Natsuyoshi Utsumi (Shimanami Tasogare - Manga) Transman
This manga is focused around a group of LGBT+ people and their struggles and paths to overcome them. Natsuyoshi is a respected character, when conflict happens and is disrespected he acts kindly and others are quick to stand up for him. He is a side character in the main group but does get a chapter or 2 focused on him and the issues he faces as a transman.
No slur is used towards him (Slurs are used in the manga)
Character is misgendered/ called birthname in manga.
Character does not die.
Relationship status is not mentioned.
Yuki Yoshida (Wandering Son - Anime & Manga) Transwomen
Anime is about adolescents figuring themselves out. Yuki is a supporting character. She is pretty, humorous, confident, and well liked. Yuki is highly respected and looked up to by the other characters. Characters backstory is elaborated on.
Slur may be used towards character
Character is misgendered or birthnamed (flashback)
Character does not die
Yuki is in a long term relationship with Shiina (Male)
Shuuji Misora (Shimanami Tasogare - Manga) Questioning Transgirl
Shuuji is young, in elementary school or middle school, and trying to figure out who they are and where they stand in the world. Shuuji loves dressing feminine, is ecstatic when they pass as a girl, and gets extremely embarrassed by compliments. Overall is a sweet character, but is going through a rough time; Figuring out who you are in an unaccepting environment is rough and can make even the best of us a little harsh.
No slur is used towards character.
Character may be misgendered/ called birthname.
Character does not die.
No relationship mentioned.
Alluka Zoldyck (Hunter x Hunter - Manga & Anime) Transgirl
Alluka is Killua's little sister, making her the youngest, and possibly the strongest, of the Zoldyck family. The older siblings refer to her as their younger brother however Killua, who is extremely loving and protective of her, refers to her only as his younger sister. Killua's love and support is probably the reason why she favors him and him alone. A strong queen in the making who wants to do nothing but make her big brother happy.
No slur is used towards character, character is called names.
Character is misgendered or called by birthname
Character does not die.
No Relationship.
Suuichi Nitori (Wandering Son - Manga & Anime) Transgirl
Wandering Son is all about adolescent kids figuring out their identities. Suuichi is one of the main characters. She is shy and lacks confident, especially in the beginning, but that's common of most adolescent kids, especially those uncomfortable with who they are. She lacks support at home, but receives a lot of support and love from from others. Throughout the anime and manga we see a lot of personal growth from her.
Character May be called a slur.
Character is misgendered or called birthname
Character does not die.
Relationship status not mentioned.
Anonymous (Shimanami Tasogare - Manga) Nonbinary
Anonymous is the one who brings the whole group together and gives them a safe haven. They abandoned all labels and their name claiming none of that is who they are. Anonymous is a very relaxed character who refuses to get involved but will listen if you want to speak. They are highly respected, mysterious, and frustrating for most of the other characters because of their refusal to get involved with others. Anonymous doesn't like to admit it but they do actually care about the others.
No slur is used towards character.
Slurs are used in the manga.
Character is not misgendered or called birthname
Character does not die.
Character is Asexual/Aromantic.
Grell Sutcliff (Black Butler - Anime & Manga) Transwomen
Grell is a Grave Reaper. Grells gender was lost in translation and for many years just considered flamboyantly feminine male. However, the author made a statement about her being a transwomen. We get to see a flashback from Grell's early days as a grave reaper and Grell had shorter hair and was more masculine.
Character may be called slurs.
Character is misgendered or called birthname
Character may "die"
Character is not in a relationship.
Yoshino Takatsuki (Wandering Son - Anime & Manga) Questioning Transguy
Yoshino is an adolescent kid questioning their identity, one of the main characters of Wandering Son. Yoshino begins to really come out and question their gender once Suuichi tells them she is trans. Suuichi introduces Yoshino to other transpeople and pushes Yoshino to be themself more. Wandering Son is a story about growing up and discovering yourself, so a lot of personal growth is seen from all the characters. This is no exception to Yoshino.
Character may be called names or slurs
Character is misgendered or called birthname
Character does not die
Relationship is hinted at/ No official relationship. |