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Jan 28, 2018 3:39 PM

Jun 2014
The finale! The cures go their seperate ways and they say their final goodbyes.

Oh and like always, we meet the new Cure!
Jan 28, 2018 6:49 PM

Oct 2010
Nine years after I first heard of PreCure via a girl I met in college, I've finally managed to finish a series of it for the first time. I know, not the best one to get in via (especially because I'm one of the 0.003% who don't like food anime in general), but I had been struggling to make progress with HeartCatch, and the weekly pace really helped. I think after this I'll be able to take on HeartCatch and others with more success, though not just yet.

This imagery reminded me of Duck vs. the Raven in Princess Tutu:

Overall I enjoyed it less than most of the (few) other mahou shoujo I've seen, but more than the original Cardcaptor Sakura. :D I cried at the end. Is showing the characters as adults a common thing in PreCure finales?

I also didn't know that introducing the new heroine in-universe was a thing, either. I was under the impression that every PreCure series was set in its own world, and this one was the world where sugar is power?
Jan 29, 2018 12:06 AM

Oct 2010
nDroae said:
Is showing the characters as adults a common thing in PreCure finales?
I also didn't know that introducing the new heroine in-universe was a thing, either.

Only recently. 'Epilogues with adults' technically started from "Go! Princess", guest-star MC appeared for the first time in previous season, "Mahoutsukai Precure".
Jan 29, 2018 9:49 AM

Sep 2013
Ichika was keeping her desire hidden but pekorin and the fairies will take care of the town :'(
Chorou--sama gets his body back and cure Yell with the moves :O
They're all out and living their lives :) 8/10
Jan 29, 2018 1:50 PM

Mar 2013
I admit this season wasn't as bad as people told me it was, although I disagree that this is the worst season that title still belongs to dokidoki. I'm actually sad that it's over, not sure if I'm a fan of the whole let's introduce the next precure in the final episode of the current precure season mainly because I'm one of those people that tries to make sense of the entire franchise figuring out when each precure could have met. It's situations like this start raising questions like why are they acting like they've never met? in short it messes with my head canon.

This season did a lot of things different some were good others not so good.
I will now list of a few:

1. The whole Akira and Yukari being a thing was good just a little sad they didn't do more with it example there were times Akira was sad and yukari noticed immediately but instead of yukari being the one to cheer Akira up they make Ichiko do it instead. At least we did get a confession out of it so I'm satisfied.

2. Not revealing who the mastermind is until the second half. not really something I liked in fact this is what I consider to be the weakest part of this season. during the first couple of episodes it was ok but after 6+ episodes with no explanation it was rather odd and even when they introduced rio, we find out that there's someone else the true villain and we don't even get his motive until the near.

3. More character focused episodes. what I mean by this is episodes where the conflict wasn't caused by the bad guy but rather it was just something that was already there and they had to overcome. some of those episodes were great and felt like they didn't need a bad guy to interfere but this is precure they need to stop the bad guys so add them for no reason. Also Aoi's and Himari's focused episodes were my favorite ones.

I can't believe they did the separate ways thing again I'm still not over it from gopri and this one too ends sadly, at least when mahoutsukai did it they reunited in a weird paradox way but whatever. I did enjoy that Lumiere and Noir were reborn during the time skip even diabli was reborn too. A little sad we didn't get a yuri confession with bibury and Ciel even though it was heavily hinted that they might be into each other.

I apologize if this turned into a semi-review but I had to say what I had to say and this season is 7/10 for me.
Jan 30, 2018 5:16 AM

Jun 2014
I have very mixed feelings about this season.
Love the girls, other than cure whip, she wasn't very good, but the quality of the episodes was very mixed.
The entire Diable arc for instance was very weak.

Still, I had a lot of fun with this season anf the final episode was pretty good.
I'm going to be generous and give it a 7/10 .
Jan 30, 2018 10:23 AM

Aug 2007
49 episodes and they get back CHorou sama's body at the end. Only to Ichika meet Cure Yell. It reminds be Mahougirls final episode.
Feb 7, 2018 3:17 PM

May 2013
I'm scored 7 out 10.
definitely improvement on story compared mahoutsukai, but the fight is plainly boring.
and hope kira2 bring another onee-sama precure because yukari is pretty booming than expected.
Feb 19, 2018 3:43 AM

Oct 2007
Finally, this trainwreck is over. Characters are cute, nice transformation theme. And they even hired some talented va's. Biburi (doremi voice actress), Parfait (rem voice actress).

But the extremely boring fights really killed this show for me... 1/10 and dropped like a rock before episode 20.
Liddo-kunApr 11, 2019 5:38 AM
Oct 24, 2018 7:25 AM

May 2018
I liked some aspects of it; Elisio and Grave were entertaining villains and the Cure designs really grew on me.
As much as I liked Ciel though she feels kind of tacked on (hell even the 2nd OP reflects this lol)
And of course I'm docking a point off for lacking that sweet combat which is the reason I started watwching this franchise

so from a 7/10 to a 6/10.
This is not your planet to rule. The Fallen shall rise again.
Feb 26, 2020 10:54 AM

Jun 2011
I liked this series, yeah the fights sucked, but the villains were great and the Cures really grew on me. I loved how this series didn't follow the same monster of the week format, but actually had villains that would fight you head to head like Julio, for example.

Some parts of the story were done really well, especially Kirarin and Pikario's story arc, which was pretty solid.

I loved how this season focused a lot on it's characters and their individual passions, KiraKira is one of the only Precure seasons where I felt like they gave as much development to the characters as they can, and they tried not to ignore them.

So many other Precure seasons like to forget the existence of the other cures that aren't the lead Cure *cough* *cough* Doki Doki, but I appreciate KiraKira for actually being consistent in each girl's development. I mean for a series that had a whopping 6 Cures (8 if you count Cure Pekorin and Pikario) they did a fair job in giving everyone development! Hell, even the villains had decent story arcs.

I'm giving KiraKira Precure A La Mode an 8/10, I would have given it a 9/10 if the fights were good, but alas I had to knock down a point for how lame majority of the fights were.
Mar 6, 2020 7:41 PM

Feb 2017
Guys can someone list the episodes with the best sakuga / animation ?
Mar 10, 2020 12:32 PM

Jun 2011
The only meaningful fights were episodes 12 and 13, and the last few episodes in particular.
Apr 21, 2020 1:28 PM

Feb 2017
Rayla said:
The only meaningful fights were episodes 12 and 13, and the last few episodes in particular.

Thank you!

47 48 49 ?
Jun 6, 2021 11:17 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
A satisfying finale. The last minutes were touching.

Overall, a decent season, although the story was both miss and hit and the fights were mostly a little lame.

All the main characters were given enough of time to develop, which was a good thing.

SerafosMay 28, 2024 10:47 AM
Jul 12, 2021 12:12 PM
Feb 2018
Loving Cure Yell, but not really liking how they handled it because it made no sense for them to meet. Hugtan reminds me of Ai from Doki. I felt like the drama with Pekorin was a little forced, how did it take this long for them to notice that Ichika is kind of stuck with KiraPati. And Pekorin blaming herself for it. Which resulted in crying and bla bla drama. Thought Pekorin would just be mature enough to encourage Ichika instead of blaming herself.

How are the Cures struggling so much against Chorou's body when they defeated the Big Bads? Was it just so Yell could make an appearance and save them? That also felt out of place. Yell saw evil Chorou appearing, so she really just stood there, watched and waited until the Cures to actually appear and struggle before making her appearance? What? Why couldn't they have fought together from the start? Yell looks pretty strong already though, easily sweeping Chorou's legs which keep in mind, the Cures and Fairies could barely do anything to.

Also, Pikario still useless. He played one good role with Lumiere's powers and now he's just a background character. Also why did it take Chorou so long to actually try and get back/find his body?

Regardless, had a good time watching the series. Probably the most aesthetically pleasing Precure series ever. Loved the characters a lot.
CWCJul 12, 2021 12:28 PM
Oct 26, 2022 4:35 PM

Feb 2013
not among the least entertaining seasons for me, but not a top tier entry either. Pekorin and all the other fairies were almost entirely useless (especially Chorou) and hardly contributed to the plot.
The cures' costume designs were cute, but I didn't necessarily need the animal-theme.
The story overall was pretty meh.
And the entire sweets-theme constantly made me hungry.

Hug-tan? ugh, I really do not like babies. Praying that (s)he will grow up fast enough like haa-chan did
Mar 10, 2024 3:16 PM
Mar 2023
Needs same series sequels.
Jun 6, 2024 4:41 PM
May 2024
They could never make me hate this show
Feb 19, 1:44 PM

Dec 2013
It was enjoyable from beginning to end for me, I liked all of the characters and even the villains were great, Rio so cunning, Bibury having her frown until the end, and we can't forget MVP Elisio, this season had my favorite OP and EDs of all of the seasons I have watched so far and their choreographies were also great but most important of it all, Akira x Yukari.

I understand the complains about the lack of proper fights but just watching this after Wonderful I could appreciate them in contrast haha.
KanameYuukiFeb 19, 6:14 PM

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