Best animated movie I have seen in the past 20 years. Up there with the Pixar classics during their golden age.
I'll be honest I love Chinese animation but usually I have issues with their editing and script. The first one I enjoyed but felt it had flaws and wasn't at Pixar's level. However, the sequel went above and beyond. Nazha 2 is the one Chinese animated movie that has perfected the art of Chinese filmmaking and reached top. And as someone who studies animation, I think the animation has surpassed Pixar. There were so many scenes where I would think, how on earth did they animate this and how long did it take to render a scene?
So far there are only 2 Chinese animation directors that I really respect and that is Li Haoling (To Be Hero, Ringing Fate, Link Click) and Jiaozi (Nezha).
Hopefully with Nezha's success, Chinese directors will start realizing that they need to really spend more doing pre-production and perfecting their scripts, storyboards and pre-viz
For a movie with a limited release, no marketing and most people aren't even aware of the IP / character, it is doing surprisingly well here in the US. I live in city with a large Asian population, so the theatre was packed. But if you live in a city w/o a large Chinese population, the theatre will be empty. |