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Jul 13, 2013 4:13 PM

Jun 2009
Dorm: Room 17

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Jul 13, 2013 4:16 PM

Jun 2009
Going down the hallway, I end up going quite a long way and was quite almost at the end. The second last on the left side, it was very cool here and the aura this place gave off, was like a different place from the lobby before. There were also rooms on the right side of the hallway, which were made out of straight numbers. Left side were odd numbers.
Okay then. After opening the door I felt like I was in one of the Indiana Jones films, being inside an old ruin or temple, which was kind of cool.
I entered it and took a short peek around and I was really good with it, but.. i ... went directly to the room that seemed to be the bedroom. No one in the appartment and nobody in the room. I sighed, maybe having expected some kind of event, but that didnt matter at the moment. There was one double-bed, that looked very, very smooth and comfy. I undressed just with my shorts left and threw myself on the bed.. and went to sleep quite instantly.
Jul 14, 2013 2:18 PM

Jun 2009
After some time I woke up, more or less. Still being sleepy I felt something nice and fluffy on my body, but I couldn't grasp it with my senses yet. I rolled around and stumbled out of the room drunken with sleepyness and still somehow dressed. My eyes were half open and sometimes as I closed my eyes, I ran against some interior. And thus my first mission was to navigate these harsh waters, through the room. Very thankful, there being not that many choices where the toilet could be, I had towards it.
mmhmhmh.. *mumbling*.. Guess it doesnt matter if I close my eyes a bit.

- Half an hour later -

Wha- Where... oh, I ... fell asleep. I undressed loosely, so the only thing left were my shorts, I hope.
Wasn't there ...something said about ....a roommate? mh.. I think I'll grett him ..... tomorrow. Or her? Meh, .... nevermind. Brain. Take me to bed!
I let out a very heartily yawn and lurked back to the room I came from.

There was something lying in the bed I haven't seen before. A Girl, with cute, black paws and long hair, tanned skin?
Ok, let me continue this dream.
The girl herself was fast asleep and mumbled some things every now and then: "Mmhhhmya... Kneel... before me,... infidel... Munya. Obey... meee~
I tried to make a confused look, but I think I left it in the bathroom.
Yeah sure. This must be one hell of a dream... Good night.
With this i sneaked into the bed again and snuggled against the smooth pillowlike unknown lady.
Jul 16, 2013 12:51 AM

Jun 2009
[The next day]

My comfortable pillow from last night was gone, but this certainly was only my imagination after all. I opened my eyes, feeling pretty well. That was a good sleep. Hhhnnnggg. I stretched my limbs, rubbed my eyes and let our a heartily yawn.

I probably slept the whole day, was what I thought, thats how tired I was yesterday. And my clock said: Yes, you've missed almost the whole day!
Ugh, nice. already 12?! Time to get something to eat.
Lost in thought I left the bedroom to go for the kitchen and look, whats in the fridge. And with a nice cooled orange juice, the day can begin. I took the big glass of juice with me and wanted to settle on the couch.

But then I froze and a shiver ran through my body.
Who's that!?!? But before I could say anything, the girl stood up from the couch and confronted me "Who are you and what are you doing here? What did you do to me in my sleep?"
As I was really taken aback, I could just open and close my mouth but nothing would come out. Furthermore she is... what is she, beside looking like a girl, but not being one??
I scratched the back of my head "Ehehe." And smiled a bit.
"Don't 'ehehe' me. Talk human!" She came closer and one of her black paws pointed at my chest and pushed me lighty back. "What. are. you. doing. here?!"
I looked down, just to immediately look p into her face again.
Oh my god. Does she know what she's wearing? Covering up her ... nice breasts ... with just a darkgreen bikini? I got hot, red and some shivers ran through my body again.
"Ehm... having a juice in the morning?"
She got an angry face, she's sure to kill me.
But then a thought crossed my mind! That's it.
"Ah! Sorry, m bad. Good Morning, uhm... ?!" I smiled politely.
"Are you kidding me? Good morning? What the hell is good with this morning? As soon as I got up, there is some creep hugging me almost naked and did i-don't-know-what to my sacred body!? And then here you are, talking to me as if you're on my level? Are you serious?"
Good bye my good morning. I sighed and shrunk together. What can I do?...
"Uhm.. WHAT? Wait, wait. I would not do something ...!"
But I got cut off and dragged out of the room by her strong paws. Good god is she strong, I wouldn't have thought. But where the hell is she taking me?!
"Shut up. I dont wanna hear anything from you!" She said angry.
"Ooooioioi. Where the hell are you taking me?" I stuttered as I was now being pulled along the floor.
"To the receptionist... And then the guards."
Receptionist, why? ... Wait.. Guards, what the hell?

To the Lobby!
Jul 16, 2013 3:40 PM

Jun 2009
[Mayah enters the dorm room around lunchtime]

Maya came into the room small tears swelling up in her and going straight to the bedroom.
She plummed right on the bed and hid her face in the pillow.
*sniffle* "Why?.. Why does this ... have to happen to me?" *Sniffle*
What was the source of my anger?.... Why did it escalated that quickly.. and ... why does I have to be the one sharing a room with him?*sniffles*

She turned around and looked at the Place where Sven lay on the bed. With her fine nose still smelling the odor of her roommate. I just can't smell him, it seems. Disgusting. And he's so not to my taste.
Maya then rolled out of the bed and went to the kitchen, maybe something to eat will help her get in a better mood.
But right after opening the fridge there was a seemingly big yawn coming out of it. There were some small bottles of juice and some chocolate.
"Ugh.. Chocolate. I hate chocolate."
I wonder what that creep does at the moment. I hope he dies, then I can finally be alone here.
*sigh* "Now I'm start thinking about that idiot... "
She took some juice with her and roamed around the room and looked out of the window while taking some sips.
"Oh my. Look at all those idiotic couples caring for nothing and just indulging in their sexual desires."
Even though I wont mind trying out some fun like they have... I have to see this as business. I have to do it for my cult.
Then there came Sven to her mind again.
"Oh god. Fuck it, I have to focus on other things to forget this."
She took a look at some cardboards. Unfortunately there were not signed, so it was unclear who the owner is. She opened one, just to see Sven's clothes in it.
"For gods sake.... This looks exactly like something such a creep would wear."
... Even though, it was generally normal Shirts and Jeans, etc. some of them had logos and the like on them, coming from games or had connections to Anime/Manga. But unfortunately for Sven and her, she only saw 'Stuff-that-Creeps-would-wear'.
She put it aside and opened another cardboard, .... books from Sven. Some were known by her but most of them were of genres she couldnt crasp - Science Fiction and Fantasy.
"Ugh. This is getting even worse. And this ... guy should match with me?... I. don't. think. so." She sighed again and tilted her head.
Next cardboard, .... PC, Consoles and Games ... from Sven.
She was speechless. Shit. Shit. Shit!
She looked around crazy and went almost insane.
"Where is my fucking stuff?! I tell you, Creep, if it's your doing, then you'll regret this.... a lot."
She then started to take his console and plugged it into the TV.
How does she know? She has a brother who she played with and he showed her.

She did take some time setting up everything, but finally did it and then she rummaged through the games: Cyclone Warhead 3, Mech Maiden Redux, ... Strategic Clone Command.... Anarchy Fighter 6 and as she didnt want to look further, the last one was Genitalia Copter - Midgets on a Rampage Version. What the Hell is THIS?!

She picked Anarchy Fighter 6 and tried to spend some time... as a noob.
SubenuJul 19, 2013 12:00 AM
Jul 16, 2013 3:40 PM

Jun 2009
[Sven enters the dorm room few hours later]

Just before I entered I had a view of my still angry roommate in my mind.
I had the hand on the doorhandle and took a deep breath, then slowly and cautiously entered the appartment. I walked a bit forward just to see some cardboards being opened and some stuff lying around. My cardboards and my stuff lying around. Then my sight wandered to the living area of the appartment.
And what did my eyes catch?
There was she, focusing on the TV with a controller in her hand and trying her best at what I think would be my Anarchy Fighter 6.
She moved around and feeling everything life while playing, but she sucked, really hard.
"Just you wait. Next time I'll get you, fucker!" she shouted honestly.

I just stood there amazed at the things I could witness, there she was, playing a Shooter.
Serioulsy, I would have never assumed, that the almighty ... whatever her name is ... would play something like that and even less if it's from a 'creep' like me.
I leaned my body at the wall and just watched the spectacle as she went ahead and used one of the biggest characters and charged forward into melee.
Sie died again and waited for her return.

Somehow I had to smile.

After some time she died countless times, then I said something to help her:
"The character you have, it's an artillery type. Of course he's somewhat strong in melee, but his forte lies in range. Go with that."
Just after I said this, her ears twitched and she sat there in shock. Sie died again ingame.
She then coughed slightly and stood up, leaving everything behind and came to me.
I perked one eyebrow up and then she stood before me.
"Ok, so you finally decided to show your face before me again? So... what did you do to my stuff?"
I stood there in disbelief. Her Stuff? What the hell does she mean?
"Are you deaf or just dumb. Where the hell is my stuff. My clothes, my beauty products. Everything?! Why is there only your stuff lying around? What creepy fantasies are you having with my stuff?!"
Somehow I was overwhelmed. "Uh... eh. Maybe...""Shut up!! I don't want to hear your excuses. You will be lying anyway."
That was rude and she... what the hell is wrong with her?
However, I still was calm, but even more confused than before.
She kept bragging about everything at the moment, thats what it seems.
"Oh my god, not only did you do things to me in my sleep, now you even pull this kind of crap creepy deed out of nowhere and have your ways with it. Just thinking about it makes me wanna puke."
Okay, this is enough. I'm gonna unpack the stuf I bought earlier and prepare something to eat for me. There's no point in trying to talk to her anyway. So I let her argue to herself and went with my grocery to the kitchen.
"Hey! Don't you dare turn your back on me and try to get away from this. We're not done talking. And If you don't answer my questions, this will become your very own personal hell.
I sighed, This will be something... and turned around again.
Why do I even do this again? Ah yes, for the lulz it seems.
I spoke in a calm manner, "Listen, I did not take anything, nor would I do anything to someone's else belongings, that I don't know. And I would also not do anything to someone I don't know."
Wow, she let me finish.
"Hahaha, seriously! Do you hear what nonsense and lies you are spouting. There is no way that YOU are unguilty."
This is seriously getting to piss me off.
I took a deep breath, "Suit yourself and deal with it."
Now I turned around and went to the kitchen without hesitation, ignoring her rambling.
If she does anything stupid now, I swear I will kill her...
But for the better of her own good she just went back playing Anarchy Fighter 6. And it seems she's taking my help.
"This is really like cutting a pineapple with your bare finger."

I tried forcing myself to focus on making myself some dinner... Chili con Carne.
I look even more forward to this now.
SubenuJul 19, 2013 4:02 AM
Jul 23, 2013 2:10 AM

Jun 2009
[Some time later]

I made a bit more food as I myself was able to eat. So I just let it in the pot for now, took a plate with chili and sat quietly on the dining table and watched the girl still playing the game.
I could see her ears twitch every now and then and it seems as if she tried to turn her head around a bit to take a peek, but wasn't really successful with it.

She then behaved strange, put off the TV and console, stood up and just said "I'm going to eat in my room. Don't dare to disturb me," and went to the bedroom.
I just shrugged my shoulders and didn't bother to answer her.

After finishing I put my plate near the pot, just in case my hunger comes back. And I then enjoyed some time playing Anarchy Fighter 6 myself. Just now I could get a good nose full of her smell, a sweet flowery scent. The does smell very nice. Too bad it doesn't reflect that character of her.

That way I could use it to relax a bit and relieve some stress that build up today.


Maya on the other hand, lay on the bed after she entered the bedroom. She sniffled the chili through the door and dig herself even further into the sheets.
"Why does this smell so gooood. Just why." She couldn't get a clear mind because she could smell his scent again from the sheets, which made her feelings become very confused. Pending from anger to sad to unwilling to accept anything and back.
Just what should I do?
Her belly rumbled as she held it. It hurt, because she had nothing to eat for some time now and then this smell from outside the room.
Why didn't he offered me to have some? He must've known that I am starving like crazy. He sure does this on purpose.... But.... She now reflected everything from today in her mind. She thought about lots of things that happened, even the fact they haven't introduced each other until now.
How would he offer something to eat, if he doesn't even know my name? I'm so stupid. But... why should I even take something from this creep. Maybe it's drugged, so he can take advantage of me?! This has to be it.

Maya is getting even more into a delusional world of her own, creating images of his "roommate" that not even he could even think about. Then there was this rumbling from her stomach again.
I'm dying, here. Why isn't there any of my stuff here? She started crying into the sheets to let out everything thats pressuring her, mostly her own delusions.


Sven then did, what he wanted to do. Put out a new plate, filled it with some chili and put it into the fridge, filled his own and did the same again. Washing the pot and then he took out something to drink and sat down outside on the bench on the terrace and took a small nap.
Jul 23, 2013 2:41 AM

Jun 2009
[Late Evening / Early Night]

Maya took a peek out of the room but couldn't see her roommate around. The TV was out, lights were out and the smell of the dinner he made was also gone. Nothing shows any signs of activity.
On one hand she seems really relieved about this, because he doesn't seem to be there. But somehow now a strange feeling of loneliness overcame her. She looked around everywhere, but it was quiet.
The door to the terrace was open with a small gap and let in some fresh air and the nightily sounds of insects.

She went outside and took a deep breath just to see the sleeping roommate hidden on her right side on a comfy bench with a drink standing on the near table. His sleeping face was rather amusing and strange, she giggled and he doesn't seem to fake anything.

Maya went inside again and took a look at the fridge, seeing one meal with a note saying "roommate". Somehow her thoughts were now in disorder. The one delusional "This sure is drugged" thought went along with "I'm so hungry" to "why should I eat something made by this creep." But to make a long story short: her stomach won and she ate everything with gusto.
Oh my... why does this taste so delicious. This sure has to be drugged or something.
But this didn't matter because she was really hungry.
After being finished she let her plate on the kitchentable and took out the sheet of her application.
*sigh* I think there's nothing I can do. Should make the best of it and look for a candidate for my cult....... And.. it seems I have to make the best of it, living together with this... person. Maybe I should enslave him to tend to my wishes.
*giggling* "Hihi, I think this is the best idea for this situation." *nods to herself*
Then from the terrace could a sneeze from the outside.

She left the application form with Sven, so he can inform himself about Maya and thus can start working for her. the Anubis went to the bedroom and lay herself to sleep.
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