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Jan 28, 2017 5:04 AM

Oct 2013
Quite the developments and ending. Well the kidnapper didn't get phased much it seemed from her turning psycho last ep. That he died couldn't be helped, being careless enough to leave the phone which he recorded the truth about the voyuer guy for some reason.

Surprised about the progress of pregnancy though. Innocent baby death, which maybe could of been saved since she was able to escape anyway so she had choice of going to safety. I guess she despaired too much, can't blame her I guess. Also she spoke really slurred at times so couldn't understand what she said at times.

So the voyuer guy was indeed alive and even in good health. Well seemed he would get aressted at end though. Wonder if he shared his collection or just kept it to himself? In any case, he had some pretty good material ^^; And its interesting that he would fap to video of dead girl (although he didn't know)

I suppose the ice cube play was sensible since she said she was hot XD well certainly it looked painful when she gushed blood from his fist and got the bloody spurting from the thrusting.

Loled at her saying 'demon descending' since its usually angels who descend and she was all crazy (*≧▽≦)ノシ)) the pe uniform play was pretty crazy as well. Wiping the pee with the top was funny XD
Also the shop manager scolding the interviewers for doing an interview instead of finding the culprit after a whole month. And he sure has quite collection of cosplay in any case.

The apartment building was called suzuki mirano apparently. Interesting self-promotion or perhaps inside joke??

I am guessing it would be ending, only way to continue is alt events. Well many unique plays in this hentai not found elsewhere I would say.
User-sanJan 28, 2017 5:38 AM
Jan 28, 2017 10:20 AM
Jul 2016
That was awful to say the least. This was one of those things like school days where it kind of had fap material but I just couldn't "feel it" lol
Jan 28, 2017 7:39 PM

Aug 2011
Fisting with blood ain't my thing. Couldn't feel it.
Jan 29, 2017 7:17 PM

Jul 2010
Even though I understood what happened, the skip of her being pregnant and jumping off the roof to a scene where she's all okay and working at the conbi didn't make sense tbh.
Jan 30, 2017 4:58 AM

Oct 2013
@Omnime the last part showing her fine at konbini is in one of his tousatsu videos on his laptop (taken from before she got kidnapped). Notice how the lighting seemed similar to his over videos, like there's a greenish tint
Feb 4, 2017 9:19 AM

Oct 2009
User-san said:
only way to continue is alt events.

Not necessarily, they can always make a special with some skipped sex scenes. Although I don't see it happening
Feb 4, 2017 8:45 PM

Feb 2013
Wow it DID happened at the end... Very dramatic way to finish it...

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Feb 4, 2017 9:53 PM

May 2015

Oh boy... I am speechless. That was a tragic end. The moral degeneration of our heroine + getting mad because of all that happened to her was conjunction with her finding her boyfriend situation (even though she didn’t know he was a scumbag) you can blame her for trying to escape the situation like she did (even though I feel bad for the baby [it wasn’t the child fault]) in a sense it was somewhat realistic. This hentai was a real psychological thriller from beginning to end.

On a side note:
The thing is no matter what... I think this girl fate was to be unhappy, either this was going to happen with his scumbag boyfriend or like we saw in this hentai with Ash wannabe-kun. It is sad... :(
Feb 10, 2017 4:59 PM

Sep 2012
That whole Hentai was really strange? disturbing? Well it got awfuler and awfuler every episode, but it was quite interesting to see what would happen next. I didn't expect that kind of end.

Pretty funny that they caught the voyeur too haha
Trying to watch all available anime series so you won't have to anymore, the list of anime I can recommend is still in progress, tho
Feb 10, 2017 6:38 PM

Jun 2013
One of the most fucked up plots in my all days. Like damn I really wanted her to be able to get free and at least have the child but I guess the video on the phone was too much for her. Could've done without the ice cube scene though.
sonicfan7474Mar 15, 2017 3:23 PM
Feb 14, 2017 1:48 AM

Jun 2016
Aside from the whole tragic ending, the fact that they show vanilla scenes in the clips overview on the laptop is like an insult to anyone who thought they want to get off just good ol' hentai.
Feb 23, 2017 11:19 PM
Feb 2017
So something that I am perplexed about, I'm not going to say the last scene with her didn't make sense it just kind of didn't add up to me. I could maybe see it in the sense that it was all too much for her to take, I guess. But then there's this other part of my brain that argues, "well she was already gone by episode three after he made her eat bits of her own excrement."

To better explain what I mean, I view it like this: let's say you're having intercourse with someone and you're worried about pregnancy, (let's pretend this is the only thing we have to worry about for this example) it wouldn't make sense to worry about pregnancy if she's already in her first trimester. One can't get more pregnant. See what I'm saying?

She was already mentally broken over the year he had been constantly doing what ever the hell he wanted with her. So if she's already lost her mental faculties, why would finding out her ex-boyfriend is a scumbag tip the scale? It would be different if she was internally keeping herself together, but that wasn't the case. She was completely out of it. So that last part didn't really sit all that well with me. But then again, this was recommended to me as an alternative to NTR so I'm not surprised about the gruesome nature of it.

Plus it also kind I rubbed me the wrong way that she was just some random woman that was trying to live her life and go about her day-to-day. However she just happened to come across two completely reprehensible asshole's. Well, main guy was way worse than an asshole, old boyfriend was just a complete sleaze. But it's Hentai so of course it gonna be horrible, especially hentai of this nature.
Feb 24, 2017 12:56 AM

Oct 2013
testjhnn said:
Plus it also kind I rubbed me the wrong way that she was just some random woman that was trying to live her life and go about her day-to-day. However she just happened to come across two completely reprehensible asshole's.
Well, these things happen.
testjhnn said:
She was already mentally broken over the year he had been constantly doing what ever the hell he wanted with her. So if she's already lost her mental faculties, why would finding out her ex-boyfriend is a scumbag tip the scale? It would be different if she was internally keeping herself together, but that wasn't the case. She was completely out of it. So that last part didn't really sit all that well with me.
It is not so easy to understand the minds of people who went crazy. Maybe she had forgotten about ex all this time, but the video reminded her and provided a shock.
Feb 24, 2017 5:40 PM

Apr 2015
Fuck this hentai, I haven't seen something so sickening since Kowaku no Toki and Euphoria.

Suzuki Mirano is like Collaboration Works' evil twin.
Feb 24, 2017 6:04 PM

Oct 2009
testjhnn said:
She was already mentally broken over the year he had been constantly doing what ever the hell he wanted with her. So if she's already lost her mental faculties, why would finding out her ex-boyfriend is a scumbag tip the scale? It would be different if she was internally keeping herself together, but that wasn't the case. She was completely out of it. So that last part didn't really sit all that well with me.

Maybe giving up any resistance was her way of defending herself, and the thought that someone still cared about her was the last thing that allowed her to keep persevering
Mar 5, 2017 11:13 PM

Aug 2016
This is just too cruel. Probably as sad as Emergence H manga. :(
May 12, 2017 11:34 AM

May 2017
This story because it was too intense... it made me angry, so much angry! Just like several once of similar things that happened.
I really hate when scumbags win... and innocent gets the end of the stick
Yet this story portraits a set of realism to victims of this that happens to in modern times in japan (and around the world).

I cried out of anger and desperation, I could not hold it... because I put myself on the heroine shoes.
I've also seen articles regarding this topic and none has good endings.

Let me start explaining... Japan is a society of shame, most of us knows this. Women in japan are treated as second class since its a machismo society with hypocrisy. Women are taught since childhood to be submissive and quiet and shut up everything they are done to them else they will face public humiliation and that is taboo to a japanese person.

So modern japan, when being raped or sexually abused, they do not call for help, they prefer to be raped than call for help... because they do not want to face public humiliation by people known they got raped. because japan society is cruel and they will dishonor and humiliate them in public.

Even worst! People, and EVEN THE POLICE blame the woman victim saying it was her fault in the first place... That she did something to provoke being raped. WHERE IS THE JUSTICE!
That's why you see many stories and cases of women shutting up when being molested in a train... because if they scream, they are the one who looses... so they loose either way... so they prefer to shut up and let themselves be used.

Old men... they are the worst. They can molest a young girl and get away with it because if the young girl complains, police and people will frown upon her and say "He is just an old man, he doesn't know better". (This one was confirmed by a Japanese english speaking girl's tale on a youtube video that she felt victim of).

Japanese people, they don't care... and its one of the reasons why there are so many brothels out there. Because women victim of this have 3 options: 1) Suicide (In this case with the story's heroine) 2)Become a whore in a brothel or prostitute because no one will want them anymore; and 3) Become a sex slave to the perpetrator and live a lifeless life.

Most of them end up as nymphos and will never learn and know what real love is.
This is why this story's sad ending is realistic... because its one of the options to a innocent girl fall victim of these and never will receive help...
and I hate these injustices!

Hentai is just fantasy, it would be great if it stays as fantacy... but there are mad people out there who sees hentai and want to cross the line between fantasy and realism and some actually do and women fall victims like this girl in japan... with no way out...
Police doesn't even care... they file the cases and forgets them, (Confirmed by an article about rape in japan).
We westerners should feel grateful that we have laws and that police cares and wants to bring Justice to these women... but other countries are not so lucky.
Its either submit or die.
And worst, scumbag bastards just goes 'meh' another loss, and then goes to find a new victim.
Aug 27, 2017 11:49 AM

Apr 2015
the heck happen?!?
Sep 20, 2017 4:13 PM
Nov 2012
SHit was hella disturbing
Mar 6, 2018 4:17 AM
Aug 2016
Oh boiia, I could see that coming, but didn't think I'd stumble upon something as unsettling as Kazama Mana and Bondage Game .
Sep 9, 2018 1:19 PM

Jul 2011
Damn this hentai was a little too real, lol. Main girl was actually beaten and kept her bruises during the rape which isn't shown much in animated form. Her mental breakdown and lack of resistance was like a defense mechanism to ease pain of her situation, just too sad.

Was kind of piss Natsuko basically just living her life and got caught in this whirlwind of BS between the two assholes, usually Bad Ends have something bad happen to everyone or the main girl deserved it somehow but the two assholes got off easy compared to her. Too close to a "Ripped from the Headlines" type deal with this hentai.

The sex scenes wasn't really animated that great to get over the disturbing setting so it was pure shock and thriller all the way to the end for me. R.I.P Natsuko.
Apr 16, 2019 9:29 PM
Jan 2019
dude this anime studio has got balls to do such a series
Oct 7, 2019 11:42 AM

Sep 2016
ok well... this story was fucked up

I put myself on the heroine shoes.. fisting with blood/enema/mind break is really not my thing.. but i do enjoy disturbing/fucked up stories a lot

plus a bittersweet ending perhaps?

the studios have balls to make such series and i like it xD
Feb 10, 2021 8:20 PM

Aug 2018
The suffering finally ends. Shits like this could really exist in this world.
Feb 22, 2021 12:55 PM
Feb 2021
For all those who have enjoyed watching this anime I am seriously worried about you. But the main and troubling problem is that this hentai was made for pleasure! So sorry if I can't understand how you managed to appreciate scenes of rape, violence (but serious violence), bullying, vomiting, inhumanity, ...I honestly felt really bed.

This is my opinion, I ask you not to bother to answer me contradicting what I think because it would not make sense since they are only my ideas. If you are disappointed, go and appreciate other reviews that are more satisfying for you :)
Apr 21, 2021 5:08 AM
Dec 2019
Four episodes 4 times ejaculation the fisting turned me off a few seconds but over all it was satisfying. The ending was too realistic.I wanted her to fell in love with sou-chan after knowing her boyfriend was selling her nude pics
May 15, 2021 9:33 PM

May 2016
Thinking that this would end any other way than how it did was rather naive of me. Damn, that ending was bleak.

She was able to drag the two men that ruined her life with her during her final moments, at least. Yikes.

Jun 10, 2021 8:42 PM
Jul 2018
All around just a horribly tragic end for our girl, but I'm glad the scumbag boyfriend will be held accountable for his actions. Wow... just wow. This was like watching somebody's nightmare. Art/animation was decent for hentai, but I can't say I found anything sexy. I don't know that I even really enjoyed anything after the first episode. I was just unable to look away. Absolutely incredible.

Edit: I decided to look into the visual novel and it seems like they chose to adapt the most depressing ending possible. I... have to give them props for that, I guess! The original visual novel is a raising simulation and there's a lot of different endings, including a good(?) ending where
Gotta love the screwed up minds at Tinkerbell.
removed-userOct 11, 2021 7:27 AM
Jul 21, 2021 4:27 PM
Apr 2021
The animation was great, the story was a good idea but WTF were episode 3 and 4 i think i need to be purified now like WTF i need to see my therapist.
I dont know what i just watched and im sry for the rest of the people who watched it.
the cooking szene was awful and i dont know what else to say but why does this exist.
Feb 23, 2022 9:37 PM
Jul 2018
Ah sad story 😢, Bad ending.. Im looking this guy so lol
Mar 15, 2023 5:15 AM
Mar 2017
Just so damn nasty. While the scenes were overall good the abusive in between just made it real hard to feel anything.
Normally you have your usual rapi*st but this time you had 2! swine where one was a rapis*, kidnapper and abuser all into one.
This young woman suffered so much it just took over the hentai...
May 14, 2023 3:57 AM
Oct 2021
I already watched Hentai with bad ending like Last Waltz and more but this one is really hits different than those all...I watched for the plot actually but still...this is worse ending I've ever seen in Hentai version...I cried for real for this one.

I don't blame the heroine because at least she tried to escape and already refused but that bullshit threatened her before raped her like that...not like another Hentai with rape genre, this is just too realistic for rape genre. if I am on her place I would do the same thing and maybe I got caught just like that too and lost my mind from that creep doing those all to her to me

Overall the plots is really nice but the ending are kind of bullshit. I don't know if visual novel version had a different ending, if it is then I would rate it for 10/10...I should play the visual novel version and it's life or death situation...if there still got a bad ending, I'm done with this Hentai...for now I should give it 6/10

Just make another damn different ending! This is just too emotional for me!
May 17, 2023 9:00 AM

Jun 2011
Fitting end to all of this.
Aug 8, 2023 10:37 AM
Feb 2016
It makes little sense as to how the guy went after her. Is he really loved her why would he hurt her so much instead of showing what she did not see?

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