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Feb 18, 2017 1:48 PM

Nov 2015
I can't go on choosing which way to go. Can any admin just choose one power from the list, and I'll replace the illegal power of clairvoyance with the new power. All of these powers are equally fine for me as a replacement power.

1 - Limit Break (6 post Cooldown, remove all daze/freeze/stun effects.)
2 - Blood contract (- A young dragon as a companion that may be used as a mount.)
3 - Noblesse Oblige (Political glibness, good in politics and diplomacy and organizing things in a large scale.)
4 - Blessing of Blades (High proficiency with bladed weapons. Can draw the maximum potential out of any blade)
5 - Miraging Riposte (If parrying or deflecting with a weapon, on a cooldown of 4 posts, can either visually conceal a counter-attack or make a counter-attack happen illusionary despite there was no counter-attack. 4 post cooldown. Attack option chosen secretly.)
Feb 20, 2017 12:04 AM

Jul 2015
Serena Lavine

"This world is so cruel"

Avnore_AlterFeb 21, 2017 8:08 PM

Feb 21, 2017 8:12 AM
Nov 2016
Name: Sanya
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Personality: She's sweet, honest, genuine and independent. But, she is a cautious girl.
Your king/queen: Yui
Level: 1
Powers: Echolocation
Power Explanation: Uses sound waves and echoes to detect anything, to communicate ~ Call All and as a direct attack ~ Sonar Wave - 3 posts cooldown .

Weapon: She has studied how to wield this with her echolocation. It sets her in par with her opponent.

Bio: Sanya grew up in a loving family but sickness took her mom and while father fought against barbarians to defend her. Lost and alone, she did everything to survive. Until she reached to a point where to gain strength, she must lose her sight.


PS: Despite all this misfortunes, she believed it all had a purpose. Her parents were her strength all along.
MiNaMeEFeb 28, 2017 6:18 AM
Feb 21, 2017 11:27 AM

Mar 2014

Feb 21, 2017 11:28 AM

Mar 2014
Inaru-sama said:
I can't go on choosing which way to go. Can any admin just choose one power from the list, and I'll replace the illegal power of clairvoyance with the new power. All of these powers are equally fine for me as a replacement power.

1 - Limit Break (6 post Cooldown, remove all daze/freeze/stun effects.)
2 - Blood contract (- A young dragon as a companion that may be used as a mount.)
3 - Noblesse Oblige (Political glibness, good in politics and diplomacy and organizing things in a large scale.)
4 - Blessing of Blades (High proficiency with bladed weapons. Can draw the maximum potential out of any blade)
5 - Miraging Riposte (If parrying or deflecting with a weapon, on a cooldown of 4 posts, can either visually conceal a counter-attack or make a counter-attack happen illusionary despite there was no counter-attack. 4 post cooldown. Attack option chosen secretly.)

i do not know, please ask to @CuddlyAngel15
Feb 22, 2017 12:19 AM

Mar 2014
Serena Lavine

Feb 23, 2017 8:14 PM

Dec 2016
Name: Amorosa Celestial
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Demon
Personality: She tends to have an energetic and very charismatic nature to her. Mostly trying to enjoy things, and taking things with ease. She is also quiet smart, though can be rather clumsy at certain times. Despite being friendly, she can turn into a very evil and cunning like person, when the situation arises
Your king/queen: Yui
Role: Assasin/Spy
level: 1 (unfortunately)
Powers: Dark Elemental Magic
Power Explanation:
- Dark black hell Flames -3 post use, 1 cooldown-
- flight
Weapon: Her staff and daggers
Bio: Amorosa grew up close to yui, in the same poor village. The two got along fine and have been through alot of tough times and alot of good times. She was shock to hear that her best friend was a candidate for queen. Yui wanted amorosa to go live in the castle right away but Amorosa wanted to train a bit before heading to the castle. She packed all her things and headed on her journey to Berry Island
Feb 24, 2017 10:53 PM

Mar 2016
Name: Xoul ((Name is Placeholder. The queen who finds and raises her gets to re-name her.))
Age: 1
Gender: Female ((While it doesnt have genitalia, It looks female, sounds female, and has tits. Its close enough.))
Race: Daughter of the Sun
Personality: Extremely passionate. She is generally a loving person(?) and will help if needs be. But if she gets too unstable she will run away. After all, its kinda awkward when your footsteps burn the grass and your body causes your sweat to evaporate.
Your king/queen: Yui
Role: Once again, decided by the queen who finds her.
level: 1
Powers: Solar Child
Power Explanation:
The Power is not an active power, but rather, a set of passive bonuses that are mostly conditional.

Weapon: She doesnt have any unless her Queen gives them to her.
Bio: In a total freak incident of nature, that cannot be explained or described, she was born. And by sheer coincidence, she was headed straight to earth. She could be called an alien, since she technically wasnt an earth-born creature. But its where she was brought to the waking world. Once she collides with this earth, her fate is decided by its denizens.

PS: You. Have. No. Idea. How hard it was to find a semi-suitable picture. This ones eyes are fiery so fuck it. She has no reproductive organs, and can be considered a naive child. She doesnt know ANYTHING. She was literally born yesterday. So whatever queen wants a potentially powerful girl they have to raise, here you are. I did this cause I really dont want to have to chose between Cuddly and Setsu, so ye. Have fun fighting over this one :P Also, keep in mind, I really dont plan to fight with her. Just a character to be able to RP here. Despite being a human-sized sun, her heat is contained within her body, and doesnt even reach the skin unless she gets unstable. In the end, you could totally call this character an experiment of mine. A naive child born into this world. I wonder what would happen, and who she would become. Lets find out shall we? >:3

This character was inspired by a song. Here it is.
Darth_LewdiousFeb 26, 2017 11:51 AM
Feb 26, 2017 10:24 AM

Mar 2014
Age 1??? Sorry you can't
You start with 2 power. Choose witch one you want... After that I can tell you if they are ok

And about queen you have to choose... After you choose that queen can find her.

But I really think she is a good character.. Can be used as one of the mission.. The winner gets this child.
Let's wait for cuddy what will she say

And if you will rp as a 1 year old child... How should you rp??
Feb 26, 2017 11:50 AM

Mar 2016
Why not? She was technically born in the sun so... I guess it could take 5 years to reach the earth :P

Well, she is sun-themed. So it would need to be Yui since light.

Most of those are really just a part of what she is. I marked the two actual powers. I stikeouted the things that could be considered powers and changed a couple of them.

But some of those things are unuseful and therefore should not be considered in the powers.

Well, maybe I should bump the age up, after all, she did actually fall from the sun. ANd maybe I should give her a bit of a personality. But she wouldnt know how to walk, eat, talk, or anything befitting of someone on this planet unless her caretaker teaches her. So I wouldnt be able to talk unless someone teaches her. Actually, well, her body was born fully developed, so I could totally keep her at one. And since she fell from the sun, she would have been ejected at immense velocity.

EDIT: And since she is so young, her personality will change based on experiences. Its an experiment of mine. I want to see what would happen. Like I said, this is a passive Character. If I get into an unavoidable fight, then I have no choice, but this character would not ever initiate a fight.
Feb 27, 2017 7:31 PM

Dec 2016


do you want like a whole story revolving around her? like finding her and stuff?
Feb 27, 2017 9:10 PM

Mar 2016
That is the idea. I can start with her falling from the sky and crashing somewhere. But idk where. Any ideas?
Feb 28, 2017 2:28 PM
Nov 2016
Name: since my profile itself already stole my main RP name, "Xenthas Zenith", and I don't feel like playing the twin sister, "Eclipse Zenith", I'll go to one of my backup RPs - Baine Yæda
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Unknown. Closest Biological Matches are Dark Elf, and recent decedents of the Nekomata, however, he also has genetic markers from several other species (most specializing in either Arcane Arts, or boasting heightened physical abilities), pointing to him possibly being a test subject for an illegal genetically enhanced super-soldier project..
Personality: Not much is known about Baine's personality, other than the fact that he rarely makes conversation, and his 'silent treatment' attitude, accompanied usually only by intimidating glares or deathly silence in response to peoples' inqueries. Coupled with his unknown background, and unreasonably large amounts of physical strength and stamina, as well as a masterful command of almost any Arcane Art, rumored also to include Taboo and Forbidden Arts known only by the name of "Oblivion Arts", gave him the nickname "Oblivion Reincarnate" among all who know of him.
Your king/queen: For reasons unknown, it seems Baine has aligned himself on the side of Light for the time being, though his motives and objectives remain unknown to anyone but himself.
Role: Being who... and What.. he is, he tends to find work as a Mercinary / Bounty Hunter..
Level: 1
Powers: Arcane Arts; Abnormal Strength, Speed, and Stamina; Physical Enhancement Magic (Mainly to bolster Defensive / Resistance abilities); "Oblivion Arts" (Currently Unknown)
Power Explanation:
> Infernal Arcane Arts: Weapon Enhancement. His Swords are now imbued with the power of fire, allowing any weapons capible of withstanding more than 1000 Degrees of heat to physically exude that heat for a period of up to 2 posts (any longer and even the best equipment will melt) [3 posts to let the blades cool off before they can be reignited. Additionally, if used while weilding any blade shorter than 40 inches, or made of any material with a heat resistance threshold BELOW 1000 degrees, equipment will melt / be rendered useless, and spell will fail.]
> Physical Enhancement: Divine Fortitude. For the next 2 posts, any attack, physical or arcane, deals 80% less damage than normal. [5 posts are needed to recharge used mana, an attempt to cast this spell again before then, without the use of mana supplication, will result in unconciousness or even death. In addition, Other Physical Enhancements, as well as Arcane Enhancements share this cooldown. Does not, however, significantly impede standard physical movements (ie. casting this will only drain mana, no loss in physical strength, speed, stamina, etc... will be observed)]
Weapon: Dual Wield: "Oblivion's Tears". A set of purple/black yin-yang styled Greatblades (Reference: "Oblivion's Tears" measure 64 inches long, 6 inches wide, and sharpened to a 1/50th of an inch-thick blade edge, with a body of up to 1 and a half inches thick, weighing in at an estimated 60 pounds per blade - It takes extreme strength to dual-wield these.)

Xenthas_ZenithFeb 28, 2017 5:33 PM
Feb 28, 2017 2:56 PM

Mar 2014
well most problem is "unknown" everything must be known when you are making a character...
* Your queen cant be unknown.. please choose
* level... you start from 1 lvl
* we cant use seconds.. we are using posts... so please change it too
* so he is like a fire user...
*please add what he is alike.. a picture..
*and where is his bio?

please add and change what i toled you.. as you change them... let me know so i would take a look again :)
Feb 28, 2017 3:56 PM
Nov 2016
Pretty-Setsu said:
well most problem is "unknown" everything must be known when you are making a character...
* Your queen cant be unknown.. please choose
* level... you start from 1 lvl
* we cant use seconds.. we are using posts... so please change it too
* so he is like a fire user...
*please add what he is alike.. a picture..
*and where is his bio?

please add and change what i toled you.. as you change them... let me know so i would take a look again :)

The point of the "Unknown" race part is that he doesn't really belong to any one race - As it says, he was a product of genetic experimentation, with the base being hybrid already (Dark Elf + Nekomata, presumeably*)

My queen is not marked as unknown.. has aligned himself with Light <-- that's the choice, the 'Good' or 'Light' Queen.

The point of the other "Unknowns" throughout the post is to give an air of mystique, and these points will be elaborated on as time progresses.

Sorry, I'll convert to posts... "Cooldown" automatically made me put it in seconds, like an RPG.,. >.< Fixed.

"Fire user" is not really accurate. As I/he gains levels, I plan to elaborate on the different variations of his skills - the Infernal Arcane Art (Fire Magic) I listed is only one type of spell, and is used on weapons - There are still the remainder of magical elements, AND different root purposes, like magic projectiles, etc.. etc...

Picture will be kindof hard... I purposefully make all my characters as 'one-off/unique' as possible, so as not to be totally uncreative / use the basic / common images everybody uses.

The bio is spread throught the other entries, and what is not mentioned currently, are things that will be revealed as time progresses.
Mar 2, 2017 11:45 AM
Apr 2016
Name: Arnvil Whitebeard

Age: 41

Gender: Male

Race: Dwarf

Personality: stubborn, un-forgetting, is respectfull for the following things; Age, Wealth, skill, craftsmanship "there is nothing more beautiful then a well crafted axe or sword with the exception of the beautifully gems from mount Gem" and ledership abillity, calm but short tempered is almost always seen smoking on a pibe this is to calm himself, or to relax or to increase focus, like all dwarfs he has a tendensy to be greedy. and like all dwarfs disike horses and if it can be avoided never intends to ride one either.

Your king/queen: Yui

Role: Royal Soldier

occupation: Blacksmith/Miner, Warrior (previously Captain of the Dwarven Royal Guard)

level: 1

Powers: Berserker,

Power Explanation:

Berserker: The user is able to empty oneself of all rational restraints in battle and completely immerse oneself in combat becoming a dangerous warrior for both friend and foe. The ability allows the user to ignore fatal physical damage as if it never affected them and continue fighting with a frightening level of stamina while also being unpredictable and erratic in combat, making it hard to counter them. The rareness of this power makes-up in one's opponent being super strong as it boosts the user's adrenaline and stamina to the point they are able to wear out their opponent through sheer tenacity and ferocity alone.
In some cases, user are able to go in a berserk form through sheer rage or when they are imminent danger.
- Is limitet can only be done in sheer rage out or on the battlefield (battlerage), will be deactived when the user runs out of "fuel" ( rage )
- Can not tell friend from foe when in bersker mode and can risk accidentally hurting or even killing allies, friends or loved ones.
- can not think logical while in berseker mode can only tink about killing the person in front of them
4 poster cooldown if not more depends on battle damage, after use will weaken the person as bersker mode often is a one time use beacuse while in bersker mode it adds enormous pressur on the body.

Weapon: Weapon crafted by Arnvils clansmen;

Arnvil Whitebeard was born in the dwarven capital Farthendur, deep beneath Mount Gem to a well known familiy, of miners and blacksmiths. When Arnvil turned 7, he was placed before the anvil to learn craftmanship and ironwork, by his father so he could live up to the clans reputation in this field. At the age of 16 he was a compitend blacksmith, at the same time Arnvil was now old enourgh, to begin working in the gem mines, of Mount Gem for King Zheng. When Arnvil turned 26 he joined the Dwarven army, to begin hes trainning as a warrior. After some years has past, he rose to the rank of Captian in the Royal Guard, as a gift his clansmen crafted him a dobbelblade axe, which is now his most treasured possession. After this Arnvil left the army, at the age of 34 to return to the dark chambers, were the sound of hammers meeting iron and steel, rang for his ears to try to craft a armor, which could match the weapon, he has been given. After many years of trying, he finally succeed but at the same time he was done, a terrible rumor has begun to wander through the halls of Farthendur, King Zeng was to retier, who was to succed him ? while the dwarfs discussed this, a new rumor began, the King had built a castle, in the middel of the island to his daughter Yui. What did this mean? Soon after the answer come too them, when strong people was seen entering the village near the castle. The kings children had decided, to fight over the throne. So be it, the dwarfs now began to discuss, who they should ally themself with. The dwarven elders could not decide, so the agreed to that those who chosse to fight, in this stride between prince and princsess, will have to chosse who to follow themself. Arnvil now at the age of 41, talked to his clans men about this, and he decided to leave Mount Gem and Farthendur, to join Princesess Yui and her course.


Battlearmor: Selfcrafted after many try's

Dwarfs is an anti magic race and can there for not prefrom magic of any kind but in return have a recciliens to magic,

Dwarves are a short, Muscular race, the males and females look alike as both have beards, and to a dwarf there beards mean a lot. Dwarfs live deep beneath the mountains and have mined themselves vast strongholds beneath theses mountain peaks. Dwarves are immensely strong and resilient they have broad hands and feet.
Mar 7, 2017 11:07 AM

Mar 2014
Lunar Scattered Bone

Mar 7, 2017 11:10 AM

Mar 2014
Arnvil Whitebeard

Mar 7, 2017 11:14 AM

Mar 2014
Baine Yæda

Mar 7, 2017 2:09 PM

Nov 2015
Considering how 'active' the good side is, may I ask special privilege that the frozen servant character gets approved? After all, you play two factions as well Setsu. @Pretty-Setsu
Mar 20, 2017 2:15 AM

Mar 2016

Love, Sympathy, Happiness? I've never heard of such thing in my life"

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