@ZXEAN I had to write an essay, because someone wrote a lot of bs. So it's simple math, to refute lot of bs, I had to write a lot of points.
ZXEAN said:everyone have different taste plus people of different age groups and gender is watching this how can you expect everyone to rate a show same.
Good job, you refuted yourself. :DDD
Your point was that the rating represents the quality, but it cannot represent the quality if people rate shows based on their taste. Quality has nothing to do with taste. Thank you for agreeing with me. :)
ZXEAN said:This might be one of the most brain-dead arguments I have ever heard in my life. There are people who doesn't like S2 of Vinland Saga because there is less action one the other hand there are people who consider it as a Masterpiece. Not everyone have similar taste 😅
Well, you should read your own statements, because even if I wanted to, I wouldn't be able to make more brain-dead statements than you do. :)
Again, you don't know the difference between pretty simple definitions. Liking or disliking something is different than something being good or bad. The former is subjective, completely depends on your own taste, while the latter is objective and it has nothing to do with you.
You can dislike a masterpiece, but it's still a masterpiece, because that's an objective statement.
Btw, no, Vinland Saga S2 objectively isn't a masterpiece. But it has nothing to do with our arguments. But it doesn't matter what people say, because there are people who say that the Earth is flat, but the Earth won't change its shape because of their statement.
ZXEAN said:You are the one who was projecting your subjective opinion not me. I was talking about collective opinions. Majority consider it to be a masterpiece that's why it's being soo highly rated. That's what I meant it's nothing to do with my opinion.
Actually no. From the argument POV, you are also projecting your own subjective opinion on me. Because you cannot accept that someone is smarter than you.
Btw, you also shifted the argument. I wasn't talking about how high the rating is. My point was that the rating has nothing to do with quality and you agree with that, because people have different taste and taste has nothing to do with quality.
ZXEAN said:No Joker is not a bad example but OK
It is. The hype needs build up. The Joker franchise where you had only a like a 2 hour long sequel a couple years ago is nowhere near close to a SnK where you waited a decade with more than 20 hours of content.
The cultural impact is really important in these cases, that's why the original Star Wars is a great example.
ZXEAN said:In case of Attack on Titan critic and majority of audiance have similar take so I don't see why this example even matters.
In what world exactly? I'm anime only, but when the manga ended even I encountered lots of, lots of topic where people talked about how bad the ending was. There was even a petition to force the creators for a new ending.
SnK is one of the rare cases where people were really divided.