Does anyone else think Nagisa's deceasing in Clannad: After Story is an incredibly sad scene? Please don't hate for my opinion !!!
I will respond to your proposition, but first I must share a little anecdote.
When I was 12 years old, I lived in Cicero, in Chicago. I would play outside in the cold winter months with my friends from school, and often we would slide around on the ice whilst tossing spherical snow orbs at one another. I quickly picked up the nickname "Slippin Joey", for how I would often slip on the ice and hurt myself. Most of the time, unbeknownst to my fellow friends, I would do this on purpose to amuse them. I was a jester, and they thought I was simply klutz. Either way, growing up I retained the nickname Slippin Joey, and I brought it with me all throughout college. It represented my immaturity, and soon became a way to define me in a negative light. I wanted so badly to break free from this title, and so I pursued a law degree, following in the footsteps of my older brother, Mr. Charlie "Chuck" "Sun" Borez. Now, I am fighting for my place in my very successful brother's law firm, Justin Justin Marquez (JJM), to prove to Charlie that I am Slippin Joey no more, but rather Joseph Borez Esq. I am a real lawyer!
Anyway, HER death in Clannad: Afterstory is truly the pinnacle climax of the peak of the narrative arc. It feels as though everything has been building to this grand momentous moving moment, and I was truly moved indeed. Perhaps physically moved, as the discharge from my posterior sent me flying at least a few feet into the air. "NAGISAAAAAA!" rang in my ears as well as my toes, as my entire body vibrated to the frequency of the sound coming out of my televisions speakers as I viewed the masterpiece of a scene. Technically, everyone vibrates a little depending on the sound waves in the air around them, but I was vibrating at a much higher amplitude. I shook so hard the glass desk I was sitting at shattered, and shards flew directly into my chest and stomach. A few pierced my neck. at this point, I was covered in my own tears, nose discharge, earwax, urine, and fecal matter. Now blood gushed and spurted from my body like a person that had been stabbed by many flying shards of glass. I was lying face down on the ground, struggling to breathe, bleeding out. My cheek against the cold hardwood floors, I couldn't help but cry tears of joy.
I love CLANNAD! |