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Dec 22, 2020 11:43 AM
Jul 2018
Any idea why the film was split into so many parts ?
Dec 22, 2020 11:51 AM

Jun 2016
No cinema would ever show a six hour film.
Dec 22, 2020 4:49 PM
Jul 2020
Theo1899 said:
No cinema would ever show a six hour film.
That, and most people probably don’t enjoy watching a 6 hour movie.
Dec 22, 2020 8:14 PM

May 2012
Sku_Te said:
Any idea why the film was split into so many parts ?

My take on why they did the 6-part movie format(you decide for yourself if you believe this or not):

*The success of Der Film in Japan theaters made them decide to do it since it will be much profitable for them to run it in a theater with paying moviegoers than to air it on TV.(though recent circumstances might cause problems but other anime movies had been successful especially Demon Slayer so who knows). It also adds to the income options they have with home video and streaming release when it ends the theatrical run.

*Studio Actas(animation studio handling GuP) had the unfortunate reputation of having production delays/issues when tackling a regular TV anime production schedule. That happened with the anime Regalia: Three Sacred Stars and Long Riders. They can’t do great work when they have a short deadline to finish an anime episode on a weekly TV schedule. It even happen to the GuP TV series during it's TV run in October-December 2012 that resulted in delaying the last 2 episodes to March 2013. They do good work if they are given a long time to finish. Besides that, they are also in charge of the production of the Princess Principal movies which also got the 6-part film format.

*Director Tsutomu Mizushima tends to do other anime projects in between the GuP Production process like with Genshiken Nidaime, Witchcraft Works, Prison School, Shirobako, Mayoiga, Kouya No Kotobuki Hikoutai and the last was the Shirobako Movie. So far he is focused on Das Finale but we don't know when the next anime project will come to take his attention away from GuP.
Feb 22, 2021 9:46 AM

Apr 2013
More money that way.
May 8, 2021 10:38 AM
Mar 2021
It would have been a best option if they just make it a second season series instead of making it a divided movie film
May 11, 2021 2:42 AM
Feb 2017
Actually it's not the splitting into parts issue that's bothersome, it's more about the release schedule, which is about 3 years between movies. In other words - the time period from when the first movie came out until the last one is released is 18 years. Just think about it - people who were in high school when the first one came out are likely to already have children by then. I'm not sure how many will still be interested.
May 12, 2021 5:06 PM

May 2012
^I think you are exaggerating here. The interval of releases between parts is just 1 1/2 years. It just feels longer because of the release of the BD in Japan in order for us outside of Japan to be able to watch it. So far, the release schedule is pretty consistent in terms of theatrical premiere in Japan. (Schedule may subject to change)

Part 1 - December 9, 2017
Part 2 - June 15, 2019
Part 3 - March 26, 2021
Part 4 - sometime in 2023
Part 5 - sometime in 2025
Part 6 - sometime in 2027

As far as interest goes, GuP has one of the most loyal fanbase in Japan. That’s why the franchise is still going. It might not be as big as other well-known anime but it is still profitable in Japan.

If only Sentai Filmworks(U.S. licensor of GuP) had licensed it like they have done recently with 6-part Princess Principal film series, but so far, no news on that.
zenjamibuMay 12, 2021 5:31 PM
May 17, 2021 9:25 AM

Dec 2009
does anyone know when the BD release is scheduled?

Let's do it !
May 18, 2021 5:04 PM

May 2012
gabrinius said:
does anyone know when the BD release is scheduled?

No announcement of the Japanese BD release date of Das Finale Part 3 yet. If we are lucky, it might come out by the end of the year.
May 18, 2021 8:17 PM

Dec 2009
thats very sad, we don't have any hope them

Let's do it !
Aug 23, 2021 9:43 AM

Nov 2019
This is what happens when you want to make a sequel season but with big budget. So make smol movies and collect more money instead of airing in TV.

I don't totally like this though. Congrats to the future generation who'll enjoy binging these together. Totally not jealous :^)
"All truth is meaningless. In the end, 'meaning' comes from the mind of each individual human. Even when there is a single truth, it can mean different things to different individuals. The truth has no meaning in itself!" - Erika Furudo
Aug 26, 2021 3:51 PM

May 2012
As speculated, the BD release date for Das Finale Part 3 is on December 24, 2021.
Aug 27, 2021 9:09 PM

Dec 2009
having a release date is good enought. thanks for bringing the news

Let's do it !
Aug 28, 2021 4:14 AM
Oct 2016
Since it's said to be the final, isn't it better to wait for each part rather than watching them in one go? Where's the fun in that? Sure, waiting always sucks, but every time a new part is released, it's worth it.
Aug 28, 2021 12:33 PM

Dec 2009
i think the main problem is that the wait is very, very long.... 2 years for each part is a enormous amount of time

Let's do it !
Sep 30, 2021 2:44 PM

Mar 2018
im surprised this isnt more popular, this is one of my all time favorite shows
Oct 12, 2021 3:10 AM

Mar 2012
It's essentially releasing a new season, but using an OVA model. Except OVAs are no longer as popular in Japan and studios have seen that a theatrical OVA sort of format is effective. So that's what we get. A theater release that brings in cash and helps promote the eventual BD. Which also means you get to double-dip the fans.

But yeah, even if it's only 10 years... uhh... that's absolutely ridiculous. I can barely remember what happened in the last installment when a new one comes out. But they don't begin or end in a theatrical fashion, instead treating it like episodes of a show.
Oct 31, 2021 12:17 PM

Jul 2013
No idea but I still haven't seen any of these "films" and find this to be an extremely terrible idea. To basically get a season of content we as a fan base are having to wait over a decade since the first movie sequel in 2015. I was 18 when I finished Girls Und Panzer tv series and movie and to think I will almost be 30 before I even want to watch these movies due to the horrible release schedule is really fudging silly honestly. It honestly kind of sucks. Because waiting 2 years in between what is basically 2-3 episodes of content is beyond crazy. Some shows after a decade get an entire remake of the first season. It really does depress me.
Nov 15, 2021 5:32 AM

Feb 2019
It's all about the money.
Nov 27, 2021 5:18 AM
Jan 2014
Calal-Chan said:
To basically get a season of content we as a fan base are having to wait over a decade since the first movie sequel in 2015. I was 18 when I finished Girls Und Panzer tv series and movie and to think I will almost be 30 before I even want to watch these movies due to the horrible release schedule is really fudging silly honestly.

Yep, i get what you mean. I was already entering my 30's when GuP Season 1 aired in 2012... -_-'.I doubt i will hang on long enough to see the whole S2 as it is ^^. I will be well into my 40's when it ends. But on the other hand, the weekly schedule that was imposed by their pseudo-god Tezuka Osamu has always been ridiculous. He decided that japanese animes should air weekly instead of say, monthly. And after decades, everyone still hung on 'god Osamu' words. Except, making an anime in the 2000's is not the same as making it in the 60's. What was really crazy was always the weekly shedule. They should get rid of this crappy rythm, take the necessary time to teach the next generation of animators and stop working 1 frame for 2 $. Considering the number of crappy shit they churn out every season, i am pretty sure we wouldn't miss out much, IF they stopped producing the crappy part to concentrate on the worthy one.

It is good that Actas takes the initiative to do this. But now, indeed... 1 episode every 10 months on average is pushing it too far. I am uncertain of their reasons... Maybe it is to tease until 2026 that there is still some more in the pipe, in order to sell more promotional merchandise for as long as possible?
Nov 27, 2021 6:02 AM

Jul 2013
Nox--- said:
Calal-Chan said:
To basically get a season of content we as a fan base are having to wait over a decade since the first movie sequel in 2015. I was 18 when I finished Girls Und Panzer tv series and movie and to think I will almost be 30 before I even want to watch these movies due to the horrible release schedule is really fudging silly honestly.

Yep, i get what you mean. I was already entering my 30's when GuP Season 1 aired in 2012... -_-'.I doubt i will hang on long enough to see the whole S2 as it is ^^. I will be well into my 40's when it ends. But on the other hand, the weekly schedule that was imposed by their pseudo-god Tezuka Osamu has always been ridiculous. He decided that japanese animes should air weekly instead of say, monthly. And after decades, everyone still hung on 'god Osamu' words. Except, making an anime in the 2000's is not the same as making it in the 60's. What was really crazy was always the weekly shedule. They should get rid of this crappy rythm, take the necessary time to teach the next generation of animators and stop working 1 frame for 2 $. Considering the number of crappy shit they churn out every season, i am pretty sure we wouldn't miss out much, IF they stopped producing the crappy part to concentrate on the worthy one.

It is good that Actas takes the initiative to do this. But now, indeed... 1 episode every 10 months on average is pushing it too far. I am uncertain of their reasons... Maybe it is to tease until 2026 that there is still some more in the pipe, in order to sell more promotional merchandise for as long as possible?

Honestly I don't know why they basically made it 1 episode every 10 months on average and while it is annoying to me I understand how overworked the anime industry is. So I do feel for them all as well. I wish the industry like you said wasn't so saturated and we got less shows with more focus. It would be better for everyone honestly.
Nov 27, 2021 6:16 AM
Jan 2014
Calal-Chan said:

Honestly I don't know why they basically made it 1 episode every 10 months on average and while it is annoying to me I understand how overworked the anime industry is. So I do feel for them all as well. I wish the industry like you said wasn't so saturated and we got less shows with more focus. It would be better for everyone honestly.

I can agree with that 100% :). Right now, i am having fun reading reviews of witty and clever people on crappy animes. I said it, i am older than the average here. So, i simply relish reading others stating my opinions and getting trashed for it by obtuse fanboyz. More focus on quality would seriously achieve wonders for Japan's reputation indeed. Obviously, displaying little girls' 'pantsu' for frustrated virgins is debatable when talking quality and purpose. I never liked this crap, even when i was a virgin myself :D
Dec 4, 2021 7:34 AM

Dec 2009
a raw is avaliable at nyaa.

looks good, but i don't understand japanese, so i'll wait the subs.

but i saw an anzio part in the raw, and anzio is splendid, as always

Let's do it !
Dec 24, 2021 1:39 AM

Feb 2021
zenjamibu said:
As speculated, the BD release date for Das Finale Part 3 is on December 24, 2021.

Looks like today is the day....
Dec 24, 2021 9:10 AM

Dec 2009
subo5 said:
zenjamibu said:
As speculated, the BD release date for Das Finale Part 3 is on December 24, 2021.

Looks like today is the day....

there are raws avaliable already... but i don't think we will have subs so fast

Let's do it !
Dec 24, 2021 11:02 PM

May 2012
According to /ak/, the only fansub group releasing GuP translations, their subs will be out "a week after Christmas".
Dec 31, 2021 12:32 PM
Mar 2020
Watched Part 3 and sticking to the topic.

Which made me kinda angry because you know, GuP is one of the series that has many interesting characters but sadly they choose this horrible format which could be a double-edged sword for them.
The possibilities for this franchise is very big for example RnM could easily be a 24 eps anime, no single glimpse of World Cup that we have yet to see, Fir Tree and Iron Winged Witch or even Little Army would be a bless if turned into anime.

IMO, this Das Finale format could save Actas or killed Actas, in my opinion.

The good thing is that the animation quality is less janky and has great amount of details to it and like all of the other comments said, It's money, profit is definitely way bigger than TV Anime.

But the long time between release is very frustrating which could kill Actas instead of saving it and to remind you the duration is less than an hour. I wouldn't rant if Das Finale is more than an hour long.
I wish that Das Finale has the same format as Kizumonogatari which only took A YEAR to wrap up (6 months between each movies)

It's just sad to see the Ooarai saga will take 15 years to wrap up, and GuP will have slim chance of having another anime series due to Actas's bankruptcy, let that sink in.
Jan 1, 2022 12:34 AM

Jul 2020
zenjamibu said:
Sku_Te said:
Any idea why the film was split into so many parts ?

My take on why they did the 6-part movie format(you decide for yourself if you believe this or not):

*The success of Der Film in Japan theaters made them decide to do it since it will be much profitable for them to run it in a theater with paying moviegoers than to air it on TV.(though recent circumstances might cause problems but other anime movies had been successful especially Demon Slayer so who knows). It also adds to the income options they have with home video and streaming release when it ends the theatrical run.

*Studio Actas(animation studio handling GuP) had the unfortunate reputation of having production delays/issues when tackling a regular TV anime production schedule. That happened with the anime Regalia: Three Sacred Stars and Long Riders. They can’t do great work when they have a short deadline to finish an anime episode on a weekly TV schedule. It even happen to the GuP TV series during it's TV run in October-December 2012 that resulted in delaying the last 2 episodes to March 2013. They do good work if they are given a long time to finish. Besides that, they are also in charge of the production of the Princess Principal movies which also got the 6-part film format.

*Director Tsutomu Mizushima tends to do other anime projects in between the GuP Production process like with Genshiken Nidaime, Witchcraft Works, Prison School, Shirobako, Mayoiga, Kouya No Kotobuki Hikoutai and the last was the Shirobako Movie. So far he is focused on Das Finale but we don't know when the next anime project will come to take his attention away from GuP.

All of those are bogus reasons. If they wanted to do it this way, they should've made it so that the BDs came out within 6 weeks of the theatrical releases.
Jan 1, 2022 12:54 AM

May 2012
EgatammaN said:
Watched Part 3 and sticking to the topic.

Which made me kinda angry because you know, GuP is one of the series that has many interesting characters but sadly they choose this horrible format which could be a double-edged sword for them.
The possibilities for this franchise is very big for example RnM could easily be a 24 eps anime, no single glimpse of World Cup that we have yet to see, Fir Tree and Iron Winged Witch or even Little Army would be a bless if turned into anime.

IMO, this Das Finale format could save Actas or killed Actas, in my opinion.

The good thing is that the animation quality is less janky and has great amount of details to it and like all of the other comments said, It's money, profit is definitely way bigger than TV Anime.

But the long time between release is very frustrating which could kill Actas instead of saving it and to remind you the duration is less than an hour. I wouldn't rant if Das Finale is more than an hour long.
I wish that Das Finale has the same format as Kizumonogatari which only took A YEAR to wrap up (6 months between each movies)

It's just sad to see the Ooarai saga will take 15 years to wrap up, and GuP will have slim chance of having another anime series due to Actas's bankruptcy, let that sink in.

Actas isn't going to be bankrupt when they were already bought by Bandai as a subsidiary a few years back. Besides. if they stick to this format(with GuP Das Finale and Princess Principal Crown Handler) while doing great work, it will give them some credibility that they lost when their past sole productions like Regalia and Long Riders suffered due to being forced to do weekly anime production schedule resulting in production delays/issues.

violin_star said:

All of those are bogus reasons. If they wanted to do it this way, they should've made it so that the BDs came out within 6 weeks of the theatrical releases.

Believe what you want to believe. But Das Finale movies are profitable in Japan theaters that's why they had a theatrical re-release of last October 2021 of Das Finale Part 3 before they released the BD. They want to maximize their domestic income since Japan is keeping the GuP franchise alive. If they have relied on those outside of Japan, the GuP franchise would had been long dead.
zenjamibuJan 1, 2022 1:01 AM
Jan 2, 2022 8:01 AM

Jul 2020
zenjamibu said:
Believe what you want to believe. But Das Finale movies are profitable in Japan theaters that's why they had a theatrical re-release of last October 2021 of Das Finale Part 3 before they released the BD. They want to maximize their domestic income since Japan is keeping the GuP franchise alive. If they have relied on those outside of Japan, the GuP franchise would had been long dead.

Do you have hard numbers (longitudinal data and a very large sample size, that is to say, at least a decade's worth of trends, and at least 1000 series) to back that this approach is consistently more profitable than the business models used by more successful distributors, or information from a good number of sources (e.g. quarterly earnings reports, board meeting minutes) that definitively prove what you say holds true?
Jan 2, 2022 8:05 AM

May 2012
violin_star said:

Do you have hard numbers (longitudinal data and a very large sample size, that is to say, at least a decade's worth of trends, and at least 1000 series) to back that this approach is consistently more profitable than the business models used by more successful distributors, or information from a good number of sources (e.g. quarterly earnings reports, board meeting minutes) that definitively prove what you say holds true?

I could also say that question to you. Mine is more of a educated guess better than what you are saying.

violin_star said:
If they wanted to do it this way, they should've made it so that the BDs came out within 6 weeks of the theatrical releases.

Like what you are saying here. You do know that Japan BD/DVD are different from US BD/DVD in that JP BD/DVD contain more extras like OVA and stuff to make your purchase worthwhile while the US BD/DVD, unless it's a pretty popular series/film, it would only get a barebones release with just the series/film with either minimal or no extras at all. This is especially true with anime BD/DVD.
zenjamibuJan 2, 2022 8:29 AM
Jan 15, 2022 7:54 PM

Feb 2015
and for better quality ?
May 14, 2022 6:30 PM
Apr 2015
If you look at the seiyuu list, a massive chunk of them are, for lack of a better word, 'A-listers.' With such a massive cast I imagine it'd be difficult to get everyone's lines recorded between their own projects.
May 31, 2023 3:01 PM

Sep 2015
My question is why is it TWO YEARS APART!
Its 2017 to 2027! That's a whole decade. This show is going to make me feel old af
zcv45May 31, 2023 3:04 PM

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