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Mar 1, 2012 12:42 AM

Mar 2010
Please post your Character's biography's here.
InjectionMar 1, 2012 1:31 AM
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Mar 1, 2012 12:42 AM

Mar 2010
Full Name: High Queen Navia Lanelee VonVarach
Short name/Nickname: "Aoi" "Lane" or "Navia"
Age: 264 Years old
Age appearing: Early-Twenties
Status: Unknown
Occupation: Assassin, Death Seeker, Fortune Teller, High Queen of Imperium Nemisis Aeternae
Race: Mix of Elven / Demon / Vampire / Shape shifter
Embrace: None
Elements: Unknown
Orientation: BiSexual
Current Marital Status: Single


Alignment:Chaotic Neutral
Allies: Many She wishes to keep classified.

Enemies : Chilliano, HomocideofGenocide,Officinale Empire


Father: Deceased
Adopted Father: Cody Black
Mother: Deceased
Adopted Mother: Victoria Black
Siblings: Angel, Fallen Angel, Hisoka, Leonardo, Danny, Hobi
Children: Shyvana, Pesky
Grandparents: Mizu, Oneiroi
Spouse: Not Available

~Physical Description~

Height: 5'7
Weight:One-Hundred and Fifteen pounds
Eye Color: Pale Green/Yellow Though can be manipulated with mood and change [ can be manipulated when shape shifting. ]
Hair Color: Long flowing black hair during the day. Under the moon the color changes into a pale white/silver. [ Can be manipulated when shape shifting. ]
Distinguishing Marks: Claw mark on the right shoulder blade where she was attacked as a child. Mark on her stomach of a pale rose forming into a heart where she was once controlled by a former master she long killed. Cut mark on the right side of her cheek from where she had been in battle for a sister alliance.
During the day the young women appears as a pale skinned black haired beauty. With beautiful glowing green eyes, flowing black shoulder length hair, and one mark that can be shown under her cheek. The other marks/brands have been hidden and will remain hidden in this form under her cloths. She is 5'7 and very thin, but also athletically built. She has muscle in the womanly form so it does not show out as much. The young women dresses in a beautiful sacred black dress with her long knee lengthy boots. She wears bands on her arm and around her neck to also conceal some powers she wishes to hide from enemies. She only let's her power go once threaten by someone or something. Mainly keeping to herself she walk's staying cautious of all her surroundings to this day.

During the day:

At night is when her main elven/shape shifter form take's over. Under the night sky of the moon her hair will become longer then in her day form. It turns a beautiful silver/white under the light of the moon up until that next morning. She dresses into her elven clothing that have been passed down from family members. She wears a cape to Vail her face from any enemy that may be near by. She carries two daggers on the right side of her leg for protection of any up coming enemy. During the night her ears become pointed as she places her chain length earring into it as a sign of heritage and pride. The young women wears armor on her right side to show courage and power as on her life she wears a bracelet to show beauty and grace. This young lady is greatly feared for her power when in her night more so then in her day for. In her night form the mark on under her cheek is hardly noticeable and fades away it seems. The other brands as well as scares she has are hidden under her cloths never to be seen. The rose shaped scar on her stomach is very light and hidden until the light of the moon touches her and it will start to glow.

During The Night:

~Other Traits~

Phobias/Fears: Trapped in her memories, and falling under someone else's control whom she can not break as before.
Likes/Obsessions: Parenting, Combat and battle [ T1 ], being alone with her thought's, the night, music, water and swimming, animals, assassination and executions, death, pain, hate, and striking fear into others.
Dislikes/Peeves:] Those that pick on the weak and resent them, Idiotic people, humanity, her childhood, former master/controller, sweet and sensitive stuff, being around people to long, enemies, liars, and cheaters.
Common Spoken Languages: Fluent in English mainly and a little Japanese.
Uncommon Spoken Languages: Unknown/Hidden



Athletic body - Where her body is in perfect condition despite what she goes through. She has perfect health unless somehow manages to get poisoned or sick by a hard to catch virus etc. The young women has all her body systems fully working like they should be unless she is hurt from battle. Her appearance doesn't say much, but she has great muscle and strength that you could not imagine.

Self healing- Ability to were she can heal quickly. This is due to her vampire blood she carries in her along with her demon side. Though not all wounds she sustains in a battle or incident can be healed so fast most are healed within seconds. This is her greatest asset when fighting any enemy she comes across. While healing sometimes the wound does leave a scar forever imprinted on her skin.

Teleportation - Ability that helps her slowly fade into the shadows as if she was never this. Perfect for getting away from anyone when she doesn't want to encounter them or be seen. Though she does not use this ability that much it does help her get out of sticky situations if she is badly injured.

Telepathy- Ability she has to communicate with anyone she comes across. This does not work on anyone, but creatures like demons, vampire, elven etc. She communicates only when she needs to and if the circumstances call for it at the time. The lady makes sure she keeps her mind close at all times by others until the time comes to use it. This has no range usually depending on the bond of the women and said communicator she is trying to get in touch with.

Manipulation - Young women has this ability in many different things. She manipulates her form from her original when she needs to gather information or get into a place she could not normally. The most she uses this is when she start's braking into a place where she has orders to assassinate said person. Though it is not uncommon to see her manipulate herself to disguise from her enemies during the day in public.

Mind manipulation - This ability helps her manipulate others minds. She is able to manipulate anyone's mind and bind them to her power as need be when they are within 100 feet of her. Though this only works on a few type of people and creatures. Her mind manipulation lasts up to 15 minutes which renders her vulnerable to others attacks because she has to concentrate in order to keep control. This is her weakest feature and she knows it. This will usually not be used especially when there is more than one person unless she absolutely has to.

Shape shifting - Uses this when feeling threaten or wants to hide. She can manipulate into any form she wishes changing her appearance and cloths all together. Though she still can not hide her marks or brands she obtains on her body from previous. That is why she tries to keep her clothing long enough to hide the marks so she will not be spotted by enemies.

Darkness - This young lady has the ability to control darkness. Her demon side gives her the power to call upon darkness when she needs it. This veils her from enemies as protection, but also can be used as a weapon against them. The darkness itself when called upon as a weapon can swallow the enemy whole and give them powerful delusions that make them go crazy. This has driven some to killing their own self. It can no however be used of the purist of hearts or it will back fire and swallow the lady herself. Using it as a Vail can also sometimes have a high risk of taking the young women life.


She has two daggers that she keeps in separate sheaths on her right leg. The two can not be used in the same form. One blade is black and the other a pure silver. The two are used for each form. The silver is known as Otari and the black Manari. They are like the yin and yang of the daggers.

Otari - This dagger is a beautiful silver color. It was forged by the elven people and given to her as a small child by her mother. This dagger is pure and can only be used at night when her elven form takes place. This is the only time the blade can be touched or it will kill her. At night is when her vampuric/demon form's decrease due to the moon and her elven/shape shifter form take place. If this dagger pierces through even the slightest bit of a demonic power/creature it will kill them. The blade as a fine tip to it and even though it does not reach far it can be thrown at the person and come straight back when called by the master. Elven symbol can be seen if you look closely below the handle. Though the dagger is strong it can not be used at all times or it will decrease the health and stamina of the user even drawing on the aura causing death it is so strong.

Manari - This dagger is the opposite. It was forged by the devil himself and lost when a demon sought to control everlasting power and overthrow hell itself. The young lady stumbled upon the dagger as a child and it was taken by her eldest caretaker at the time put up. Once she learned of her heritage she stole the blade back keeping it at her side. This blade is tainted with sin causing the actual blade to be tarnished black as the symbol of hell is under the handle. This can only be used during the day or it will instantly kill her. Since her elven/shape shifter form is not entirely in affect and her demon/vampuric form is she will be safe. Though unlike the Otari blade this blade if used to long drags the user into the depths of hell itself causing the soul to be lost forever. This blade can kill anything pure of heart if hit by it.

Otari and Manari daggers:

~Fighting Styles~

T1 UM=T1 Unrealistic Melee
T1 MP=T1 Moderate Powers

Personality: Navia is very distant during the day and even at night. She seems to be cold toward people and keeps to herself due to events she has been through in her life. This young girl likes being alone and never talks to anyone even when spoken to unless in some type of combat. She is only loveing and caring towards the three daughters whom is under her care. Navia is very protective and doesn't let down her defense/guard for anything not even her children. She has learned to rely only on herself for things and treats everyone as if they are the same. She is always prepared and cautious of people in case they are about to strike. This young lady is seen by people as cold hearted and lonely. Navia is filled with mostly hatred and despises the human race with every being in her body. She looks down on it and sees everyone as being a pitiful foul person.

VonVarachian blood Line- 10% protected from light attacks, 65% protected from dark/demonic attacks, and 25% protected from standard/normal elemental attacks.

Elven Grace - Her elven heritage protects her from catching almost anything. Weather it is a common cold or poison from anything such as dagger, spell etc.

Elven Blade earring - This helps heal her energy and injuries during combat. Though it can sometimes take time depending on how big the injury is. Also protects her from most attacks that can cause any illness.

Demonic blood - Makes her vulnerable to any holy attack that is used and can even kill her if powerful enough.

Vampuric blood - This allows any type of religious and holy thing along with any type of silver to harm her. If she is pierced with any type of silver she will die completely and will be unable to heal. Religious things such as crosses can burn her causing serious injuries to her that can not be healed and leave more branded marks on her so enemy's can find her easier.

Elven Blood - This is where any dark attacks if strong enough and used wisely can harm her. Though they would have to get close enough to destroy her veil aka Elven Blade earring to cause serious harm. It has everlasting affects on her and could cause her to lose her life in the process of the combat.


Demon - Chaos Alignment
The alignment is associated with Lucifer, freedom and war also known as an "evil" alignment. The colors red and black are usually associated in the form taken by the demon and the alignment. This alignment promotes freedom of choice, thought and action above all else in stark contrast to controlling nature of the Law alignment. This freedom leads to a vast amount of suffering and anarchy, leading the world into a primal state of unsuppressed vice and survival of the fittest. The main goal of the Chaos factions is to crush the enemy forces opposing them and attain complete and total power over their enemy. These demons are evil and usually associated with death.

Elven - Neutral alignment

Elves may be of any non-lawful alignment; it's not in their nature to place the values of society above the freedom of the individual. Most elves are chaotic, and many are neutral - chaotic neutral is the elven racial alignment. Good elves generally advocate more peaceful relations with the rest of the world.

Shape shifter - Neutral Alignment

Most shape shifters are happy being neutral. None live in chaos, but their are some that have given into drugs and lead a life of evil. In this case the shape shifter part keeps to herself unless threaten or challenged by someone. She looks like normal people do and she only stands for whom she agrees with. Though she does not have favorites at all.

Vampuric - Chaos Alignment

vampire can be of any evil alignment, and if its alignment was not evil in life it is so in undeath. A vampire retains all the abilities she had in life, and also becomes super humanly strong, fast, and durable though she gain ability to suck and drain life from her victims, and to dominate other creatures with its gaze. They do not care for harming creatures no matter where they are or they come from. They do like to cause an uproar and in place cause a lot of chaos/damage to some city's they live it.

~ History~

HighQueen Navia never knew anything about her past when she was growing up. She had been taken in by some caregivers that her parents entrusted with their lives before they had been murdered. The night she found the dagger Manari which happened to be the twin blade of Otari an outbreak of demons arose. When her caregiver took Manari locking it up in a secret place that night she heard screams. Looking outside she saw a black figure curious she ran out looking for it. Not noticing what was going on behind her she was surrounded all of a sudden by a group of demons whom put her in a delusion so powerful it awoken her memories she longed to forget.

Navia relived the death of her parents. Her father was a demonic/Vampuric looking man whom was known by the name "Atrau". He was the gatekeeper of Hell himself. Her mother was a pure pale elven/shape shifter lady whom was the known as "Arami". She was the guardian and high elder of the elven people whom she swore to protect. A black figure rushed into her mind as she wondered whom it was she watched closely. Seeing the blackened figure she couldn't make out any details, but saw that they had long pure white hair braided in the back. The figure started screaming and Navia saw her mother grab the newborn whom was in fact herself at the time running away leaving her father to fend for himself.

Not knowing what was going on she kept watching and suddenly heard a scream by her father. Atrau was no longer living he was struck down by the figure and died that night. Arami ran as fast as she could knowing she wouldn't live and would soon be struck down as her beloved husband soon before her. Arami hid her newborn daughter in a bush the very place chosen if anything where to happen and the very place the caregivers checked everyday just in case. Once her mother put the baby down she ran to get the attacker away from her newborn soon after she was struck down and killed.

The dark figure stood before HighQueen Navia as she awoke from her memories of her only begotten parents death. He stood silently as she caught her breath finally saying in a whisper "Do you wish to know what happened? Do you wish to forsake your life and get revenge for your parents death?" HighQueen Navia stood with so much hatred and anger she was about to strike at the figure standing before her. She said "Yes, I will find out what happened and I will have the death of the person whom done this soon." The figure laughed and looked at the little child saying "Then seek me out when your older. If you want your revenge you will seek me out or you will suffer the same fate as they did." He disappeared into the night as she screamed out her anger.

HighQueen Navia forgot about the sudden outbreak of screams coming from the caretakers and ran back. She had returned to the horrific scene that she once knew as her second home. No one was alive and she was alone again. Knowing there was never going to be a real place for her she left everything behind her burning the remains. She disappeared into the darkness that night never to be seen again.

About 25 years later she emerged out in public finally. She had been alone for so long she didn't know what being around people or society was like. High Queen Navia had ran across someone whom seemed nice once she decided to show her face again. He took her in and for awhile about 2 years he was kind to her giving her anything she needed. One night the man she loved and stayed with the person who took her in for those 2 years turned on her.

He placed a mark on her while she was asleep branding her for life. This was his way of controlling her and she was known as his property instead of her own being. This angered her and caused her to fight him. He was unable to control her as her powers went spiraling out of control that night. She had taken her former master/lovers life and thus disappeared again.

5 years later she ran across 2 children that never had a home. At first she looked at them and thought to herself that they would die anyways and they should because they were to weak. She however took them in under her care to get them ready for the world and battle whenever they may need it. Navia has come to love her daughters and this is her new life, but she knows it will probably not last for long. The battle to come will most likely end her life. She decided to disappear with the children for awhile as she trained them getting them ready for what is to come.

Now she has reappeared in the current day and time. Through all her past experiences and combats she has endured she has become even more distant and cold to people. Hating most of society thinking all humanity should just die. Navia no longer gives her real name, but goes by the name Aoi. Meaning "death". She hardly goes into public unless she is in need of something and never stays to long until she fades into the shadows.

Navia has been through a lot of trials and decided to turn her back on everything she once knew thinking that is the only way to be strong. Now her only goal right now is to seek out the man who killed her only life she ever knew and destroy him with her bare hands. Still unable to trust anyone she wonders alone facing whatever it is to come and protecting her 2 daughters whom she has grown to care about.
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