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Jan 25, 2013 4:42 PM

Apr 2011
This is the Info Center thread, think of it as an ever growing Glossary of the RP...
Gibz0maticJan 29, 2013 4:04 PM
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Jan 25, 2013 4:46 PM

Apr 2011
Angel Spheres and Ranks:

1st Sphere: (They're clustered around the central core of purity. Live ONLY in Heaven... NOT AVAILABLE FOR PLAYERS! NPCS ONLY!)

1.) Seraphim- The uppermost section of the hierarchy, these are the angels closest to the throne of God. It is they who unceasingly chant the Trisagion, "Holy, holy, holy..." and encircle the throne, existing off the love emanated by God. It is this fiery love which gives them the term 'fiery serpents'. In this form of fiery serpents, it is said that the light they give off is so intense, that not even other divine beings may look upon them. There is said to be four of these angelic beings. They are listed as the four holy beasts in the book of Revelation and are also described as angels with four faces and six wings. Seraphim have six wings, two cover their faces, two cover their feet, and two are for flying.

2.) Cherubim- Second to only the seraphim, the Cherubim hold the knowledge of God. It is also they who are often sent to earth with the greatest of tasks; the expulsion of Man from the Garden of Eden and the Annunciation of Christ were both performed by Cherubim. Spirits of the Harmonies. The guardians of the fixed stars, keepers of celestial records, bestowers of knowledge. Chief rulers are Ophaniel, Rikbiel, and Zophiel. The Cherubim are pictured as huge, winged creatures with leonine or human faces, bodies of bulls or sphinxes, eagles, etc.

3.) Ophanim- They are the Angels of pure Humility, Peace and Submisssion. They reside in the area of the cosmos where material form begins to take shape. The lower Choir of Angels need the them to access God. Also known as the 'Thrones', these angels serve the primary function of being God's chariot. But besides this, they are also noted as being the dispensers of God's judgment; acting with impartialness and humility to bring about the desires of the Lord. Having the most bizarre physical appearance of the celestial host, they are described a great wheels, covered with a great many eyes and glowing with light. One explanation given for this (besides them acting as God's chariot), is that they mark the end of the first Choir, where the emanations of God begin to take on more material forms and as such exist in a state of transition.

2nd Sphere: (All Orders within this Triad strive to balance or reconcile such opposites as good and bad, matter and spirit and higher and lower, thus risking corruption in doing so. Occupy Heaven and Limbo... occasionally go as far as the Gates of Hell)

1.) Dominions- Act as a sort of middle management between the upper choir and the lower, holding the task of regulating the duties of lower angels. They receive their orders from the seraphim and cherubim and are responsible for ensuring that the cosmos remains in order. It is only with extreme rarity that the dominations make themselves physically known to mortals, instead quietly concerning themselves with the details of existence. Spirits of Wisdom, through them is manifested the Majesty of God. They hold an orb or sceptre as an emblem of authority, and in Hebraic lore, the chief of this order is named Hashmal or Zadkiel. (NOTE: Think of them as Generals or Marshalls with their own armies of the other 2 ranks)

2.) Virtues- Given to two main tasks, the virtues not only are concerned with maintaining the aspects of the natural world, but also with bestowing blessings upon the material world as well. In their first task, they preside over the movements of the celestial bodies as well as events of weather including rain, snow, wind and the like. In the second, it is they who take the orders given to them and in turn convert them into miracles for God's favored. Variant names for them include the Malakim and the Tarshishim. Virtues are known as the Spirits of Motion and control the elements. They are sometimes referred to as "the shining ones." They govern all nature. They have control over seasons, stars, moon; even the sun is subject to their command. They are also in charge of miracles and provide courage, grace, and valor. (NOTE: Think of them moreso as the 'mage' or 'cleric' class)

3.) Powers- Spirits of Form. Holding one of the most dangerous tasks, the powers are responsible for maintaining the border between Heaven and Earth. Acting as a sort of elite guard, they constantly watch for demonic attack, and are the major line of defense and battle during heavenly warfare. They are also tasked with guarding the celestial byways between the two realms and ensuring that souls which leave the mortal world reach heaven safely. Perhaps not surpassingly, given their proximity to the nether regions, there are more angels from the ranks of the powers listed as fallen than from any other member of the hierarchy. (NOTE: Think of them as the 'warrior' or 'knight' class)

3rd Sphere: (Most exposed and vulnerable to any corrosion of flesh. Angels from these Orders are most well known to us simply because they are most like us. Occupy the Mortal World for the most part)

1.) Principalities- The head of the final choir, the principalities watch over the mortal world directly, guiding and protecting the earth's nations, cities and towns. Also, they are given to the protection of religion and of politics. As such, they are assumed to be given more freedom to act than the lesser angels below them and are responsible for carrying out divine acts concerning their area of jurisdiction. Finally, they are given to the task of managing the duties of the angels. Spirits of Personality or Time. Protectors of religion. Nisroc, in Milton, is "of principalities the prime," and others, according to various sources, are named Requel, Anael, and Cerviel. (NOTE: They're like the Dominions... except the Mortal World and all its inhabitants are ist priority. Heaven, Limbo, and Hell are NOT)

2.) Archangels- Fire Spirits. Angels above the order of Angels. It also serves to designate a specific rank of angels in the angelic heirarchy. The term Archangels refers to the greater angels such as Michael and Gabriel, known also as chief princes. The order can also refer to the angels who stand at the throne of God, thus being the higher angel ranking. While also listed as a way of defining an especially important angel, the term archangel is used here as the second to last rank in the celestial hierarchy. The confusion comes mainly from the ancient Hebraic way of defining angels which was simple angel and archangel. It was not until later that the hierarchy was defined, and many of the angels previous named as simply archangels were given new posts. Despite this, as a class the archangels are tasked with not only watching the duties of the angels, but also acting as the leaders in the divine army during battle. (NOTE: Archangels are considered a cross between Powers and Virtues, but weaker... think of them as hybrid of the both but technically weaker)

3.) Guardians- Sons of life or of twilight. A rank which intermediates between God and Man. Angels are closest to earth and earthly matters, whereas the archangels have more to do with the heavenly realm. Both orders are very similar and they often cross in their duties with each other. The least (if one could say that about any angelic being) in the hierarchy, angels are given to two major tasks. First, they are responsible for watching over the affairs of mortals in a more direct manner than the principalities. Instead of watching entire nations, angels watch over households and individual souls, guiding them subtlety and keeping them safe from demonic attack. Also, they are the carriers of God's word to mankind, acting as messengers and couriers to both God and the upper ranks of angelkind as well. In Hebrew, they are called mal'akh, meaning "messenger", in Persian the word is angaros or "courier". (NOTE: Lowest ranked, but still very important... everyone has a Guardian Angel, they are also known for having the most powerful of 'support class' gifts. They are the most humanlike and compassionate by nature).
Gibz0maticFeb 16, 2013 3:59 PM
Jan 25, 2013 4:47 PM

Apr 2011
DEMONS: There are 3 known 'classes' fo demons according to how 'Feather Break' operates. The classes are not determined by the Rings of Hell, but rather a mixed population of the 3 classes can be found in each Ring. Each Demon then carries a skill set related to said Ring.

First Circle: Limbo (NOTE: This part is the part that serves as the gateway to 'Limbo', Heaven and Earth have their own gates as well)
Demon Lord: UNKNOWN
Tenants: Leviathan, Behemoth, and Ziz (Primordial Demons)
Minions: UNKNOWN

Second Circle: Lust
Demon Lord: Asmodeus (Archdemon)
Halo: "Divide and Conquer"- Can divide his body, to make continually smaller duplicates in order to form a "Legion of Perversion"
Tenants: Semiramis, Dido, Cleopatra, Helen of Troy, Achilles, Paris, Tristan, Lancelot, Guinevere (Humanoid Demons)
Minions: Large Eyeballs with Tentacles

Third Circle: Gluttony
Demon Lord: Beelzebub (Archdemon)
Halo: "Municipal Darwinism"- Can continually break down and recreate his body in order to adapt to any situation so long as it follows a certain "Theme" (ie bugs)
Tenants: Cerberus, Ciacco (Primordial Demons), Guelphs (Humanoid Demons)
Minions: Humanoid insect-like fiends of various sizes and shapes

Fourth Circle: Greed
Demon Lord: Mammon (Archdemon)
Halo: "Puppet Master"- Can use its hair (on head) to link up the nervous system of another being and 'mind control them'. Note that this ability only works on the Dead and other Demons.
Tenants: Pluto (Primordial Demon)
Minions: Metallic oversized tanks of badassery

Fifth Circle: Anger
Demon Lord: Amon (Archdemon)
Halo: ???
Tenants: Alecto Fury, Megaera Fury, and Tisiphone Fury, and Medusa Gorgon (Primordial Demons)
Minions: ???

Sixth Circle: Heresy
Demon Lord: Belial (Archdemon)
Halo: ???
Tenants: Farinata degli Uberti, Cavalcante de' Cavalcanti, Epicurus, Emperor Frederick II, and Pope Anastasius II (Humanoid Demons)
Minions: ???

Seventh Circle: Violence
Demon Lord: Berith (Archdemon)
Halo: ???
Tenants: Alexander the Great, Dionysius I of Syracuse, Azzolino da Romano, Guy de Montfort, Obizzo d'Este, Ezzelino III da Romano, Rinier da Corneto, Rinier Pazzo, Atilla the Hun, Capaneus, Brunetto Latini, Catello di Rosso Gianfigliazzi, Guido Guerra, Iacopo Rusticucci, Ciappo Ubriachi, Giovanni di Buiamonte, Reginaldo degli Scrovegni, and Vitaliano di Iacopo Vitaliani (Humanoid Demons)
Minions: ???

Eighth Circle: Fraud
Demon Lord: Mephistopheles (Archdemon)
Halo: ???
Tenants: Geryon, Malacoda, Cacus (Primordial Demons), Venedico Caccianemico, Jason, Alessio Interminei of Lucca, Thaïs, Pope Nicholas III, Amphiaraus, Tiresias, Tiresias' daughter Manto, Aruns, Michael Scot, Alberto de Casalodi, Guido Bonatti, Ciampolo, Catalano, Loderingo, Caiaphas, Ulysses, Diomedes, Guido da Montefeltro, Muhammad, Fra Dolcino, Bertran de Born, Sinon, and Gianni Schicchi (Humanoid Demons)
Minions: ???

Ninth Circle: Treachery
Demon Lord: Lucifer (Archdemon)
Halo: ???
Tenants: Nimrod, Ephialtes, Briareus, Tityos, Typhon, Antaeus,(Primordial Demons) Mordred, Lilith, Cain, and Judas Iscariot (Humanoid Demons)
Minions: ???

1.) Primordial Demons: Demons that have existed since Genesis. They usually include chaos, discord, destruction, and etc.
2.) Archdemons: Angels who when they fell, they went straight to Hell instead of Earth
3.) Humanoid Demons: Evil Humans corrupted and tortured in Hell and left almost beyond recognition
4.) Minions: Beings created by Demons (all classes) to serve in their armies. Each Minion is born from a single sin, so the more evil the Demon the more Minions they have.

*NOTE*: Demons can only enter Earth through 2 ways: either by possession through a Human Mind that some how stumbled in Limbo... or they are summoned through a Hellgate created by a Human on Earth. During possession they a relatively weak but are an equal to almost any Fallen... but if they were full blown summoned, all limiters are removed. They could crush the world if the wanted to (depending on what Demon was summoned of course).
Gibz0maticMar 16, 2013 2:57 PM
Jan 27, 2013 6:10 PM

Apr 2011
NEPHILIM- Nephiilm are the offspring of fertile Fallen Angels with Human partners. The offspring tend to carry very powerful souls; souls that are born to be leaders, revolutionaries, and conquerors...

There are many supposed Nephilim in history, such as:
Sargon the Great
Alexander the Great

However, the children of Nephilim tend to carry very weak blood... the power in the blood of a Fallen Angel is very easily overpowered and corrupted by Human blood's weakness and other natural fallacies. Thus why Empires rise... and fall in do course, for if every generation of royal blood had Nephilim power. An empire may never fall.

In Limbo there are four very special Nephilim that are believed to be a cross between an Angel and a Demon rather than an Angel and a Human. These four Nephilim variants are the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and Limbo they stay Sealed away within Marble Casings awaiting the end of days.
Gibz0maticFeb 1, 2013 1:20 PM
Mar 16, 2013 3:03 PM

Apr 2011
Angel Cameos:

Some 'real' Angels will make appearances or will be named in this RP
The following is a list of them

Michael (DECEASED)
Gabriel (Last seen in London)
Raphael (unknown)
Uriel (unknown)
Sariel (unknown)
Zelel (unknown)
Remiel (unknown)
Metatron (unknown)
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