Here he goes from boy to man and experiences heartbreak and loss and separation and the sudden onset of adult problems where his world being blown up and turned to ice and then the scene where he is seeing all the problems of the adult world in a woman.
Some of these scenes were particularly symbolic, such as the one where he sees the sparkling of the aurora as the chiffon ripples of a woman's dress, or how they go into the forest as kids but come out young lovers.
Also I think if you look at a work like this without understanding the historical context or knowing about other cartoons that were out at the time you will loose a lot of the meaning - he is showing in here such as Bambi - where bambi's world is all springtime and flowers and then comes twitterpation of mating season and then a forest fire engulfs the world and kills them - a lot of these pictures directly allude to different works and also to stuff going on in the world at the time....
There are other references in here that I don't think I quite get not having read his other works, but the symbolism and drawing make it understandable without words. |
inzarathaJul 9, 2013 5:30 PM