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Oct 31, 2012 4:46 PM

Apr 2011
This is the Downtown of Tokyo2, most of old Tokyo was consumed by the DigiVoid thus this new one made of glass and technology now stands in its stead...

But down old alleyways, parking garages, parks, and other hidden places... secret wars of Digimon and Tamers still take place unknown to the general public.
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Oct 31, 2012 4:55 PM

Apr 2011
Down the busy streets of Downtown, a blue eyed dark hairedman (well technically he's blonde due to his half Japanese nature, but his school told him to dye it black in order to look like the other students, but I digress) walked down the streets heading for nearby grocery store in order to pick up dinner for the evening.

But from his belt, where a small black device hung lit up saying "Hey Yuki? We need to talk bud..."

Yuki rolled his eyes, and grabbed the device which technically to those who knew what it was... was that it was a Digivice. Yuki said "I told you, I'll be sure to pick up your box of cookies if they were on sale..."

"No, its no about that... but you better pick up my cookies whether their on sale or not! I get the shakes man, THE SHAKES! If I don't get my regular fix of cookies... but this is almost as important. We got a Wild One about 3 blocks from our position"

With that said, the radar lit up on a 3D hologram projection pointing in the direction of the Wild One. Yuki not hesitating for a moment set off at a brisk pace...
Nov 1, 2012 1:31 PM

Jun 2011
Rai hummed lightly to herself,MP4 blasting loudly in the girl's years.Her hips swayed from side to side,fingers snapping in sync with the beats of the tune,olive-blonde locks shaking naturally;people stopped,stared,then went on with their business.As the tune finished,her Digivice flashed.
"Rai-chan?We've got one." a polite,feminine voice announced almost quietly.The girl's gold eyes flashed,before she broke into a sprint;her device showing a clear,3D map."Thank Kami I've got sneakers!" she absentmindedly cursed,causing her unseen companion to chuckle.
Nov 1, 2012 1:39 PM

Apr 2011
Yuki showed up outside a parking garage, he looked up and saw on the 3rd floor there was a digital field brewing... a thick pale grey fog/mist where Data was being converted to Matter by synthesizing proteins and bonding them together in a sort of sac that more or less was a really large fog-like digiegg.

It was at this point that a digital field quickly was created around Yuki as a small purple and red digimon was reborn from his Digivice. The being olny took about 2 seconds to 'real-ize' in the Real World.

Impmon then said "1.93 seconds... a new record, let's go Yuki! What are you standing around for? You slowpoke!" and Impmon jumped forward and went for the stairs...

Yuki said "Guess he doesn't feel like waiting for an elevator..." and followed without any complaints on his otherwise apathetic face.
Nov 1, 2012 1:47 PM

Jun 2011
On the other side,Raichou let a long sigh,as she panted;making a motion with her device,a hawk-like,red creature materializing out of data.The girl stopped,and watched the map."There's another Tamer here." she quietly commented,brows knitting together.
Hawkmon gazed at her partner,coking her head to the side."What do you suggest we do?" she inquired.
"Jump into action,what else?" the girl grinned,causing the digimon to smile.Soon enough,both were running up a stairway;once arriving,they were met with a sight they saw one too many time,plus a dark-haired Tamer and his companion.
Nov 1, 2012 1:59 PM

Apr 2011
On the edge of the Digital Field, Yuki stood lazily watching the center to see what they had to deal with... but Impmon spotted the other Tamer and the Hawkmon first saying "Eh Yuki... we company..." with an uneasy expression that more or less resembled 'hunger' on his face.

Yuki turned his head slightly, to look at them and turned away saying "We'll deal with them in moment... this guy is priority one"

In the middle of the field, with the Data/Matter Conversion almost complete, appeared now standing an exceptionally tall humanoid Digimon with 6 white wings, a golden staff, and an obcure helmet.

"An angel-type... I HATE angel types..." muttered Yuki, the last 2 previous encounters with weren't the world's greatest. The first was a Pidmon who was lecherous to the point of being fallen preying for some strange reason on women's panties and the other was an Angewoman who was on a quest for 'justice' and 'righteousness' to clean the world of 'viruses' which unfortunately included Impmon... but on the plus side that battle for Impmon to digivolve for the first time, which was a plus... but I digress.

The 6 winged angel stretched its wings and flapped hard and once and cleared the field of its previous fog... and confirmed what Yuki suspected: it was an Angemon.
Nov 1, 2012 2:03 PM

Jun 2011
"Impmon,huh?" Hawkmon spoke,scratching her chin.Raichou was not listening;focused on the digimon appearing on the field,her brows knitted together.
"Later...Fairymon,now..." she mumbled,half-coherently,pulling out what looked like a bowie knife.Hawkmon blinked.Raichou wasn't fond of angels,but she did seem to love winged creatures...and now,the girl seemed eager to battle her first Angel type.Hawkmon tried to smirk,as DataCode surrounded her;seconds later,Fairymon stood in her stead.
Nov 1, 2012 2:10 PM

Apr 2011
The Angemon turned towards the 2 Digimon and their human Tamers and said "Humans..." with derision.

"Uh oh" said Yuki, he grabbed Impmon and was about to dive for the stair well again...

Just Angemon said "FILTH!!!! Heaven's Knuckle!" as a large blast of 'holy' light was released with blast radius that barely missed Yuki as he dodged, but would probably consume the other girl with her Digimon if she didn't move...
Nov 1, 2012 2:16 PM

Jun 2011
Raichou smirked as Angemon fired;Fairymon made a grimace,and scooped up her Tamer at full speed,gracefully dodging the blow.
"How dare you?" she asked,after setting the girl safely on the ground."Weren't you taught to never hit a lady," the Fairy began,as she lifted herself in the air,"mainly if she can kick your sorry bottom?!" the beauty huffed,preparing her attack.
"Hurricane Wave~!" she called,petal-like wind bursting massively towards the enemy.
Nov 1, 2012 2:25 PM

Apr 2011
Angemon began spinning his golden staff saying "Holy Rod" as the pink wind was dispersed by its movement...

Meanwhile Yuki and Impmon in the stair well, and Yuki said "That was close... you could almost feel the blood lust once he looked at us..."

Impmon growled "Would you mind letting me go now? ITS HARD TO BREATHE WITH YOU HOLDING ME!!!" and he forced his freedom out of Yuki's arms and brushed himself off saying "Can I eat him now? Or do I have to let the ladies handle all the work?"

Yuki grinned thinly and said "Go for it" and Impmon jumped into the fray with a digital like light as he digivolved to... a Devimon!

Angemon, after he finished dispersing Fairymon's attack saw Devimon and alomost roared as he said "FILTHY VIRUS FILLED DEVIMON!!! Angel Slam!" as he launched himself forward with a body slam smashing himself and Devimon into a large van in the garage.
Nov 1, 2012 2:30 PM

Jun 2011
"Oh come on!" Raichou puffed,throwing her knife for a distraction;Fairymon snuck up behind Angemon,lightly hitting him with her bottom,"Love Tap!" echoed,followed by the female's laugh,as she sat now on her hands."Tempest Twist!" she practically purred,spinning and kicking Angemon away from his original target.
Meanwhile,Rai got close to Yuki."Have you any idea,are all the Angel types so obsess like him?" she casually asked,pointing with a head tilt towards the currently kicked-in-the-face digimon.
Nov 1, 2012 4:26 PM

Apr 2011
"Only the ones I've killed" said Yuki curtly as he then proceeded to address Devimon saying "Oi! Get up and finish this quickly, or we'll won't be able to get any of your damn cookies!"

Devimon leaped out of the now crumpled van, half hunched over he looked pissed and lethal as he growled "Cookies... Data... MINE... Razor Wing!"

While Angemon was now getting attack from the front and half blocking the barrage of kicks from Fairymon, he got completely blind-sided by a pair of dark red laser blasts that came from Devimon's wings.

Angemon went flying side ways and smashed into a support column, cracking it... Devimon launched himself forward at the Angemon with his claws raised and his tongue hanging out as he looked almost feral with hunger...
Nov 1, 2012 4:44 PM

Jun 2011
Raichou whistled at the display."Fairymon." she commanded quietly,signaling something.Her partner nodded briefly,vanishing from sight.
Angemon grunted,muttering "filth" all over again,attempting to block whatever was incoming from Devimon;he didn't got time to hear the yell of "Hurricane Wave" coming from Fairymon,as a strong burst of petal wind accurately hit the center of his back.
Rai smirked from the sidelines.She made a shot-movement with her hand,tilting her head."Game over~"
Nov 1, 2012 4:55 PM

Apr 2011
At the same time Fairymon was performing its finisher, Devimon had his claws put fully extended as he yelled "Death Claw!", his now glowing claws had torn open Angemon's torso revealing Data and what resembled coding

Apparently taking blows from both foes at the same time was too much for Angemon who's Data began to break down as said "No... too soon... must purge humans... must save...Digital World... Bleaaaa..." and his body completely dissolved into Data.

Devimon wasting no time, quickly began to absorb it all as oppose to letting it break down and return to the digital world to be reborn again. Was it cannibalistic? Possibly, but Devimon didn't care... Data made him feel good.
Nov 1, 2012 5:41 PM

Jun 2011
Fairymon winced,vanishing from sight before appearing at Rai's side.She turned back into Hawkmon,as her Tamer stretched and yawned."Made in Heaven" was written in white,bold capitals across the red fabric of a messy shirt,falling off on one shoulder;devil horns and a matching tail adorned the last word.Simple,black capris and sneakers completed her light outfit.
"Brr.Shoulda've got a jacket." she mused,absent-minded,as she ran her hands up-and-down her arms.Hawkmon glanced at her in sympathy,and ruffled the olive locks.
"Let's go home,Rai-chan." she muttered,and the girl smiled in response.
"Sure.But first we must go get some groceries..."
Nov 1, 2012 5:58 PM

Apr 2011
Devimon with a little bit of drool on his face, finished comsuming the Data of the Angemon... turned towards the Hawkmon and its Tamer and grinned as he started walking forward, with a still hungry expression on his face

Yuki watched his every movement, but didn't try to stop it... yet. His eyes seemed a bit bipolar personalitywise, they were overall cold and apathetic as he watched them but at the same time they seemed pitiful and sad. Whatever the case, they weren't leaping at the chance to stop his Devimon...
Nov 2, 2012 11:24 AM

Jun 2011
Raichou scowled at the now approaching Devimon.Her head turned towards Yuki,mass-murderer grin in place."Lookin' for a fight,aren't we?" she growled out,as Hawkmon gulped;she changed back to Fairymon,a determined expression readable due to her thinly pressed-together lips.She got into a defensive stance,ready to fire a Hurricane at any sign of an attack.
Nov 2, 2012 12:48 PM

Apr 2011
Devimon looking fierce with his animalistic expression and being at least twice the height and weight of the Fairymon still lumbered forward... not making any sudden movements. Its more fun to chase the prey and tear it apart than it is to actual eat the prey... though the eating was fun for him.

Yuki said a firm but quiet voice "Devimon"

Devimon turned his towards Yuki, he wiped the small bit of drool on his face and with an almost human expression said "Yuki?"

"You know the rules... you know how I feel about that" said Yuki sounding mysterious

"Yuki, remember last time we let one walk away with a warning?" said Devimon

"No means No, and that's final" said Yuki still sounding firm with his cold apathetic eyes.

Devimon looked back at the Fairymon and back at Yuki again and sighed...
Nov 2, 2012 12:52 PM

Jun 2011
Fairymon glanced from the corner of her eye towards Rai.The olive-head nodded,golden eyes looking too sharp for the cheerful girl possessing them."Honor makes a warrior,Digimon or not.And Fairymon is by far the most honorable one I've met." she commented,as Fairymon retrieved the knife her Tamer thrown earlier.Then,the lady disappeared,and Raichou spun on her heels.
"You tell no one about us,we do the same." she quietly added,beginning to walk away.
Nov 2, 2012 1:16 PM

Apr 2011
"Hmph, whatever toots... so long as you don't burn down our partment like the last psycho-bitch" said Devimon/Impmon talking as he de-digivolved

He turns and walks towards Yuki and says "I really hope you know what your doing Yuki..."

Yuki says nothing and they both head down the steps... now hearing police sirens and whatnot coming down the street getting closer

"Uh oh" said Yuki and Impmon in unison
Nov 2, 2012 1:19 PM

Jun 2011
Raichou cursed beneath clenched teeth."Got any plan,geniuses?" she asked,turning back to glare."If you hadn't provoked..." she began,but angrily stopped in a hiss.She began to walk in circles,looking for a way out.Hawkmon materialized next to her.
"We could fly out on their blindside," she suggested,tilting her head.
Nov 2, 2012 1:32 PM

Apr 2011
"Yuki..." said Impmon sounding nervous, "Your Uncle is probably with them..."

Yuki's asshole-unlce was a cop, and probably amongstthe ones coming to their location.

Yuki walked away from the stairway and over to the concrete railing over looking the city (they were in the garage's 3rd floor). Yuki nodded once, scooped Impmon under his arm of which Impmon said "Yuki, what are you doing?"

Yuki now 20-30 paces away from the railing... started running towards it. Impmon then said in a somewhat squealing voice "Yuki!"

Yuki planed his foot on the railing and launched himself into the open air, with Impmon screaming almost "Yuki STAHP!"

Yuki landed with a roll into a conveniently open window of a nearby office building... he stood up and kept walking through the building non-plussed and acting natural.

"Yuki... you're one crazy S.O.B.... you know that right?" said Impmon weakly...
Nov 2, 2012 1:43 PM

Jun 2011
Rai found herself whistling again."Damn.The kid got nerve." she simply said,as Hawkmon grabbed her and flew outside of the building.
"More likely cold blood..." she completed,siren sounds fading behind them.
Nov 2, 2012 2:05 PM

Apr 2011
Yuki exited the building on far side, fortunately the place was almost empty so nobody gave him any strange looks. Impmon by this time was back in the Digivice, started talking again "So... we still heading for the grocery store? I need me some cookies! Hanging out with mr. balls of steel gives me the shales, and only pure cookie goodness can cure the shakes, know what I'm saying"

Yuki said nothing, but he did wlak in the direction that led towards the store... and as far from the cops as possible.
Nov 2, 2012 8:28 PM

Feb 2011
At a local store...

"Thank you ma'am, here your change" the woman said while handing the young girl change to her.As the woman watch the girl leave she thought to herself how far the young generation has fallen.

Outside the girl backpack started to move and soon a head pop up "What you get this time Inori?" it ask the girl.

Ia walk around to the side of the shop and pulled out a box of pocky,canned coffee, and a pack of beef jerky "Sorry Lunamoon we're low on money again" Ia said weakly.
Sighing Lunamoon replied "I should had known well just give me some pocky then".
"What do you think is happening,that sure is alot of cop for one night" Ia ask Lunamoon
Lunamoon took a quick look at the direction of the noise and shrug her shoulder "Who know but you think we should get out of here?"
"Yea let go before Thoth get here" Ia said packing the pocky and beef jerky while Lunamoon climb back in her backpack.
"Allright let go" shouldering the backpack and heading to the noise rather then away, after all the more people the less Thoth can do.
Nov 3, 2012 7:23 AM

Apr 2011
Yuki arrived at the store, just to see a girl walk by real fast... almost asi fi scared of something.

Impmon said from the Digivice, "Yuki, I think I just picked up on a Digimon and Tamer running just past us..."

Yuki was quit for a moment and said "She was just probably scared of us... or of the sirens. There's no way she couldn't hear or pick up on our fight earlier. She's probably one of those Tamers that prefers to run and hide rather than fight"

"You mean like ho YOU use to be Yuki?" said Impmon snidely

"Hmph" said Yuki coldly, "No cookies for you if you keep talking about my pathetic past like that"

"Alright, you win bud... just et me my damn cookies" said Impmon diplomaticly, he REALLY wanted his cookies.

Nov 3, 2012 9:12 AM

Feb 2011
Ia finish her canned coffee and toss it behind her only to have it land comically on a young man head and she didn't seem to had notice it.
Nov 3, 2012 9:38 AM

Apr 2011
Impmon had to smother a giggle when the can bounced off of Yuki's head, he wasn't laughing at the fact it happened to his partner... but what was gonna happen to the girl Tamer who threw it.

With the smallest bit of hesitation, WHIPPED the can through the air and it collided HARD with the girl Tamer's head and fell into the half open backpack on her back.

Yuki feeling somewhat satisfied, turned to enter the store now and get tonight's dinner... an Impmon's cookies.
Nov 3, 2012 10:17 AM

Feb 2011
"Why you little TWERP!" yell Ia, without thinking she pulled off her backpack and threw it one handed at that kid who threw the can at her...with Lunamoon still inside at him.
Nov 3, 2012 10:32 AM

Apr 2011
Yuki caught the backpack looking nonplussed and cold in his glare, you could see a small red mark on his forehead where the can hit him earlier...

The bag squirmed a little and the small Digimon poked its head out and looked at Yuki and Yuki looked down at it... eye contact froze them both in place.
Nov 3, 2012 10:54 AM

Feb 2011
Ia look at him for a second then at her hand for a full 3 second the whole shop seem to be frozen in time then the silence was shatter by the cry of a baby, that when all hell broke."Shit Lunamoon why are you over there?!"
Lunamoon in the backpack turn around and just shrugged her shoulder while Ia just facepalm herself "Allright kid just hand the backpack to me and no one get hurt" Ia said very deadly while at the same time walk slowly toward him.
Nov 3, 2012 11:17 AM

Apr 2011
Yuki looked at the girl, back to the Lunamon, and the girl again. He closed his eyes, sighed and Impmon piped up from his Digivice saying "You could let me eat the little thing, and save us hassle... but you wouldn't let me would you?"

Yuki held the bag and said "Be sure to pick up all your garbage, both this bag and your can of coffee..." and he offered it to the girl with that still cold look on his face.
Nov 3, 2012 11:26 AM

Jun 2011
Someone watched the scene with an amused smirk.Raichou shook her head,and proceeded to fill her shopping basket;milk,ingredients for a good miso soup,extra ham,pepper powder and something that looked suspiciously much like chocolate.
"What a hassle..." Hawkmon sighed,from inside her DigiVice.Rai nodded absentminded.
",Hawk,anything particular that you'd like?"
Nov 3, 2012 11:41 AM

Feb 2011
Ia grudgingly took the backpack back from the boy...but with her left hand."Thank" Ia stench her right hand out to shook the boy hand "What your name?People I usually meet would freakout when they see her" nudging her head toward Lunamoon.
Nov 3, 2012 11:50 AM

Apr 2011
Clearly the girl didn't realize Yuki called her Digimon garbage, feeling it unescessary to associate with a girl so dull-witted. He glared, turned away with out saying anything and entered the store... he needed to get some groceries.

Impmon whispered "Damn dude... that was COLD"

Yuki said nothing and grabbed a basket and started shopping...
Nov 3, 2012 11:53 AM

Jun 2011
"Shit,he's coming here." Rai groaned.Hawkmon scoffed.
"Language!" she hissed.Raichou chuckled.
" in the society we have is taking its tool on me..." she apologized,as she picked up some white grapes in a plastic bag."Now to weigh those..."
Nov 3, 2012 12:01 PM

Apr 2011
Yuki finally entered the sweets aisle after getting some supplies for dinner tonight, much to Impmon's delight...

"Whoo hoo! OREOS for the WIN!" he giggled esctaticly from the Digivice, but then he was quiet and said "Eh Yuki? Rember that Fairymon/Hawkmon from earlier today? They're about 20-30 meters from our position..."

Yuki's eyes narrowed as he whispered under his breath "Why are all these Tamers coming out of the woodwork at the same time today? We don't hear a peep from anything for at least a week, and today we had 1 Wild One and 2 new Tamers... I don't get it. Are we being pulled together... collected somehow?"

"Eh Yuki... your freaking me out with your conspiracy theories... I just wanna get something to eat" said Impmon trying to keep Yuki's mind off of his weird theories. Neither of them believed in 'Thoth' or whatever it was called, but they always had a feeling that they were more like chess pieces in a much bigger game.
Nov 3, 2012 12:06 PM

Jun 2011
"Think they will attack?" Raichou asked,off-hand,as she finished weighing her more "natural" purchases while an old lady was giving her funny looks.Hawkmon didn't respond.
"I'm scared,Rai-chan." she finally said after a while."We didn't meet a Tamer ever since that boy who was visiting his grandma." she added,and Raichou closed her mouth;"Why now?So many wild ones were in our area lately...and then our building burned down.It's like we were forced to relocate."
"So you think it's not a coincidence?" the girl responded quietly,gold eyes sharpening,as they made their way towards the sweet aisle.Hawkmon snorted despise herself.
"It's more likely for me to evolve into a Water type than for this to be a coincidence."
Nov 3, 2012 12:15 PM

Apr 2011
"Yuki, 20 meters... 19... 15... 10... they're coming right towards our direction..." said Impmon gving his partner a heads and telling him to make the final decision.

Yuki said nothing and did nothing but look at the shelf trying to be as natural as possible, and waiting...
Nov 3, 2012 12:24 PM

Jun 2011
"Yo." Raichou casually greeted,as her hand shot up and grabbed a book of chocolate-chip cookies,right from below Yuki's face."You caused quite the scene earlier.Didn't anyone tell you it's not nice to insult others?" she asked,tilting her head.Hawkmon sighed.
"Like you're one to talk..."
"Hey,'s not like you didn't heard the say 'Take my advice,God knows I don't' !"
Nov 3, 2012 12:27 PM

Apr 2011
"What do you want" said Yuki without any humor, his dark dead looking eyes made contact with hers. He was in no mood to talk or play nice with others, he looked like he'd put up with enough bullshit to last a life time and he didn't need anymore right now.
Nov 3, 2012 12:31 PM

Jun 2011
Sharp gold met his gaze without flinching.Raichou refrained herself from grimacing;she knew such eyes.She's had them before,too,before she decided to let go of the past.What annoyed her was that she couldn't read him completely.
"Answers.And perhaps a truce or alliance." she said,after a while,resisting the urge to play with her knife.Hawkmon tensed."Answers about the number of Wild Ones that appeared here lately,and if there was any...strange incident,let's say,in this area."
Nov 3, 2012 2:21 PM

Apr 2011
"Don't get close to be girly... or there WILL be an incident" said Yuki with a barely concealed threat, he turned away and went to the check-out with out looking back to pay for his groceries.

Impmon was quiet, watching & listening... expecting and almosthoping for the worst.
Nov 3, 2012 2:31 PM

Jun 2011
Raichou's eyes narrowed,but she said nothing.She did,however,follow him,unusually silent all along.Thick waves of tension surrounded the supermarket,and everyone felt something uneasy.The cashier that Rai got in line to avoided the girl's eyes,keeping her head bowed as the girl placed the basket on the counter.
"This would be 643,50 ¥." she said,swallowing.Rai smiled,although it didn't reach her eyes.
"Thank you." she sing-songed,placing 645 on the counter and lifting the bag containing her purchases with ease.As she walked towards the door,she turned abruptly."And this ain't over,kid." she added,narrowing her eyes towards Yuki."Don't come crying to me when shit happens 'cause you're too thick-headed to just listen." Rai spoke in a final tone,as she exited the shop with a soft click of the door.
Nov 3, 2012 2:47 PM

Feb 2011
"What are you going to do now Inori?" Lunamon ask her.After they had escape from the boy they had taken refuge in a small warehouse."You know what I'am planing to do" Ia replied walking in while carrying an ancient desktop "We just need a bit more time before it complete and I am not going to have other mess it up".
"Even though it might involve other?" Lunamon ask.
Ia was quiet for an minute before saying "Yes because in the end everything will work out, don't worry have faith in me." then the computer screen lit up."Time to start" and with a push of a key the within 1 mile of the warehouse the electricity turn off.
Nov 3, 2012 4:27 PM

Apr 2011
Yuki exited the market before the girl with the Hawkmon and ignored her when she passed by and hissed at him. He didn't care, he didn't need anyone... he only needed Impmon by his side. Impmon was more than a Digimon, Impmon was the only family ever wanted and/or had. He didn't know his father, his mother was dead, and his uncle and the rest of his family were a bunch of creeps.

He'd been really on his own ever since he was 6, and had only opened his heart again after Impmon came into his life when he was 10. His rather threatening demeanor if anything was just a shell created to protect himself... Impmon was the only one he'd ever let in.

But just then, all the lights flickered in the district... lights don't flicker and SHUT OFF like that in the downtown.

"Impmon" said Yuki

"Already on it Yuki... and the Digivice aint picking anything up. I don't know what this is..." said Impmon
Nov 3, 2012 4:38 PM

Jun 2011
Raichou let a mumbled,rapid and terrible curse pass by her lips,ignoring Hawkmon's protest to it."See!And everyone thinks I'm paranoid." she scoffs,in a tone much louder than intended.It was evening,and truly dark outside.People whispered,some trying to get still and some crowding together;Rai ignored them all.
"Hawkmon." she commanded quietly,her companion materializing by her side.With one hand,she picked her knife,while with the other she handed the Digivice to her companion.
"Let's see...scanning,but so far no results;except the position of those two from earlier."
"Impmon only?" Rai asked,gold eyes widening."What about the girl with that Lunamon?"
" result,so far."
Nov 3, 2012 4:41 PM

Apr 2011
"I don't get it Yuki... what happened to the light?" said Impmon from his Digivice.

Yuki said nothing and just looked up and around at the normally lit city... and said "Impmon, can you pinpoint where the outage came from?"

"I'm already on it..." said Impmon...
Nov 3, 2012 4:48 PM

Jun 2011
"Got it!" Hawkmon said,like she just on the lottery."It's kind of far from here,though.Shall I fly you there?" she whispered,eyes twinkling.Rai's left eyebrows rose.The digimon laughed,slipping from a form to the other;momentarily forgetting the light the change will produce.Now,as Fairymon,she grabbed Raichou by the underarms,and began to fly towards the warehouse.
Nov 3, 2012 5:01 PM

Apr 2011
"The Warehouse District!" said Impmon. "And the bitch with the Fairymon is on the move there!"

Yuki without saying anything took off running after putting the groceries in the knapsack on his back... taking a few shortcuts he bypassed the Apartment(s) and went for the WareHouse District

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