lordJahoo said:@Piromysl I was thinking more about the dilemma that the already turned faced. I don't think they would move, that would beat the entire point of Sunako's vision of creating a safe haven. Also, there is no way they could move all together (there would probably be more than 200 shiki). One of the main reasons Sunako refused Tatsumi's initial suggestion of escaping as soon as Chizuru was killed was because she didn't want to have to abandon their new "comrades".
@0__Dante__0 true, but she did read a lot of books and went through a lot of experiences...
Right, so it seems you agree that the killing was not needed for survival and that the dilemma was false.
@Lucifrost Indeed, I'm glad I rewatched it.
@Criscosandwich Wow, thank you so much for your long and insightful answer! You may be right, I assumed the sheer number of experiences and read books would make Sunako smart, but even real life elderly people can be quite irrational, despite not living all alone, in constant fear of being killed or starving and in a body of a child...
Yeah, the oppression by Sunako through mostly Tatsumi was made pretty clear, like forcing all new shiki to kill someone immediately to make them accustomed to it, indoctrinating them into thinking there is no other way and threatening them.
The deaths of shiki like Ritsuko and Kaname's mom were very tragic for me, I believe they would be able to coexist with people if given a chance. Many others probably too, especially if they had different starts to being shiki. If the existence of the shiki got widely recognized, then, with modern humanism, if it was extended, I think shiki could get tolerated in some regions of the world in the XXI century. Get them some blood and jobs like working underwater, in zones with high radiation or respiratory hazards, various night shifts... Maybe have them serve some prison time or agree to being experimented on for the people they killed. But in reality, that would be a very difficult process and singular incidents could destroy the fragile trust and lead to genocides. They would also probably get used in wars...
Yep, a lot of overall monstrosity all around in the show, haha