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May 4, 2010 7:07 PM

Dec 2009
Hello there! This fanclub is quite dead, so I figured I would start some new topics for conversation. Tokyo Majin is amazing, and I'd love to have more folks interested in it.

Anyway, one of the best things to come out of this title is the introduction to many to the JRock band ACID - including me. The first OP theme "0:00 AM" was absolutely fantastic, and a big reason I immediately fell in love with this anime! How could you not love a song that starts with a head-banger screaming Time to die!, right? ^_~

Their CDs may be a little hard to come by since they've been disbanded for several years, but you can try Amazon Japan, YesAsia or CD Japan. I even saw one or two for auction on eBay once. Here is some stockpiled info:




Vocals: Junpei (淳平)

Guitar: Daisuke (大介) -formerly with

Guitar: Masamitsu (昌満)

Bass: Yuuta (遊汰) -formerly with SOLID-

Drums: Seiichirou (誠一郎)

Former members

Lead, Vocals, Keyboard: Hideki (未来)

Guitar: Kim (金|김)


ACID (バンド) was created in 2003 by JRocker Hideki, who parted ways in 2005 to once again go solo; apparently he didn't want ACID to be compared to his original, super-popular group SIAM SHADE. In 2006, guitarist Kim had to drop out of the band to return to South Korea when he was drafted by the military (service is mandatory in Korea). When vocalist Junpei and guitarist Masamitsu left ACID in 2008, the remaining members eventually re-formed as the band NEEDLESS LYRICS. Junpei had been suffering from pneumothorax for several years, continuing to sing for ACID despite chest pains, and decided to focus on his health when he was faced with a third surgery. Masamitsu left to explore other opportunities.

Even though he was short-lived in his own band, I really love Hideki's distinctive vocals. I did enjoy some of Siam Shade's later works, and am trying to save up some extra cash so I can purchase CDs by his new band, DETROX! Has anybody heard them yet?
hlwarNov 11, 2010 10:49 AM
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May 18, 2010 2:42 PM

Dec 2009
I realize there's no hope for it, but I was thinking that if they did make a third season of Tokyo Majin, they should use more ACID songs for the themes. I'd personally like "SOSUS" from Punk Drunker (Hideki and Junpei singing) for the opening, and "Sekai ga owaru made wa..." from ACID's final single for the ending.

Although, I did read somewhere that a different version of "Sekai ga owaru made wa..." (performed by WANDS) was used for the ED of the anime Slam Dunk. Haven't seen it, so I'm not certain on that (and I don't know WANDS) but I guess you wouldn't repeat a closing theme, huh. *shrugs*
hlwarNov 10, 2010 11:40 PM
Aug 5, 2010 12:21 AM

Dec 2009
For those interested in going beyond ACID and following its former members in their new ventures, I found some tunes on YouTube. There are more if you just look under the related links sidebar.

Needless Lyrics

DETROX (Hideki!!)
hlwarAug 5, 2010 12:52 PM
Nov 9, 2010 4:03 AM

Jul 2008
I love ACID of the greatest Jrock band <3
but sadly Junpei got sick.. I hope he is getting better <3...I remember that I found out that the rest of the band form the band Needless Lyrics & I found their new single ....I think or maybe I heard it online...but my impression was....Junpei-kun is not there (;へ:)
I basically love ACID caz of Junpei's voice ~~~❤
All their albums were soooooo great ..My fav is FAKE & ....basically all their albums (;´д` )

By the way hlwar should watch Slam Dunk XD
"Sekai ga owaru made wa..." is the same as what WANDS sang for the anime....but somehow ACID is cooler...caz when you hear WANDS you feel that you are back in time XD...
Nov 11, 2010 1:26 AM

Feb 2008
They're so cool!!
Haven't listened to all their songs but the few ones i know are really good >.<
Thx for the links :p nice vids btw XD
Nov 11, 2010 10:44 AM

Dec 2009
Hey Warda! I agree, I don't see much of ACID in Needless Lyrics anymore since they lost their vocalist; Junpei has such a handsome voice. I really hope he is doing well. When he left, he did say he thought he would be able to return to singing, so I too send him lots of love and get-well wishes! ♥

I do feel bad for Needless Lyrics having to be compared to ACID, but they're also not as hardcore rock without the extra guitars. I think Masamitsu is a beautiful looking boy, and I wonder what he's working on these days?

Although I must admit, I love Hideki!! His voice is so distinct and strong. He sounds a lot like seiyuu/pop-singer Naozumi Takahashi, especially when he sings ballads like Rain Knell; but then he goes and does the harsh, screaming rockstar vocals and it's like, wow~! He's awesome!! So my favorite ACID album is 1.5 Punk Drunker because he's on it. :D

Well, I probably won't get to see Slam Dunk anytime soon, so maybe I'll go looking for the closing theme on YouTube. Yeah, I can imagine Junpei sings it much better! And I'm sure I'm biased. XD

S-Sama, I used to know a blog where you could download all of ACID's music, but it was shut down by Wordpress for term violation (which is what happens when you infringe on copyrights and you're called out on it). oO That's why I've added the discography to my original post, since the link went dead. But I do know of one or two other online sites that are generously offering, if you're interested? Let me know and I'll PM you the links (instead of posting publicly and potentially getting them in trouble).
hlwarNov 11, 2010 10:51 AM
Nov 30, 2010 7:12 AM

Jul 2008
it is really suck that when a band get disband and other band rejoin other or making a new band
people compare them...which is really suck...I hope Junpei will come back...who know maybe after some years...
I think . I was wondering about what Masamitsu doing...he didn't join any other band...has he?

hlwar is it right that you can't find ACID DVD online to download...or watch? other than youtube...or buy it....that seams a good idea somehow...

hlwar you really have to see Slam Dunk anime ever XD caz it is very funny :D
Dec 6, 2010 4:13 PM

Dec 2009
I don't know for sure, Warda, but I don't think Masamitsu has joined another band. If I recall correctly, he did mention wanting to go to foreign countries, so maybe he went abroad to study? Anyway, he was always credited by his first name alone, so perhaps he continued to perform under his full name - and I just can't find him using only 昌満 to search. *shrugs*

Ah, but his birthday was three days ago (12/3) and he turned 25 years old! Happy Belated Birthday, Masamitsu!!
昌満くん、出し遅れすみません、お誕生日おめでとうございます ♥

I've actually never seen any ACID videos to buy, and haven't heard anything of their tours being taped. Which is weird because there is live performance footage on YouTube (HERE they are performing 0:00 AM on stage, but the song is edited over); unfortunately the uploader doesn't credit where the video source is from, if in fact ACID released a concert DVD...

Okay, I'll try to see Slam Dunk soon since you recommend it so highly. Besides, I could use something funny to watch. Thanks! :D
hlwarDec 6, 2010 4:41 PM
Dec 6, 2010 4:28 PM

Dec 2009
Just thought I would share some links.

Early ACID information (Japanese):

And the international music website JaME World has two interviews with the band available in English. They have a few live reports as well, but I find the interviews really revealing and entertaining! The '07 talk starts with discussing their songs being used for Tokyo Majin, and ends with very endearing messages from the members! :)

Interview 2006
Interview 2007
hlwarDec 6, 2010 4:44 PM
Apr 11, 2011 12:22 PM

Dec 2009

Just thought I would share the video link because it's so awesome! It's footage from one of ACID's live performances, during their early days - so it's Hideki Imamura as the lead vocal. I'm missin' Junpei, but I love Hideki and I love these particular songs (We Are What We Are, Renewal My Soul, Business). ♥
Jul 11, 2011 10:01 PM

Dec 2009
Needless Lyrics disbanded. :(
Jul 11, 2011 10:27 PM

Dec 2009
Found some more LIVE footage of ACID on YouTube:

Performing Hanafubuki

Performing Existence Proof

Also their PV for Sekai ga owaru made wa...

I miss them. Long live ACID! (ToT)/~~~
Aug 6, 2011 6:23 PM

Dec 2009
The Japanese retailer Pure Sound had some of ACID's old fanclub booklets. I didn't even know they had an OFC, but it was called My Close Friends. They're all sold out now, but I still thought it was interesting! :)

They were also selling a CD called Brand New World, which was nothing but ACID's Spiritual Circus song "Brand New World". I'd never heard of such a CD before - does anyone know what it is? Media available only at their lives, a bootleg, or...??
Jul 17, 2012 12:18 PM

Dec 2009
Oh. My. Gosh! (*___*)

Guys!! I have to give many thanks to member CrystalBlue04 for sharing this news:

Juunpei is back!

I never knew but he's maintained a blog all these years, which he started after leaving ACID. I haven't read all the old entries yet, but thankfully it seems he managed to overcome his illness! In fact, in 2009 he began singing again under his full name 吉原淳平 which he romanizes as Jumpei Yoshihara (so I'll have to remember to call him Jumpei from now on ^^). He was the opening act for Hideki's DETROX at SHIBUYA BOXX. (^_^)

And in 2011, he rennovated his blog completely to become his official website. He started a "support group" called TRUMP that you can join; you also cannot simply friend his blog, you have to request to become a member to follow him.

But even better, Jumpei is showcasing his talents for free on the Internet (yay!). He has his graphic artwork "Rebirth" available, as well as two new songs!! You can download all of them via his website by clicking the Work of Art tab. Go now and get them as they're absolutely gorgeous songs; it is so wonderful to hear his voice again!!! ♥(ノ´∀`)

He also has a goofy, real-life vid show on USTREAM called 今夜一緒に飲もっか (or Drinking Together this Evening) with other band's members - including Masamitsu.

That's right, ex.ACID guitarist Masamitsu!! He is now in the band My Last December!! Sample their music at Pure Volume or watch their live PV on YouTube.

(ღ˘⌣˘ღ) ♫・*:.。. .。.:*・
hlwarJul 17, 2012 12:35 PM
Jul 25, 2012 2:57 AM

Jul 2008
~<3 you really made my day ...He sitll so handsome as ever T_T
thank you so much for keeping us updated <3
Aug 2, 2012 2:43 PM

Dec 2009
You're welcome, Warda!! So did you download his new songs? What did you think?? (∩_∩) ウエカラカワレ was suprising because it had such a dance beat, but it's very fun and Jumpei showcases his range! And SHINE is simply lovely!!
Aug 27, 2012 12:40 PM

Dec 2009
In the beginning of August Jumpei uploaded another new song, called Lethal Nine. Go download it - it's another great one! (*´・v・) I like how he's recorded three very different songs; shows a broad range for him as both a singer and writer.
Aug 29, 2012 1:19 AM

Aug 2012
Is there anyone have the english translation of the OST this anime (0:00 , Prayer, and Hanafubuki) ? Especially Prayer, because I can't find it anywhere..
Actually I had found it in some site, it's just it seems the translation's not too good :(
Jan 5, 2013 10:54 AM

Dec 2009
If you run a search on YouTube you will most assuredly find a video with lyrics, at least for the shorter anime versions of the songs. Just make sure your search includes "lyrics". Hope this helps!
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