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Jul 9, 2008 4:55 PM

Mar 2008

What if you where born with powers that you couldn't explain, what would you do with them. Some people would use them to do good and other would use them to do bad. But what would you do?


You have your powers, (you can choose them from an anime character or from another super hero.) and you can do as you please with them, but do know that if you are a villain, there is always going to be a hero to stop you.Also you can fight existing hero's/villains if you please. So have fun and enjoy.


Home Town:
Power model: (i.e. batman)

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Jul 9, 2008 5:23 PM

Mar 2008
Name: Neko.
Age: 20
Home Town: Shinjuku

Power model: Ryoko (Tenchi Muyo)
Bio: After discovering that he could fly, he used this to travel around and live a normal life, that was until he saw that there where other people using their powers to do evil, now he is a hunter for these people, bringing justice to all of them.

Jul 9, 2008 7:30 PM

Sep 2007
Alright! I totally know who I will be! My fictional character based on me in my story The Chosens...

Name: Uchiha Mikoto
Age: 25
Hometown: Tokyo, Japan
Power model: ?? Uh...I don't know about this one..
And of course Bio: She didn't really have her powers starting at birth, at age 20 she discovered she could heal with some sort of psychic energy, speak the languages of the world, "see" anything that was happening anywhere at that present moment, and transport with a snap of the fingers. Over a period of time she discovered even more new powers including the ability to talk to animals, plus she can control fire. She's a cat lover, manga otaku, and uses her powers for good, not evil. She's also in love with Shawn Gibson who has strange powers as well ^_^

Btw, I hope my friend Tachi-sama joins and his character is Shawn Gibson. Shawn is an awesome character ^^
Jul 10, 2008 8:29 AM

Mar 2008
it was 11am on another sunny Miami morning and I was just waking up on a bench on a side walk somewhere.

"Man what a nite," *i sit up with a half empty bottle of Jagereiter in my hand, as i sit up a kid walks over to me*


"hey mister, there's some trouble." *the kid points at a tv screen in a shop window, where there is a car being chased by a load cop cars.*


"yeah so, let the cops deal with it." *i sit fully up, grabbing another bottle of drink from underneath the bench.*


"but you're a super hero, you're meant to stop them."


"no that's the cops job, so let them handle it, what i need to do is go and sober up." * i stand up and stretch with a yawn.*


"you're a jerk." *the kid turns and walks away.*


^ah man, it's still too early for this crap.^ *flies up into the air and heads towards the cops.*

Jul 10, 2008 11:48 AM

Feb 2008
Name: L
Age: Unknown
Hometown: Unknown

Power Model: Vampire Hunter D
Bio: L is cool tempered bounty hunter..... Cause of his special abilities, he hunt for Super Villains.... He was orphaned at early age, and till then he lived alone.... It's known that one of his parents was Vampire, so he's Dunpeal ( Dampir ), Half- Human, Half- Vampire......
He don't have some Special Powers, except SuperHuman Strength and Speed......... He's very skilled Swordsman, and his Sword is bounded Katana, called "Lower Justice".
Greatest power of Katana is that it feed on souls of those Humans that L kill...... And by "feeding" his Katana, L is granted with much longer life, now even immortality............. Also, in close combat he use his Iron Claws, which were made for Count Dracula himself, but after killing him, L took them............
His birth time, or age is unknown, but it's known that he was born at beginning of Middle Era..........

Jul 10, 2008 4:19 PM

Mar 2008
*I arrive at the location where the cops are casing the criminals and flew up to the getaway car, i pull off the back portion of the cars roof and sit in the back of the car with them.*

"ok guys look this is how it's gonna go."

(hoodlum 1)

"get the hell outta here, we ain't goin to jail." *aims the gun at neko*


"look i ain't going to force you to go anywhere, but if you don't stop pointing that gun at me, then," *points at the gunman.* "your head is going up the drivers ass," *points at the driver.* "then your head is going up his ass," *points at the gunaman again.*
"and you, you drew the short straw cause your head is going up my ass." *points at the last hoodlum.*

(hoodlum 2)

"screw you man." *tries to fire the gun but before he can it is Neko's hands and the car is pulled over to the side of the road.* "you jerk."


*turns back in anger.*

"call me a jerk one more time?"

(hoodlum 2)

"jer......" *before he can even say another word he is carried off into the sky and dangled by his feet.* "i'm sorry ok, i'm sorry."

Jul 10, 2008 4:36 PM

Feb 2008
It's just another day in the open world..........., I thought, How many more?..............
I was just walking down the street, when I saw car in the air......... What is this, I though?.........
No time for thinking......., I remembered myself and jump off the road, running to the scene of crime..... Cause of my Super Speed, most of people haven't even noticed me passing by, only ones with sharp eyes could see something........... That something is sand from the route on which I'm running...............
Finally, I came at the scene of the crime, and saw one man holding car in his hand............ Another one!, I though............ While thinking, that Super Human trow car into the sky............ What is he thinking...., I ran and jumped to catch it........ Thank goddess, I managed it......., I thought while returning to the ground.............
:What are you doing?", I shouted, "There are people around us! Someone could get killed........."
Jul 10, 2008 4:42 PM

Mar 2008
*stands with his hands ready to catch something.*

"look dude i had it under control, all i was doing was teaching these punks a lesson, that lesson was that if you do bad things and i have to get involved, your head is going up someones ass." *sees the cops coming and flies into the air.* "well it looks like you've got this covered, so i'm out." *turns and flies off*

Jul 10, 2008 5:08 PM

Feb 2008
Oh, I see........... Hero of new era........... Pathetic!, I thought, and went to the robbers......
"Now, I'll surrender you to the cops.......... So stand still, or die......", I said, pointing at my Katana

"What can you do with that?", one of them asked laughing............ And pulled the gun out....... In no time he was holding to his hand, with blood all over it..........
"This, for example.........", I said looking at his hand, which was cutted with my Katana.......
"The cops are here, I'll go now! Don't try anything stupid!", I said and started running
Now I have to find that boy.........., I thought and saw something flying............. So, here he is!
I run to the boy, when he landed............
"OK, who are you?", I asked.....................
Jul 10, 2008 5:14 PM

Mar 2008
"not you again, look i'v got the biggest hangover and all i wanna do is go home and get some sleep, so why'd u keep bothering me? *sits on the bench he was previously sleeping on and gets a second bottle from underneath it"

Jul 10, 2008 5:20 PM

Feb 2008
"I saw what you can do..........", i replied, "I would like to be your partner....... More like partner- sensei............ I'll teach you how to overcome your silliness, and how to use your power in it's full potential.............. All you need to do, is to go, and help me to kill the men like you........... But not good men, to kill Villains who have powers.............."
"It's true, you have more powers than me.......... But, I have expirirence......... I'm alive for more than 500 years........... I have seen many things............"
Jul 10, 2008 5:27 PM

Mar 2008
"500 is that all ha," *opens bottle and stands up* "look, i don't need a partner in huntin villains, i do a pretty good job by my self, also i don't need no help with my silliness, those guys were criminals with no powers, so i was going to let the cops deal, but they where making a lot of noise and getting on my nerves so i dealt with them," *takes a mouthful of drink.* "so do me a favor and leave me alone." *sits back down on the bench.

(non rp)

yes i no my character is a real asshole, but he's interesting. lol

Jul 10, 2008 5:34 PM

Feb 2008
"To be clear with you........... I don't really need your help............ It's you who need help........... If it was about you, I'll say Whatever........ But, if you will always be drunk, someday you'll lose control of your powers............... And kill many innocent people.......... And when that day come, I'll hunt you!!!!! So, I don't wanna help you, I wanna help the world.................", I replied, "So stop being such asshole, and came with me............"
After this little speech I turned my hand to him..........
"Partners?", I said
Jul 10, 2008 5:53 PM

Mar 2008
*kinda understands what he means*

"ok you may have a point with the drinking part, but there is two things i like, hunting villains and helping others," *shakes his hand* "but you need to understand one thing, i aint gonna be changed, i do what i want, when i want, so i'll come with you but i don't need your help." *take one last mouthful of drink then screws the lid back on the bottle*

"so where we goin?"

Jul 10, 2008 5:58 PM

Sep 2007
I'm gonna use regular color but use italics for thoughts...

Jul 10, 2008 5:58 PM

Feb 2008
"I don't wanna change you............. I wanna teach you how to change yourself alone..........", I answered, "And where are we going? Nice question................ I don't really know............... Where ever you want, I have all the time of this world to help you............."
I took Neko's hand and pushed him.............."OK, you slacker, enough sleeping..........."
This is gonna be quite a challenge.................

Jul 10, 2008 6:03 PM

Mar 2008
*stands a little angered by the push.*

"ok i guess we need to lay down a couple of ground rules, number one: you push me again and it's on and believe me you don't wanna ride that train, number two: if i hear one cute nickname come out of your mouth in my direction it's on and number three: there is no chance in hell that i'm looking at you as my master or sensei or teacher or none of that crap, you got it?"

*stands up and adjusts coat.*

Jul 10, 2008 6:05 PM

Sep 2007
Jul 10, 2008 6:07 PM

Feb 2008
"Number one: It's not my fault you always drink and sleep, drink and sleep.................. Number two: I will call you as I please, anyway, I don't even know your name, how can I call you?........... Number three: I wouldn't like you to think that............ It will kill all the fun......... Just thought of me as friend, who will give his life for you........... Cause I can't die!", I smiled, "So, are we going now, partner?"
He's funny.......... I like that...............

"And who are you, little one?", I turn to Mikoto...........

Jul 10, 2008 6:10 PM

Mar 2008
"yeah we're going, just after i ask this lady what she thinks she's looking at?" *turns to a black haired women who is standing there looking at the pair, she had said hello but was ignored.*

(non rp)

i no i no he's an assshole, but meh gonna have to suffer it.

Jul 10, 2008 6:13 PM

Feb 2008
"Hey, wait, I still don't know your name............... OK, anyway, don't speak to a lady like that........ Someday, you will get married, and there's no power that can save you from angry woman..............", I said, "So, do you have any idea, where are we going?"
Jul 10, 2008 6:16 PM

Mar 2008
*glares at the woman.*

"well i got a house nearby, but that's all i can think of." *continues glaring at the woman.* "o and me get married, rite." *laughs to self and continues glareing at the woman.*

Jul 10, 2008 6:19 PM

Feb 2008
"Just take some silly costume....... Do some good deeds.......... And women will come from every part of World, just to be with you......:, I said, "And, what is your name?"

"By the way, you just stood up! You would like to go to your home, so you can take a nap........... How stupid........... And don't worry about me, anyway, I don't rest like you........... I have my ways........."
Jul 10, 2008 6:25 PM

Mar 2008
^ok he has a point, women don't exactly throw them selves at me, but meh that''s why i'm happy, couldn't imagine a women moaning at me all the time.^

"well let's get out of here then, i need to change cloths and get something to eat."takes to the sky waiting for hi new partner. "oh yeah , to answer your question, the name's neko." *looks down and sees the woman still staring at them, so glares at her again*

Jul 10, 2008 6:28 PM

Feb 2008
'OK, then, Neko................ So where is your house anyway, and leave that girl alone............", I asked........
Jul 10, 2008 6:35 PM

Mar 2008
"just on the coast line, miami beach, very relaxing there man and the woman is staring at us," *turns to the woman* "lady i will break my foot off in your ass if you don't stop looking."

Jul 10, 2008 6:36 PM

Feb 2008
( non rp )
Ita is Off...........

"Nice......... So, let's go!"
Jul 10, 2008 6:41 PM

Mar 2008
(non rp)

kinda guessed that, o well she'll just have to catch up.


"ok let's go." *both head towards my house, which isn't really a house, it's a trailer with a crappy makeshift fence around it.* "ok we're here," *walk through the door into a mountain of trash and empty bottles. "welcome to my crib, make yourself at home, but be careful my dog in here somewhere, don't want you sitting on him." *moves over to the kitchen area.*

Jul 10, 2008 6:44 PM

Feb 2008
"You call this home.......", I smiled........, "I lived over the 500 years, and I never saw such......... I don't know how true word for this........"
I started laughing like insane............. "This is your home!!!"
Jul 10, 2008 6:49 PM

Feb 2008
( non rp )
I'll go Off now........... It's 4 here, and I have such a headacke................... See ya tomorrow, ok? Good Night.............
Jul 10, 2008 6:50 PM

Mar 2008
"look how you gonna come into a brothers crib and start dissing, you could always stay outside, i didn't ask for you to come ruin y morning," *looks in fridge and finds that the only things in it are a left over pizza, a beer a egg and some unopened Chinese food, grabs everything and puts it all into a blender and begins blending* "so you say you where born 500 years ago, what's the deal with that?"

Jul 10, 2008 6:50 PM

Mar 2008
(non rp)

ok see you later. nite.

Jul 10, 2008 6:56 PM

Feb 2008
( non rp )
I have to answer to this question, even if my head explodes..............

"What's the deal with it............. Hm........... You see, my father was a Vampire........... So I took best of my father and best of my mother.......", I replied, "I'm quick and strong as my father, but I'm also like human, although I don't eat or drink anything.......... I can go to sun, easily, but sometimes, when I'm in rage............ My Vampire side overcome my Human side........... And..... How to tell this........... Yes!......You don't wanna ride that train!!!"
Jul 10, 2008 7:02 PM

Mar 2008
*fake laughs*

"look at that you made a joke, good for you," *says this very sarcastically* "well that is a very interesting story and i'm glad you told me, but i still don't know your name." *sits at the small table with the blender jug in hand and drinks the contents.*

Jul 10, 2008 7:05 PM

Feb 2008
"I don't really have it............:, i answer, "But you can call me L, just L..........."
"Btw, that wasn't a joke............. Maybe I'll show you my fangs some day.............. But, believe me, you don't wont that to happen!!", I smiled................

ainthemixJul 11, 2008 12:24 PM
Jul 11, 2008 7:53 AM

Mar 2008
"ok so you said you wanna be partners, well seeing as there aren't any bad guys around at the moment what do you want us to do?" *finishes the contents of the blender jug and belches.*

Jul 11, 2008 12:24 PM

Feb 2008
"Nice question.............. You're not so stupid, after all.................. Well, I work as a bounty hunter, so let's go check out the listings first........... What do you think?", I said, and looked at that "meal" in his hand......., "You're pathetic......... Now, I see why do you drink........... To forget what you was eating........"

Jul 11, 2008 1:13 PM

Mar 2008
"ok in this area i'm an expert, why throw out food when you can have it all for breakfast the next morning, stuff like this will put hairs on your chest, you should try it," *leans back and hears a whelp, neko's husky then comes out from behind him.* "There you are wolf, sorry bout that girl did i wake you up," *strokes and plays with the dog.* "L meet my only real partner, Wolf, say hi wolf," *wolf barks at L.* "ok, well you want listings of bounties, well i know just the man for that, he owns a shop that deals with all sorts of unnatural crap, we should go see him."

Jul 14, 2008 1:31 PM

Sep 2007
"Mmm What I'm looking at is evidently a failure at what he's supposed to be." I smirked.

Sorry for a really late post.....
Jul 16, 2008 5:03 PM

Feb 2008
"Hm......... Nice dog...........", I said,"But, there's no time for such a stupid things............ Let's check out that friend of yours................"
I need food................. Souls.................. Death................ I want Blood................, I heard in my mind, making me a headache.................
I looked over to my Katana, and saw that it's unusually red............
"And we have to hurry...............", I said, "I don't need food, but someone does!"
I said and looked over to my Katana again..............
You'll have them........, I thought

Jul 16, 2008 5:21 PM

Mar 2008
"well arite, then, the guy's shop is at the other end of the beach, maybe a 15 minute flight from here, come on i'll show you." *i walk outside and fly of into the distance, carrying him on my back, we arrived in the time i had said it would take and i knocked on the door of the shop.*

"Yo Dante, you in dude?" I didn't get an answer so i let myself in, there was no one around, so i made my way up to the desk, where a fresh pizza and a unopened can of beer was laying.*

"Hey Neko long time no see, how ya bin?" a woman asked as she came into sight, she had blond hair and was wearing a skimpy black leather outfit.

"Trish, i'm fine girl, how you doin' still working for that bum Dante i see." *I walk over to her and give her a hug.8


"and i see your still raging alcoholic and still have no fans," *she says jokingly.* "and that bum your talking about is my husband now."


"now way, you two got together," *picks up the beer and opens it.* 2but look trish this ain't a social call i'm afraid, my buddy here need to have a look at the bounty list for people with powers, think you can help me out a little?"


"well i still owe you for saving my ass last month, so yeah i'll let him take a look." *takes apiece of paper off of the wall and hands it to L.*

Jul 16, 2008 5:26 PM

Feb 2008
( non rp )
Are you going to tell me about villains, or should I do it?

"Thank you....", i say quietly and take a look at paper...........
Jul 16, 2008 5:40 PM

Mar 2008
(non rp)

you can do the villains if u want.

Jul 16, 2008 5:52 PM

Feb 2008
( non rp )

As I took paper in my hand, I started reading to myself.................
"Jasuko Harumi..............
High ranked criminal with shapeshifting powers........ Twelve years ago, she was captured, but she escaped turning herself to liquid....... Since than, she murdered several important people.......
Bounty: over 10 000 Dollars............", I smiled, "Interesting.........."
Also, a high ranked criminal who have power to control animals and plants........... He destroyed his home town, by calling thousands of wolves to eat Villagers..........
Bounty: over 20 000 Dollars............"

"Those are good..........", I said delivering paper to Neko, "Nice cash, ha?"
Jul 16, 2008 6:00 PM

Mar 2008
*takes the paper.*

"nice?, dude that is more then nice , but who do you wanna go after?" *I open the beer and start drinking, waiting to hear the reply.*

Jul 16, 2008 6:03 PM

Feb 2008
"This animal guy........... More money!", I replied...............
Jul 16, 2008 6:10 PM

Mar 2008
"ok cool," *i reply to L, i then turn to trish.* "well trish it was good seeing ya again, tell Dante i owe him a beer next time." *i hug here again and turn to leave.*


"yeah what ever neko, see ya soon, by the way the beer is mine and i'm gonna hol you to it." *she smile and we leave.*

"ok the animal guy," *i finish the can and throw the empty in the alley.* "where the hell do we start looking?"

Aug 9, 2008 10:29 AM

Feb 2008
( non rp )
I duuno what to post...........
Aug 9, 2008 10:30 AM

Mar 2008
(non rp)

neither do i, lolage, i think we need more peeps to join

Sep 10, 2008 4:16 PM

Jul 2008
I will join this one:

Name: Nightshade
Power Model:
Bio: the most evil, sadistic(and powerful) superpowered human ever known, he has slaughtered thousands, but he had a 100 year absence. Now he has returned
TamoballSep 10, 2008 4:31 PM
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