There are several factors that I am concerned with in this Maga.
-The first is the lack of a love relationship development between Ganta and Isaki. More specifically, it seems that Ganta is trying his hardest to ensure that Isaki remains healthy and doesn't want her to push herself (i.e. when they are in his room and she sits on the bed I feel that she wanted their relationship to move forward and he wanted to wait because he was afraid to add stress to her body as she was getting ready to have surgery).
-Next is the lack of concern for Ganta by Isaki when choosing where to attend college. I have mixed feelings as I can see where her mother is coming from when she wants Isaki to commute from home to the university, but I feel that Ganta feels that as long as he is with Isaki it doesn't matter where they go to college. I think that Isaki just wants to live her life with Ganta and be free to make her own choices about how she lives. This goes back to when she was younger and those around her that knew about her medical history let her come in first with them during a race. Isaki was really upset because even back then she realized that this was pity and not compassion they were showing her. Even though Ganta has often been overprotective he has never treated her in a way that would be perceived as him taking pity on her even though he knows all about her medical problems.
-Lastly, I feel that the author should have used the time skip (beginning 2nd year to ending 3rd year) to further develop Ganta and Isaki's lovey-dovey relationship by having them go on a few dates, overcome a rival or add in a little fan service such as them sneaking in a kiss here and there when they were alone. This chapter has actually been an excellent development in the lovey-dovey relationship. I tend to agree with Ganta in his decision about not moving forward with their relationship when they were in the bedroom. Throughout their relationship, Ganta has studied heart disease to try and understand what was going on with Isaki and knows what stress that type of activity would put on her body. With her having surgery in a month to rebuild her pulmonary artery I am sure that Ganta knows how serious it is and even though he would have loved to move forward with their relationship he knows that they still have time after she recovers from her surgery.
-Finally, I think that Ganta and Isaki are not worried about her getting pregnant if they have sex. Isaki's mother on the other hand I feel is very worried about what would happen if Isaki became pregnant (If Isaki's mom wasn't worried about Isaki getting pregnant she would not have driven through the evening to pick her up from Mawaki or when Ganta was bringing Isaki's homework over Isaki's mom would not have stated to Isakis father that she feels safer with Ganta coming there than them meeting up outside of their home). Ganta on the other hand is just worried that having sex right now might cause complications prior to Isaki having surgery. This is a common trend seen throughout the manga, he has always worried about her health and how what she was doing would affect her health (putting her needs before his own - this is probably because he is insecure and worried about losing Isaki). Isaki on the other hand wants to live in the moment and have sex with the person she loves. I might be reading too much into it but I think Isaki wants to experience sex with Ganta prior to the surgery because she is worried that she may die during the surgery and wants to build one last memory with Ganta and she wants to show him just how that she is in love with him prior to her death. |
BishopMEJul 23, 2023 3:13 PM