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Feb 18, 2018 7:04 PM
Feb 2018
Short summary
Discord name: Dragmuse#2521
Real name: Kody Brown
Age: 21 (Born 03/29/1996
Residence: Elizabethtown, Kentucky
Timeszone(s): UTC -6 (Currently, Winter time), UTC-5 (Summer time)
Gender: Male
Active time: 6am till about 10 am. Then, I usually am free after 4 pm. Depends on schedule with college.

Do you have any experience being a staff member?

-Warframe Clan (Recruiter, teacher, and Moderator)
-Staff for about 3 years (2013-2016)
-Clan died out eventually due to internal problems (I was inactive during this time because of college)

Why do you want to be a part of the MAC staff?
I have been part of chats for a long time but never found one that I ever stuck with because I was too young. But, I enjoy this chat with everyone and want to be able to help out Tatsumi with random nights of rule breaking.

What sets you apart from other potential staff members?
I enjoy chatting with like minded people who have interests that you normally can't easily find easily whether that is anime, video games, life, etc. I have experience in playing and making music, audio engineering, video editing, legal issues with media usage, business marketing and selling, and hosting.

What is your personality like?
I am a nice guy who enjoys deep conversations about career choices and why certain things click with people and their interests. Most will think that I will let things slide because of my accepting behavior, but I have taken precautions as a Warframe recruiter/teacher to inform and remind a person or persons on rules and if broken, they get striked or kicked from the guild.

Final Words
This will be my first time being just a moderator of a chat, if I get this position. But, I thought that since I absolutely enjoy this chat and the people that I should help make it grow. I have ideas to possibly help with the community and to help out with the event team.
Feb 22, 2018 4:10 PM
Oct 2017
Discord Username: レイジー#7755
Time Zone: EST

Why do i want to work with MAC ?
I want to work with MAC because i want to widen my horizon past just amino communities i would like to work with discord communities etc...

Why do i want to become a staff member ?
I want to become a staff member to help increase activity in the discord and help out members. Help moderate in general.

What sets me apart from other members ?
I am very experienced when it comes to moderating and being a staff member i own a community with 6,000+ members on this app called amino i also curate on several other amino communities i have been doing this for about 2 years now.

P.S: Please don't be discouraged in choosing me because of my short answers. Other than that i hope who ever is reading this has a wonderful day.
Feb 23, 2018 4:41 AM
Jul 2017
Discord Name: Shiro ♡ #4064 (♡ is a heart MAL doesnt seem to like the symbol)
Real Name: Nik
Age: 16
Residence: Perth, Western Australia (UTC+08:00)
Gender: Male
Active times: 5am-9am then after school from 4:30pm-10pm (Weekend I'm on all time round)

Do you have any experience being a staff member?
Haven't had any prior experience on a large scale server but definitely do have knowledge and capabilities to be a reliable staff member.

Why Should I become a staff member at MAC?
I've been with the MAC community since November 2017 and I've grown to love the community and i would like to keep the community happy and keep growing it at that. As for the rules I've learnt them from first hand experience and through reading them. If I were to become a member of the MAC staff I would make sure that everyone respects and obeys the rules and that they can enjoy there time in the MAC server without worries.

What sets my apart from other MAC staff candidates?
I stick to the rules and try enforce them to the best of my capabilities, even though I haven't had much experience being a staff member I don't tolerate people who think they are too good for the rules or break the rules.

Final thoughts
Overall I love the community we have at MAC and I would like for the community to keep growing but under moderation getting rid of the bad apples here and there and have everyone enjoy themselves :3
Feb 27, 2018 9:32 AM
Jan 2018
Discord Username: Homura-Kun ほむらくん #5437
Timezone: Pacific Standard Time
Place: Hawaii
Gender: Male

I've managed a lot of minecraft servers as staff or owner. Below is some of the follow positions I held in minecraft.
I was the owner of this server
Managed staff and had a great time!
Server Ended after 2 years with a $300+ profit

Infected RPG Dayz
Helper for several of years
I went un-active due to my depleting interest in minecraft

My friend's server
I held the position of co-owner/admin
Managed staff, helped build, code
Server went down after several of months

In order to qualify you must be:
- A member of both the MAL club and the Discord server. ✔
- You must know all the rules that the server has. ✔
- You have to be active member, not just lurker. ✔

Here's a quick self-introduction before we get to the questions: Hello! My name is Braden and my hobbies are anime, video games, manga, guitar, ukelele, DJ'ing, drums, and vocals. I used to to Taekwondo, Tennis, Swimming, Track, & Cross-Country. Now I do riflery and precision riflery.

Explain why do you want to work with us?
I want to work with you because I want to help your server grow to the fullest potential it can reach. I want to make a change and to impact the server in many ways. You may ask, "Ah, right! Yea...How are you going to do this then?". Well, here are some ways I can fulfill my promises. I can advertise the server in many ways such as, on my server, working with other server owners, with friends, etc. I am an experienced leader and am always there to help anyone in need. I want to become a staff members because it is cool, I admit it. But I have huge hopes for this server.
I am able to edit pictures and moderate the server very well. I very well understand what it takes to be staff and am patient with new-comers. i will make sure to be online as much as possible and to welcome all people.

Also what sets you apart from the others?
I am in civil air patrol and am currently a senior airmen and soon to be an element leader. I am also in boy scouts and am currently a life scout. I hope to make eagle scout soon and to earn tons of gold palms. I am an A & B student and try my best at everything I do, in real life, and online. I am an advocate and am always there to listen to everyone who needs help or is going through a hard time in there life. In boy scouts I was recently elected for order of the arrow. This is the organization within boy scouts made up of all the most experienced, trained, and well-rounded scouts. We are in charge of setting up camps, events, and communication within and outside of our troop. We represent scouts in general as a whole. I was part of student council last year as a class representative and was nominated for the NJHS. I am very serious about what I do. Yet, I have a sense of when the time is to have fun and when the time is to be sincere.

I truly hope you will accept me as a part of your staff. For it would be a great honor. Thank you!

3-GoldenAngel-3Feb 27, 2018 9:48 AM
Mar 21, 2018 7:16 AM
Mar 2018
General information:

Discord: Xcallu#7392
Name: Adam
Timezone: EST
Born in: Lexington, Kentucky
Currently reside in: North Carolina
Age: 20

Most of the time during the week. I do take online classes but I take breaks. (8am- whenever I get off). On weekends im available all day.

About me:
I was born in Lexington where I grew up with my mother and brother. I grew up not really knowing who my father was and I guess it affected me as I grew older. I've been a pretty shy person until after I graduated. Now I am pretty optimistic about things and love talking to people.

I am a pretty shy and quiet person when you first meet me. But after a while you'll soon learn that I'm a pretty talkative person. I'm passive about almost anything and it is very very hard to anger me in any way (I've actually never really been truly mad at someone). I like to think on the logical side of things and help other people resolve issues. Overall I'm a pretty happy person.

I like to create stuff on computer like wallpapers and backgrounds with Photoshop and other editing software. I LOVE playing instruments like drums, guitar and bass (always wanted to start a band). I also love playing video games with other people and to have fun. I've done alot of traveling so I can say it is a hobby of mine to go to new places and explore.

Experience as a mod:
I've helped moderate a few smaller servers in discord (40-60 members).
I also lead a massive ghost clan in warframe with a member count of 933+. I generally know what I'm doing and don't need to be guided on most things.

Reason for applying:
Mac has been a big part of my life for the past year and a half. It has helped me grow on my weaknesses of social anxiety and helped me go forward in life. I want to help take care of the server and keep mac a fun and safe place for everyone. I'm not a harsh person but I know the rules and that everyone should be following them. Having a healthy server is very good and should always be that way.

What makes me stand out for others:
I'm a pretty smart individual although sometimes it may not show. I show good leadership skills (online and irl). I'm pretty good at problem solving with technology or general mechanics. I'm a very hands on person with most things.

Final words/thoughts:
It is a great pleasure to be in mac and meeting all the friendly faces. Especially the moderators who have helped everyone including myself. Everyone in mac are so polite it scares me sometimes (in a good way).


XcalluApr 1, 2018 12:08 PM
Apr 14, 2018 3:25 PM
Apr 2018
Discord Name:KorukiShanji#8418
Real Name: Connor
Age: 14 (Born September 1st 2003)
Residents: Hamilton Ontario, Canada
Timezone: Eastern time
Gender: Male
Active Time: after school or everyday on weekends but if I'm not on its either internet is down or I'm on a trip
Sexuality: Bisexual
I'm very social and I like to make friends and have a good time.
I hope to help people out as a moderator.
May 3, 2018 2:32 AM
May 2018
Name: Dekmis#9411
Time zone: New York (eastern)


I have been a Moderator for, "Pudding Cups," two SAO relates servers, and an Administrator for "Sinbadx Knights". These are only the servers of which I did not request to join the staff. For some reason, they asked me. For the rest of the servers I have administrated, I did ask.


I am an advocate personality by heart. An INFJ, in fact. I tend to be kind and sympathetic, and really passionate. When I see someone ranting and raving towards an individual, I will have a one-on-one conversation with them to figure the situation out, so I can see if I should interfere.


I love to be a part of these online communities, and tend to be really active, and make friends really fast along the way. I have been a member of the staff in many servers, and found that I enjoy it.


Many, many things. My personality is very rare (the rarest kind), I want to be loyal, and my experience in being a staff member. I already know the routine and protocols I have to take. I take this server seriously, and passionately, and am willing to advocate and support it.

-Tatiaki | しい
May 3, 2018 6:03 PM
Dec 2013
Discord name: apollo#2133
Time zone: PST
Active time: about 9a.m. to 11p.m, on work days and in the summer it will probably be 4p.m. - 12 p.m. I work part-time.

I don't have any experience being a staff member on a server besides telling people to look at the guidelines, rules, answering questions, and warning them about breaking the rules in the MAC lobby. Even with this lack of experience, I believe I can become a good asset. The rules are pretty simple and really not asking much of people. Its common sense when people are stepping over the line. Lately I've been observing the mods just to make sure I'm recognizing situations where you need to step in. I have also been the older sibiling of 5 little brothers (oldest is 17 youngest is 6). Which has been very helpful in knowing how to asses the situation and how to handle it in a fair way. It's also helped me learn to explain things in a way where everyone can understand the problem and why my answer to that problem was fair.

My personality is pretty alright I think. I never had anyone every hate or dislike me. People in real life has always told me I'm a pretty nuetral person and hard to get mad at. In MAC no one has every gotten mad or upset with me and I've never even gotten a warning. I've have a love for psychology and like to understand things in different point of views. I believe this helps me be an unbiased person.

I have thought about being part of the MAC staff for awhile now. I was inspired to become one after experiencing the MAC community and how obvious the staffs affection is for the community. I really love the vibes, the interaction, the participation, the communication, and how welcoming it is to be in MAC. I really want to help and support this server to keep going in the direction that it's going in.
May 10, 2018 12:48 PM
May 2017
Discord name:@BlackReaper#4628
Real name:Reaper
Residence: N.Y (North America)
Timeszone(s): UTC/GMT -4 hours,EDT
Gender: Male
Active time: Mainly 3pm to 2am UTC, weekends are longer such as 10am to 3am
Experience: have tons of experience in multiple games as a dev,moderation one of them is blocky cars, I also mid/admin in many discord servers with highest one with 20k members (emote server)
May 18, 2018 5:54 AM
Oct 2017
My Anime Chat

Staff Application


Discord name:

22 Aaaa I'm so old ;~;

Cambridge, United Kingdom

GMT +0

Male, I think

Active time:
11am - 12am weekdays, I have to look after my parents on weekends but I should be on 12pm-11pm


Do you have any experience being a staff member?
I was a staff member on a music site called for 3 years in a community called FiMPlug as well as being a chat group moderator on their skype group. Then shortly after Discord was released they moved to Discord and staff positions were swapped around a lot and newer people were given staff instead. I've also been moderator and event leader on a skype group for a minecraft community called Team Crafted, but that also faded out because of problems with OG members on the skype transitioning to Discord. Other than those two big-ish communities I've only really side-managed small discord servers (not being an actual mod) and aided staff on a discord server created for my university.

Why do you want to be a part of the MAC staff?
I don't really know if it sets me in a different position from others but I like to see everyone as equals, so we're all giving it our best in the server to make sure MAC is a super fun and happy place for all the members that are here and more to come.

What sets you apart from other potential staff members?
This is probably not a good thing for my self heh, but I'm pretty much always looking at discord, even when there's nothing going on so it'd be a rare moment for me not to notice something fishy going on or if someone new joins and slips up on a rule plus I'm on discord pretty much aaaall the time now.

What is your personality like?
I see myself as a bubbly person thats fun to talk to when there's a nice topic going but I can be quite quiet at times. The online me is a polar opposite from irl me so I see that as an open gate of freedom.

Final Words
I love everyone!

Caffeinated_AwooMay 25, 2018 11:20 AM
May 18, 2018 8:49 PM
May 2018
Username: @Blair#5448
Time zone: CST - Central Standard Time
Age: 16, born on March 22, 2002
Residence: Texas, United States
Active weekday periods: 7:00 AM - 2 AM, 3 AM on weekends.

About Me

Contrary to how I speak and what I do in MAC, I'm a person that likes to keep to myself and be generally reserved. That is, until I'm given a keyboard. Online, I at least try to be social and more friendly towards other people. I like joking around with friends often, but when there is something to be taken seriously, I do everything I can to be serious if a situation arises.I'm a very calm person when a stressful situation arises, and can deal with arguments fairly well. I try to not be opinionated in situations where it is necessary, and try to listen to both sides before actually taking action. In all the servers I moderate, I tend to put authority and making just decisions over my opinions, as that's what I feel is right. In some of the servers I moderate I'm quite strict, but I can be lenient depending on the specific issue at hand. I try to be as humble as possible as I'm not someone that wants to stand out as overconfident. (This paragraph isn't helping that point, but hey!)

Past Moderation Experiences

I've had a lot of experience with Discord since I first joined in 2016. I've helped develop and create dozens of discords, not only of my own, but of others. Typically I'm quite active on more personal servers that I moderate, but for a while i did moderate a 4000 person server, The Official SiIvaGunner Fan Server. After a while, I resigned due to me wanting to take a break from moderation and how I stopped wanting to moderate that server. I've also coded bots in the past, so I may be helpful in that remark as well. I generally feel as though moderation is not a chore and is something legitimately fun to me, so moderating a server like MAC won't be the slightest issue.

Why pick me over everyone else?

Like TatsumiAz, I received some ironic recommendations, but that isn't the main point. I would like this server to grow more as a friendly community. In past events I have been to, it's been a blast being with everyone, and I want to try as hard as possible to keep it this way. I'm very aware of the rules and am ready to support mods in any way I can to make MAC a better place. As I said, I'm on Discord at all times as well, so I am typically watching chat with a very close eye, no matter the timezone. (Don't worry, I do sleep.) I'm both a night owl and an early bird, and I notice that around those really late/ really early times there's a lack of people on, which is something I can change. I very much want this server to progress as a whole, and even though I appear fairly new to the server, I've lurked for a very long time since Tatsumi showed me the server and has shown me it for quite some time, so I know what I should know of the server from around Sep. 2017 onward.

Final Words

Thanks to everyone that took the time to read the application! Have a wonderful day! (•́⌄•́๑)૭✧
Blairr_May 19, 2018 6:48 PM
Madeline, darling, slow down.
May 23, 2018 3:17 PM
Review Moderator
Onii Chan

Mar 2018
Discord name : FreshBlink#2028
Age 21: (02/02/1997)
Residence: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Timezone: EST North America
Gender: Male
Active time: between 1 pm to 3 am most days unless its a work day at least while summer is going on

Do you have any experience being a staff member?
Regarding discord no, however I modded a skype chat for a large clan on an old MMO for about 6 months, the chat had about 120 people, it was also fairly active. I also have experience running an office in real life, being in charge of talking to workers, questioning why their tills are short, or why they gave coupon discounts to customers even though they dont have any collected coupons, I believe these skills are transferable to the log investigation mods have to do in order to determine who is at fault during a raid or a large scale argument on the chat.

Why do you want to be a part of the MAC staff?
Well mainly because raids at night have been annoying me, there are no mods online at the time when these raids occur, and I believe I can solve this issue. I enjoy the MAC and dont want to see the chat get derailed by low tier trolls. being as active as I am, I should be able to do this job properly, so I dont see any reason why I shouldnt try my hand at applying for the role. I also think it would be nice to add value to a community I enjoyed being part of, the people are interesting, the conversations are great, I would hate to see the chat ever decline because of lax modding.

What sets you apart from other potential staff members?
I am not really that unique, however I learn incredibly fast, I have only been on the chat for about a month but I believe I know all the rules, how they are enforced, the general nuance or leeway that can be given by mods etc.

What is your personality like?
I am pretty funny, I dont have many friends but I can be pretty talkative, keep a conversation going. I am very introverted as a person, I dont even like voice chatting often but I am trying to improve on that. I do like taking the piss out of people at times as a joke if they have poor taste but I dont get personal and I definitely would never abuse any mod powers if they were given to me.

Anyway thanks for going through my application, I hope to hear back.
ACasualViewerMay 23, 2018 3:31 PM
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