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Oct 5, 2018 6:27 PM

Mar 2016

Once referred to as the Lyphian Mountains, due to a particular type of extinct moss only known to have grown here. It is where many great battles have been fought, and legends have it, that a secret city resides here. Now the Nuro Mountains may once again see the blood of many.

Xeraphic Testing Lab (High Ground)
Darth_LewdiousMay 7, 2019 12:12 AM
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May 7, 2019 12:29 AM

Mar 2016

The portal spat you out in a pretty big room. The number that monitored ambient Xera readings was still climbing. Past 4000, past 10000, finally, it stopped at 16780, but its still climbing. Luck seems to be on your side at least for now. While still inconcievably deadly ouside of this suit, its a little lower than the original projection.

The room before you is very techy, but a lot of this stuff looks heavily degraded. Not by rust or foliage. But like they have been eaten away by a acid. Its a pretty open chamber with four large pillars that seem very well-maintained despite the environment. These are likely the generators.

There are what probably used to be monitors and conduits along the walls. Further down there are a bunch of desks in a hallway. There are filing cabinets but none of the research done here appears to have survived the intense Xera. Actually, most of the desks are barely standing.

After examining the facilities, the pillars are the only thing that could be the generators, and past them is a large blade door with pocket-indentations in it almost a foot deep. Heavy blast doors these things. Looking back at the teleporter, its amazing you survived the trip. Probably the suit. The teleporter is two bad wires from being irreparable.
May 7, 2019 2:41 PM

Nov 2015
Willpower : E || Xera: E > (Rest F)
Xera Limit : 0 / 8 (9 is Fatal) - Burn rate: 1 / Post

Yuurei would look around her, immediately after exiting from the teleporter. The surroundings were causing her discomfort, and she followed the numerical reading going up and up. Based on the corroded facility, she could only guess how much raw energy there was in this place. She gave a look at the hallway but these pillars were the only thing that could've been the xera generators.

I'm surprised that this suit is holding as well as it is... Yuurei would approach one of the pillars, trying to observe which one had the most corroded environment near it. Being very conscious and careful with each of her steps as she approached it. She knew that the floor might not be so stable under her.

After making it by the first pillar, if there were no complications, she would attach the first set on it, based on the order that she had loaded them on her belt. She would then press: Green-Green-Green and finally red, and see how it would react with the first pillar. Upon doing so she would take a few steps back as she wasn't quite sure what these devices would do and kept an eye on any possible diagnostic messages or changes in levels of Xera.
May 7, 2019 10:31 PM

Mar 2016
Strange how the floor seems the least warped out of the facility, but that proves false as the act of walking on them leaves dusty footprints in the metal. But surprisingly, the pillars and the area immediately around them were in perfect shape. Attaching the discs to the pillar proved easy enough. Activating them was also simple. When the final disc was activated, greyish light began to pour out of the pillar and then the whole pillar crushed inwards like a soda can. A brief spike in Xera, as it shot up to 17156. The rate of increase seemed to be slower than before. But that could just be the placebo effect playing tricks on you. Doing such again would reveal a similar effect. And again the same. The last one did the same thing again, and the increase in xera had all but stopped at 19112. Hopefully the designers of these devices gave them a wide margin for error. All systems are fine. Diagnostics keeps spitting you all clear messages, and the timer is going down faster than before. Its already at 32 minutes and sharply decreasing. You figure at the speed its going you have probably more along the lines of 12.
May 8, 2019 3:21 PM

Nov 2015
Willpower : E || Xera: E > (Rest F)
Xera Limit : 0 / 8 (9 is Fatal) - Burn rate: 1 / Post

After finishing with the last generator, Yuurei would take the siphoning device and look at the numbers. "Really? So when each of the generators were closed, I suppose there was a high concentration of Xera stored within... I really hope I will not starve to death in this place, if they didn't take this possibility into their calculations..." Yuurei would activate the device close to the siphoning device and then run to the corridor to take cover, while tossing it in middle of the former reactors. It was probably best to drain the Xera from the highest concentration area while she would take cover from the corridor and investigate, if there were any remains of research somewhere.
Inaru-samaMay 8, 2019 3:25 PM
May 13, 2019 5:38 PM

Mar 2016
While the seven foot thick Xeraphic-Negative walls were still working (barely), you could be sure by the state of this place that Nothing but the metal survived. The moment you activated the device it went off, not giving you enough time to take cover. Thankfully you didnt seem to be in danger. The Xeraphic Reading were going crazy. Jumping from 700, to 76000 in seconds, and then back. Because extremely constentrated streams of Xera were being sucked in. Error Messages were going off as well, "DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS MALFUNCTION" and "CRITICAL FAILURE" as well as "SUIT DEGRADATION IN PROGRESS" were lining up on after another. The counter for the deadline was glitching out as well. Maybe the suit wasnt built for this kind of reaction. Even so, if you die now, it might be worth it. It was beautiful. Streams of concentrated white light form spirals and petals as they are absorbed by the canister, and leaving only dark around them. Eventually the canister deactivated and the remaining Xera kinda exploded ina perfectly harmless thunderclap. The residual Xera finally found itself at 3778. And... decreasing? Did the base finally spring a leak?
May 14, 2019 11:26 AM

Nov 2015
Willpower : E || Xera: E > (Rest F)
Xera Limit : 0 / 8 (9 is Fatal) - Burn rate: 1 / Post

Yuurei would feel terror for a moment as the device had no delay in it's activation. However the fear was quickly dismissed as the sight was truly something to behold. Despite of seeing all the error messages, Yuurei couldn't help but to feel blessed for witnessing such sight. She was able to relax in middle of it all. She felt a temptation to take off her helmet but perhaps it was not wise yet. After it had all passed, she watched as the numbers kept dropping down and eyed at the warning messages.

Yuurei stared at the slowly decreasing Xera readings. It was bit odd. It wasn't supposed to drop like that. She knew that this place had to be shielded somehow but could any material truly withstand such? What is more bizarre is that she couldn't quite feel a meaningful amount of Xera within her body.

Yuurei would examine her hands and the condition that her suit was in general before looking around the room. There was nothing that she could do, if it was a natural leak. Yuurei would wait for a few minutes before going to the exit and try to open a way out. Assuming that there even was a door that could open up. She'd also communicate out, assuming that there was any form of device that would enable her to communicate: "The Xera readings are safe now... So I'd like to get out."
May 16, 2019 1:43 AM

Mar 2016
As she examined herself, she found that fortunately there were no issues with her suit. Its possible that just the auto-diagnositcs broke. Not it became obvious as certain parts of your body began to warm up a bit that maybe the suit wasnt all good throughout. But given by the fact that you are still alive, it wasnt completely fucked. As you tried to open the big door looking object, you would find it quite shocking how soft the door was. It didnt even feel like metal. it melted and stuck to your suit, but was still room temperature. You could likely just break out by walking forward. And that you did. With no resistance from the door. Did the Xera completely alter the substances chemical properties? It would seem like it.

As you emerged through the supersolid door, you would see the sun begin to pass above the horizon. That only made it easy to see the Xera blast out of the building. The meter began dropping fast. Trees immediately in front of you turned to nothing but energy in less than a second, and it happened for about ten feet. All plants and animals seemed to just get erased. Even the ground disolved beneath you. This stopped soon, as the ground stopped eroding. You could see the damage, and it was only about 50 meters in a radius of the door. The damage was localized but a few birds and small animals were dead. A few more were probably annihilated by the Xera. Its terrifying to see the destructive power. Of just 3000 Units of Xera. What kind of ecological cataclysm could the near 19000 earlier cause?! Either way you were safe now. The ambient Xera has dropped to just 9. The Messages were bugging out, but it was probably safe. If you wanted to move to where the trees arent dust you could. But its probably safe here. Also probably an excellent place to test the Xeraphic Bomb. Might want to record this for the scientist.
May 16, 2019 6:12 PM

Nov 2015
Willpower : E || Xera: E > (Rest F)
Xera Limit : 0 / 8 (9 is Fatal) - Burn rate: 1 / Post

Yuurei would go back to pick up the bomb, prepare her MHPT and prepare a field test. She'd go to the treeline and prepare to throw it from there. Upon having tossed it, she would video the detonation.

After that assuming there were no complications. She would check her MHPT and start tracing a route back to the Index foundation to collect her rewards. Leaving area pending <?>
May 21, 2019 12:21 AM

Mar 2016
She tosses the bomb, and waits, the device had a delay of about three and a half seconds before it went off in a rapid fire burst of small blue lazers. The lazers were only about three meters in length, and fired about four hundred times in all directions. The results left holes in literally everything. The dirt, the trees, even rocks. Yet the local Xera count didnt go up at all. It was quite effective at disposing of Xera. The video records well, albeit with some distortions. Its unknown what caused them though. You could hear something coming. Footsteps. Running footsteps. A set of three. Quadrupedal. Lightweight. If you want to avoid a potential fight you might want to leave immediately. Or you could wait to see what it is. It might not be hostile.
May 23, 2019 1:59 PM

Nov 2015
Willpower : E || Xera: E > (Rest F)
Xera Limit : 0 / 8 (9 is Fatal) - Burn rate: 1 / Post

Yuurei ended the video recording and that concluded the field test.

What is that noise..?

The homonculus took off her helmet and she tried to locate the direction of the sound while slowly approaching back at the entrance of the facility.

"ẍ́̓͂̎̄̓͂ͭ̌ͭ҉̜̺̼̘̪̜̜̟͚̤̻W͚͡͝t̳̩͇̫̝͖͍̼̜̲̖̺̺̥ͅ" Yuurei spoke out, electrifying her tongue. She squinted her eyes. The urgency of whatever was approaching, she had very little hope of running away against something Quadrupedal, so waiting it out was the best option. She squeezed her hands into fist and trembled, a hint of fear from her imagination was painting whatever was coming as far worse than it actually was.

As the sound got closer, she would toss the helmet aside and open up her hands. She was quite ready to defend the entrance.
May 28, 2019 9:23 PM

Mar 2016
A simple wolf quickly burst out of the brush. It looked at you and seemed to flinch. Instead of saliva, you could see a little blood dripping out of its mouth. It wasnt snarling or growling. Until it looked at a different set of foliage. A fast little creature, pale white jumped out at the wolf quicker than you could ascertain details. You could hear the animal screaming as this new thing sunk a large mouth(relative to its four foot stature into the wolfs back. It looked humanoid in shape, its arms and legs all ended on a very pointy tip that looked like bone. Which it used to stab the wolf to death multiple times.

This only served to distract you from taste in your mouth. Your saliva became heavier, and began to taste metallic and tangy. All it took was a check to see that it was most certainly blood. Discomfort quickly set in. Not debilitating, but there as everything began to take on a red tint. The strange little monster ran away as you looked at the sky. The previously blue sky from the morning light had blackened. In it hung no stars, but a crimson sun and moon. You heard something hit the tress. Gentle like a raindrop. Then another. Then one fell on your arm. It wasnt but a few seconds before this light sprinkle turned into a small downpour. A red rain. Blood was falling from the sky.
May 29, 2019 12:03 PM

Nov 2015
Willpower : E || Xera: E > (Rest F)
Xera Limit : 0 / 8 (9 is Fatal) - Burn rate: 1 / Post

Yuurei would take her MHPT out again to record the wolf, under the presumption that it was a Xera-related incident. As it was attacked by the pale creature she would hurry inside. Considering the mess as a Xera induced disaster, she would try to send out a message of the newly found creature out to Index foundation alongside with the bomb trial -- only to be interrupted by noticing the message of an IAHD emergency. She would take shelter inside the old Xera research laboratory entrance while she waited at the entrance and listened carefully on any update to her findings, assuming that anyone was going to be able to respond.
Inaru-samaJun 5, 2019 4:14 PM
Jun 6, 2019 1:18 PM

Mar 2016
+75 Fame for Videographic Evidence of a New Lifeform. Creature dubbed Ainos. Entry Added to Bestiary.

+50 Fame for Personal Favor ((Xera Bomb Testing))

You did get a response, but not from a person. The response did not have a number, and didnt even open in any messaging apps or calling tools. Instead your Index Access opened ((Its a database for all forms of knowledge)). A message appeared there.


Jun 9, 2019 3:24 PM

Nov 2015
Willpower : E || Xera: E > (Rest F)
Xera Limit : 0 / 8 (9 is Fatal) - Burn rate: 1 / Post

Yuurei looked at the strange type of message that came to be. It was highly unusual. She had no idea of what had happened. But something told her that it may have been best to return with the data. She picked up the helmet and dashed outside. First making contact with the body of the wolf and then track at the markings left on the ground by the assailant, hoping that it was an easy one. She steeled her guts against the discomfort. Though this discomfort was rather mild in comparison to when she used her powers. It was rather difficult to not to rank up the sensation of boiling from the inside higher in the list of unpleasant things.
Jun 18, 2019 9:01 AM

Mar 2016
As she tried to follow the tracks left by the Ainos, She stumbled across another odd lifeform. The thing was about seven feet tall. It seemed almost humanoid in shape. The thing had two short but wide legs. Then at its massive torso it had two very long arms that it seemed to use to support its odd shape. It had a long face and a beak that opened vertically. Its body was covered in patches of bone that seemed to meld seemlessly into the skin. it was eating the creature you were tracking.
Jul 18, 2019 4:09 AM

Nov 2015
Willpower : E || Xera: E > (Rest F)
Xera Limit : 0 / 8 (9 is Fatal) - Burn rate: 1 / Post

Yuurei would look at the creature and take a deep breath: h̴ͮͬͣ̑ap̌ͮ̒̈ͬeͤ͐͢l̸e͛ͮ̒̆̈́̍s̶̓̍̉ She created the framework for an invisible container to use for spell casting and she could feel a burn of Xera mounding up from within her.

"Can you understand speech? - Can you understand concepts - F͒̇ͧ́ię͒̐͂̈̂͆̚r̂͗ͥ͆̾ͬ̚y͊̃̚?" She said, the orb became attached with a source of fire. And Yuurei was now feeling a heavier burn of Xera from within. It started to be a substantial build-up of Xera. The words for flame, were universal. Something that even the creature should've understood unless it lacked the ability to hear. It was enough to create fire.

Yuurei would observe how the creature was faring. If it felt like it made a hostile move against her, she would give the final word to send the orb of concentrated fire towards the creature. If not, the flame and it's invisible container would simply fade away over time. If the creature pounced towards her, she would try to dodge the attack. And prepare for her next attack.

Yuurei - Xera limit : 2-3 / 8
Jul 23, 2019 4:31 PM

Mar 2016
The creature shrieked at this strange, foreign word. It saw the fire, and slammed its fists into the ground hard enough for you to feel it. The shockwave was enough to cause a little pain. But no injury. It sees a threat. But your fire makes it think you are a predator. Most prey creatures would run. But it looks ready to fight if it has to. Its growling, but otherwise motionless.
Jul 24, 2019 11:10 AM

Nov 2015
Willpower : E || Xera: E > (Rest F)
Xera Limit : 1 / 8 (9 is Fatal) - Burn rate: 1 / Post

Yuurei observed the creature with keen eyes, however it appeared that it could 'hear'. And as it slammed it's grounds to the first Yuurei knew that the creature could be trouble. It's physical power could probably easily break her body apart. She noticed that the creature was growling, however it was not attacking. Therefore, she allowed the fire burn away and as it did, she locked her gaze at the prey of the creature. 'Well that creature is now dead ... And this new thing, appears intelligent but not sapient.' Yuurei then kept her focus on the creature without diverting her attention from it.

"You can at least understand me partially. Never seen fire before then." Yuurei would slowly take one inch back, avoiding making any sudden movements that would tip off that she was actually retreating or doing anything hostile.

If at any point it made any sudden move towards her, she would conjure only fire without a container to keep it compressed. However the way how things appeared, turning her back to the creature was probably going to be as dangerous as turning your back on a bear.
Aug 1, 2019 10:35 AM

Mar 2016
The beast got a little quieter. No doubt it was still on edge. It opened its hands and you could see that it was supposed to have six fingers on each hand. Or at least what counts as fingers. But two of the fingers on its left hand was fused together by... what looks like bone growing on its skin. One of its fingers cant even move because it has been completely encased in it. Three fingers are both petrified and fused on its right hand. Looks like they have been for a while.The splintering of the plates of bone around this creatures joints seem to indicate this is a problem it faces regularly. Strange creature indeed.
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