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Mar 12, 2011 3:43 PM

Dec 2010
Angela loaded her gun with rubber bullets, she didn't want to have to hold back and she was getting impatient with the current situation. "who wants a practice duel?!" she waved the gun at the others.
Mar 12, 2011 8:28 PM
Jun 2010
*alseep(has been the whole time)*
*catchs the candy bar in my mouth and swoles the bar whole then holds hand out with a napkin on it spit the wrapper out onto the napkin*
*throws the napkin up and burns it with a breath of fire*
"anyone else got any garbage"

Mar 17, 2011 3:42 PM

Oct 2008
*walks in with a boombox in hand, sword sheathed by my side*
"hello, how is everyone?"
*sets it down and looks around at all the random people*
Check out my poetry on Deviant Art
Mar 18, 2011 8:09 AM
Jun 2010
*walks over to the boom box with a cd in hand and puts it in the boom box and it starts playing through the fire and flames by dragonforce*

Mar 19, 2011 8:19 PM

Oct 2008
*laughs, and takes the cd out*
"don't worry, i got just about everything on my iPod"
*points to an iPod plugged in via auxiallary port*
"nice though, i don't know that many people with cd's about this song instead"
*starts playing a weird sounding song*
"this stuff makes it easier for me to fight"

Check out my poetry on Deviant Art
Mar 20, 2011 7:09 PM

Oct 2008
*cracks my neck and holds my right hand outstretched past myself. the left hand is brought closer to my body, which is turned to the left a bit to provide balance. My sword hanged by my side, out of the way, music blasting high bass and weird sounds with which my body seems to move around with*
"well, how about some practice, what do you say?"
Check out my poetry on Deviant Art
Mar 24, 2011 6:42 AM
Aug 2010
Orimura looks over to the boom box and sets his rile to high power. Without aiming he blows it away creating a crater where it once was. A hissing sound comes from his suit as he exits it. He raises his arm and the ground forming the crater starts to multiply, filling in the hole around him.
"Please stop it with your load music I'm trying to meditate."
Mar 24, 2011 6:53 AM
Jun 2010
"they are right that music is wierd and distracting"

Mar 24, 2011 12:00 PM

Oct 2008
*a feild around the boombox remains, with the boombox now sitting in a crater*
"i don't tell you how to fight, do i?!"
*picks out of the crater*
"if you need to mediate, you need to pratice blocking out distractions, think of it as improving your meditation skills. It takes work to ignore music this good"
Check out my poetry on Deviant Art
Mar 24, 2011 2:46 PM
Aug 2010
Orimura gives him a strange glance, eyeing him up and down. "Why block it out when I can cause it to crease from existence? With that said I do believe that you would be out numbered if you continue to annoy the others" With that he slipped his arm into his suit and aimed the rifle toward the sky causing the bullets to rain around the boy blasting his music.
Mar 24, 2011 4:48 PM
Jun 2010
"meditating is so old not as old as me though"
*starts speaking in hebrew*
"how do you"
*speaks in latin*
"think i"
*speaks in greek*
"learned these"
*speaks in french*

Mar 24, 2011 6:33 PM

Oct 2008
*my body seems to almost liquefy as i fluidly move through all the the bullets*
"hey, practice is practice"
*moving towards orimura, drawing my sword while dodging the bullets, and thrust my sword sword with the blade vertical at him, pressing a large cut into his chest*

(this is how i rp, it gives other a chance to do what they want, after the line is what I'm in the process of doing, so you can interfere with it, any questions?)
Check out my poetry on Deviant Art
Mar 24, 2011 10:06 PM

Dec 2008
Elanora sits up and blinks at the noisy combatants. They were all worked up over nothing it would seem, but most of them had just been waiting for an excuse to fight. Foolish children, she thought to herself, before tucking her feet beneath her. She still didn't want to bother moving, it would end quickly she was sure of it; if it didn't she might think of stepping in, but for now, she would just watch.
Mar 25, 2011 5:49 AM
Aug 2010
Safaridor said:

(this is how i rp, it gives other a chance to do what they want, after the line is what I'm in the process of doing, so you can interfere with it, any questions?)

(Does make sense :D)

Orimura, slids his who body in to his machine, and speed towards the sword, ignoring the pain as it slids into his body. Garbing the blade he pulls Mioto towards him, keeping a firm hold on the blade he aims at him. "How you going to dodge now?"
Mar 25, 2011 8:13 AM
Jun 2010
*blaast water at the machine and grabs safas arms and brings them around to his back*
"the both of you wait and save it for the tourney right now practice on something that isn't entering the tourney"

Mar 27, 2011 4:59 PM
Aug 2010
Orimura grinned, "Well thats no fun is it, why practice on a lifeless thing, If I'm going to fight something full of life, that will most likely loss it?" With that said he left his suit, walked under a tree and started to nap.
Mar 27, 2011 11:10 PM

Dec 2008
Elanora furrows her brows and watches as the others settle down finally. She was sure another fight or argument would crop up by the end of the day, but for now it seemed things were going to remain calm.

She settles back down into her spot in the grass and watches the clouds pass overhead.
Mar 30, 2011 2:04 PM

Oct 2008
*swinging my leg behind me, i flip the suit holding me with me to so that my arm would no longer be twisted, with me landing on top of the suit*
"I have my ways"
*stretches my arm*
"you have good speed for a clunky body"
Check out my poetry on Deviant Art
Mar 31, 2011 4:31 PM
Jun 2010
*gets up and walks away to fishie*
"hello i'm conan and your?"

Apr 2, 2011 12:40 AM

Dec 2008
Elanora blinks as he enters her field of sight, before scrunching up her nose. People were far too curious about the little things, but she figured she'd humor him. There was after all nothing else to do. Not moving from where she's currently lounging, she stares up at the man. "Elanora. Pleased to meet you."
Apr 2, 2011 7:18 AM

Feb 2010
*walks in, sword in his left hand, M-16 across back, bow strung across shoulder, and hood down*

Apr 4, 2011 11:59 AM
Jun 2010
"equaly pleased to meet you as well madem"

Apr 7, 2011 8:52 AM

Oct 2008
*to stop arguing, plugs in headphones to the iPod, turning off the loud boombox*
*rocking side to side in the sitting position*

(hey fishie, do you write? as in books or maybe even fanfiction?)
Check out my poetry on Deviant Art
Apr 8, 2011 5:23 PM

Dec 2008
Elanora stretches her arms out above her head, working out the kinks and knots that had formed in her neck and back. Slowly, she rises to her feet and heads in the direction of the lake. She fancied a walk after staring at the sky for so long. She might as well at least investigate her surroundings.


[[I do write. No fanfics. Why're you curious?]]
Apr 9, 2011 1:32 PM

Oct 2008
*rolls back with my head forward, kicking my head back when i hit my neck along with my feet, landing in a standing position*
*starts climbing a tree*

(the way you write really shows it, it takes a lot of skill to be able to use that kind of description in the small things like that)
Check out my poetry on Deviant Art
Apr 9, 2011 5:46 PM
Jun 2010
*walks away into the scenery of soil and mixed trees*
"tired(though he's been sleeping always am)"
*breaths water into the ground making a hole about 3 feet in diameter then breaths fire into the hole make a rustic scorched bleeding metal then makes a underground home repeating the process*
*falls to the rustic floor and sleeps*

Apr 9, 2011 7:21 PM

Oct 2008
*standing on top of the highest tree, scoping out the place*
"this place is huge...."
Check out my poetry on Deviant Art
Apr 9, 2011 10:24 PM

Dec 2008
Elanora continues on her trek through the trees. Nothing out of the ordinary, though she hadn't expected much more than that. Curiosity, however, continued to drive her forward. At the very least it would give her a chance to scope out a few more of the combatants.


[[I typically paragraph rp. I've shortened my posts drastically to fit them into this forum.]]
Apr 10, 2011 12:02 AM

Oct 2008
*gets bored and falls backward, using small hits from my arm on passing branches to avoid the oncoming ones*
"this is amazing"
*grabs the last branch and uses it as a swing to launch myself safely towards the ground*
"now to just...WATCH OUT!!!"
*my trajectory has me about to hit elanora*
*desperately tries to grab another tree, instead, shoving my foot down causing me to fall and roll, stopping a few feet from her*
Check out my poetry on Deviant Art
Apr 10, 2011 11:21 PM

Dec 2008
Elanora blinks as the man lands in front of her. She takes a step back and presses her dress against her knees to keep him from catching a view she'd be forced to kill him for. "You must pay better attention. You could have landed on me."
Apr 10, 2011 11:28 PM

Oct 2008
*stands up and bows low*
"I'm so sorry, i misjudged my velocity..."
*stands up straight*
"i don't believe I've properly introduced myself yet. my name is safa, may i ask your name?"
*thinks: just calm down and play it cool*
Check out my poetry on Deviant Art
Apr 10, 2011 11:54 PM

Dec 2008
"Elanora. Pleased to meet you, Safa." Elanora stifles a yawn behind her hand, a reminder that she hadn't gotten enough sleep the previous evening. She brushes a few loose strands of hair behind her ear; she'd have to remember to tie it up for the fight, it was so troublesome for it to keep falling in her face. "No, I don't believe we had met, though you were involved in that little bit of argument earlier weren't you?"
Apr 11, 2011 12:01 AM

Oct 2008
*scratches my head*
"yeah, it was over my loud music...i enjoy music a lot, but apparently they did not"
*watches her move her hair, entranced in a weird sort of way*
Check out my poetry on Deviant Art
Apr 11, 2011 12:09 AM

Dec 2008
Elanora shrugs and smiles. She remembered the loud music. It hadn't been a particular disturbance to her, but she'd been further away from the source than the rest. "Music is great, but when it's too loud it kind of ruins it. That didn't seem to be their concern though. They simply didn't like the disturbance."
Apr 11, 2011 12:12 AM

Oct 2008
*smirks a bit*
"it all depends on the type of music the differs how loud you can play it and how you play it, as in how much bass to play and how much treble to use"
*puts on a face that is one of thought*
"I listen to a lot of bass heavy music, that's probably why they didn't like it, enough bass shakes your very core"
Check out my poetry on Deviant Art
Apr 12, 2011 8:19 AM
Jun 2010
*gets up from the metal hole and walks to safa and elenora*
"well safa when someone sleeps they would like soothing soft music or whatever they like i found that music disturbing like someone following me what is the oragin of the music"

Apr 12, 2011 12:25 PM

Dec 2008
"I still think that tremendous volumes ruin music, regardless of how you adjust it. Your ears are only meant to hear so much at a certain decibel level." Elanora blinks and nods her head by way of greeting in Conan's direction. "I was right then. They just didn't like it because it was a disturbance." Elanora waves to the two of them over her shoulder, before continuing on her way through the forest.
fishie1223Apr 12, 2011 2:50 PM
Apr 12, 2011 12:46 PM

Oct 2008
*looks at conan*
"i think it was started at raves, it's supposed to make a person hallucinate more while on drugs...i like the way the bass sounds, commonly known as a wobble bass"

(doesn't sound as cool without a subwoofer to listen to it with)
Check out my poetry on Deviant Art
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