Memes aside, the character Yoshizawa only appears (or contributes to the plot) in roughly 15 minutes of the 240-minute series. Narrow it down to when he's not on screen or talking, and it's only about 10-minute screentime. That's literally less than 6% of the anime... and considering this, I don't even know if Yoshizawa could still be considering a supporting (or even recurring) character!
On a different note, what I ended up liking about this compilation is that, if you showed just this video to someone who never saw the anime, they probably wouldn't be able to predict what it was about. I mean the MC didn't talk much to begin with (in the initial anime), so I don't think any outsiders would know her purpose if they didn't have the background knowledge.)))
Please take note of 7:36 in the video. This is the very last time he's shown to approach Akira in the anime. You can hear the disappointment and defeat in his voice after she disappears from him yet again. Again, this is the last time he's shown to take an interest in her. The same goes for the manga. Pretty sad. ;(
This point becomes even more sad if you read the spoiler in the section below.
And side note/spoiler regarding the character (that I thought I'd leave here since he's seldom spoken of on the internet):
"For those who are curious, the Nishida and Yoshizawa shipping also completely fell flat. You can read about the rest of it in the manga, but basically Yoshizawa rejects Nishida flat out, which was sort of sad to watch. Eventually, Nishida resigns her position from the restaurant because her school found out about her part-time job and forced her to quit. The last chapter showed Yoshizawa as a more jaded person now, no longer the enthusiastic, spirited kid he once was."
I took the liberty of scrolling through the rest of the manga, and they're right.
In fact, the anime actually (coincides with the manga, in that it) shows the very last time Yoshizawa is (shown to be) joyful/overzealous.
Picking up from where the anime left off, the manga's next dramatic moment shows Yoshizawa and Nishida on an outing together (in honor of all the haircuts and what not). Nishida confesses to Yoshizawa and he rejects her.
From that point onward, Yoshizawa is shown to have a lost look in his eyes, although I also think it's implied that he's troubled by the fact that he doesn't know what he wants to do with his life. (Which sort of intertwines with Nishida being set on what she wants to do after high school.)
Yoshizawa is rarely seen throughout the rest of the manga, but when he is seen, he's never perky or anything. His last major moment is when the long-haired cook insults Nishida (in saying that she is incapable of getting a boyfriend). Akira ends up sucker-punching him, but Yoshizawa is shown beforehand to be irritated. If Akira hadn't intervened, I think Yoshizawa would've done something significant.
With that, Yoshizawa is only shown once more, in the final chapter, with a drastically different haristyle. Instead of his triangular due (indicating enthusiasm), his hair is patted down, and implied to be even more messy than it usually is. His bangs are also pretty unruly.
He is shown being scorned by the teacher for poor academic performance. Yoshizawa has a deadbeat stare and an apathetic tone in his voice. He's a completely different character -- a 100% opposite -- from his initial appearance. I think this is a bit unsettling and that there wasn't any major reason for this. His change of heart and personality almost seemed inevitable/unpreventable. Even though rejecting Nishida seemed to be a turning point for his personality, I almost feel like it had nothing to do with his bout of 'depression'. So... the manga didn't convey a surefire reason ... and I find this very, very unsettling. Like, the character I knew and love "died," so to speak.
I don't typically read manga (even if a manga continues where an anime left off... I usually don't delve into a series anymore than the anime does); however, I was especially compelled to skim the anime for more Yoshizawa moments, and was disturbed by the grim results.
The character isn't very prevalent on the internet, so it's clear most people don't consider him a highlight, or even a character of interest. But damn, I couldn't have found his fate anymore impactful. I guess I'm the odd one out, and my opinion will be obscured in a shadowed corner on the internet, but at least I was able to commentate for a little and get it out of my system.
[A] Right off the bat, let me say that it's no secret Yoshizawa crushes on Akira hard. Throughout the first half of the anime, he actively approaches her asking for her number (in a pure manner). In my above post, I acknowledged 7:36 from the video... that was indeed sad. But even if he stopped pursuing Akira (as in, he got her (blunt) message)... well... I THINK it's still implied that he's got a thing for chicks with long, black hair. This is because, during his outing with Nishada, he's shown to eye a chick with black hair (that resembles Akira). I don't know if it's because he digs black hair -- or if, maybe, he's 'not' over Akira -- but whatever the case, it's something to take note of.
With the exposition out of the way, the primary point I'm trying to make is how IRONIC it is that Yoshizawa didn't accept Nishida's confession. This is because, you guessed it, her hair.
[B] During his outing with Nishada, he makes comment of her hair, and states that he likes it. There are also panels that focus in on Nishida's hair, as if it's significant in someway. Furthermore, after the date, he's shown (without any emphasis) blushing at her haircut. I think the text beside him indicated that he liked it. Furthermore, he's constantly the subject of her haircuts... and above all else, my note with the greatest emphasis: the moment during the anime in which Nishada and Yoshizawa talk about things that make their hearts flutter. Yoshizawa makes it clear that he likes the color yellow (which is a characteristic of his hair, and if you noticed, his school outfit).
... and, ahem, what color is Nishida's hair.
Taking into consideration Paragraphs A and B, I now rest my case in the character irony of Takashi Yoshizawa. His heart is initially set on a character with hair that couldn't be further from the color yellow. Then, when a character with yellow hair expresses an interest in him, he turns down the offer. During their outing (which wasn't a date, by the way), he's outright shown to be distracted from blonde-haired Nishida as someone with dark (black, as I say) hair passes them by.
Something. To. Take. Note. Of.
Just sayin'.
(P.S. I apologize for the lack of screenshots. If you read the manga, you'll know what I'm talking about.)
I just finished reading After the Rain and I was left feeling empty. Not because of the ending, which in my opinion is good, but because of the change of mood Takashi shows near the end of the manga.
"But damn, I couldn't have found his fate anymore impactful." I honestly couldn't agree more. Even though he wasn't shown much I was still impacted by the very few panels he was seen in the last chapter.
I'm not great when it comes to words so I can't really describe my emotions, but I guess you can get a glimpse of how I feel if I found your post.