Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The Different Story
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Jan 9, 2013 1:35 AM
THIS IS A MANGA ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS ANYTHING BEYOND THIS CHAPTER. ---------------------------------------- The series is now completed. I really like this chapter and the whole series in general. Very sad last couple of pages, especially the last frame. |
Jan 9, 2013 11:36 PM
I like how the forum user at MangaFox by the name of "Karupo" made his/her interpretation of the ending, and I must say... It felt very sastisfying even though the entire series had a tragedy in it's mix... My interpretation is: (SPOILERS) - Madoka used her wish to revive Sayaka, and Homura works with them to defeat Walpurgis. - Because only Sayaka was revived, that means Kyouko remains dead *sob*, and we are also shown Mami to have destroyed her own soul gem, which means they are both dead - So, we could say that the last scene with the tea party is in fact the 'afterworld' where Kyouko and Mami get together again as friends. - Now, taking into account that its the 'afterworld', it would make sense for her parents to be there since they died in the car accident. But then there's another problem. Why would they be waiting for Sayaka & co to be coming? The simplest answer I can think of, is that... All three of them, Homura, Madoka and Sayaka die in the fight against Walpurgis. From the anime we see that Homura herself is satisfied with dying together with Madoka, so she probably would not have repeated the time loop. OR, another possibility is that she DOES repeat the time loop and Mami and Kyouko are only waiting for Sayaka and Madoka to join them in the 'afterlife' while Homura goes onto the next timeline (HOMUUUU ;3; ) And with that, Mami's final wish is granted 'Afterlife' = no witches <3 *cries* I read the entire three volumes in one sitting! (And surprisingly the internet had kept it's service up! I guess it's because I am not trafficking it's service to the point it crashed or something.) I love you Kyouko x Mami. ;_; Mami got what she wanted at the end... |
"Everyone go love Cyan!" |
Jan 10, 2013 2:11 AM
I'm sure it was another timeline and Homura ended up going back in time again. That makes the most sense, considering everything we know from the anime. |
Jan 15, 2013 12:14 PM
Yea. Exactly I thought. Still makes me a sad bunny though. ^^; |
"Everyone go love Cyan!" |
Jan 16, 2013 9:11 PM
The whole Madoka series is just depressing in general, but that's one of the things I like about it. |
Jan 23, 2013 11:59 AM
Feb 24, 2013 9:29 AM
Feb 25, 2013 8:39 PM
ihateeveryone said: ![]() TAKE MY TEARS I know, right? That was crazy sad. It's even worse if you believe one interruption I read of what the last few pages meant: Mami killed herself before the Walpurgisnacht showed up. |
Apr 28, 2013 10:13 PM
...Slow. Applause. As someone with a pretty strong dislike of Madoka Magica, I thought that reading yet another example of milking the cow would be a bad idea. Imagine my surprise when I do end up reading this thing and literally everything I hated about the anime was either left out or redeemed. First of all, Different Story actually shows instead of tells. "My father found out and then he killed himself." Not really compelling. But when we actually SEE the interactions between them. The way he labels her a witch... I could really feel for Kyouko in that scene. The same goes for Mami's past and her loneliness. I often wondered why she doesn't just chat with friends on the phone or have sleepovers after all the witch hunting is done. It doesn't really get addressed in the show. In the case of Different Story we understand Mami on a deeper level instead of just glossing over it and saying "She's lonely." And that brings me to my next point. Character development. A good friend told me that the reason I think the characters in Madoka's anime are highly illogical is because it's a psychological anime, and the character development is subtle. After reading this manga I object to that harder than Phoenix Wright. This three volume manga manages to do justice for these characters in a way that makes me LIKE THEM. I watch the anime and my blood boils listening to these characters, but in Different Story, each one's personality is fleshed out and detailed in a way that makes me not only understand them, but sympathize with them. To give an example, Mami. In the anime she comes off as very high and mighty, holier than thou if you will. She keeps a cool attitude about her, talking down to Homura like she's saying "I'm the good guy and you're the bad guy." The words "Bullied child" made me lose all respect for her anime incarnation. In Different Story, the Mami we're presented with is much more reasonable, deciding that while she doesn't think Homura is evil, she's too unpredictable to risk Madoka and Sayaka's safety in dealing with her. That's something I would have liked to hear in the anime, instead of Mami just saying stuff like "If we meet again I'll kill you." It was clear to me from the anime that Mamii isn't the hero of justice she tries to be, and that she puts on this act in order to impress her juniors. But the way it's handled in Different Story is much more refreshing to me than the anime. Someone in this thread told me I would start to dislike Mami when she revealed her true nature to Sayaka, instead it made me like her more, because it was handled so beautifully. The character who most exceeded my expectations was Sayaka. In the anime, Sayaka behaves like a prejudice, pretentious prick, and is only shown the error of her ways through suffering and death. Different Story has that to an extent but gives her much better development into what she's thinking when she sees herself as a failure, and how she views the people around her. Even Kamijou, the most divisive character in the anime gets a shot at redemption, showing that he's not so oblivious as to ignore the girl who faithfully sat by his side while he was angsting. I refused to believe a character could be that much an inconsiderate moron. Word of Urobuchi claims that if Sayaka and Kamijou were to date, she'd get stood up in favor of violin-chan... It's like Urobuchi wants to make this guy as unlikable as possible. The biggest of all of course is Kyouko. Kyouko deserves a friggin medal for her role in this manga. When Kyouko first arrived in the anime, I thought she was the most horribly written character, trying to be as unlikable as possible for the sake of stirring up conflict. While her behavior did make a change for the better, it was a far cry from what I would consider logical development. In Different Story, nothing about Kyouko feels like it was done just because the plot couldn't work without it. Kyouko's thoughts, her actions, all of which are spelled out in a way that makes sense in the end. And that brings me to my next point, the handling of the plot. The anime of Madoka Magica had a thing going on, it needed to mask the details of it's true nature in order to set up the story in a way that's shocking. These shocking reveals make up the core of the show's plot, with the characters feeling like little more than set-pieces to get pushed around in accordance to Urobuchi's sadistic desires, as well as making is wade through episode upon episode to see if Madoka would finally DO SOMETHING. Different Story... not quite. We already know all of that mess, so there's no need to put on such a presentation. Different Story is able to focus more on the interactions and development of the characters. It's not the story of whether Madoka's going to finally make the contract any more. It's not the story of the history of the incubators and witches. It's about these characters and how they cope with the reality of what their lives have become. The anime was trying to do it's own thing, but this... I find much more appealing. Did it redeem the anime for me? Not likely. If I rewatched it I'd probably be reminded of all the things I hate about it. But Different Story did give me a better opinion of the characters, at least this version of them. Dear Gen Urobuchi... THIS IS HOW YOU WRITE CHARACTERS. I give the entire Different Story an 8/10 |
Jun 28, 2013 11:46 PM
Art was a lot better than the manga adaptation. I guess the illustrator got the hang of things after ~3 vols. worth of practice. - Madoka used her wish to revive Sayaka, and Homura works with them to defeat Walpurgis. - Because only Sayaka was revived, that means Kyouko remains dead *sob*, and we are also shown Mami to have destroyed her own soul gem, which means they are both dead - So, we could say that the last scene with the tea party is in fact the 'afterworld' where Kyouko and Mami get together again as friends. - Now, taking into account that its the 'afterworld', it would make sense for her parents to be there since they died in the car accident. But then there's another problem. Why would they be waiting for Sayaka & co to be coming? The simplest answer I can think of, is that... All three of them, Homura, Madoka and Sayaka die in the fight against Walpurgis. From the anime we see that Homura herself is satisfied with dying together with Madoka, so she probably would not have repeated the time loop. OR, another possibility is that she DOES repeat the time loop and Mami and Kyouko are only waiting for Sayaka and Madoka to join them in the 'afterlife' while Homura goes onto the next timeline (HOMUUUU ;3; ) Read more at http://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=543638#qVPO2koCkAixTACP.99 If I had interpreted it like this I probably would've cried. But the weird transition threw me off and I thought it was all a glimpse of an alternate reality, with the final page being the result of Madoka wishing for Mami's normalcy and the soul gem petrifying in reaction. And then I thought it ended there because Homura rewinded upon discovering Madoka was a magical girl. But this makes much more sense. I'm almost positively sure Homura re-winded though, since it zoomed in on her shield (and how would we reach the anime conclusion otherwise?). Plus there were only 2 shadows at Mami's door. Besides that though, I absolutely loved Kyouko's conversations with Madoka. The anime showed practically nothing of Madoka's inner thoughts, she was just seen agonizing over the others and not knowing what to do. But with these little moments, you're given a little idea of what she might have been feeling during all those scenes and she becomes just a tad more understandable. |
Jul 23, 2013 2:08 PM
I loved this side story and because it had Mami i was so freakin happy, she is the best. It was so sad though :( |
Apr 15, 2014 8:02 AM
The last page just f*cked me up :( It was too sad to be true. |
» Escapism. |
May 8, 2014 7:22 PM
Please tell me Shaft will animate this as an OVA or something someday! That last panel put tears in my eyes. ;_; |
Oct 19, 2014 1:49 AM
I just finished the Different Story a few days ago and I have to get this off my chest. Maybe I'm missing something here, but this manga smacks of a terrible mishandling of the franchise, both with the characters and with the setting. First off, let me say that the first volume was certainly good. It exposed Mami and Kyoko's relationship pre-show, which I was always curious about and seeing their relationship change after what happened to Kyoko's family was very intriguing and a good read. I genuinely felt bad for Mami when Kyoko left, because she had a taste of what it was like to have a friend who she could hold a long term relationship with. Losing Kyoko after having that taste would undoubtedly make life much harder for her. Their separation felt like it had weight and meaning to both characters. My problem with this manga is the second and third volume. Right off the bat, this is a story about one of the timelines that Homura ends up negating anyway, which hangs a big fat question over the point of it all if it doesn't matter in the end. One of the show's strongest points was the fact that it never wastes your time. What information is necessary is given, what isn't necessary is held back, but is made available through other materials (interviews, mangas, drama CDs, etc). We see a grand total of 5 (6ish if you count the one after Madoka's ascension?) timelines in the show, as opposed to the hundred or so that Urobuchi states has taken place. Thank goodness they cut down episode 10 to 24 minutes because apparently the original script for it was actually 40 minutes long, but the one they released was succinct and told us the essentials. Namely, what timelines affected Homura the most and led to her personality and actions as we understand it in the show's main timeline. Back to the different story, since Homura is going to revert this timeline anyway (and we know this because the only reason someone would read this is because they watched the show already) it ultimately makes the actions of everyone completely pointless. This could be countered if there was a significant event in this timeline that affected Homura in some way, an experience that she would bring with her into the other timelines if you will (after all she is the one who "flies against time"). Unfortunately, no major event occurs that would affect her in any significant way compared to the other dozens of timelines she's experienced already or will experience or any combination of the two. Now obviously, that alone isn't enough of a reason to not read it, but the fact that I'm just getting started is pretty shocking. Then there's the fact that two very important points in the manga are flat out told to us as opposed to shown. TWO major characters die off-screen, something that the show would never be able to get away with. Kyoko dies to a witch because she ran out of magic and we have to be told this by Kyubey of all people as opposed to seeing her final moments ourselves. Then Mami commits suicide off-screen as well (despite both Madoka and Homura giving her reasons to not do so). The two characters that this manga is supposed to focus on die and we don't get to see it when it happens. Then comes the final chapter. Homura resolves to fight Walpurgis with Sayaka and....Madoka. Why? We know for a fact that she would never allow Madoka to contract after the events of timeline 3 (after Madoka asks her to stop her before she makes a contract) and we know the Different Story takes place after that because Homura isn't wearing her glasses anymore, so why hasn't she negated the timeline yet? Why is she still wasting time in this hell? Even if they defeat Walpurgis, Madoka will turn into a witch anyway and everyone will be screwed. If Homura knows this, then why hasn't she gone back in time yet? And then there's Madoka's wish. Another aspect that I loved about the show is the fact that death means something, or rather deaths of characters have weight and consequence in that they influence not only the setting but the characters as well. Different Story stomps all over that by saying that Madoka wished for Sayaka to be brought back to life. However, as people who have seen the show, we know that even if they win against Walpurgis, Sayaka will still turn into a witch again anyway, pointlessly increasing the pain and suffering of a character (I get the feeling that the author forgot that Sayaka would eventually turn into a witch, but that's just speculation on my part). Adding on to the whole death with weight and consequence thing, Mami and Kyoko die and it doesn't seem to matter to the other characters that much. None of the remaining trio seem to be affected a whole lot by their passing (besides Homura, but only a little bit). If they were greatly affected, then fine. Why don't we see it? Madoka claiming to have been friends with Kyoko feels out of place at this point. While her friendship with Kyoko was a different and interesting perspective, especially since their relationship in the show was very brief, we don't see how Kyoko's passing affected Madoka in the slightest, because she goes on to fight Walpurgis as if their friendship never existed. Homura at the very least acknowledges Mami's death, but that's about it. Thus Mami and Kyoko's deaths are cheapened even more than they already were because the other major players don't appear to notice it. I tried to like this manga in it's entirety with all my heart because I liked the first volume a lot, but it's mishandling of not only the characters, but the setting as well makes the last two volumes (third one especially) a joke to read. Frankly, if it were just the first volume on its own I would be all over it, but unfortunately it isn't and the manga as a whole has to drag the last two volumes around like a dead weight. Does the manga have it's strong points? Of course, but when an author misunderstands the characters and universe to this extent, then I can't help but hate it. Well I suppose that's a load off my chest. Not that I want to hate on something just because everyone else likes it, but my love for the show only makes my dislike for this manga that much stronger. And I suppose it's rather cathartic to write about it. |
AltonatOct 22, 2014 9:45 PM
Aug 5, 2022 5:28 AM
Altonat said: I just finished the Different Story a few days ago and I have to get this off my chest. Maybe I'm missing something here, but this manga smacks of a terrible mishandling of the franchise, both with the characters and with the setting. First off, let me say that the first volume was certainly good. It exposed Mami and Kyoko's relationship pre-show, which I was always curious about and seeing their relationship change after what happened to Kyoko's family was very intriguing and a good read. I genuinely felt bad for Mami when Kyoko left, because she had a taste of what it was like to have a friend who she could hold a long term relationship with. Losing Kyoko after having that taste would undoubtedly make life much harder for her. Their separation felt like it had weight and meaning to both characters. My problem with this manga is the second and third volume. Right off the bat, this is a story about one of the timelines that Homura ends up negating anyway, which hangs a big fat question over the point of it all if it doesn't matter in the end. One of the show's strongest points was the fact that it never wastes your time. What information is necessary is given, what isn't necessary is held back, but is made available through other materials (interviews, mangas, drama CDs, etc). We see a grand total of 5 (6ish if you count the one after Madoka's ascension?) timelines in the show, as opposed to the hundred or so that Urobuchi states has taken place. Thank goodness they cut down episode 10 to 24 minutes because apparently the original script for it was actually 40 minutes long, but the one they released was succinct and told us the essentials. Namely, what timelines affected Homura the most and led to her personality and actions as we understand it in the show's main timeline. Back to the different story, since Homura is going to revert this timeline anyway (and we know this because the only reason someone would read this is because they watched the show already) it ultimately makes the actions of everyone completely pointless. This could be countered if there was a significant event in this timeline that affected Homura in some way, an experience that she would bring with her into the other timelines if you will (after all she is the one who "flies against time"). Unfortunately, no major event occurs that would affect her in any significant way compared to the other dozens of timelines she's experienced already or will experience or any combination of the two. Now obviously, that alone isn't enough of a reason to not read it, but the fact that I'm just getting started is pretty shocking. Then there's the fact that two very important points in the manga are flat out told to us as opposed to shown. TWO major characters die off-screen, something that the show would never be able to get away with. Kyoko dies to a witch because she ran out of magic and we have to be told this by Kyubey of all people as opposed to seeing her final moments ourselves. Then Mami commits suicide off-screen as well (despite both Madoka and Homura giving her reasons to not do so). The two characters that this manga is supposed to focus on die and we don't get to see it when it happens. Then comes the final chapter. Homura resolves to fight Walpurgis with Sayaka and....Madoka. Why? We know for a fact that she would never allow Madoka to contract after the events of timeline 3 (after Madoka asks her to stop her before she makes a contract) and we know the Different Story takes place after that because Homura isn't wearing her glasses anymore, so why hasn't she negated the timeline yet? Why is she still wasting time in this hell? Even if they defeat Walpurgis, Madoka will turn into a witch anyway and everyone will be screwed. If Homura knows this, then why hasn't she gone back in time yet? And then there's Madoka's wish. Another aspect that I loved about the show is the fact that death means something, or rather deaths of characters have weight and consequence in that they influence not only the setting but the characters as well. Different Story stomps all over that by saying that Madoka wished for Sayaka to be brought back to life. However, as people who have seen the show, we know that even if they win against Walpurgis, Sayaka will still turn into a witch again anyway, pointlessly increasing the pain and suffering of a character (I get the feeling that the author forgot that Sayaka would eventually turn into a witch, but that's just speculation on my part). Adding on to the whole death with weight and consequence thing, Mami and Kyoko die and it doesn't seem to matter to the other characters that much. None of the remaining trio seem to be affected a whole lot by their passing (besides Homura, but only a little bit). If they were greatly affected, then fine. Why don't we see it? Madoka claiming to have been friends with Kyoko feels out of place at this point. While her friendship with Kyoko was a different and interesting perspective, especially since their relationship in the show was very brief, we don't see how Kyoko's passing affected Madoka in the slightest, because she goes on to fight Walpurgis as if their friendship never existed. Homura at the very least acknowledges Mami's death, but that's about it. Thus Mami and Kyoko's deaths are cheapened even more than they already were because the other major players don't appear to notice it. I tried to like this manga in it's entirety with all my heart because I liked the first volume a lot, but it's mishandling of not only the characters, but the setting as well makes the last two volumes (third one especially) a joke to read. Frankly, if it were just the first volume on its own I would be all over it, but unfortunately it isn't and the manga as a whole has to drag the last two volumes around like a dead weight. Does the manga have it's strong points? Of course, but when an author misunderstands the characters and universe to this extent, then I can't help but hate it. Well I suppose that's a load off my chest. Not that I want to hate on something just because everyone else likes it, but my love for the show only makes my dislike for this manga that much stronger. And I suppose it's rather cathartic to write about it. Just because the timeline is erased that doesn't mean it lacks meaning. Sure, Homura doesn't develop in this manga, but that's because this manga is about Mami and Kyoko, not her. And considering that Mami is the least developed magical girl (only eps 2 and 3 centred on her), this manga is extremely good at developing and adding depth to her character. Also, just because something is told rather than shown, it doesn't mean that the writing is bad. In this case, it adds more impact to their deaths. It's just like how in the timeline before Homura started letting down her hair, the screen didn't show Madoka being shot, instead using audio to express it. Manga doesn't have audio, so this is just a different technique. Also, Kyoko's death was exactly the same as in the anime, so there's no point in redrawing it. Mami was alone when she killed herself, and her final thoughts were already shown in her suicide note, so there wasn't much point in showing the scene. As for Madoka's wish, it's more likely that Madoka wanted to give Sayaka a second chance, and try to delay her witchification for as long as possible. Just because Madoka's friend passed away that doesn't mean she won't stop fighting against witches. She fought Walpurgisnacht in the third timeline despite having to literally kill her mentor and watch her kill one of her friends. She is capable of turning off her emotions when the situation calls for it. Sayaka too may have absorbed this mindset due to Sayaka and Madoka having to work together because they are both magical girls. Remember, one of her main sources of despair in the main timeline is when she regrets snapping at Madoka just because Madoka wasn't contracted and so couldn't help her. |
"A single 'thank you' is worth more than a million sorries." -𝐸𝓂𝒾𝓁𝒾𝒶 |
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