Oct 2, 2013 12:35 PM
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is an epic, creative, greatly-written animated series. It involves both adventure and proper slice of life, in that no matter how mundane anything seems to be, there's always something going on. And the cast consists of great characters like the smart Twilight Sparkle, the insane Discord, and the honest Applejack. They don't just exist for emotional manipulation like Key Visual Arts' absolutely positively worthless moeblobs. (At least Shinji Ikari could save the day) There's also good action. Conversely, Air, Kanon, and Clannad are non-stop lack of action that have to meander around with no plot or overarching story. Nothing ever happens in them. Hell, a single episode of MLP: FIM had more to offer than any of these moeblob madness series, in that each episode tells its own story. |
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