A game which seemed hopeful as it had no relation to its horrid anime counterpart, Guilty Crown Lost X-Mas, has now been confirmed to be containing shota variants of “Shoe” and “Triton”, as well as the yandere.
Apparently, Guilty Crown Lost X will delve at least somewhat into the background introduced by the anime as several character profiles released courtesy of the official site contain faces which are unfortunately more familiar than one would like. One can remain positive however given the fact that this upcoming visual novel isn’t a Production IG creation – thus, perhaps the series may stand a chance at success out of their hands, and in a fresh medium.
To no shock, these visuals appear about on par, or superior to the animation – and quite impressive in general, even if the characters are all quite hated and worthless. The anime did well to give a horrible impression of everyone seen above and below – yet Nitroplus, who is working on the visual novel, is a studio specifically known for spectacular releases, and thus one will have to set aside any dislike for the visual novel till it is experienced first hand.
Of these characters given a place in the game, there’s “Shoe”, the spittle-minded incompetent protagonist of the animation series – as well as “Triton”, a kid who also appears in the anime as a pseudo-rebel with no coherent ambition. And of course, there’s also “Mana”, the lover of both of the aforementioned parties – the heart of this grand affair of incest and sadism.
Not forgetting the near-totally insignificant characters as well, there’s a scientist who serves as the part-time father of “Shoe”, seen perhaps for a grand total of 10 seconds within the anime – as well as Shoe’s equally forgettable mother, who, unsurprisingly, was also absent of substance within the animation, just as her husband and many others, excluding the few moments early on when she was utilized to provide fanfare for those with fetishes in elderly women.
At this point, the sole reason this game to debut July the 26th has any potential whatsoever is Nitroplus’ involvement – they may be able to tell the story as it was properly intended, achieving what Production IG failed to do.
Mana above looks so nice still. |