Well after having finished it I can clearly say this show was meh. It had problems for example episode 1 is actually episode 10 while episode 2 is actually where the series starts and episode 8 is just a filler that really wasn't needed unless you wanted to know more about the mechanic and the police officer. Then come the team problems many of these feel forced and are resolved quickly hell we never got one for the best couple mao and hitomi except the random segments where mao tries her best with hitomi. Then of course we have are main characters what can I say other than friendly love rivals? To me these two where kinda boring for a good chunk of the show they hate each other but work together, they have competing family businesses but will often help each other, try to help teams solve their problems but refuse to except advise about their own problem, there's more but you (hopefully) get where I'm going with this. Oh and of course we can't forget about the guy who started this love triangle their sensei. They build him up to be this handsome, all knowing racer but then... they sort of ruin him. Turns out he couldn't get along with his partner in the isle of man then they give him a fiance only to have them break up for no reason other than for our mc's to have something to race for again. Lastly the racing this anime is supposed to be about sidecars but it never really feels that way mainly because the racing tends to get overshadowed by whatever conflict the episode is trying to feed us. Oh I also forgot but apparently at the end the sidecar club is on the verge of being disbanded so why didn't they put a little more focus on this instead of just adding at the very end of the series?
Well those are the reasons I've seen (and noticed) as to why this anime has mainly 5s as for me I kinda figured how everything was going to play out by episode 2 and was pleasantly surprised by episode 11 only to be pissed off by episode 12 but even with all that I still gave it a 6 but who knows maybe if I watch it in the proper order (episode 2 first, episode 8 for the end, episode 1 after episode 9) then maybe just maybe this could be a 7 but I don't intend to rewatch this for quite awhile so until then it's a 6 for me. |