Hardcore Twins - CharisMagic
Haine Rammsteiner - Daphne4

Doubt manga- Miru-SAMA

Dragonball Kai - Vivene

Dragonball Z - TomPaul15 BANNER

Dragon Knights manga - KonataIsMyLeader

Eden of the East - Vivene

ef~ A Tale Of Melodies - kyneval BANNER
Ef ~ A Tale of Memories - enya04 BANNER
Amamiya Yuuko - spongebob BANNER
Chihiro Shindou - SooChuuwy
Couple: Renji Asou x Chihiro Shindou - laurenxtaylor BANNER
Couple: Yuu Himura x Yuuko Amamiya - sonydello

Elemental Gelade - Lord_Arwan
Weapon: Reverie Metherlence - annabloem

Elfen Lied - Yami-Hina BANNER
Lucy - TomPaul15 BANNER

Ergo Proxy - TomPaul15 BANNER

Van Fanel - motoko09 BANNER BANNER
Couple: Van Fanel x Hitomi Kanzaki - motoko09 BANNER

Eureka Seven - Shion-chan BANNER
Couple: Anemone x Dominic Sorel - Sun_Princess BANNER

Eyeshield 21 - topadzidza
Eyeshield 21 manga - Td99
Youichi Hiruma - pupsia

Fafner in the Azure - Reiku_Sai
Kazuki Makabe - Reiku_Sai BANNER
Minashiro Soushi - Ikoro

Fairy Cube manga - Death-Summoner BANNER

Fairy Tail - SebbyLuver15
Fairy Tail manga - Crazyz
Gazille Reitfox - bloodykiba
Gray Fullbuster - MikagesBrideX3 BANNER
Lucy - Supaafly
Natsu - Supaafly
Animal: Happy - Supaafly
Bizarre: Stellar spirit Gemini - d3stinY
Bizarre: Stellar spirit Leo (Loki) - amukid08

Fate/Stay Night -ckyneval BANNER
Fate/Stay Night manga - ShanaFlame BANNER
Illyasviel von Einzbern - Zenit BANNER
Saber - Decimus BANNER
Archer - Hawkenn BANNER
Lancer - Hichischiffer BANNER
Tohsaka Rin - Tekizen
Weapon: Saber's Excalibur - laurenxtaylor BANNER

Final Fantasy VII - darkangel_zhyra BANNER
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children - HibariDesu
Sephiroth - Kaji_Abyss BANNER
Tifa Lockhart - darkangel_zhyra BANNER
Yuffie Kisaragi - Deathprincess13
Vincent Valentine - Deathprincess13
Weapon: Cloud Strife's Fusion Swords - Airo_Rokkuhauto BANNER
Weapon: Vincent Valentine's Cerberus - Deathprincess13
Couple: Tifa Lockhart x Cloud Strife - Airo_Rokkuhauto BANNER
Couple: Rasler x Ashe- CoolNerdNaty

Finder Series manga - Deathprincess13

Five manga- kiimmiiej2112 BANNER

Weapon: Rickenbacker 4001 Bass Guitar - Ajoura

Fruits Basket - Death_2_all BANNER
Fruits Basket manga - Death_2_all
Momiji Sohma - Hugs_4_U BANNER
Tohru Honda - Hugs_4_U BANNER
Kyo Sohma - KitKatisRad BANNER
Arisa Uotani - arisa5669 BANNER
Animal: Kyo - marya
Couple: Kyo Sohma x Tohru Honda - maryaBANNER

Fushigi Yuugi - renmaaikawa

Fullmetal Alchemist - Lord_Arwan
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Td99
Fullmetal Alchemist manga - funsohng
Greed - mewmewichigo11 BANNER
Edward Elric - Luca_Wilder
Risa Hawkeye - KeigoAtobe007
Black Hayate - KeigoAtobe007
Alphonse Elric - Kryptoncat BANNER
Izumi - HelloClarice727
Roy Mustang - Rena-Tan
Animal: Den Rockbell - BlackPoet
Weapon: Roy Mustang's Flame Alchemy - KeigoAtobe007
Weapon: Ed's Automail Arm - HelloClarice727

Full Metal Panic! - KatekyoGirl7 BANNER
Couple: Kaname X Sagara - Laulaly

Full Moon o Sagashite manga - Reverie89
Couple: Sakurai Eichi x Koyama Mitsuki - mesmerized BANNER

Ga-Rei -Zero- - shyLey
Ga-rei manga- Gagana
Kagura Tsuchimiya - shyLey
Weapon: Michael #12 - Kira01 BANNER
Weapon: Shishio-isayama Yomi sword - yuna_ashe89

Gakuen Alice - true_heart BANNER
Gakuen Alice manga - Yami-Hina
Natsume Hyuga - Red_Butterfly BANNER

Galaxy Angels - darkangel_zhyra BANNER

Gankutsuou - StLzFirstLady

Gantz - darklite

Geijutsuka Art Design Class manga - KyuubiChan

Genshiken - azuro

Mido Ban - Isk_moon99 BANNER

Ghost Hunt - Santosia BANNER

Ghost in Shell -Stand Alone Complex- - motoko09 BANNER
Motoko Kusanagi - motoko09 BANNER

Ghost Stories
Animal: Amanojaku - HotaruKara BANNER

Ginban Kaleidoscope - NatsuMitsuru

Gintama - HeyAkari BANNER
Gintama manga - topadzidza
Elizabeth - neuromasser
Okita Sougo - Knare BANNER
Kagura - topadzidza BANNER
Sadaharu - Knare
Toshiro Hijitaka - red-dragon
Otae - iwonn
Weapon: Okita's Bazooka - _Me_ BANNER
Couple: Gintoki Sakata x Toshiro Hijikata - red-dragon BANNER

Godchild manga - KayChan4U

Goong manga - marya
Shin Lee - marya BANNER

Gravitation - -WELKIN-SAITO-
Gravitation manga - -WELKIN-SAITO-

Great Teacher Onizuka - Letty
Great Teacher Onizuka manga - Dz0Rdan991
Eikichi Onizuka - Letty BANNER

Groove Adventure Rave - darkmousy_06
Groove Adventure Rave manga - Airo_Rokkuhauto
Plue - mucchi
Weapon: Ravelt - enya04 BANNER
Couple: Shiba Roses x Resha Valentine - enya04 BANNER

Gundam 00 - SetsunaSeiei97
Gundam 00 manga - SetsunaSeiei97
Setsuna F Seiei - SetsunaSeiei7 BANNER
Marina Ismail - SetsunaSeiei97 BANNER
Locon Stratos - GothicMystery
Weird: Setsuna F Seiei - SetsunaSeiei97
Couple: Setsuna X Feldt- animegirlseb
Couple: Allelujah Haptism x Marie Parfacy - GothicMystery

Gundam Seed (& Destiny) - KayChan4U BANNER
Gundam Seed manga - SetsunaSeiei97
Cagalli Yula Athha - KayChan4U BANNER
Lacus Clyne - Luchixa
Kira Yamato - Jto182
Couple: Cagalli Yula Athha x Athrun Zala - EtnaEraclea BANNER
Couple: Kira Yamato x Lacus Clyne - Jto182

Gundam Wing - cloud9_eternal
Heero Yui - japanme32 BANNER

Gunslinger Girl - Santosia BANNER

Airo_RokkuhautoJan 1, 2011 12:32 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Jul 14, 2009 8:18 PM

Feb 2008
H - K

H2O Footprints in the Sand - -WELKIN-SAITO-

Hadashi de Bara wo Fume manga - Sun_Princess BANNER

Haibane Renmei - JiGoKu_gAkUsEi

Hajime no Ippo - Td99 BANNER
Hajime no Ippo: New Challenger - Td99 BANNER
Hajime no Ippo manga - Td99

Hakushaku to Yousei - Miss_Scarlett
Raven- Zpitfire

Hana Kimi manga - ChocoPuddin BANNER
Ashiya Mizuki - serenal9 BANNER

Hana to Akuma manga - sonydello
Vivi - 777andi

Hatsukoi Limited - shyLey

Hatsune Mix - Cherry-chii

Hayate The Combat Butler! - yunadestined BANNER
Hayate The Combat Butler! manga - funsohng
Ayasaki Hayate - yunadestined BANNER
Ayumu Nishizawa - yunadestined BANNER
Nagi Sanzenin - zerochances
Animal: Tama - Deathprincess13

He is My Master
Izumi Sawatari - Ajoura

Hellsing - Aysha
Hellsing manga - Ebisu-sama

Higashi no Eden - raNdyhL
Juiz - memorylag
Weapon: Takizawa Akira's selecao phone - mucchi BANNER
Bizarre: Takizawa Akira's selecao phone - mucchi

High School Debut manga - Deathprincess13

Higurashi no naku koro ni - Barbalay
Ryuugu Rena - HibariKyo BANNER
Furude Rika - kyneval BANNER
Furude Hanyuu - HanyuuChan BANNER
Akira Takizawa - mucchi BANNER
Shion Sonozak - Xx_Dizzy-Chan_xX
Satoko Houjou - Furude_Sam
Rena's Cleaver/Billhook - Haruka-SD BANNER
Couple: Sonozaki Shion x Houjou Satoshi - Daphne4

Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni Kai - darklite
Frederica Bernkastel - Zarem

Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni Rei - SebbyLuver15

Hikaru no Go - Zelman

Himitsu - Top Secret - Vivene

Historie manga - funsohng

Honey and Clover - Harada_Risa
Ayumi Yamada - sonydello BANNER

Honey Hunt manga - amukid08

Hot Gimmick manga- kiimmiiej2112

Hungry Heart Wild Striker - renmaaikawa

HunterXHunter - flanneryblaze BANNER
HunterXHunter manga - funsohng

Hyakko - Animeluverz125
Tatsuki Iizuka - laurenxtaylor BANNER

I-O-N manga - annabloem

Ichigo 100% manga - KyuubiChan

Ichigo Mashimaro - Haruka-SD BANNER
Ichigo Mashimaro manga - azuro

Imadoki! Nowadays manga - Reverie89

Interstella5555 - The 5tory of The 5ecret 5tar 5ystem - Crazyz BANNER

Infinite Ryvius
Yuki - Tekizen

Inubaka manga - Death_2_all

Inumimi manga - pupsia

Inuyasha - Death_2_all BANNER
Inuyasha manga - llara05
Sesshoumaru - MistressMorbid BANNER
Kirara - llara05
Weapon: Bakusaiga - MistressMorbid

Itazura na Kiss - kiimmiiej2112 BANNER

Jigoku Shoujo - JiGoKu_gAkUsEi
Jigoku Shoujo manga - JiGoKu_gAkUsEi
Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori - Death-Summoner BANNER
Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae - bananakQ
Enma Ai - Mikiu
Hone Onna - Motina

Jinki Extend - Harada_Risa

Junjo Romantica - KariELA BANNER
Junjo Romantica manga - KayChan4U
Junjo Romantica 2 - Deathprincess13
Usami Akihiko - KayChan4U BANNER
Misaki Takahashi - KariELA BANNER
Couple: Usami Akihiko x Misaki Takahashi - Deathprincess13

Thor - Airtoizzy BANNER

K-on! - Lord_Arwan
K-on! manga - Miru-SAMA
Akiyama Mio - Virtuous_Seraph BANNER
Azusa Nakano - OhaLucky BANNER
Tsumugi Kotobuki's eyebrows - _Me_
Yuri Hirasawa - KitKatisRad BANNER
Hirasawa Ui - herrpessimist
Bizarre: Yui Hirasawa's Guitar - Hikaru_Chan

Animal: Ioryogi- HotaruKara

Kaichou wa Maid-sama manga - Fatal1078
Usui Takumi - shyLey
Misaki Ayuzawa - ShinePearl
Tora Igarashi - ShinePearl
Couple: Misaki x Usui - ShinePearl

Kaleido Star - Aysha

Kamichama Karin - annabloem
Kamichama Karin manga - Animeluverz125

Kamichu! - Yami-Hina BANNER

Kamikaze kaito Jeanne - annabloem

Kanamemo - Furude_Sam

Kannagi - yunadestined BANNER
Nagi - Dea37s

Kannazuki no Miko manga- OhaLucky

Kanon - kyneval BANNER
Kanon (2006)- kiimmiiej2112 BANNER
Yuuichi - kiimmiiej2112 BANNER
Ayu Tsukimiya - kiimmiiej2112 BANNER
Kawasumi Mai - mesmerized BANNER
Animal: Piro - Daphne4
Couple: Yuuichi Aizawa x Ayu Tsukimiya - kiimmiiej2112 BANNER

Kara no Kyoukai - sarroush
Ryougi Shiki - Kira01 BANNER
Kokutou Mikiya - Kira01 BANNER

Karin - azuro
Karin manga - annabloem
Karin Maaka - azuro
Bizarre: Boogie - azuro
Couple: Karin Maaka x Usui Kenta - azuro

Karneval manga - topadzidza

Katekyo Hitman Reborn - HeyAkari BANNER
Katekyo Hitman Reborn manga - KonataIsMyLeader
Fon - night_rain
Byakuran - Flanneryblaze BANNER
Chrome Dokuro - cloud9_eternal
Gokudera Hayato - KatekyoGirl7 BANNER
Hibari Kyouya - KonataIsMyLeader
Rokudo Mukuro - SantosiaBANNER
Miura Haru - Santosia BANNER
Takeshi Yamamoto - Miru-SAMA BANNER
Bianchi - Sun_Princess BANNER
Superbi Squalo - Lambo123e BANNER
Mukuro owl - Santosia
Uni - Miru-SAMA
Sawada Tsunayoshi - caramel-cherry BANNER
Fran - topadzidza BANNER
Belphegor - BlackPoet
Lal Mirch - BlackPoet
Reborn - ItsCaptKatsura
Sasagawa Ryouhei - renmaaikawa
Hibird - Miru-SAMA BANNER
Nuts - cloud9_eternal BANNER
Uri - Calypso
Dino Cavalonne - Bronco_Dino
Animal: Jirou - Lauzi
Animal: Storm mink - chiku-sama
Animal: Fon's monkey - night_rain
Animal: Kangaryu - remmaaikawa
Animal: Bester - pupsia
Bizarre: Lambo's Hair - cloud9_eternalBANNER
Bizarre: Fran's Frog Hat - renmaaikawa
Weapon: Hibari's Tonfa - Hikari_Writer BANNER
Weapon: Rokudo Mukuro's right eye - flanneryblaze BANNER
Weapon: Flame Arrow - KatekyoGirl7 BANNER
Weapon: Rokudo's Ring of Mist - strokes_xd
Weapon: Yamamoto's Shigure Kinton - Calypso
Weapon: Tsuna's Gloves - Dz0Rdan991
Weapon: Dino's whip - Gagana
Weapon: Belphegor's blades/knives - CharisMagic
Weapon: Mukuro Rokudo/Chrome Dokuro Trident - Santosia
Weapon: Sistema C.A.I. - pupsia
Couple: Tsunayoshi Sawada x Rokudo Mukuro - flanneryblaze BANNER
Couple: Hibari Kyouya x Mukuro Rokudo - cloud9_eternal
Couple: Tsunayoshi Sawada x Gokudera Hayato - Hiina-tan
Couple: Gokudera Hayato x Haru Miura - Lambo123e
Couple: Hibari Kyouya X Gokudera Hayato - DarkSoul95 BANNER
Couple: Hibari Kyouya x Tsunayoshi Sawada - Death-Summoner BANNER
Couple: Gokudera Hayato x Yamamoto Takeshi - caramel-cherry
Couple: Colonello x Lal Mirch - Lauzi
Couple: Cavallone Dino x Hibari Kyouya - BlackPoet

Kaze No Stigma - renmaaikawa

Kekkaishi manga - HotaruKara

Kiddy Grade - Cherry-chii

Kigeki - CharisMagic

Kimi-Kiss ~ Pure Rouge - kiimmiiej2112 BANNER

Kimi ni Todoke (From Me to You) - enya04
Kimi ni Todoke manga- enya04 BANNER
Souta Kazehaya- sonydello BANNER

Kingdom Hearts manga
Sora - mesmerized

Kirarin Revolution - Animeluverz125
Kirari Tsukishima - Animeluverz125
Hiroto Kazama - Animeluverz125 BANNER
Naa-san - Animeluverz125
Couple: Kirari Tsukishima x Hiroto Kazama

Kiss x Sis manga - yunadestined

Kobato manga- InoueAsuka BANNER

Akito Hayama - nerdlovekiss BANNER
Couple: Sana Kurata x Akito Hayama - nerdlovekiss BANNER

Kodomo no Jikan - kiimmiiej2112 BANNER
Rin Kokonoe - BlazeDrag414

Kodomo no Omocha manga - Sun_Princess BANNER

Koihime†Musou - Aysha
Kan'u "Aisha" Unchou - Aysha BANNER
Weapon: Green Dragon Crescent Blade - Qaszka

Koko ni Iru Yo! manga - InoueAsuka BANNER

Kon no ki Konoha manga - CharisMagic

Kure-nai - NatsuMitsuru

Kuroshitsuji - Zenit
Kuroshitsuji manga - KayChan4U
Grell Sutcliff - Nyappy-chan
Sebastian Michaelis - Gagana BANNER
Ranmao - Shancakeschan
Ciel Phantomhive - neko-chann

Kuroshitsuji II
Couple: Claude Faustus x Alois Trancy - Kannei
Alois Trancy - ImpactAlchemist

Kyou Kara Maou - Deathprincess13
Kyou Kara Maou manga - KeigoAtobe007

Kyoukai no RINNE manga - annabloem

Airo_RokkuhautoJan 1, 2011 12:34 PM
Jul 28, 2009 12:36 PM
Nov 2007
L - Z

La Corda D'Oro - marya
La Corda D'Oro Secondo Passo - Miss_Scarlett
La Corda D'Oro manga - KeigoAtobe007
Len Tsukimori - umbreon506

Last Exile - Haruka-SD BANNER

Law of Ueki - Miru-SAMA BANNER
Law of Ueki manga - azuro

Legend of Mana manga - darkmousy_06

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time manga
Weapon: Master Sword - KayChan4U BANNER

Letter Bee manga - _Me_

LIFE manga- kuolema

Little Busters manga - TMultimate
Rin Natsume - TMultimate BANNER

Lovely Complex
Koizumi Risa - Mitsuki_senpai

Love Hina - KariELA BANNER
Love Hina manga - Dz0Rdan991
Naru Masegawa - KariELA BANNER

Loveless - KayChan4U BANNER
Loveless manga - AutumnPearl

Lovely Complex - HeyAkari BANNER
Lovely Complex manga - enixela
Atsushi Otani - HeyAkari BANNER
Couple: Risa Koizumi x Atsushi Otani - Yami-Hina

Lucky Star - KonataIsMyLeader BANNER
Lucky Star OVA - Cherry-chii
Lucky Star manga - Deathprincess13
Cherry - KonataIsMyLeader
Konata Izumi - _Me_ BANNER
Akira Kogami - JiGoKu_gAkUsEi BANNER
Kagami Hiragi - annabloem

Ludwig Kakumei manga - cloud9_eternal

Macross Frontier - Kira01
Sheryl Nome - Daphne4
Bizarre: Frog phone - KayChan4U BANNER

Magical x Miracle manga - Reverie89

Mahou Sensei Negima manga - Dz0Rdan991

Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanohana - funsohng
Fate Testarossa - Rebellion125
Nanoha Takamichi's Rising Heart - Animeluverz125

Natsuki Kuga - HellGirl BANNER
Weapon: Mikoto's sword - HellGirl

Mai Otome - KyuubiChan

Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro - _Me_
Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro manga - flanneryblaze
Nougami Neuro - Utsuru BANNER

Majutsushi Orphen - Death-Summoner BANNER

Makai Senki Disgaea - flanneryblaze BANNER

Maker Hikoushiki Hatsune Mix manga
Bizarre: Black Rock Shooter - true_heart BANNER

Manabi Straight - mucchii

Maria+Holic - Shion-chan BANNER

Maria Sama ga Miteru (all) - yuna_ashe89
Couple: Sachiko Ogasawara x Yumi Fukuzawa - yuna_ashe89

Mars - Tara113
Mars manga - Tara113
Rei Kashino - Tara113 BANNER
Kira Aso - Tara113 BANNER

Matsuri Special manga- kiimmiiej2112 BANNER

Memories of Second - Kira01

Mermaid Melody: Pichi Pichi Pitch manga - Kyoko_SB BANNER

MeruPuri: Märchen Prince manga - Letty

Minami-ke - Barbalay

Mirai Nikki manga - Miru-SAMA

Missile Happy! manga - Kyoko_SB BANNER

Mnemosyne - StLzFirstLady

Moe Kare manga - enixela

Moetan - Furude_Sam

Monochrome Factor - Zelman

Mononoke- JiGoKu_gAkUsEi
Mononoke manga - HotaruKara
Kusuriuri - JiGoKu_gAkUsEi BANNER

Monster - Zenit BANNER

Muhyo to Ryouji Mahoritsu Soudan Jimusou manga - flanneryblaze

Murder Princess manga - Cherry-chii

Mushishi - HotaruKara
Mushishi manga - HotaruKara
Ginko - HotaruKara BANNER

Mushi Uta - SebbyLuver15

My Girl manga- Gagana

My Neighbor Totoro
Totoro - DwChan

My Otome
Yumemiya Arika - KyuubiChan
Weapon: Yumemiya Arika's gem - KyuubiChan

Myself Yourself - -WELKIN-SAITO-

Mysterious Girlfriend X manga - yunadestined

Nabai no Ou - Shion-chan BANNER
Nabari no Ou manga - Deathprincess13
Yoite - CandyOtaku

Nagasarete Airantou manga - ShanaFlame BANNER

NANA manga - Yami-Hina
Ren Honjo - Aysha BANNER
Nobuo "Nobu" Terashima - Aysha BANNER
Nana Osaki - Utsuru
Okazaki Shinichi - Sun_Princess BANNER
Couple: Osaki Nana x Honjo Ren - enixela BANNER
Couple: Nana Komatsu x Nobuo Terashima - iv4eto_666

Nanaka 6/17 - azuro

Naruto - -HatakeKakashi-
Naruto: Shippuden - darkmousy_06
Naruto manga - Td99
Akamaru (shippuden) - sarroush
Sai - sana-nanaka BANNER
Akamaru - -HatakeKakashi- BANNER
Hyuuga Hinata - mcjazzman32 BANNER
Kakashi Hatake - -HatakeKakashi- BANNER
Itachi Uchiha - HyuugaNeji BANNER
Sasuke Uchiha - Shancakeschan BANNER
Orochimaru - Hellkiller BANNER
Shikamaru Nara - Merraknee BANNER
Sabaku no Gaara - serenal9
Sakura Haruno - MidnightBlackCat
TenTen - KokoroChan
Naruto Uzumaki - KyuubiChan
Bizarre: Sharingan - TomPaul15 BANNER
Bizzare: Deidara - KatekyoGirl7
Couple: Naruto Uzumaki x Sasuke Uchiha - Shancakeschan BANNER
Couple: Hidan x Pein - XxImm0rtaLxX BANNER
Couple: Haku x Zabuza Momochi - HelloClarice727
Couple: Sasuke x Sakura - KokoroChan BANNER

Natsu no Arashi - InoueAsuka BANNER

Natsume Yuujinchou - Knare
Natsume Yuujinchou manga - HotaruKara
Natsume Takashi - Yamitsu
Animal: Madara - HotaruKara BANNER

Needless - ShadowDra
Eve Neuschwanstein - ShadowDra BANNER

Negative Happy Chainsaw Edge manga - _Me_

Asuna Kagurazaka - RamenPizza
Animal: Chamo - azuro

Neji manga - Haruka-SD BANNER

Neo Angelique Abyss - KeigoAtobe007
Rayne - KokoroChan

Neon Genesis Evangelion - memorylag
Rei Ayanami - RandaruXs

Night Wizard - shyLey

Nijuu Mensou no Musume - NatsuMitsuru

Nodame Cantabile - marya
Nodame Cantabile Paris Chapter - enixela BANNER
Nodame Cantabile manga - enixela
Bizarre: Megumi Noda - enixela BANNER

Number manga - _Me_

Nuraihyon no Mago - SebbyLuver15

Nyoro-n Chuyura-san - KitKatisRad BANNER

Olimpus manga - InezMaria

One Piece - Zenit BANNER
One Piece manga - Crazyz
Luffy - Td99 BANNER
Kokutou Yoru - Zenit BANNER
Nami - EtnaEraclea BANNER
Nico Robin - HotaruKara BANNER
Boa Hancock - -Eva-
Animal: Tony Tony Chopper - SonicPush BANNER
Bizarre: Tony Tony Chopper - pupsia
Couple: Zoro x Sanji - -Eva-
Couple: Zoro x Luffy - pusia

Onegai Teacher - darklite

Onegai Twins - azuro

Onihime VS manga - sarroush

Orange Planet manga- Cherry-chii

Ookiku Furikabutte - topadzidza
Ookiku Furikabutte manga - topadzidza

Otokomae Beads Club manga - Fatal1078

Otomen manga - Ebisu-sama

Ouran High School Host Club - KonataIsMyLeader BANNER
Ouran High School Host Club manga - HibariDesu
Fujioka Haruhi - KonataIsMyLeader
Tamaki Suou - Pika876
Hikaru Hitachin - enya04 BANNER
Ootori Kyouya - enixela BANNER
Mitsukuni Haninozoka - Luchixa BANNER
Bizarre: Honey Sempai's Bun-bun (the stuffed rabbit) - InoueAsuka BANNER
Couple: Tamaki Suou x Haruhi Fujioka - Utsuru BANNER
Couple: Hikaru Hitachiin x Haruhi Fujioka - annabloem
Couple: Hikaru Hitachin x Kaoru Hitachin- Hikaru_Chan

OverDrive - Zelman

Pandora Hearts - Prongs
Pandora Hearts manga - mhacy_sakura BANNER
Alice - ShanaFlame BANNER
Gilbert Nightray - Shancakeschan
Jack Vessalius - InoueAsuka BANNER
Oz Vessalius- iChibi
Echo - lietchenstein
Will of Abyss - InoueAsuka BANNER
Elliot Nightray - Harada_Risa BANNER
Lotti Baskerville - neko-chann
Weapon: Alice's Staff - DarkRabbitReaper
Couple: Alice x Oz Vessalius - ShanaFlame BANNER
Bizarre: Cheshire Cat - Death-Summoner BANNER
Bizarre: Break Xerxes - Ikoro

Paradise Kiss- Santosia BANNER
Paradise Kiss manga - enixela

Pastel manga - Yami-Hina

Persona~Trinity Soul~ - Kira01

Phantom: Requiem of the Phantom - Vivene
Phantom Ein/Elen - NatsuMitsuru

Pita-Ten manga - Reverie89

Pokemon - Death_2_all BANNER
Pokemon Advance - -HatakeKakashi-
Pocket Monster Special manga - flanneryblaze
Pikachu - funsohng BANNER

Popotan - Furude_Sam

Prince of Tennis - cloud9_eternal
Prince of Tennis (and new) manga - cloud9_eternal
Karupin - KatekyoGirl7 BANNER
Ryoma Echizen - true_heart BANNER
Keigo Atobe - KeigoAtobe007
Echizen Ryoga - Ikukihiko
Bizarre: Inui Juice - KeigoAtobe007
Couple: Echizen Ryoma x Sakuno Ryuzaki SooChuuwy BANNER
Couple: Fuji Syusuke x Kunimitsu Tezuka - KeigoAtobe007

Princess Princess - Harada_Risa

Prism Ark - Harada_Risa

Princess Tutu - cloud9_eternal

Puni Puni Poemi - KyuubiChan

Psyren manga - strokes_xd

Pyuu to Fuku! Jaguar manga - flanneryblaze

Queen's Blade: Rurou no Senshi
Nanael - japanme32

Ragnarok the Animation
Poi-Poi - Kira01 BANNER

Rahxephon - darklite

Ranma 1/2
Couple: Ranma Saotome x Akane Tendo - _Me_ BANNER

Red River manga
Bizarre: Ramses - Letty

Romeo x Juliet- Luchixa
Romeo x Juliet manga - sonydello

Rosario+Vampire - KitKatisRad BANNER
Rosario+Vampire Capu2 - bananakQ
Rosario+Vampire manga - azuro
Mizore Shirayuki - Yami-Hina BANNER

Rozen Maiden - funsohng
Rozen Maiden Traumend - bananakaQ
Rozen Maiden manga - ShanaFlame BANNER

Rurouni Kenshin (Samurai X) - Reiku_Sai
Himura Kenshin - Death-Summoner BANNER
Sanosuke Sagara - dan_sagara

Rust Blaster manga - Utsuru

Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon R - NewAnimeFan
Sailor Moon S - Airo_Rokkuhauto
Artemis - arisa5669 BANNER
Makoto Kino (Jupiter) - NewAnimeFan
Tomoe Hotaru (Saturn) - Airo_Rokkuhauto

Saint Seiya - memorylag
Weapon: Andromeda Chain - Death-Summoner BANNER

Saiunkoku Monogatari - Death-Summoner BANNER


Sakura-Hime Kaden manga - Sun_Princess BANNER

Samurai Champloo - TomPaul15 BANNER
Momo - TomPaul15 BANNER
Mugen - TomPaul15 BANNER

Samurai Deeper Kyo - darkmousy_06
Samurai Deeper Kyo manga - bloodykiba
Yuya Shiina - darkousy_06
Sarutobi Sasuke - darkmousy_06

Sarai-ya Goyou - InezMaria BANNER

Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei - hakocha

School Days - shyLey

School Rumble - KariELA BANNER
School Rumble manga - azuro

Scrapped Princess - NewAnimeFan

Sekirei - ShanaFlame BANNER
Sekirei manga - sarroush
Tsukiumi - Qaszka
Weapon: Karasuba's Katana - sarroush

Sengoku Basara - KayChan4U BANNER
Couple: Sanada Yukimura X Date Masamune- Shancakeschan

Serial Experiments Lain - Haruka-SD BANNER

Seto No Hanayome - hakocha

Shakugan No Shana - hakocha
Shakugan no Shara manga - ShanaFlame BANNER
Shakugan no Shana II - Deathprincess13
Shana - hakocha BANNER
Weapon: Nietono no Shana - ShanaFlame BANNER

Shaman King - KatekyoGirl7 BANNER
Shaman King manga - Harada_Risa
Weapon: Tao Ren's Bao-lei - -Eva-

Shigofumi - hakocha
Mikawa Fumika - Isk_moon99 BANNER

ShikabaneHime: Ako
Makina Hosimura - Jto182

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 manga - darkmousy_06

Shinigami Lovers manga - Gagana

Shinshi Doumei Cross manga - InoueAsuka BANNER

SHUFFLE! - OtakuPenguin
SHUFFLE! manga - annabloem
Kaede Fuyou - Rebellion125 BANNER

Shugo Chara! - cloud9_eternal
Shugo Chara! Doki! - amukid08
Shugo Chara! manga - cloud9_eternal
Ikuto Tsukiyomi - cloud9_eternal
Hinamori Amu - Reverie89 BANNER
Nadeshiko Fujisaki - Ikukihiko BANNER
Nagihiko Fujisaki - mLba09
Yoru - HibariDesu
Weird: Miki's Blue Bag - mLba09
Couple: Hinamori Amu x Tsukiyomi Ikuto - HanyuuChan BANNER
Couple: Fujisaki Nagihiko x Mashiro Rima - mLba09

Skip Beat - SetsunaSeiei97
Skip Beat manga - amukid08
Ren Tsuruga - iwonn BANNER
Kyoko Mogami - pupsia

Slam Dunk - Letty
Hanamichi Sakuragi - lion741852

Slayers - Yami-Hina BANNER

Sola - annabloem

Sonic X
Sonic - Zenit BANNER
Shadow - Metal_Ganado

Soul Eater - HeyAkari BANNER
Soul Eater manga - Td99
Tsubaki Nakatsukasa - HeyAkari BANNER
Death The Kid - EtnaEraclea BANNER
Sou Eater Evans - Mizuki_chan
Eruka Frog - SebbyLuver15
Blair - VampireKisses568
Patty and Liz (Weapon Mode) - Miru-SAMA
Spirit (Death Scythe mode) - Letty
Couple: Maka Albarn x Soul Eater Evans - Miru-SAMA

Special A - KonataIsMyLeader BANNER
Special A manga - enya04 BANNER
Hikari Hanazono - miaki-san
Kei Takashima - kamika BANNER
Yahiro Saiga - darkangel_zhyra BANNER
Tsuji Ryu - KeIkoChaN1228
Couple: Kei Takashima x Hikari Hanazono - Hikari_Writer
Couple: Tadashi Karino x Akira Toudou - DwChan BANNER

Spice and Wolf - funsohng

Spiral - Deathprincess13
Spiral manga - Deathprincess13

Spirited Away - KyuubiChan

Strawberry Panic - ShinePearl
Nagisa Aoi - ShinePearl
Couple: Nagisa Aoi x Shizuma Hanazono - ShinePearl

Sugar Addiction manga - Letty

Sugar Sugar Rune - darkangel_zhyra BANNER

Tactics - amukid08
Tactics manga - amukid08

Tales of the Abyss - flanneryblaze BANNER
Tales of the Abyss manga - HibariDesu
Mieu - flanneryblaze BANNER

Tales of Symphonia - HibariDesu
Tales of Symphonia manga - HibariDesu

Tales of the World Radiant Mythology
Kanonno - mLba09

Tales of Vesperia/ Tales of Vesperia ~First Strike~ - HibariDesu
Tales of Vesperia manga - HibariDesu

Tayutama - KitKatisRad BANNER
Mashiro Mito - maikun BANNER

Tears to Tiara - Lord_Arwan
Arawn - lFenl BANNER

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - Barbalay
Yoko Littner - DarkSoul95 BANNER
Nia Teppelin - Td99
Shimon - VampireKisses568
Weapon: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - Td99 BANNER
Couple: Simon x Nia Teppelin - Shion-chan BANNER

Tenjou Tenge manga - bloodykiba
Maya Natsume - bloodykiba

The Adventure of the Mini-Goddess
Bizarre: Telephone Mecha of Urd and Gan-chan - annabloem

The Breaker manga - bloodykiba

The Devil Does Exist manga - marya

The Dreaming manga - JiGoKu_gAkUsEi

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - Barbalay
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya manga - ShanaFlame BANNER
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 2 - InoueAsuka BANNER
Haruhi Suzumiya - lFenl BANNER
Mikuru Asahina - Soldier_shin
Animal: Shamisen - RandaruXs
Bizarre: Nagato Yuki - _Me_ BANNER
Weapon: Haruhi's guns - RandaruXs

The Summit manga - kuolema

The Tower of Druaga - shancakeschan

The World Ends With You
Neku Sakuraba - neow_neow

The World God Only Knows manga - OtakuPenguin

To Aru Majutsu No Index - yunadestined BANNER
Misaka Mikoto - OtakuPenguin
Couple: Touma Kamijou x Mikoto Misaka - yunadestined

To LOVE-Ru manga - Dz0Rdan991
Peke - HellGirl
Lala Satalin Deviluke - Dz0Rdan991

Togainu no Chi manga - Boomstick BANNER
Couple: Shiki x Akira - BoomStick BANNER

Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo - enya04 BANNER

Tokyo Mew Mew - Furude_Sam
Ryou Shiragane - annabloem BANNER

Toradora! - KatekyoGirl7 BANNER
Toradora! manga - Crazyz
Taiga Aisaka - Barbalay BANNER
Ami Kawashima - Calypso
Palmtop Tiger - darkangel_zhyra BANNER
Minori Kushieda - Mikitea BANNER

Toshiue no Hito manga - yunadestined

Touka Gettan - BlackPoet

Toward the Terra - Death-Summoner BANNER
Soldier Blue - Soldier_shin BANNER
Couple: Jomy x Blue - Soldier_shin

Trigun - StLzFirstLady

Trinity Blood - Utsuru

True Tears - Crazyz BANNER

Tsubasa Chronicle - SooChuuwy
Tsubasa Chronicle (Tokyo Revelations &Shunraiki) - HotaruKara
Tsubasa Chronicle manga - Motina
Sakura Kinomoto - mhacy_sakura
Fay D Flourite - Fay-kun BANNER
Kurogane - Motina
Couple: Sakura x Syaoran - Knare BANNER
Couple: Fai x Kurogane - Motina
Weapon: Fay's staff - Fay-kun BANNER
Weapon: Ginryuu - Motina

Tsuki no Shippo manga - ChocoPuddin BANNER

Ultra Maniac - Santosia BANNER

Umineko no Naku Koro ni - ShanaFlame BANNER
Kanon - SonicPush BANNER
Shannon - Katsuki BANNER
Ushiromiya Battler - Mitsuki_senpai
Beatrice - motoko09 BANNER
Couple: Kanon x Jessica - Harada_Risa
Couple: Battler Ushiromiya x Beatrice - darklite

Unbalance x Unbalance manga - sarroush

Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru
Sodom - Kannei
Luke Crosszeria - Kannei

Usagi Drop - _Me_

Uta Kata - ShinePearl

Uzumaki manga - KyuubiChan

Valkyria Chronicles - HibariDesu
Valkyria Chronicles manga - -WELKIN-SAITO-
Welkin Gunther - -WELKIN-SAITO- BANNER
Alicia Melchiott - -WELKIN-SAITO- BANNER
Weapon: Edelweiss Army Tank - -WELKIN-SAITO-
Couple: Welkin Gunther x Alicia Melchiott - -WELKIN-SAITO-

Vampire Game manga - Letty

Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust - Daphne4
Vampire Hunter D manga - JiGoKu_gAkUsEi

Vampire Juuji Kai manga - ChocoPuddin BANNER

Vampire Knight - kyneval BANNER
Vampire Knight manga - KayChan4U
Kuran Kaname - kyneval BANNER
Kiryuu Zero - spongebob BANNER
Yuki Kuran (Cross) - GothicQueen BANNER
Shiki Senri - sarroush BANNER
Takuma Ichijou - llara05
Rima Touya - marya BANNER
Hanabusa Aido - AnarielAnastil
Weapon: Bloody Rose - marya BANNER
Weapon: Artemis Rod - Red_Butterfly BANNER
Couple: Zero Kiryuu x Yuki Kuran (Cross) - bloodykiba BANNER
Couple: Kaname Kuran x Yuki Kuran (Cross) - GothicQueen BANNER
Couple: Shiki x Rima - InoueAsuka BANNER

Vampire Princess Miyu
Shiina - annabloem

Vassalord manga - Ebisu-sama

Veritas manga - bloodykiba

Violinist of Hameln manga - BlackPoet

Wanted manga
Luce Lanceman - Penguin-chan BANNER
Armelia - Penguin-chan

Welcome To NHK - _Me_

White Album - Kira01

Witch Hunter Robin - Luchixa
Witch Hunter manga - HotaruKara

Wolf's Rain - Zenit BANNER
Wolf's Rain manga - JiGoKu_gAkUsEi
Toboe (wolf's from) - JiGoKu_gAkUsEi BANNER

World Embryo manga - TwilightHaseo

X - Letty

Xam'd: Lost Memories - OtakuPenguin
Couple: Akiyuki Takehara x Haru Nishimura - OtakuPenguin

xxxHolic - sarroush
xxxHolic (Kai & Shunraiki) - HotaruKara
xxxHolic manga - Yami-Hina
Modoki Mokona - shaku1347 BANNER
Modoki Mokona "Soel" - Yami-Hina BANNER
Watanuki Kimihiro - Yami-Hina BANNER
Yuuko Ichihara - sarroush BANNER
Maru & Momo - Fay-kun
Couple: Yuuko Ichihara x Watanuki Kimihiro - sarroush BANNER
Couple: Yuuko Ichihara x Clow Reed - Fay-kun BANNER

Yakitate!! Japan - llara05

Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge - Miru-SAMA BANNER
Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge manga - sakura421
Sunako Nakahara - ChocoPuddin

Yami no Matsuei manga- - KeigoAtobe007
Couple: Muraki x Tsuzuki - Kiteki BANNER

Yoake Mae Yori Ruri Iro Na- Luchixa

Yotsuba&! manga - Yami-Hina

You're So Cool manga - marya

Yu-Gi-Oh: Duel Monsters - -HatakeKakashi-

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX - Shion-chan BANNER
Edo Fenikkusu - Airo_Rokkuhauto
Bizarre: Yuuki Juudai's bichromatic eyes - Airo_Rokkuhauto

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - Airo_Rokkuhauto

Yu Yu Hakusho (movies and OVA included) - Yami-Hina BANNER
Hiei - HelloClarice727 BANNER

Yume Tsukai - NatsuMitsuru

Yurara no Tsuki manga - KeigoAtobe007

Zero no Tsukaima - funsohng
Louise Francoise de la Valliere - funsohng BANNER
Couple: Louise Francoise de la Valliere x Saito Hiraga - true_heart BANNER

Zettai Karen Children - yunadestined BANNER
Momotarou - yunadestined

Zettai Kareshi manga - KeigoAtobe007

Zombie Loan - Letty
Zombie Loan manga - Harada_Risa
Michiru Kita - Gagana
Shito Tachibana's Gun - Luchixa

Zombie Powder manga - Gagana

Airo_RokkuhautoJan 1, 2011 12:36 PM
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