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Apr 25, 2023 10:14 AM
Dec 2022
Mathi, you should've made the first post and then gone outside, touched some grass, let other people debate this.

The first post was good and then slowly yours and other's arguments started getting worse and worse.

Now, as a note to the original question:
Knives can be argued as not being the villain, an emotionless arbiter might even call him good. - However - He is the antagonist. He's the counter force to the protagonist. He is by definition the opposition, assuming people can empathize with Vash.
Vash can empathize with knives, but their goals are diametrically opposed. This is something that makes the story great, at least in my opinion.

Now, I'm goingboutside and sugggest everyone in this thread go touch grass. :)
Apr 25, 2023 10:20 AM
Feb 2020
Vyt3x said:
Mathi, you should've made the first post and then gone outside, touched some grass, let other people debate this.

The first post was good and then slowly yours and other's arguments started getting worse and worse.

Now, as a note to the original question:
Knives can be argued as not being the villain, an emotionless arbiter might even call him good. - However - He is the antagonist. He's the counter force to the protagonist. He is by definition the opposition, assuming people can empathize with Vash.
Vash can empathize with knives, but their goals are diametrically opposed. This is something that makes the story great, at least in my opinion.

Now, I'm goingboutside and sugggest everyone in this thread go touch grass. :)

You see the messed up thing about internet is that anything can become an argument, right now you're trying a very calm and mature approach but I can make a point that all the back and forth I had with other people is just as good as my first post and touching the grass wouldn't change anything,

Anyway you keep touching the grass it's a good thing and have a nice day or night whatever time it is right now
Apr 25, 2023 12:09 PM

Jan 2009
Menyor said:
I see your point. From my perspective, Vash in this Trigun seemed more biased towards humans as compared to the ambiguous way Vash was portrayed in old Trigun which was better as it didn't made him look too biased over any side rather more like a wandering leaf who does & doesn't belong to either & each of the side.

Even though his own race was being discriminated & tortured, he seemed more concerned about discrimination & and the torture of humans. I know that should be the way but it certainly didn't felt that he was walking in center.
He sometimes seemed as if he was willing to let his own race die for the betterment of humans.

nah Vash is just a pacifist he does not actively kill so in worse case you may say he is the lesser evil just because of his negligence for his own race here while Knives is the greater evil from actively killing and even planning to genocide others

Vash also wants coexistence even if he does not know how right now that is still a better belief than Knives who is a darwinist that only see its kill or be killed when it comes to humans and plants
degApr 25, 2023 12:20 PM
Apr 25, 2023 12:23 PM
Apr 2022
Million Knives is as much Eren is ... zero 0
Apr 25, 2023 1:00 PM
Dec 2021
Mathi786 said:
I keep wondering, why does million knives is being portrayed as villain, he essentially had a very good point, It had much depth and conviction, 

I kinda feel like I m bit weird but I keep understanding villains's point of view more here, human's were just exploiting plants and then killing them like they are machines, And Nai was fighting against oppression and injustice, why is he the bad guy? Bcz he's killing the enemy but enemy is also killing them, that's how war works,
Also Vash's idea and philosophy was a bit pathetic, he said I will just keep running from them, when he didn't even do anything wrong that only makes Nai's point stronger,

I would like people opinion on this but plz stay respectful

Edit: also I like to add this anime is just amazing, I never thought there would come a day when I might prefer 3d over 2d but now I do, some of the fighting scenes were so smooth and color Palette was top of the class, also the OP was amazing, I love the anime

yeah, can't disagree, in the manga is different but I'll just talk about the anime.

the reason for the view of Knives as a Villain is cuz the methods he use to achieve this goal, human experimentation, genocide, etc. Even if you argue that the humans did as well that doesn't mean that what's he's doing is good, it just means he's as bad as his villains.

you can also see it as a grey area, there aren't heroes nor villains, is just perspective.
Apr 25, 2023 1:01 PM
Dec 2021
Andr0o said:
It's a fair point. If you don't assign any special moral weight to humanity's existence, then you can justify basically anything Knives did as an act of self-defence. That's not to say his methods were justified, and his piggish inability to try to reason with people rather than use force to roll over them is classic "written to be dumb" villain shit. In another story, the final conflict might have been resolved by Vash agreeing to help Knives carve out a place for Plants alongside humanity, but neither character was willing to compromise on the key conflict - whether or not humanity could be trusted to let them live. Knives was probably strong enough to hold his own against anything humanity could throw at him, so the threat they actually pose him is negligible.
ETA: I don't want to give the impression that I think the writing is bad for doing this either, Knives' actions are very much in-line with his past experiences and trauma - as are Vash's. It speaks more to the place of desperation each character's motives are coming from that they can't see there is another way that could make them both happier.

the story hasn't finish yet, there is still the second half, that it might bring Knives back
Apr 25, 2023 1:58 PM
Jul 2022
Sure he's fighting for a justifiable cause but he's definitely the antagonist of the story
Apr 25, 2023 3:15 PM
Oct 2014
some real gigabrain ideas in this thread smh
Apr 25, 2023 5:02 PM
Sep 2020
Do you also believe Eren Yeager is a good guy?
Apr 26, 2023 5:25 AM
Apr 2023
DeltaWDunn said:
Do you also believe Eren Yeager is a good guy?
Apr 26, 2023 10:51 AM
Feb 2020
YasashiEndo said:
Mathi786 said:
I keep wondering, why does million knives is being portrayed as villain, he essentially had a very good point, It had much depth and conviction, 

I kinda feel like I m bit weird but I keep understanding villains's point of view more here, human's were just exploiting plants and then killing them like they are machines, And Nai was fighting against oppression and injustice, why is he the bad guy? Bcz he's killing the enemy but enemy is also killing them, that's how war works,
Also Vash's idea and philosophy was a bit pathetic, he said I will just keep running from them, when he didn't even do anything wrong that only makes Nai's point stronger,

I would like people opinion on this but plz stay respectful

Edit: also I like to add this anime is just amazing, I never thought there would come a day when I might prefer 3d over 2d but now I do, some of the fighting scenes were so smooth and color Palette was top of the class, also the OP was amazing, I love the anime

yeah, can't disagree, in the manga is different but I'll just talk about the anime.

the reason for the view of Knives as a Villain is cuz the methods he use to achieve this goal, human experimentation, genocide, etc. Even if you argue that the humans did as well that doesn't mean that what's he's doing is good, it just means he's as bad as his villains.

you can also see it as a grey area, there aren't heroes nor villains, is just perspective.

That was a very good response and that's basically my point, if everyone is a villain than no one is the villain
Apr 26, 2023 10:56 AM
Feb 2020
DeltaWDunn said:
Do you also believe Eren Yeager is a good guy?

No Eren is a total idiot, Eren could've achieved coexistence cz there was balance in power, but Eren chose to do the dumbest shit ever,

The problem is that your brain doesn't register the difference in their situation, you just recognize some keywords like war,genocide or killing humans, and after seeing these words you just go to an automatic response, that's "oh this character is a bad guy 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭"
Apr 26, 2023 11:18 AM
Sep 2020
Mathi786 said:
DeltaWDunn said:
Do you also believe Eren Yeager is a good guy?

No Eren is a total idiot, Eren could've achieved coexistence cz there was balance in power, but Eren chose to do the dumbest shit ever,

The problem is that your brain doesn't register the difference in their situation, you just recognize some keywords like war,genocide or killing humans, and after seeing these words you just go to an automatic response, that's "oh this character is a bad guy 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭"

No, one group of people can transform into monsters and another can't. They're pretty different. And I guess I'm dumb for thinking genocide is bad? You're also saying in your later posts that "everyone's a villain" or something, but the forum title says Knives was "The Hero", as if he's the sole figure who's justified for killing.

In reality, Knives isn't just doing this for his race, but also because he hates humanity. He expresses no sadness for humanity because he thinks they're beneath him. If he actually cared about humanity at all, he wouldn't go straight to genocide and at least try other avenues that have been hinted to having potential. The main thing that separates Knives and the other characters is intent.
Apr 26, 2023 2:06 PM
Apr 2023
Trigun Stampede did kinda make me feel that the audience was supposed to be rooting for him🤔It was kinda weird honestly
Apr 27, 2023 6:47 AM
Feb 2020
DeltaWDunn said:
Mathi786 said:

No Eren is a total idiot, Eren could've achieved coexistence cz there was balance in power, but Eren chose to do the dumbest shit ever,

The problem is that your brain doesn't register the difference in their situation, you just recognize some keywords like war,genocide or killing humans, and after seeing these words you just go to an automatic response, that's "oh this character is a bad guy 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭"

No, one group of people can transform into monsters and another can't. They're pretty different. And I guess I'm dumb for thinking genocide is bad? You're also saying in your later posts that "everyone's a villain" or something, but the forum title says Knives was "The Hero", as if he's the sole figure who's justified for killing.

In reality, Knives isn't just doing this for his race, but also because he hates humanity. He expresses no sadness for humanity because he thinks they're beneath him. If he actually cared about humanity at all, he wouldn't go straight to genocide and at least try other avenues that have been hinted to having potential. The main thing that separates Knives and the other characters is intent.

The reason I said Eren is an idiot is bcz even tho they are monster vs humans, Humans have pretty advance tech, so it makes them evenly matched, like there is a balance of power which is well and good with me,

In knives case, plants are a superior species than humans and there is no way both of them can coexist, so the only choice is that one kills the other but in that case no body is good or evil bcz that concept kinda becomes subjective when you think about it,

Lastly knives hating humanity or whatnot is just some emotional bullshit and nothing more so I don't want to talk about it
Apr 28, 2023 11:23 AM
Jul 2018
Well, if you lived on this planet and Nai's goal was obliteration of all humans, will you happily die for his goal of changing planet for independent units? If yes - well, I guess you can call him a hero, from grave if you can. Other people didn't want to die for his plan, so for them his is a villain.

Vash just wanted to live alongside people.
Apr 29, 2023 8:32 AM
Feb 2020
Ysrwii said:
Well, if you lived on this planet and Nai's goal was obliteration of all humans, will you happily die for his goal of changing planet for independent units? If yes - well, I guess you can call him a hero, from grave if you can. Other people didn't want to die for his plan, so for them his is a villain.

Vash just wanted to live alongside people.

I don't think he was a hero, I was just click baiting with the title, I think he's not a hero but he's also not a villain cz both of these things are subjective,
He is just a character trying the survive that's all
Apr 29, 2023 8:54 AM
Jul 2018
My reply aimed not only at you, but toward other readers who ponder the same thought as well.

He is just a character trying the survive that's all

I disagree. Vash indeed is trying to survive, Nai collected plants from many cities depriving people of water and who knows what else. This and trying to erase humanity can't be considered as "trying to survive".
Apr 29, 2023 7:47 PM
Apr 2023
I say fuck it let them kill each other🤷🏻‍♀️ the whole argument over who is the “villain” is stupid it’s obvious everyone is a “villain” in there own way that’s the point of the show. Humans killed plants so millions knives killed humans and million knives killed humans so they kill plants it was never going to end till one race or the other survived even tho they need each other to live humans need plant’s energy and plants need humans to use there energy so they don’t die it didn’t matter how nature’s law goes or who has the higher moral ground everyone there was a piece of shit for there own right vash ran million killed humans ran and killed there was no “hero” nor “villain” everyone was an antagonist.
Apr 29, 2023 10:59 PM
Feb 2020
Ysrwii said:
My reply aimed not only at you, but toward other readers who ponder the same thought as well.

He is just a character trying the survive that's all

I disagree. Vash indeed is trying to survive, Nai collected plants from many cities depriving people of water and who knows what else. This and trying to erase humanity can't be considered as "trying to survive".

Fuck vash, he's a pussy and I don't like him at all,

When I said knives is trying to survive I mean he's trying to save his race, and yes I do think that it is only possible for plants to survive if he kills humans, and if humans want to survive they have to subdue and kill plants
Apr 29, 2023 11:00 PM
Feb 2020
allycat1738 said:
I say fuck it let them kill each other🤷🏻‍♀️ the whole argument over who is the “villain” is stupid it’s obvious everyone is a “villain” in there own way that’s the point of the show. Humans killed plants so millions knives killed humans and million knives killed humans so they kill plants it was never going to end till one race or the other survived even tho they need each other to live humans need plant’s energy and plants need humans to use there energy so they don’t die it didn’t matter how nature’s law goes or who has the higher moral ground everyone there was a piece of shit for there own right vash ran million killed humans ran and killed there was no “hero” nor “villain” everyone was an antagonist.

That's exactly what my point is, thank you for understanding
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