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Mar 1, 2:26 AM
MINI-GAME #1: DARTS ✧ Complete 10 items and remove 2 items✧ [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (2) Watch an anime from a Stack provided by an active AWC Staff Member (MAL Staff are not AWC Staff) ANIME_TITLE [AWC Staff Stack Used: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (18) Watch an anime with 22 or more episodes (each episode must be at least 15 minutes) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (22) Watch an anime that began airing between Jan 1, 2015 and Dec 31, 2019 (total duration must be at least 16 minutes) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (40) Watch an anime that began airing the same season and year as one of the anime in your MAL favorites (favorite anime must have been completed before item is started) ANIME_TITLE [Favorite Anime: | Season/Year: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (41) Watch an anime that began airing the same month (eg. July) you joined MAL ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (43) Watch an anime that has a main title starting with the same letter/number as your MAL username ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (53) Watch an anime with a Review that has at least three different reaction emojis ANIME_TITLE [Review Link: | Screenshot: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (70) Watch an anime with 3 or more main characters that are of the same gender ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (84) Watch an anime suggested to you by MAL or by Anime+ and provide a screenshot including your username ANIME_TITLE [Screenshot: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (87) Watch an anime Recommended to one of the Anime listed in your MAL Favorites (favorite anime must have been completed before item is started) ANIME_TITLE [Favorite Anime: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (96) Watch an anime tagged with Music ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (127) Watch an anime adapted from an Original Source (total duration must be at least 16 minutes) ANIME_TITLE |
Mar 1, 2:27 AM
17A BINGO CARD 17A ✧ Do All 14 of the items✧ [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (8) Watch an anime a 2025 AWC participant dropped or put on-hold September 30, 2024 or earlier (participant must have watched at least one episode) ANIME_TITLE [AWC Participant: | Post Link: | Screenshot: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (28) Watch an anime that started airing on a Wednesday or Thursday (day must be listed on MAL page) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (38) Watch an anime that started airing in September or December (total duration must be at least 16 minutes) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (46) Watch an anime that has a one-word main title ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (61) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #1721 (total duration must be at least 16 minutes) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (75) Watch a morning anime (broadcast between 6:00 and 11:59 JST) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (80) Watch a listed Anisata, AnichU, Doroku, Ultra Super Anime Time, or +Ultra anime ANIME_TITLE [List Used: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (85) Watch an anime from your most watched studio sorted by time on Anime+ that has a MAL rating of less than 8.0 (screenshot must show username) ANIME_TITLE [Most Watched Studio By Time: | Anime Rating: | Anime+ Screenshot: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (99) Watch an anime tagged with either Anthropomorphic or Avant Garde (each episode must be at least 16 minutes) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (101) Watch an anime tagged with either Mecha or Super Power (each episode must be at least 16 minutes) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (106) Watch an anime tagged with at least ONE of the following: Ecchi, Erotica, Hentai ANIME_TITLE [Tagged With: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (109) Watch an anime tagged with at least ONE of the following: Boys Love, Iyashikei, Mahou Shoujo, Urban Fantasy ANIME_TITLE [Tagged With: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (122) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and tagged with 3 Genres or more (Themes/Demographics do not count) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (133) Watch an anime adapted from a Mixed Media or Web Manga Source ANIME_TITLE |
Mar 1, 2:28 AM
BINGO CARD 17B ✧ Do All 14 of the items✧ [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (8) Watch an anime a 2025 AWC participant dropped or put on-hold September 30, 2024 or earlier (participant must have watched at least one episode) ANIME_TITLE [AWC Participant: | Post Link: | Screenshot: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (28) Watch an anime that started airing on a Wednesday or Thursday (day must be listed on MAL page) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (38) Watch an anime that started airing in September or December (total duration must be at least 16 minutes) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (46) Watch an anime that has a one-word main title ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (55) Watch an anime that has no Recommendations (anime must finish airing before you start it) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (58) Watch an anime with 150 or less favorites on MAL (total duration must be at least 16 minutes) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (61) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #1721 (total duration must be at least 16 minutes) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (75) Watch a morning anime (broadcast between 6:00 and 11:59 JST) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (80) Watch a listed Anisata, AnichU, Doroku, Ultra Super Anime Time, or +Ultra anime ANIME_TITLE [List Used: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (85) Watch an anime from your most watched studio sorted by time on Anime+ that has a MAL rating of less than 8.0 (screenshot must show username) ANIME_TITLE [Most Watched Studio By Time: | Anime Rating: | Anime+ Screenshot: ] [*][Started: 2025DATE] [Finished: DATE] (89) Finish an anime that you watched at least one episode of and dropped/put on hold September 30, 2024 or earlier (Alternatively: watch something from the listed provided by the AWCC/MRCC Staff) ANIME_TITLE [Original Anime Start Date: | Last Watched Episode Date: | Episodes Previously Watched: | Screenshot: ] [If you choose an anime from the provided list, remove this line and the one above it; if you watch a dropped/on hold remove this line] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (101) Watch an anime tagged with either Mecha or Super Power (each episode must be at least 16 minutes) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (122) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and tagged with 3 Genres or more (Themes/Demographics do not count) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (131) Watch an anime adapted from a Card Game or Other Source ANIME_TITLE |
Mar 1, 2:28 AM
BINGO CARD 21A ✧ Do All 16 of the items✧ [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (4) Watch an anime recommended to you in the AWC 2025 Staff Recs thread by an active AWC Staff Member ANIME_TITLE [Recommendation Link: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (9) Watch an anime featured in a 2025 AWC participant's forum avatar or signature ANIME_TITLE [AWC Participant: | Post Link: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (30) Watch an anime that started airing on a Sunday or Unknown day (day must be listed on MAL page) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (31) Watch an anime that started airing in January (each episode must be at least 16 minutes) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (51) Watch an anime that has the number 25 in its MAL ID ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (59) Watch an anime that has a higher score than a listed Adaptation under related anime ANIME_TITLE [Anime Score When Started: | Adaptation Score When Started: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (65) Watch an anime tagged with either Artificial Intelligence or Android on AniDB ANIME_TITLE [List Used: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (68) Watch an anime that has a main character with majority blue, green, pink, or purple hair color (just streaks of these colors do not count) ANIME_TITLE [Main Character: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (69) Watch an anime with a Narrator or Narration character listed on the Characters and Staff page ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (71) Watch an anime that only has one main character listed on MAL (can have any number of supporting characters) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (74) Watch an anime where the same Voice Actor is credited under at least two different characters (main or supporting) ANIME_TITLE [Voice Actor: | Character 1: | Character 2: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (81) Watch an anime by a studio with less than 35 anime in MAL's database ANIME_TITLE [Studio: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (92) Watch an anime with either 5 or more Opening Themes listed or 5 or more Ending Themes listed ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (117) Watch an anime tagged with at least ONE of the following: Idols (Female), Josei, Pets, Workplace ANIME_TITLE [Tagged With: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (120) Watch an anime tagged with at least TWO of the following: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Shounen ANIME_TITLE [Tagged With 1: | Tagged With 2: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (135) Watch an anime adapted from a Visual Novel or Web Novel Source ANIME_TITLEBINGO CARD 21A ✧ Do All 16 of the items✧ [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (4) Watch an anime recommended to you in the AWC 2025 Staff Recs thread by an active AWC Staff Member ANIME_TITLE [Recommendation Link: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (9) Watch an anime featured in a 2025 AWC participant's forum avatar or signature ANIME_TITLE [AWC Participant: | Post Link: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (30) Watch an anime that started airing on a Sunday or Unknown day (day must be listed on MAL page) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (31) Watch an anime that started airing in January (each episode must be at least 16 minutes) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (51) Watch an anime that has the number 25 in its MAL ID ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (59) Watch an anime that has a higher score than a listed Adaptation under related anime ANIME_TITLE [Anime Score When Started: | Adaptation Score When Started: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (65) Watch an anime tagged with either Artificial Intelligence or Android on AniDB ANIME_TITLE [List Used: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (68) Watch an anime that has a main character with majority blue, green, pink, or purple hair color (just streaks of these colors do not count) ANIME_TITLE [Main Character: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (69) Watch an anime with a Narrator or Narration character listed on the Characters and Staff page ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (71) Watch an anime that only has one main character listed on MAL (can have any number of supporting characters) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (74) Watch an anime where the same Voice Actor is credited under at least two different characters (main or supporting) ANIME_TITLE [Voice Actor: | Character 1: | Character 2: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (81) Watch an anime by a studio with less than 35 anime in MAL's database ANIME_TITLE [Studio: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (92) Watch an anime with either 5 or more Opening Themes listed or 5 or more Ending Themes listed ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (117) Watch an anime tagged with at least ONE of the following: Idols (Female), Josei, Pets, Workplace ANIME_TITLE [Tagged With: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (120) Watch an anime tagged with at least TWO of the following: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Shounen ANIME_TITLE [Tagged With 1: | Tagged With 2: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (135) Watch an anime adapted from a Visual Novel or Web Novel Source ANIME_TITLE |
Mar 1, 2:29 AM
BINGO CARD 21B ✧ Do All 16 of the items✧ [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (4) Watch an anime recommended to you in the AWC 2025 Staff Recs thread by an active AWC Staff Member ANIME_TITLE [Recommendation Link: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (9) Watch an anime featured in a 2025 AWC participant's forum avatar or signature ANIME_TITLE [AWC Participant: | Post Link: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (20) Watch an anime with 61 or more episodes (each episode must be at least 10 minutes) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (26) Watch an anime that began airing between Jan 1, 1960 and Dec 31, 1989 ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (30) Watch an anime that started airing on a Sunday or Unknown day (day must be listed on MAL page) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (31) Watch an anime that started airing in January (each episode must be at least 16 minutes) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (51) Watch an anime that has the number 25 in its MAL ID ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (65) Watch an anime tagged with either Artificial Intelligence or Android on AniDB ANIME_TITLE [List Used: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (68) Watch an anime that has a main character with majority blue, green, pink, or purple hair color (just streaks of these colors do not count) ANIME_TITLE [Main Character: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (74) Watch an anime where the same Voice Actor is credited under at least two different characters (main or supporting) ANIME_TITLE [Voice Actor: | Character 1: | Character 2: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (78) Watch a listed Anime no Me, Nichigo, or noitaminA anime ANIME_TITLE [List Used: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (81) Watch an anime by a studio with less than 35 anime in MAL's database ANIME_TITLE [Studio: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (91) Watch an anime that has only one Opening Theme and one Ending Theme listed (anime must have at least 20 episodes) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (113) Watch an anime tagged with at least ONE of the following: Detective, Educational, Performing Arts, Reverse Harem ANIME_TITLE [Tagged With: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (120) Watch an anime tagged with at least TWO of the following: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Shounen ANIME_TITLE [Tagged With 1: | Tagged With 2: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (132) Watch an anime adapted from a Game or Radio Source ANIME_TITLE |
Mar 1, 2:30 AM
MINI-GAME #4: WHACK-A-MOLE ✧ Complete 3 Quests and remove 2 Quests ✧ Full Mini-Game Restriction(s): QUEST A - Wizard Restriction(s): [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (11) Watch a TV-type anime with an episode duration of 25 minutes or more ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (14) Watch a TV-type anime with an irregular release schedule (where at least one episode was released less than 7 days after its previous episode or more than 7 days after its previous episode) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (15) Watch a TV-type anime with a Sequel listed under Related Entries ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (16) Watch a Sequel (any anime type) to the anime used for Item (15) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (57) Watch an anime with 12 or more episodes that has a synopsis by MAL Rewrite (anime must finish airing before you start it) ANIME_TITLE QUEST B - Hunter Restriction(s): [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (5) Watch an anime recommended to you in the AWC 2025 Participant Recs thread ANIME_TITLE [Recommendation Link: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (50) Watch an anime that is tagged with one of your two least watched Genres/Themes/Demographics by Days according to your MAL statistics and provide a screenshot showing the genre selections ANIME_TITLE [Least Watched 1: | Least Watched 2: | Screenshot: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (82) Watch an anime by a studio you haven't seen anything from (studio cannot be listed as producer) ANIME_TITLE [Studio: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (83) Watch an anime listed on a 2025 AWC participant's Anime+ recommendations and provide a screenshot that includes their username ANIME_TITLE [AWC Participant: | Post Link: | Screenshot: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (86) Watch an anime tagged with your lowest scored genre/theme/demographic sorted by Mean according to Anime+ (screenshot must show username) ANIME_TITLE [Lowest Scored by Mean: | Screenshot: ] QUEST C - Barbarian Restriction(s): [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (104) Watch an anime tagged with either Mythology or Seinen (each episode must be at least 16 minutes) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (107) Watch an anime tagged with at least ONE of the following: Award Winning, Crossdressing, Gore, Samurai ANIME_TITLE [Tagged With: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (112) Watch an anime tagged with at least ONE of the following: Delinquents, Otaku Culture, Space, Villainess ANIME_TITLE [Tagged With: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (114) Watch an anime tagged with at least ONE of the following: Girls Love, Love Polygon, Suspense, Vampire ANIME_TITLE [Tagged With: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (121) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and tagged with 1 Genre or less (Themes/Demographics do not count) ANIME_TITLE QUEST D - Bard Restriction(s): [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (24) Watch an anime that began airing between Jan 1, 2000 and Dec 31, 2009 (total duration must be at least 16 minutes) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (27) Watch an anime that started airing on a Monday or Tuesday (day must be listed on MAL page) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (36) Watch an anime that started airing in March or November (total duration must be at least 16 minutes) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (37) Watch an anime that started airing in June or August (total duration must be at least 16 minutes) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (42) Watch an anime that began airing the same day (eg. 18th) you joined MAL ANIME_TITLE QUEST E - Rogue Restriction(s): [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (19) Watch an anime with 43 or more episodes (each episode must be at least 15 minutes) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (54) Watch an anime where the difference between ranking and popularity is at least 1,500 ANIME_TITLE [Ranking When Started: | Popularity When Started: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (63) Watch an anime with a score of 8.22 or above (anime must finish airing before you start it) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (72) Watch an anime with 8 or more main characters listed on MAL (can have any number of supporting characters) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (125) Watch an anime rated R -17+ or R+ - Mild Nudity (total duration must be at least 16 minutes) ANIME_TITLE |
Mar 1, 2:32 AM
MINI-GAME #6: DUCK POND ✧ Complete 15 items and remove 4 items ✧ [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (1) Watch an anime an active MAL Staff Member has listed in their 'Popularity vs Anime Score' profile statistics and provide a screenshot (AWC Staff are not MAL Staff) ANIME_TITLE [MAL Staff: | Screenshot: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (7) Watch an anime that a 2025 AWC participant has completed for the 2025 challenge (participant must have completed anime before item is started) ANIME_TITLE [AWC Participant: | Item Used For: | Post Link: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (12) Watch an ONA, OVA, or Special that has 10 episodes or more ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (21) Watch an anime that began airing between Jan 1, 2020 and Dec 31, 2024 (total duration must be at least 16 minutes) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (29) Watch an anime that started airing on a Friday or Saturday (day must be listed on MAL page) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (35) Watch an anime that started airing in February or May (total duration must be at least 16 minutes) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (47) Watch an anime that has a main character’s name/nickname/alternative name in the main title ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (52) Watch an anime that was Reviewed the same 2025 date you started it (each episode must be at least 16 minutes) ANIME_TITLE [Review Link: | Screenshot: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (62) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #4240 (total duration must be at least 16 minutes) ANIME_TITLE [Popularity When Started: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (73) Watch an anime that has more main characters than supporting characters ANIME_TITLE [# of Mains: | # of Supporting: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (79) Watch a listed Animeism, NUMAnimation or TBS Wonderful anime ANIME_TITLE [List Used: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (95) Watch an anime tagged with Kids (total duration must be at least 16 minutes) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (98) Watch an anime tagged with either Adult Cast or Supernatural (each episode must be at least 16 minutes) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (102) Watch an anime tagged with either Military or Sports (each episode must be at least 16 minutes) ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (111) Watch an anime tagged with at least ONE of the following: Combat Sports, Idols (Male), Psychological, Video Game ANIME_TITLE [Tagged With: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (116) Watch an anime tagged with at least ONE of the following: High Stakes Game, Love Status Quo, Martial Arts, Visual Arts ANIME_TITLE [Tagged With: ] [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (123) Watch an anime rated G - All Ages or PG - Children ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (129) Watch an anime adapted from a 4-koma Manga or Music Source ANIME_TITLE [*][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (130) Watch an anime adapted from a Book or Light Novel Source ANIME_TITLE |
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