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Jul 4, 2017 5:36 PM
Nov 2007
I'm a huge fan of Jigoku Shoujo and with Season 4 coming out later this month I decided to go back and watch all of the episodes and for each season rank the villains based on who is the most evil. I just finished re-watching season 2 so here is my list of the top 10 most evil villains in season 2.

Note: For the purposes of this list, "villains" are only those who are sent to hell by Enma Ai as a result of Hell Correspondence. The term "victim" is used only to describe those who pull the string and send these villains to hell. The list is ranked based on how evil I think each villain is. Factors I considered include, but are not limited to, motivation, level of cruelty, body count, and how many lives are destroyed by the villain. I will also do this list in reverse order for the sake of suspense. Also note that this list is my own subjective opinion and I give my reasoning for each villain. If you disagree or think that I left out a villain who should have made the list please let me know in the comments but please be respectful.

***For obvious reason this list will contain spoilers so stop reading now if you don't want any spoilers***

Honorable Mention: The People of Lovely Hills from Episodes 23-26
I really wanted to identify a single ring-leader behind the townspeople of Lovely Hills from the finale of Season 2 but there simply isn't one. As I am unable to identify a singular villain that persists throughout the finale and since I refuse to rank any villains as a group I have to settle for giving this group of self-centered monsters an honorable (or dishonorable) mention on my list. This is a shame because collectively the people of Lovely Hills are more evil than the rest of the villains on this list combined. Here are some of the things these people do: send people to hell because they don't like them...sending people to hell because they sent one of their friends to hell...send people to hell because someone insulted their singing voice...send their boss or father to hell because they get tired of being told what to do...capture two kids, tie them up, throw them in a boat, attach heavy rocks to their legs, and poke a hole in the boat to make it sink on a lake with the kids inside. To top it all off whenever they send someone to hell nearly all of them blame Takuma, an innocent kid who they call the Devil's Child despite the fact that he is probably one of the few people in town who hasn't sent anyone to hell and who never does. I won't talk too much about Takuma because we will get to him later on in the list but seriously the people in Lovely Hills act like they escaped from the twilight zone. They frivolously use Hell Correspondence without a care for the consequences and most shocking of all...THEY KILL AI in an attempt to escape having to go to hell for their sins. Honestly the people of Lovely Hills almost stretched the bounds of disbelief too far with how selfish and evil they are but they work well enough as a final villain but sadly as a collection of villains they are unranked.


#10: Kazuko Ougi, the obsessed mother from Episode 7
Episode 7 is one of the best episodes in season 2 in my opinion because it looks at grief and answers the question "what does too much grief look like?" The answer is Kazuko Ougi, a mother who has always adored and treasured her son, Tatsuya, to the point of neglecting the rest of her family, especially her dutiful daughter Emi. When her son dies following a motorcycle accident the audience is treated to a trip into madness by way of grief as Kazuko is simply unable to deal with the idea that her son is gone and her first instinct is that it must be someone else's fault. She starts by blaming her husband for buying him the motorcycle (which he was against buying in the first place) but when we see her again 49 days after the funeral Kazuko has launched a crusade (complete with a website called "why did my son have to die?") to get the city to admit they were at fault and begin maintenance on the patch of road that her son died at. Kazuko refuses to work and spends all her time thinking about her son (once we even see her chase after a young man who sort of looks like her son...even going to visit the spot where he died every night even in the rain. Kazuko's biggest sin isn't her grief though...its that she completely ignores the living members of her family. We see her husband work himself to exhaustion to make up for the loss in family income and we see the daughter Emi try to support her mother at every stage without getting even the slightest bit of recognition or praise for it. When the city finally agrees to do road work that includes the area that her son died in, people on Kazuko's website send her messages of congratulations but Kazuko herself is furious that the city never accepted responsibility for her son's death. From here things get worse as Kazuko borrows a lot of money to pay for someone to write a book about how great her son was. Even more disturbing, she begins to carry around the head of a stone statue that came off when her son had his wreck and talking to the head like it is her son, even craddling, petting, and rubbing it against her cheek like one might a baby. When Emi sees her father give up and her mother shows all signs of only getting worse she finally can't take it anymore and pulls the string on her mother, sending her to hell. Kazuko's reaction to being sent to hell is particularly telling...she is excited because she thinks she will get to see her son again despite Ren telling her that her son is not in hell. The final scene of the episode is very sad, the father has gone to look for his wife leaving poor Emi alone at a table with only photographs representing her family members.

Kazuko Ougi is a very interesting villain because technically speaking she isn't really all that evil (overall season 1 had more truly evil villains than season 2 imo) but is instead driven mad by her own grief. Her madness is born out of a complete unwillingness to recognize the needs of the rest of her family. The way this mother completely ignores her daughter no matter how hard she works to please her mother is really heart breaking. By the time Emi finally pulls the string on her mother you actually find yourself agreeing that it is probably for the best. I put Kazuko at #10 on this list because even though her actions are motivated by grief rather than something sinful, her actions result in self-centered and selfish behavior which nearly pulls what remains of her family apart. That to me is worthy of the #10 spot on this list.


#9: Rikiya Hashitsume, the gang leader from Episode 5
I was actually surprised when I finished season 2 and reviewed my list and saw this guy in at #9. He is the senpai of the episodic protagonist Leon Yamada and both are really worthless thugs. When Leon starts saying that if he can get a cute girl named Izumi Miyahara (who seriously is one of the cutest looking schoolgirls in the entire series) to be his girlfriend then he will leave the gang, Rikiya, the gang leader freaks out and decides to teach Leon a lesson. First he and his thugs beat up Leon and then Rikiya tells Leon that he intends to make Izumi "his girl" so he should stay away from her. Later we see that Rikiya has kidnapped Izumi and has her passed out in his back seat. He takes her to the gang hideout with plans to rape her while another gang member films it. Needless to say Leon sends Rikiya to hell before this can happen. On a side note Leon dies in a motor accident at the end of the episode, marking the first time that a person who uses Hell Correspondence dies in the same episode that they sent someone to hell (not including flashbacks). This sets up what in my opinion is the best line in the series so far. When Leon was given a doll by Ai and told of the consequences he scoffed saying that his death is probably a long way off and besides hell probably doesn't exist. At the end of the episode, as Leon lays bleeding out on the road, Kikuri approaches him with flowers and in her trademark creepy cuteness says "Hey did you exists...hell really exists." She smiles as Leon dies and goes to hell himself.

So how did Rikiya Hashitsume make spot #9 on this list? Well to be honest in season 2 a lot of villains are given backstories that make them at least somewhat sympathetic or their actions are motivated by something that isn't really sinful or the villain appears only in flashbacks and isn't fleshed out very well. Rikiya is the first of what I call "true villains" on this list. What I mean by this is that there is no extenuating circumstance to make Rikiya's actions less evil. He wants to rape an innocent young schoolgirl just because he wants to prove a point. This is a completely selfish motive (not that there are any good motives to rape someone) and its enough to earn Rikiya the rank of the 9th most evil villain in Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori.


#8: Hiroshisa Sugita, aka date rape boyfriend from Episode 6
What is it with Futakomori and raping schoolgirls (seriously as you will see on this list it happens a lot)? A depressed and anit-social boy named Souta Hosono has a crush on a sweet girl named Kiwako Nitta pretty much because she is the only student at his school who has ever shown kindness to him. However Kiwako already has a boyfriend...a huge scumbag named Hiroshisa Sugita. At first Hiroshisa seems like just your regular rude and cocky high school boy but then while in a bowling alley restroom stall, Souta overhears Hiroshisa tell his friend Sawazaki that he will let him "borrow" his girlfriend Kiwako so that Sawazaki can lose his virginity. To add insult Hiroshisa comments that the experience will be "educational" for both Sawazaki and Kiwako. Later on Kiwako goes over to Hiroshisa's house only to pass out after her boyfriend puts a date rape drug in her drink. As Kiwako floats on the edge of consciousness she sees Sawazaki appear. Though the rape is not shown it clearly takes place and the next time we see Kiwako she has a hell mark tattoo on her chest, having sent her boyfriend to hell. Souta is so ashamed that he did not send Hiroshisa to hell before the rape that he resolves to go and get revenge on Sawazaki himself with a knife (the episode ends before we learn if he succeeded or not).

Hiroshisa Sugita comes in one rank above Rikiya Hashitsume on this list because as awful as kidnapping and attempting to rape a girl you don't even know is, Hiroshisa is even more evil because he treats his girlfriend like a peace of property that he can let friends borrow for fun and is furthermore willing to betray her trust and drug her just to let his friend rape her. Not only that Hiroshisa actually came up with the idea himself. Its a fine line because both Hiroshisa and Rikiya are complete scumbags but of the two Hiroshisa is worse because he betrays his own girlfriend who clearly trusts him. However these two are relatively low on my list of top 10 villains in Futakomori because TECHNICALLY neither of them rape anyone in this episode (Rikiya gets sent to hell before he can rape anyone and Hiroshisa enables his friend to do the raping). While their actions are clearly evil they don't quite match up to the villains higher up on this list.


#7: Mami Kuriyama, the vengeful teacher from Episode 8
So whats worse than helping your friend rape your girlfriend? How about a teacher who wants to send another teacher to hell but doesn't want to go to hell herself so she tricks one of her students into doing the dirty work for her (thus getting the student damned to hell when she dies). This is exactly what Mami Kuriyama sensei tries to do in episode 8. This episode is also interesting because it explores the idea of someone creating a fake Hell Correspondence website. When she was a middle school student, Mami Kuriyama hated her strict teacher, Shouko Baba (aka Baba-sensei), and contacted Hell Correspondence to have Baba-sensei sent to hell. However Kuriyama didn't want to be damned to hell herself when she died so she refused to pull the string on the doll. We find out later that Kuriyama blames Baba-sensei for her not getting into the High School of her choice and for her parent's divorce (she never explains her logic behind these accusations but to be fair she probably doesn't have any). Fast forward 9 years and Kuriyama is now a teacher at the same school as Baba Sensei and sets up a fake Hell Correspondence website to try and bully Baba-sensei and also lure a student into hating Baba-sensei so much that they can access the real Hell Correspondence website. Eventually Kuriyama finds that student, Waka Ikami is good with computers and she is blamed for setting up the fake Hell Correspondence site. Though she denies this she is suspended. Kuriyama contacts Ikami and tells her that it was Baba-sensei who set up the website and urges her to come to the school computer lab and enter in Baba-sensei's name on the real Hell Correspondence website. A girl does show up and meet Kuriyama at the school computer lab but instead of Ikami it is Enma Ai herself. Kuriyama reveals her plan and is overheard by Baba-sensei who recognizes Kuriyama as one of her former students. Baba-sensei tells Kuriyama that by trying to sacrifice a student for her own ends, Kuriyama has done something that is unforgivable as a teacher. Kuriyama watches helplessly as Baba-sensei enters Kuriyama's name into Hell Correspondence and pulls the string right in front of her. You really feel bad for Baba-sensei but things end on a bitter sweet note as another one of Baba-sensei's former students joins the school teaching staff shortly after this. This new teacher takes the time to thank Baba-sensei, saying that she hated her in middle school but now that she has grown up she realizes it was just tough love. Though she knows that she is destined for hell at this point, this is enough to make Baba-sensei smile.

Maybe I am a bit biased, being a teacher myself, but to me Mami Kuriyama's actions are just a bit more evil than Hiroshisa's actions. Both of them tricked someone that trusted them (and true Hiroshisa actually got away with it) but to me Kuriyama's motives make her a bit more evil than Hiroshisa. A teacher is supposed to care for their students and try to help them succeed in life. Kuriyama though tries to condemn one of her students to hell all for the sake of sending a teacher to hell that was tough on her in middle school. I mean seriously that is all kinds of messed up. Kuriyama also comes off as even more evil than she is when compared to Baba-sensei who comments that being sent to hell when she dies is a fitting punishment for producing a teacher as horrible as Kuriyama. Yes I will admit that it was a close competition for the #7 spot between Hiroshisa and Kuriyama and yes my being a teacher probably caused a bit of bias but since I don't want any ties on this list I am giving the edge to Kuriyama (who surprisingly isn't the worst teacher on this list).


#6: Kuniji Kanno, the political father from Episode 15
An old joke I am fond of says that the word "politics" is made up of two words, "poli" which means "many" and "tics" which are blood sucking insects. All kidding aside politics can and has divided many a family throughout history and the Kanno family from Season 2 Episode 15 is a very interesting case. Is it really politics that divides this family or something else? Yuriko Kanno and her father Kunjii are heavily involved in an upcoming political campaign. Yuriko misses school and Kunjii misses work leaving his wife Harumi to work long hours in the families textile workshop. On top of working pretty much to exhaustion, Harumi is also criticized by her husband for not being more involved with the campaign, as Kunjii puts it, his wife not showing up to help is a "embarrassment" to him. The father gets upset easily and seems to blame all of his problems on politics and the current administration in Japan. He seems to treat the campaign as an escape and it doesn't do him any good when his daughter Yuriko clearly begins to outshine him as a campaign worker. With the two set to work at an upcoming campaign speaking event, things come to a head when Harumi collapses from exhaustion after working such long hours. Yuriko misses the campaign event to visit her mother in the hospital. Although Yuriko blames the current administration for her mother having to work till she is exhausted, Harumi says that things were actually harder in the past but back then the whole family worked together. Furthermore Harumi reveals that Kunjii has mortgaged the house, the family textile workshop, and even took all the money out of Yuriko's savings account to support the family since he is not making any money due to working on the campaign. After taking out so many loans, Kunjii has driven the family into a crippling debt and they are about to lose their house and business. In reality though Kunjii doesn't care about politics, he just uses it as a scapegoat for all the problems in his life. As if that wasn't enough Harumi shows Yuriko's bruises on her arms from when Kunjii beat her for saying she would take Yuriko and leave. Harumi says she has bruises like those all over her body.

When Yuriko returns to the political campaign event, she finds everyone looking sullen because apparently her father had a confrontation with a guest and the event was a disaster. Who does Kunjii blame? His daughter for not being there and his wife for being in the hospital of course! In fact when Kunjii makes the comment that his wife should just "go and kick the bucket" Yuriko snaps and pushes her father down. Kunjii grabs his daughter by the hair and only the intervention of other campaign workers keep him from striking his daughter. In a private meeting with Kunjii, the campaign manager suggests a plan to distract from the disastrous campaign event by highlighting safety issues in a certain area that Yuriko happens to pass through on her way home. He asks Kunjii if it would be alright to have some masked men scare his daughter a bit just to make a story. Kunjii then makes his biggest dirtbag move yet, encouraging the campaign manager to go all out so his daughter can learn about the "horrors of the real world". As planned Yuriko is assaulted and bound with tape by two masked men who then proceed to grope her. Thankfully Wanyuudo scares the men off before they can go further. Scared, Yuriko returns to the campaign HQ only to over hear her father talking with the men who attacked her, scolding them for screwing up. Yuriko goes to enter her father's name on Hell Correspondence but her request is rejected because it turns out her mother Harumi has already sent Kunjii to hell. The last scene shows Harumi and Yuriko packing up their house which has been repossessed.

In some ways Kunjii Kanno is similar to Kazuko Ougi. Both neglected their own families, prefering instead to obsess over something else. While Kazuko at least could say she was just grieving the death of her son, Kunjii has no excuse for his actions. To recap the man takes no responsibility for his own actions, choosing to blame others instead. His financial irresponsibilities (including outright draining his own daughter's savings account) have bankrupted his family, he beats his wife, and to top it all off he actually encourages someone to RAPE HIS OWN DAUGHTER which automatically makes him worse than Hiroshisa. Just like with Kuriyama, Kunjii is someone with a responsibility (in his case as a father) for children and just like Kuriyama, Kunjii utterly fails in this responsibility with flying colors. Kunjii however is worse than Kuriyama because a parent's responsibility to their child is a family bond and should therefore be stronger than even a teacher's bond with their students. For these reasons Kunjii ranks at #6 on my list of the most evil villains in Jigoku Shoujo season 2. Only the fact that Kunjii isn't a sadist and doesn't have a body count leaves him out of the top 5.


#5: Eiko Kamishiro, the bullying science teacher from Episode 1
Remember when I said Kuriyama wasn't the worst teacher on this list? That dishonor belongs solely to Eiko Kamishiro. Season 1 Episode 1 gave us a bratty schoolgirl bully. Season 2 Episode 1 gives us a teacher that really really REALLY should never have passed a background check for mental health reasons. Schoolgirl Maki Onda is being viciously bullied by someone at her school. This bully does things like put staples in her shoes and live caterpillars in her pencil box and later her locker. Maki is heartened by the support of her science teacher Eiko Kamishiro-sensei. Well this is Jigoku Shoujo so I give you one guess who the bully is...yes its Kamishiro-sensei herself. Still a teacher bullying her students is not all the unique in Jigoku Shoujo and Kuriyama-sensei actually was willing to damn one of her students to hell just to get revenge. So what makes Kamishiro-sensei the #5 villain on my list? Her motive...or lack of one. When Maki realizes that Kamishiro-sensei is bullying her she gets a doll from Ai but doesn't pull the string yet (because the episode still had some time to kill being evil I guess). The next day at school Kamishiro-sensei locks herself in a room with Maki and starts to drip a bottle of acid over her, burning her skin. Why is Kamishiro-sensei doing all this...for lolz. Yes to Kamishiro-sensei this is all an amusing experiment with no real goal other than entertainment. In short this teacher is a sadist. Kamishiro-sensei is about to pour acid on Maki's face when the girl manages to get free just long enough to send her psycho science teacher to hell.

Kamishiro ranks at #5 on my list of the most evil villains in Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori because she is a purely evil character who has no rational motive for the evil acts they commit. She bullies Maki because she finds it fun. In fact I would have ranked Kamishiro higher on this list except for 3 factors. First Kamishiro doesn't directly or indirectly cause the death of anyone (at least that we see in this episode). Secondly for as evil as Kamishiro is her actions are limited in scope and only affect a single student (again that we know of). Thirdly the end of the episode strongly implies that Kamishiro was not the only person bullying Maki, she was just responsible for the worse stuff. These factors along with how evil the last four villains on this list are, keep Kamishiro at #5 (though if you don't count the retired teacher who drowned the puppies in Season 1 then Kamishiro is the most evil teacher in Jigoku Shoujo (unless someone in Season 3 or 4 takes her crown of caterpillars and staples).


#4: Hhouki, the host club owner from Episode 4
Yes I know its strange that villain #4 on this list is from episode 4 but thats just how things worked out. Hhouki is the kind of villain who is motivated by greed and who has no problem with crime but prefers to let others handle the dirty stuff. A man named Shuichi Yagisawa is working hard to pay the cost for his wife, Chinami's disease. A while ago Hhouki, Shuichi and a 3rd man committed a robbery and made off with a large amount of money. Hhouki insisted that the 3 let him hold onto the money and split it later when things die down so they can avoid suspicion. When the 3rd man adamantly insists that they split the money now, Hhouki knocks him out and then hands Shuichi a metal rod, telling him the kill the 3rd guy or Hhouki will kill him (Shuichi) which would leave Chinami saddled with all of his debts while in the hospital too. Although hesitant, Shuichi does murder the 3rd guy and Hhouki gives him...NOTHING! Thats right, not only does Hhouki essentially force Shuichi to kill a man, he also refuses to give him any of the money from the robbery, preferring to keep it and spend it all on himself. After getting a doll from Ai, Shuichi tells Hhouki that he is going to turn himself in to the police and implicate Hhouki in the robbery unless he gets the money that evening. Rather than give Shuichi any money, Hhouki targets Chinami, visiting her in the hospital. Before Shuichi can arrive, Hhouki tells Chinami (who is a Christian interestingly enough) all that her husband has done including about the murder. This causes Chinami to become distressed and her condition gets worse. Shuichi tries to pull the nurse's chord to summon the nurses but Hhouki stops him, demanding that Shuichi never appear before him again. When Shuichi hesitates, Hhouki breaks the nurse's chord and in response Shuichi sends this scumbag to hell.

Hhouki is a perfect example of why crime just doesn't pay (lack of financial security for one, need to deceive for two...). Hhouki's motive is greed, pure and simple. He will do whatever it takes to make money and if anyone gets in his way he has them killed. He seems willing to kill others but prefers to make others do it for him. The fact that he is also willing to use a man's hospitalized wife as leverage on multiple occasions is also pretty evil. To be perfectly honest I almost ranked Kamishiro-sensei at #4 on this list but Hhouki edges her out because he actually forces another man to kill someone (as in kill them or I will kill you). At the same time the fact that Hhouki doesn't TECHNICALLY kill anyone himself (at least the episode gives no indication that he does or has) and lack of a body count is a problem that my #3 choice most certainly does NOT have.


#3: Matsu Uetsuki, the manipulative geisha from Episode 16
Matsu Uetsuki is an odd villain because you actually start the episode rooting for her and her new apprentice Ran Henmi to get back at a piece of dung named Osamu Tejima who apparently swindled a lot of money from Ran's company. So how does a somewhat likable femme fatale end up as the #3 most evil villain in Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori...well the fact that I called her the "manipulative geisha" should be a big clue. At first Matsu seems to be supportive of Ran who she helps get back at Osamu by giving her one heck of makeover (Ran starts off as a rather shy and mousy girl) so that she can seduce Osamu without him recognizing her. By the end of the night Osamu has been completely cleaned out (Ran gets him drunk at one point and turns his phone over to Matsu who uses it to transfer all of his money out of his account). At the end of the night Ran only asks for enough money to make up for what Osamu stole but Matsu suspiciously insists that they split the money 50-50. Ran, who is too innocent to suspect anything, agrees to this and goes about her life for a bit. When it comes out that Osamu has committed suicide as a result of losing all his money, Ran panics and says she will turn herself in. Here is where the real Matsu first appears. It turns out that Matsu Uetsuki has been manipulating and blackmailing people for years including at least one girl who she recently murdered. Matsu tells Ran that they are equal partners in this and so she can't turn herself in...besides they split the money 50-50. When Ran still plans to turn herself in, Matsu produces a knife and fatally stabs Ran before taking the money and running. As Ran lays dying she is able to enter Matsu's name on Hell Correspondence with Hone Onna's help and pull the string. Before being sent to hell, Matsu is confronted by the spirits of all of those she has manipulated (and possibly killed) over the years (and there are a lot of them). Included among these is the spirit of Ran which confirms that she did in fact die as a result of the stabbing.

Matsu Uetsuki makes #3 on this list mostly for the sheer size of her body count (which is arguably the highest of season 2 and quite possibly the highest in the series). Like Hhouki she is deceptive and greedy but unlike him she clearly has NO problem with getting her hands dirty even if she still likes to manipulate women into helping her out too. What keeps Matsu from not being higher on this list is that she is clearly not pure evil. I mean she DOES keep her promise about getting back at Osamu (who does apparently deserve most of what he gets) and unlike Hhouki she actually agrees to split the money, even insisting on splitting it fairly (though she did have an ulterior motive for doing so). Even so Matsu is clearly a femme fatale worth fearing and so she has earned the #3 most evil villain spot even if just on her body count alone.


#2: Toshiya Kakinuma, the vengeful scriptwriter from Episode 14
Although Takuma Kurebayashi is gets a little annoying by the end of Season 2, his story is a horribly tragic one that beings back in Episode 14 when a floundering scriptwriter named Toshiya Kakinuma sets into motion a chain of events that indirectly lead to the insanity that is the season 2 finale in the town of Lovely Hills (see its different because these hills are lovely and not silent at all). Kakinuma wants revenge on Takuma's father, Eiichi Kurebayashi because some time ago Eiichi was a producer and Kakinuma worked with him on many productions however Eiichi got nearly all the credit for the productions and became moderately famous. When the Kurebayashi family moves to New York, Kakinuma has trouble finding work and ends up in financial trouble. During this time he apparently got a woman named Sayaka Yoshizaki pregnant...or at least she was before Kakinuma pushed her down a flight of stairs to get rid of the baby (so yeah thats about the kind of evil we are dealing with here). When the Kurebayashi family returns to Japan, Kakinuma hatches a plan to get vengeance on them. First of all he spreads rumors that the family's son, Takuma, is the "Devil's Child" and that he kills animals and things like that. As a result people leave angry messages and trash in the front yard of the Kurebayashi house, tormenting them. All this time Kakinuma comes to Eiichi as a sympathetic friend. Next Kakinuma fires a crossbow bolt at Eiichi's wife, Reiko. Kakinuma later said he only intended to wound Reiko but the bolt hits Reiko in the neck, killing her. As Kakinuma flees the scene to avoid being identified, he leaves behind the crossbow where Takuma unwittingly picks it up just in time for a passerby to see the boy holding it. The rumor quickly spreads that Takuma has killed his own mother with a crossbow bolt. To make a long story short, Takuma and Eiichi eventually learn that Kakinuma is behind the murder of Reiko. In disbelief Eiichi goes to Kakinuma's home and asks him directly if he killed his wife. Although Kakinuma denies that he had anything to do with Reiko's death, Eiichi accidentally knocks over a surf board and discovers crossbow bolt holes in one side of it. He turns back to Kakinuma to see the man break a bottle and threaten him with it. Takuma sees this through a window (Kakinuma lives nearby the Kurebayashi house) and the boy rushes over to help his father but arrives to see a wounded and unconscious Eiichi (we find out later he is alive) and a crazed Kakinuma who turns and prepares to kill Takuma. The boy is saved when Kakinuma is sent to hell by his former lover Sayaka just in the nick of time. Unfortunately two police officers enter after Kakinuma disappears. Seeing Takuma alone with his bleeding and unconscious father they conclude that the Devil's Child tried to kill his father too. This sets up the events of the season 2 finale with Takuma being tormented and labeled the "Devil's Child."

Considering that Kakinuma is the catalyst behind the whole Devil's Child rumor that makes the season finale and all the evil that goes on in Lovely Hills possible, its hard not to rank him very high on this list. To recap the man kills his lover's baby by knocking her down some stairs while she is pregnant, he shoots a mother in the neck with a crossbow and blames it on her son (regardless of if he meant to kill her or not) and very nearly kills a father and his former business partner and attempts to kill a little boy on top of that. All this over seething resentment over something that really isn't the fault of Eiichi or anyone else in the Kurebayashi family. The sheet amount of planning and deception that went into the evil committed by Toshiya Kakinuma, and the far reaching consequences of his evil, make him an easy choice for one of...if not the most evil villain in Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori. However there is one last villain on this list and with him in the series I just couldn't help but relegate Kakinuma to the #2 most evil villain spot.


#1: Unknown Criminal, the roadway rapist from Episode 2
Based on my list Toshiya Kakinuma is the most evil NAMED villain in Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori but he narrowly loses the top spot to a man with no name (at least none that the episode gives us). The unknown criminal, who I took to calling the "Roadway Rapist" is so evil that it is fitting that the show does not give him a name because not truly a man...but a monster, a dangerous predator who preys on the weak and helpless and whose appetite can never be sated. Although we only get to see one of his victims (Sumire Kurayoshi and that is in flashbacks and visions) it is strongly implied that he has had a number of victims. The Roadway Rapist abducted Sumire, a young girl, when she was walking along on the road. After getting her in his car, he proceeded to rape and then murder the little girl, putting her small body into a suitcase and and throwing it into a lake. Visions by Sumire's older sister, Yayoi suggest that Sumire was still alive when the suitcase entered the water and that she drowned whilst trapped inside of the suitcase (though it is also possible she was killed and then put in the suitcase). All of this is bad enough but what really made this guy a lock for the most evil villain spot was his motive which is revealed after the string is pulled on him. We see the Roadway Rapist hunting for more prey along the road in the evening. He spots a girl that we find out is Ai and tries to lure her into his care. When Ai ignores him, the Roadway Rapist prepares to run her down with his car justifying it by saying its the girl's own fault for ignoring him. Let me repeat that...according to his is justifiable to run over and kill a little girl with a car because she refused to get into your car when you want to rape her. This sick twisted logic is why the Roadway Rapist stayed in my number on spot throughout the season.

Now I am sure some people are saying that I am making some assumptions about the guy so just as an intellectual exercise lets assume the best about the Roadway Rapist. Lets assume that Sumire was his first victim and that Ai was going to be his second (and therefore last) victim. This means that the Roadway Rapist would only have a single person in his body count. Even then the fact that that person was a little girl, the fact that he picked her up off the side of the road with no idea who she was (proven by the way he approaches Ai even though he has no idea who she is...he hunts strangers), and the fact that he raped and brutally murdered this little girl would still make the Roadway Rapist the most evil villain in Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori. In many ways he takes qualities from other villains on this list and combines them into one hot mess of evil. There is the raping, the lack of responsibility, the willingness to target innocents, and the purely evil motive clinched it for me with this monster. Put simply, the Roadway Rapist doesn't kidnap, rape, and murder Sumire to get back at her family or to get money or to teach someone a lesson or anything like that. No, the Roadway Rapists rapes Sumire (and presumably other little girls) BECAUSE HE CAN! To me the purest form of evil is just that, hurting others for no other reason other than the fact that you can and you want to.


Well that is my list of the top 10 most evil villains in Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori. I will now get started on watching Mitsuganae and hope to have my list for that season of Jigoku Shoujo out in time for the premiere of Jigoku Shoujo Yoi no Togi (which apparently airs starting on July 15th). I will post the Mitsuganae list on the Mitsuganae forums so look for it there if you enjoyed this list.

So anyway this is Seekster exists...hell really exists.

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