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Oct 5, 2018 12:17 AM
Mar 2016
Alchemist's Workshop "Atelier Rosé"
Magic concoctions, mystery drinks and everything else you want to have! Open from 8:00-20:00.

Upon accessing the area description of this particular location, your COMB suddenly displays the face of a pretty girl. Before you could do anything, the girl's face started talking with big speech bubbles and bright pinkish colours (audio and exaggerated facial movements included).

Rosalia von Blume

"Welcome, welcome! Just come on in~"

Welcome to the Atelier Rosé! So what will it be today dear customer?
My name is Rosalia von Blume and I am just your friendly neighbourhood alchemist~
Please don't mind the occasional BANG that comes from here, I have everything
under control~ I create magic potions, sometimes poisons, and many other awesome
stuff that you can't find anywhere else! As long as you have the cash of course~
Please visit me when you have the time, or better yet, right now! Visit me right now
and buy something! I promise you get a good deal~

In this special area thread, you can buy items.
Before you do though, it is important to read through the Item System section in the Guidance Thread.
If you want to buy someting, just fill out the Item Purchase form below and make a post with your character.

IC Note: The form itself is not visible nor made IC with any character, it is just there for the administration.

Available Items for Purchase:





Item Purchase FORM:

[Information] Keyword: Alchemist Workshop "Atelier Rosé"
alatartheblue42Jan 16, 2019 8:01 AM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Nov 9, 2018 7:57 PM
Jan 2015
Sho Kazehaya
Health: 150/150
Prana: 150/150
Stamina: 150/150
Air Saber: Not Summoned
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Fairy Levitation (Passive), Proficiency (Passive)
Current Equipment: Revival Bracelet (Inactive)

Before heading to the mission hall, Sho headed over to the Shopping District to prepare for the upcoming mission. The last rank up had been pretty difficult, so he wanted to be as ready as possible. That's why he went to the alchemist shop, finding that he luckily had just enough money to buy one of those valuable-looking accessories. There was one for just about everything, so it was hard to decide what would be best. He considered getting the speed-boosting one to go even faster, but thinking back to the duel against Londo, his hits had just bounced off...

"Can I have one of those red bracelets?"

He was hoping that strength-enhancing bracelet would give him enough power so that he wouldn't run into an issue like that again. With any luck the speed he had now would be enough to manage whatever he had to deal with in the rank up mission.

Item Purchase

Buyer: Sho Kazehaya

Selected Items:
Warrior Heart x1

Total Price: 40,000¥
Nov 9, 2018 9:50 PM

May 2015

As Sho stepped into the shop, his nose was immediately bombarded with feedback. His mind interpreted it as if someone decided to make a breathmint consisting of mint, dried habanero peppers, cilantro, vanilla, and garlic all at the same time and all with incredible intensity. The culprit was a green paste that the pink-haired alchemist had been steadily grinding in a larger-than-normal mortar & pestle, which looked to be the consistency of tomato puree, green specks here and there on the end of the grinding implement.

Rosalia von Blume gave her typical greeting, although this time it was strained as she forced the pestle spiralling downwards into the bottom of the mixture, the scraping of stone against stone mixed with the squishing sound of the paste.

"Welcome- to- Atelier- Rose-!"

A small pot was bubbling in the back. Rosalia opened the lid, waving the fumes away from her face. Quickly she scraped the contents of the mortar into the pot (Sho could swear he saw the color of the water change to a shade that was not green) and closed the lid. The bubbling subsided to a slow simmer.

"Warrior Heart, right?

The alchemist moved to a shelf; behind the glass panels were multiple bracelets of different colors, each large enough to cover the wrist completely, most of them with a pattern of three inlaid jewels on the front, the middle one being far larger than the ones on the side. Opening the panel, she took a red one out; handing it to Sho.

"Here you go~ That'll be 40,000 Yoki please~" Rosalia said with a smile. Once the amount had been paid (and Rosalia had confirmed it), she gave Sho a polite nod. Then, she went back to work, picking out certain roots, berries, and dried aromatics and adding them into the mortar, preparing another batch of ingredients.

Warrior Heart x1 has been added to Sho Kazehaya's Inventory. 40,000 ¥oki has been subtracted from his account.

TubaNov 10, 2018 10:44 AM
Nov 9, 2018 10:17 PM
Jan 2015
Sho Kazehaya
Health: 150/150
Prana: 150/150
Stamina: 150/150
Air Saber: Not Summoned
Current Status: +1 Strength
Skills Active: Fairy Levitation (Passive), Proficiency (Passive)
Current Equipment: Revival Bracelet (Inactive), Warrior Heart

Sho bought the "Warrior Heart" bracelet, spending almost all his money to get this very valuable mystic code. "Thanks!" After making the purchase, he put it on his left wrist, which thankfully had enough space even with the COMB being there. As soon as he did, he felt a sudden surge of strength throughout his body. "Whoa..! This thing really does work...Thanks again!" Then Sho left the area and went towards the Mission Hall, confident it had been worth the cost.
Nov 14, 2018 8:47 PM

Dec 2011
Eukina Watashi

Health: 150 / 150
Prana: 150 / 150
Stamina: 150 / 150
AG Status: Bow / Dagger
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Eagle Eye

When Eukina got to the potion store, she quickly made her way to the attendent, and said, "I'd like to purchase some potions, and maybe a bracelet..." Eyeing the Revival bracelet on the counter.

Item Purchase

Buyer: Eukina Watashi

Selected Items:
Minor Health Potion x2
Regular Health Potion x1
Revival Bracelet x1

Total Price: 20,500¥

And after they were purchased, Eukina nodded to the receptionist, "Thank you." And left the area, These might come in handy... Eukina thought.
Nov 14, 2018 9:28 PM
Jan 2015
Rosalia von Blume

"Welcome to Atelier Rose!

Rosalia gave her standard greeting with a smile, glad to see the blue-haired SOUL with weird red eyes who was a frequent customer now. She ordered several potions as well as a revival bracelet. It wasn't as much as her last customer, but still quite a bit of money to be made.

She retrieved the potions from a shelf, grabbing two small and one medium one containing a red liquid for healing. There was also a similar looking liquid bubbling in a nearby pot, which gave off a strawberry scent like the medium health pption's taste. After putting them on the counter, she then took a gold-colored bracelet with a wing symbol on it, handing it over to Eukina.

"Here you go~ That'll be 20,500 Yoki please~" Rosalia said with a smile. Once the amount had been paid (and Rosalia had confirmed it), she gave Eukina a polite nod.

Then, she went back to work, checking on the progress of the bubbling liquid in the pot which was starting to change color to a darker red, closer to that of the actual health potion. Almost done~

Nov 15, 2018 1:21 PM

Aug 2013

Lysett Blythe

Health: 150/150
Prana: 200/200
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: 0

Status Effects:

  • Conservation (Permanent)
  • Levitation(Permanent/Active)

Lysett made her way to the Alchemist's shop after Eukina simply ignored her and went on ahead without giving a single damn about their recently blooming friendship, finding the girl to be busy as always. "Hello? Are you busy, Rosalia? I'd like to buy a few potions, please."

After the transaction was completed, Lysett would leave Rosalia working on her potions and leave the area after telling her goodbye. "Thanks, Rosalia. Good luck with your work!"

Item Purchase

Buyer: Lysett Blythe

Selected Items:
Regular Prana Potion x2

Total Price: 9000¥
Nov 15, 2018 1:31 PM
Jan 2015
Rosalia von Blume

"Welcome to Atelier Rose!

Rosalia gave her usual greeting, seeing the flat elf girl who had been here several times before, although she couldn't remember exactly how many, for some reason since all the earlier posts are gone. Lysett asked for a few potions, so Rosalia was happy to retrieve them, handing both of them over.

"Here you go~ That'll be 9,000 Yoki please~" Rosalia said with a smile. Once the amount had been paid (and Rosalia had confirmed it), she gave Lysett a polite nod and went back to her work.

Sho_the_MageNov 15, 2018 1:34 PM
Nov 17, 2018 5:55 PM

Dec 2011
Londo the GREAT!

Health: 200 / 200
Prana: 100 / 100
Stamina: 150 / 150
Gauntlets: Desummoned
Current Status: Wearing yet another cool headlight, turned off. Also wearing Amethysts Earcuffs.
Alice can only be heard by Londo, as she is just an observer paid to observe only Londo.
Skills Active: Master Guard (Permanent)

Sho did suggest getting some more items, so Londo went to go get some!

He walked into the potion shop, waving at the attendent, "Yo! I'd like to get some potions!" He said, ordering the ones he thought would be good for newbies.

Item Purchase

Buyer: Londo

Selected Items:
Minor Health Potion x3
Regular Health Potion x1

Total Price: 13,000¥

Londo wanted to get more, but he would need this money later for other things. Namely some of those bracelets. They could be filler as he worked himself back up to full strength!

Once the shopkeeper gave him his items, Londo would wave at her, "Peace!" Before leaving the shop.
LondotheGreatNov 17, 2018 7:32 PM
Nov 17, 2018 8:17 PM
Jan 2015
Rosalia von Blume

"Welcome to Atelier Rose!

Rosalia greeted another return customer, this time the redhead automaton from before. She was really getting a lot of customers today...He asked for a few potions, mostly small health potions and one medium one. So Rosalia gathered the potions from the shelf, handing them over to Londo and then scanning his COMB to deduct the cost.

"Here you go~ That'll be 13,000 Yoki please~" Rosalia said with a smile, glad she was getting so many customers. These SOULs really were willing to pay prices that would normally be absurd, all thanks to her potions being among the few that could affect them.

Nov 22, 2018 8:55 AM
Aug 2014

Valencia Ortiz
Health: 150/150
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 150/150
Peleg - Astral Gear: Summoned 50/50

Strength: C Vitality: E Willpower: E Resistance:
Speed: C Agility: D Perception: D Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal
Active Skills: Animal Instinct (Passive) - Aptitude (Passive)

Valencia was planning to go straight towards their mission, but she had decided to take a short detour past the potion shop at Alatar's suggestion. The shop surprised her, with books around the edges and a strange sort of basin in the middle. That said, she was here for business, not as some sort of tourist. Checking her balance, she figured she could afford some of these magic brews. “Good morning miss, I'd like to purchase the following.” I'm assuming the girl also exists in reality which the posts here suggest, and not just on the COMB, which the thread suggests.

Item Purchase

Buyer: Valencia Ortiz

Selected Items:
Regular Health Potion 2x
Regular Prana Potion 2x

Total Price: 20.000¥

Using about two thirds of her earnings, she saved the rest of it so she could eventually buy an accessory, or for when she figured out how useful the potions would end up being.

Amice Bellamy & Pixies!

Health: 150/150 Prana: 180/180 Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Book of Pixies Summoned 20/20

Strength: E Vitality: E Willpower: C Resistance: D
Speed: E Agility: E Perception: E Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal
Summoned Pixies: Indigo, Emerald, Tangerine & Chartreuse, Timberwolf.
Active Skills: Enhanced Prana Regeneration (Passive) – Blessing (Passive)

Amice practically ran into the store like she was a kid running into a candy-store. Which wasn't that far off, considering the potions had sweet fruit flavours, and she was a kid. So she was, for that matter, acting entirely as expected. That said, she wasn't the only one whom seemed to be excited. Timberwolf and Tangerine flew straight towards the strange basin in the middle of the store, circling above it and around the lamp, expecting it all to its fullest. Indigo and Chartreuse had flown over towards a shelf to the left, seemingly drawn to something laying on it. Only Emerald didn't go out, staying atop Amice's head, observing everything thoroughly from there.

That said, upon noticing Amice's excitement, Valencia approached her. “Did you also want to buy something?”

“Yes!” It was a short yet clear reply, filled to the brim with excitement.

Valencia smiled. “Alright, can you show me your COMB?”

Amice did as told, and Valencia checked Amice's bank account, although she had to sit down her her knees and then still bow down in order to do so. “It seems you can buy a fair amount of things here. Do you know what you want?”

“Oh, I know... I really liked the flavour of the one that Ryan gave me yesterday! I also like how it made me feel a lot better!”

“That's why they are potions Amice, but remember that they exist to help us, not for their taste. They'll help us get better, or recover our energy.”

Amice was deep in thought for a bit. “Oh, I get it! So they do the same things as the pixies! That's great, although I feel bad for the pixies, as they won't be able to help when people just use potions, but the pixies can't help me, so if potions help me, then the pixies can help others while I can help myself with potions, right?” Amice had it all figured out, somewhat, somehow...

Valencia took a second, trying to make sense out what Amice was talking about, but eventually gave up and just nodded. “Yes. They also have this, it's a revival bracelet. If you end up getting really hurt, it makes sure that you don't die.” Although Valencia realised she probably needed one for herself, she deemed Amice's survival to be far more important. That's why she hadn't bought one herself, yet suggested them to Amice.

“That's great!”

“Alright, so how about this. If you buy one of those bracelets, and the same amount of potions as I did, you'll have 500¥ left.” After some quick deductions, Valencia figured that was probably the best offer for the halfling.

“If that is what you think is best, I want that.” Amice didn't quite get it all, but she'd trust Valencia's judgement.

Valencia herself couldn't keep back a bit of blush. “That's great to hear, thank you. Make sure to remember, the blue ones are for magical energy, the red ones are for when you feel really hurt.”

“The blue when I need energy, the red when I'm hurt! I'll remember, thanks miss Valencia!”

Item Purchase

Buyer: Amice Bellamy

Selected Items:
Regular Health Potion 2x
Regular Prana Potion 2x
Revival Bracelet

Total Price: 30.000¥

Valencia would make sure to help Amice fill out the form, put away the items, and put on the revival bracelet. Once that was done, a now fully stacked Amice would proudly stand around, trying to see what the others were going to buy (if anything). Once everyone was done here, Valencia and Amice would leave the area.
Nov 22, 2018 5:25 PM
Mar 2016
Miyu Ogawa
Health: 150/150
Prana: 150/150
Stamina: 150/150
Astral Gear: Unsummoned
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Aptitude (Passive)

Alatar Irving
Health: 150/150
Prana: 200/200
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Unsummoned
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Conservation (Passive), Mind Focus (uncharged, 1/1 use remaining)

Alatar strolled into the by-now familiar alchemist shop alongside the others. It seemed like the available items had changed since his last visit, so he would take a few minutes to browse. Thankfully, Valencia was taking care of Amice and assisting her with her shopping, so hopefully Miyu would be able to figure it out from their examples rather than needing direct guidance.

Miyu did, unfortunately, but she wouldn’t let that on to someone like Alatar, who she didn’t know. She could at least eavesdrop on Amice and Valencia, but that wasn’t a perfect solution since Valencia was doing a lot of the work for Amice.

”Buy one each of the large potions.” Rinia’s voice reverberated in Miyu’s head making Alatar question whether or not he’d ever actually have her use her materialization. ”Not the bottle with wings, its overpriced, but the other three.”

”Eh? Why?” Miyu asked, speaking somewhat softly so that the others would be less likely to see her talking to herself.

”You end up using a lot of both endurance and magic for your abilities, and you’re not exactly good at taking hits. All three potions will be good for you. And the bigger ones you can consume faster in battle than multiple smaller ones. When you’re low, you’ll probably be low on multiple things rather than just one at once, so getting yourself refueled quickly is harder than someone who only uses Prana or something.”

”I see.” Not that Miyu really did, but hey, it was better than not knowing what to buy.

”Excuse me, Ma’am, I’d like to buy one each of the big red, blue, and green ones.”

Item Purchase

Buyer: Miyu Ogawa

Selected Items:
Potent Health Potion 1x
Potent Prana Potion 1x
Potent Stamina Potion 1x

Total Price: 27,000¥

Alatar, on the other hand, was more than capable of thinking for himself. Though the potions were convenient, he had several already. That being said, he didn’t actually have enough to afford any of the fancier bracelets (not that they’d help his build much). After a few moments of thought, Alatar stepped over to Rosalia himself.

”Good morning, Lady Rosalia. Might I purchase a Revival Bracelet, a Potent Prana Potion, and two Regular Health Potions?”

Item Purchase

Buyer: Alatar Irving

Selected Items:
Regular Health Potion 2x
Potent Prana Potion 1x
Revival Bracelet

Total Price: 31,000¥

Both Alatar and Miyu would give their payments upon request and bid their farewells as necessary before leaving the area with Amice and Valencia (as well as anyone else present), heading off towards any agreed-upon meeting place before proceeding to the mining town.
Nov 25, 2018 6:34 PM

Dec 2015
Ryan Zokkendov
Health: 150/150
Prana: 150/150
Stamina: 150/150
Astral Gear: Not Summoned
- STR: D - VIT: E - WIL: E - RES: E
- SPD: C - AGL: B - PER: E - REC: C

Skills: Aptitude(Passive), Burning Spirit(Passive)
Status: Normal

Following both Alatar's advice and Ciela's subtle-not-so-subtle warning, Ryan made a quick detour to get some provisions. Ryan was pleasantly surprised with what greeted him, a place that reminded him of a friend of his previous ,previous, previous life, a skilled wizard that did alchemy as a hobby. Ryan stood in the doorway for a few moments due to his memories, which he had shake away, he was in the middle of work after all.
Ryan waited for everyone else present to do their buying while he looked around and, of course, checked the prices.
Since he needed to be somewhat wounded to go all out, buying large healing potions would be counter-productive. As for the energy ones, Ryan decided to take one of those, just in case. And finally, Ryan picked the red bracelet that apparently increased strength, which was what caught his attention the most. Once he decided, Ryan walked up to Rosalia and said "Greetings, Miss. I would like to have these items:..."

Item Purchase

Buyer: Ryan Zokkendov

Selected Items:
Minor Health Potion x2
Minor Prana Potion x1
Warrior Heart x1

Total Price: 47000¥

Once he received his items, he would put them away in pockets all over his clothes, except for the bracelet. With that done he headed out while putting on his new accessory, not without saying to the lady "Thank you, Miss." before actually leaving.
Nov 26, 2018 2:47 AM
Oct 2014
Rosalia von Blume

"Welcome to Atelier Rose!

Giving her usual greeting, Rosalia saw the giant Beastkind woman walk in. She wanted 4 regular potions. But as she was going to go to the shelf and pick up some potions, of which she fortunately had a big reserve, she saw more people walk in. A little halfling girl was running in, and some fairy-like things were flying towards Rosalia, going past her. She'd have to turn around to see what they were doing, but they looked small enough they would hopefully not be able to cause any trouble by touching something important.

Meanwhile, she had to deal with the beastkind woman's order. Rosalia enthusiastically smiled and let Valencia know it'd be a little bit until she had it ready."Alright~I'll have them for you in just a moment~Turning around to get to her shelf, Rosalia walked out to get to the storage of potions, seeing that the pixies weren't touching anything.

And that was all 4 potions now. Carrying them back with two in her hands and two carefully held under her arm, she lowered them safely onto the desk where Valencia could now pick them up. Here you go, that'll be 20'000 Yoki, please~

While getting the potions, she had figured out who else was there. A blue haired Elf and a young girl who showed up while she was getting the potions earlier. The girl made the first order, so she'd answer her first. It was a vague order but she could tell pretty well she inevitably meant the Potent versions of each potion. After Valencia would pay up, she'd answer Miyu.1 of each? Okay~

After the timid-sounding girl was done, the Elf made his own order. With this many potions, it was definitely going to take 2 trips if she wanted to be careful. Rosalia smiled.
"Good morning to you too~ It'll take a little while, but they're coming right up~
Rosalia would then walk over once again to the potion shelf, pick up 4 potions(1 of each potent potion, plus one extra, Alatar's Potent Prana Potion), walk back, then lower them carefully onto the desk, then separate Alatar's and put it in a different spot where it was by itself. Talking to Miyu, Rosalia would let her have her 3 potions. "And there you go~That'll be just 27'000 Yoki~

Then she had to go back again, pick out two regular health potions, walk over to the area with bracelets, get a Revival Bracelet, and head back to the desk and deposit all 3 items next to the sole Potent Prana Potion."Here~That'll be 31'000 Yoki, please~
After Alatar sent the money, she'd hand over the potions.

By around now, Valencia and Amice would have finished talking, and her COMB hologram told her what Amice's order was. She had seen the giant Beastkind woman trying to crouch to help the tiny halfling type things into her COMB interface to fill out the form. Almost like she was an adoptive parent, it was so cute~

After that, she saw that Valencia didn't seem to be leaving, even though she'd probably picked up her potions and put them away. Was she staying there to help the little girl get her potions?

Making yet another trip, Rosalia went around the mostly still brewing pot she wasn't using right now, out of the center of the room where it was, and back to the shelf of potions once again. Picking all 4 of the potions Amice wanted up, she set them down on the counter, before going back to the bracelets and getting Amice's ready, bringing that back to the counter.
"That'll be 30'000 Yoki, please~

By now, yet another SOUL had shown up, they definitely all had left for here at around the same time due to how Astraea announced their missions. But she wasn't going to complain at the free money. He was polite too. "I'll get them right away~ She then repeated the routine, going over to get the items, coming back, and giving them to Ryan. "That adds up to...47'000 Yoki~ Thank you for shopping at Atelier Rose! They really were giving her a lot of money today.

It was nice to get thanks from a customer, so Rosalia would then return it. "You're welcome~Shop again soon!

And that looked to be the last of them, for now at least.

At that point, they probably had all just left. Leaving her on her own to think a bit about her next task.

Nov 27, 2018 3:29 AM

Jul 2011
"Alastra Nendarnde"

H : 200
P : 100
S : 150


Alastra entered with her party and looked around on her lonesome. She listened to their interactions before coming to a decision. It wasn’t like she was over confident, she just figured she’d fight smart enough until her enemy was dead. That said, she wouldn’t buy anything and leave the area with them.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Jan 20, 2019 4:51 AM
Aug 2014

Health: 150/150
Prana: 200/200
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: IMI Desert Eagle Not Summoned

Strength: E Vitality: E Willpower: C Resistance: E
Speed: E Agility: E Perception: C Recovery: E

Current Status: Normal
Active Skills: Enhanced Prana Regeneration (Passive) – Conservation (Passive)

Having completed her mission, Victorique decided to go ahead and immediately spent her hard-earned money. This time, not on tobacco, but on something that might help her in the future. Although she'd rather try to bill Astraea for it, as it was needed to do their jobs, she figured that it wasn't something she'd get away with without putting in more effort than it was worth. Regardless, she ended up in 'Atelier Rosé', the interior looking as ridiculous as the name suggested.

During the last fight, she had almost ran out of breath, and that was despite the fact that she didn't run or dodge much. She didn't like that, and thus she figured that's what she'd try to fix first. Apparently there was a bracelet that'd help her regain stamina, and after some looking around she spotted it. “I'd like this one, please.”

Item Purchase

Buyer: Victorique

Selected Items: Fighter Spirit

Total Price: 40.000¥

Jan 26, 2019 2:46 PM
Jan 2015
Rosalia von Blume

"Welcome to Atelier Rose!

Rosalia gave her greeting, this time to a cute Halfling who she hadn't seen before. She was glad to see the new customer wanted the expensive Fighter Spirit bracelet, and it was funny to imagine a Halfling punching people with their tiny little hands. "Of course, just give me a moment~" Rosalia went over to the shelf where the mystic code bracelets were stored and picked out the silver one, leaning down and handing it to Victorique. It was always adorable to see a Halfling having to stand on their tip-toes just to reach the counter.

"Here you go~ That'll be 40,000 Yoki please~" Rosalia then scanned Victorique's COMB to finish the payment, grateful to be earning so much money from her absurdly overpriced items.

Jan 27, 2019 3:40 AM
Aug 2014

Health: 150/150
Prana: 200/200
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: IMI Desert Eagle Not Summoned

Strength: E Vitality: E Willpower: C Resistance: E
Speed: E Agility: E Perception: C Recovery: D

Current Status: Fighter Spirit +1 Recovery
Active Skills: Enhanced Prana Regeneration (Passive) – Conservation (Passive)

After waiting for almost a week a while, Rosalia returned with the bracelet. Somehow, Victorique couldn't shake off the feeling that Rosalia was thinking about her in a racist way. After all, just because she was a bit on the small size didn't mean she was cute except she was. Sadly enough, Rosalia wasn't open enough about it for Victorique to point it out, and she wasn't eager enough with it to give Victorique a discount for it either. That's why Victorique was rather short in her answer, paying the insane price, putting it on, and then walking away after a short “Thank you, and goodbye.”, leaving the area.
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