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Aug 8, 2008 8:02 PM

Jul 2006
Caution, this thread will have MASSIVE SPOILERS! Turn back now if you haven't read the book!!!

Ok, the book is out, we've read it..........what do you think?
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Aug 9, 2008 11:43 PM
Sep 2007
Breaking Dawn sucked. All the characters were wrong. And it was just made of no.
I personally wanted to burn my book halfway through, or return it. I kept putting it down because it kept disappointing me.

The wedding was see able.... and soo off, Bella would have tripped at some point or another or hurt herself, yet nothing happened.
The honeymoon was so ugh... poor.
The pregnant thing... so lame! It was such a turn off! That's when I wanted to just burn the book.
Switching to Jacob's point of view was rather pointless, but it made sense... Whats the reader going to do? Read about Bella being stupid and keeping the baby that's killing her?
Midway point and the birth... I'm sorry Bella should have just died, it might have been more effective.
Jacob making the imprint with the baby? Renesmee? First off what kind of name is that? Sooo ugh more wrong!
And then the whole Vampire Bella.... soo wrong... I mean... "She was made for the Vampire life" B fucking S! Oh and Bella drinking blood willingly for the baby's sake.... would not happen, she saw her own blood and was like puking!
And then the whole thing with the Volturi at the end I soo saw it coming, sooo saw it coming.... and then Aro's let's them off Scot free after seeing and hearing Nahuel's story? What BS is that? And Bella and her "shield" pssh
And then the ending, them walking home and like "FOREVER~" was just tooo sappy and LAME!

Bottom line: Ok... for an average Vampire Novel. The series would have been better off ending with book 3, Eclipse. Breaking Novel over killed it. I was expecting something different and in the end, utter crap. It was like reading fanfiction, the crappy kind.
Aug 10, 2008 6:44 AM

Jul 2006
Well, while I don't think BD was my favorite book in the series, and I do see your point on some of those things, it was not, in my opinion, like bad fan fiction. If you think about it, Meyer gave the readers exactly what they wanted: Bella was married, had sex, became a vampire (with a power too) and ended up happily ever after with Edward. Yes, it was sappy, and Renesmee was weird, but you knew it would be sappy going in. From Meyers perspective, I think it was perfectly natural to but the whole pregnancy thing in, since she's really big on motherhood and all that, though I honestly wanted to throw up at some of the baby stuff. I mean, if you've read the host (which I think is much better) you get a feel for how much value she places on motherhood.
Overall, the book was ok. It is the only one in the series I don't have the patience to re-read (yes, that includes New Moon) but, I will give it one thing: The ending was adorable.
Aug 10, 2008 9:39 AM
Sep 2007
Well, yeah... It was seeable.... the whole book was... But yeah, I read Host too... Host was much, much better...

I think Meyer (she tends to be one of my favorite authors) could have done a little better job with Breaking Dawn... It just seemed to out of character for me.
Aug 11, 2008 11:41 AM

Jun 2007
Mm, I dunno, I really liked it.

My main reason is probably because Jacob is my favorite character, and he was made of awesome in this book. His POV was my favorite part to read (also, his chapter titles are the best). He wasn't angsty, and I found his relationship with everyone quite a delight to read.

Bella... well, she was okay. I've really grown to dislike her character, but it wasn't too bad here. Although I do wish that she had been a clumsy vampire. That would have made it more... realistic, I guess, in keeping with one of her faults (no matter the fact that the Cullens are near perfect).

As for Renesmee... I HATE her name. You can't believe how much I hate it. Nessie is kinda cute, and Carlie at least would have been bearable. Renesmee is not. Ugh. Awful, awful name. The character herself was rather annoying, but not terrible.

One thing I really disliked was the ending. I think it would have been tons better with a fight. It was anticlimactic this way. Just like "okay, whatever, here's another one, we'll be leaving now, ta-ta". >.> It was, at least to me, leaving an opening for another book (or spin-off, whatever). Usually I'm frantically flipping pages near the end of Meyer's books. This time I was getting rather bored. At least there was the uber cute Garrett x Kate. :3

The thing for this book, I think, is that you need to suspend your disbelief. Really, you need to do that for all the books, but mostly on this one. Yeah, the whole pregnancy plot was full of holes (the major one being that Edward has no flowing blood, so how can he...?). But... I dunno, these books are about reading for pleasure, for the characters, for fun. And, really, Breaking Dawn was fun. At least for me, at any rate.

Overall, I really enjoyed the book. It was way better than Eclipse (which I hated) and New Moon (which I quite liked, but it was a tad too angsty), but Twilight still remains the best of the four.
Aug 11, 2008 2:36 PM

Jul 2006
Ria said:
Yeah, the whole pregnancy plot was full of holes (the major one being that Edward has no flowing blood, so how can he...?).

haha, yea, i was thinking the exact same thing. I'm waiting for someone to ask Meyer that, I wonder what she'll say? =P
But yea, the ending felt a little too anticlimactic. Bad guys show up, look tough, and do nothing. When I said I liked the ending I meant the last chapter. That was really cute ^_^
Aug 11, 2008 2:57 PM

Jul 2007
I loved all the books and this one even more. (Probably one of the only people who did...)

I tried not to thing too much about the whole sex thing, but finding out that Bella was pregnant was so unexpected that it was awesome. I love not being able to guess what's going to happen so that was pretty cool. And I love children, so I was excited to see how it would turn out. And who wouldn't want Edward's baby?

I had no problems with Bella, though I read around that people really hated how she didn't 'mature' or her character didn't change etc. But I still loved her. Bella has always been my favorite character from the beginning, and I like that she was still her cute clumsy self. And I didn't mind Renesmee's name. I would've liked the baby to be male and be named Edward better, but that was cute how she mushed together Renee and Esme's names. Names don't bother me, so I didn't let it effect how I felt about her. And Nessie is awesome btw, children are so adorable and I loved imagining a beautiful little child with bouncy curls.

I was expecting a fight at the end, but I'm sort of glad it didn't turn out that way. Expect the unexpected. Which SM has being doing throughout the book, so I think it would have been more cliche to actually have them fight. And no one died or really got hurt! Plus. Well, except Irina...

And Jacob finally 'got' somebody. He's another favorite of mine, so I'm happy for him. So he can be around Bella and Edward more, I love how they all act together.

Overall, it was a very enjoyable book. I was surprised at every turn, never really expected anything, and for a vampire fiction novel it was great. If you let it get to your head then you lose focus and interest, but this was a very fun series. I'm glad to have read about characters like them, and SM did introduce me to a whole new genre. I hope she doesn't take the criticism too seriously, she created a fantastic world.
Aug 12, 2008 5:25 AM

Sep 2007
I loved the book. I'm a sucker for happy endings.

But the blood-drinking of Bella is so wrong. Where did the "dizziness over smell of blood" went? It seems like Meyer forgot it. Haha.

Renesmee. I hate the name. Should've thought of a better name than that. I also hate her "Edward Jacob" name if it was a guy.

I want another book, something like a "full of happy moments" continuation. ^_^
Aug 12, 2008 5:43 PM

Jul 2007
rainbow_heart said:
I loved the book. I'm a sucker for happy endings.

Cheers. Same here.

rainbow_heart said:
But the blood-drinking of Bella is so wrong. Where did the "dizziness over smell of blood" went? It seems like Meyer forgot it. Haha.

I was wondering the same thing, but I guess Nessie's crave for blood was so strong she ignored it. And they gave it to her in a non-see-through cup. Heh. In a way she sort of turned half-vampire herself.

I AM SO PUMPED FOR MIDNIGHT SUN. And the movie. SM is my idol.
Aug 16, 2008 7:12 AM

Sep 2007
Yay for Silent_Envy... ^_^

Yeah, Nessie is more important than anything else that time. ^_^

I want MS!!!!! ^_^
Aug 17, 2008 1:59 PM
Apr 2008
Ok, some of the book was really good but some of it was awful and suckish. Everybody knew that they were going 2 get married and have sex because the 3rd book made that clear. The whole honeymoon being a surprise thing was stupid, let alone the entire honeymoon and that lady, Kaure, who was yelling at edward in portuguese, what was her purpose in the book?!!?!!? I used 2 hate jacob with all my heart but now i really like him. Jacobs part in the book was really good (maybe if SM wrote more, maybe almost all, in jacobs POV than then the book wouldnt be half bad) and i liked it alot. And bella drinking blood was really stupid even though it made sense. And at the end of jacobs part when he was gonna kill renesmee and didnt, now THAT was stupid. He should have killed renesmee. Somebody should have died, like edward,(now that would be interesting) or bella,(but if bella died what would the rest of the book be about??), or SOMEONE. And bella as a vampire, that was ok but nothing more, was dissipointing. She should have fallen in the river or ran into a tree. It broke my heart when alice ran away. :'( That SHOULD NOT have happend!!!! Someone else should have gone.Bella's power makes no sense because how can she have it as a vampire whaen she had it as a human??? I know the answer may sound simple, but think, how can it be considered as a vampire 'power' of she had it human? Was she not 100% human after all??(of course she was but how can she have the same 'power' as she did when she was human unless her brain has issuses)And they should have fought the Volturi. And in the end when edward finally read her mind, i thought it was sweet but she shouldnt have done that because i feel that i'm left hanging, like their is more 2 be discovered, which leads 2 feeling like there should be a next book. And what i realized after i read BD was:
What does edward even do as a character anymore??? Look good, save bella, love bella, and does what bella wants??? He's a BORING character. (no offence) So i personally like jacob better now. So 2 sum it up, the book was pretty bad.
Aug 17, 2008 2:14 PM

Jul 2006
lexieTWENTY said:
Ok, some of the book was really good but some of it was awful and suckish. Everybody knew that they were going 2 get married and have sex because the 3rd book made that clear. The whole honeymoon being a surprise thing was stupid, let alone the entire honeymoon and that lady, Kaure, who was yelling at edward in portuguese, what was her purpose in the book?!!?!!? I used 2 hate jacob with all my heart but now i really like him. Jacobs part in the book was really good (maybe if SM wrote more, maybe almost all, in jacobs POV than then the book wouldnt be half bad) and i liked it alot. And bella drinking blood was really stupid even though it made sense. And at the end of jacobs part when he was gonna kill renesmee and didnt, now THAT was stupid. He should have killed renesmee. Somebody should have died, like edward,(now that would be interesting) or bella,(but if bella died what would the rest of the book be about??), or SOMEONE. And bella as a vampire, that was ok but nothing more, was dissipointing. She should have fallen in the river or ran into a tree. It broke my heart when alice ran away. :'( That SHOULD NOT have happend!!!! Someone else should have gone.Bella's power makes no sense because how can she have it as a vampire whaen she had it as a human??? I know the answer may sound simple, but think, how can it be considered as a vampire 'power' of she had it human? Was she not 100% human after all??(of course she was but how can she have the same 'power' as she did when she was human unless her brain has issuses)And they should have fought the Volturi. And in the end when edward finally read her mind, i thought it was sweet but she shouldnt have done that because i feel that i'm left hanging, like their is more 2 be discovered, which leads 2 feeling like there should be a next book. And what i realized after i read BD was:
What does edward even do as a character anymore??? Look good, save bella, love bella, and does what bella wants??? He's a BORING character. (no offence) So i personally like jacob better now. So 2 sum it up, the book was pretty bad.

Ok, first: Kaure's part was basically to clue Edward in on what was happening, as well as provide a base of where to start their research on half-vampire children. Without her, they would have been kinda lost
Second: As Edward explained earlier in the series, their powers are taken from something they already had in their human lives, and then strengthened. Alice saw visions when she was human, so why would Bella's power be that much weirder? She gained control over her "shield", which would most likely have been impossible as a human.

Also, I don't think Edward is useless. We're seeing him from Bella's perspective so of course she takes special notice of the attention he gives her. When we see Jacob's pov, Edward is super stressed, and of course all he cares about is Bella; she's on the verge of death, presumably because of him (though honestly I thought it was her own stupidity. Had it been me, there's no way in hell I would have kept a kid at 18, if ever. Vampire or not).
Aug 17, 2008 6:58 PM

Sep 2007
^You have answered it very clearly. Thank you for that. Ahaha. ^_^
Aug 20, 2008 8:23 AM

Dec 2007
argh, BD was not that good. It was completely different from the others. I was counting on someone dying, but everyone lived happily ever after.

there were too many new vampire characters. and the whole Jacob imprinting on Bella's kid was stupid. actually, letting Bella have a kid was stupid in the first place.
Aug 20, 2008 7:02 PM

Jul 2007
Hmm, I find it weird that a lot of people (not just people here) really wanted someone to die. But whatever, SM can't please everyone.

Personally, I'm glad nobody died. I'm so tired of reading stories where the parents are dead, or a main character dies. It's nice to finally find a good book that has a true happy ending (that I absolutely loved).

I bet if someone had died the reaction to this book would be the same as it is now because people would go all emo over it (as I probably would).

I really don't see what's wrong with a happy ending. I guess people are upset because 'in real life you can't always get what you want'. Which is a really good argument for a vampire/fiction story.
Sep 5, 2008 3:41 PM

Nov 2007
hmm, only slightly cheesy but still "ok" To be honest, even though it's "action-packed" (not a good thing in this kind of novels), it lost the "magical touch" it had in the first two books. It's like watching Code Geass R2 (if anyone knows what I mean, if not, it means that this book is captivating but lacks actual substance...a bit like how you enjoy junk food while it's bad for your health)

However, to me, the last book really lost the "shoujo manga" feeling the first book gave me. That was a major turndown because I absolutely love the shoujo genre. This book slightly approached the "shounen manga" genre (which I like but honestly speaking, I prefer shoujo)
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Sep 7, 2008 3:32 PM

Feb 2008
I actually enjoyed Breaking Dawn. Granted it wasn't my favourite book in the series, but it had it's good points. I think people didn't like this book because they were still looking for the young high school attending bella. But Bella's grown up now, the story has been leading to the wedding for a long time. So surly it wasn't that big of a surprise, now was it?

I also think people were hoping that when bella changed it would be a huge dramatic thing where she suddenly became blood crazy and ravished the towns people, killing everything in her path.

But you have to realize that from the beginning of the story Stephanie made Bella special. I could have told you that she wouldn't go through the change the same way everyone else did.

The child was slightly annoying, i will admit. First off, the name. EW just not cool. Reneesme or something like that. I feel like the name was a flop and I don't think the child was what the reader was looking for. But, Stephanie wanted the 'good' vampire's to prevail in the end. and the child was a key to that.

I also knew that Bella's power (how could steph not let her have one?) would be something to do with love. I quite liked the shield. It was a nice touch.

All in all, i think it ended really abruptly. It wasn't the best book in the series, but it did what the author wanted. And in the end, that's all that matters.

Sep 7, 2008 3:36 PM

Feb 2008
Also, I was just as pissed as Bella when I found out Jacob imprinted with Nessie. My immidiate reaction was:


But, i have to admit it was a clever twist on Stephanie's part. So I took a deep breath and turned the page.

Sep 8, 2008 6:17 AM

Sep 2007
Hinata020 said:
Also, I was just as pissed as Bella when I found out Jacob imprinted with Nessie. My immidiate reaction was:


But, i have to admit it was a clever twist on Stephanie's part. So I took a deep breath and turned the page.

I agree. It was a clever twist. But I didn't like it at all. Imagining Jacob looking at Renesmee like that makes me... EW. Haha!
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