This show definitely feels like it's been done before. It's a typical "aliens attack the earth" scenario. It's been done so many times that they aren't even bothering to tell us who the aliens are, what they look like or what their purpose is. For this show, it's enough to simply know that they are the bad guys and they want to kill humans. Not naming something is, by definition, generic. Like when you go to the store and buy the tube that says "Toothpaste" instead of the one that says "Colgate." These aliens things (assuming they are aliens...for all we know they come from the center of the earth or the depths of the oceans) don't even have a proper name. They are just The Unknown.
Also, there is very little background about what has gone before. We are to assume there is a back story. The adults put the kids to sleep and fought the aliens until the kids woke up ... with powers for some reason. We're not really sure where the adults are now. There seem to be a few of them around, but not many. Are they all dead? I really understood more of the plot from reading the MAL plot summary than from the first 3 episodes themselves.
Also, there are too many characters thrown at us too quickly. I can't even remember any of their names. There is the MC jerk who I refer to as Asshole-Kun. I think the blonde girl is his sister or something. She seems to have some sort of singing powers that do something but I'm not sure what; enhance Asshole-Kun's battle skills? She apparently only knows one song, but her solo is somehow accompanied by a full band....not sure how exactly. There's the cool kid who doesn't care about his standing and is like number 400 or something but is still somehow on this weird war council of teenagers. He has a sister we'll call Red-Headed-Bitch-Chan. Then there is the apparently mega-powerful clueless girl and the chick who is lusting after her. I think there are a couple of adults who give orders to the teen council or something.
Nothing is fleshed out. They just basically throw these characters into some situations with little or no explanation as to what the hell is going on. Their personalities are tropes and 1-dimensional as hell. Character interaction is surface level at best.
Regarding the lack of ecchi or harem elements...I guess I just have to disagree. The 2nd episode was a swimsuit episode for crying out loud. I mean, really? Bikinis at episode two? Like they wouldn't be given proper diving gear. They weren't doing upskirt panty-shots, but that was definitely some fan service going on.
I feel that a non-generic show will introduce the characters slowly, allowing the viewer to really get to know each one of them so that the audience will feel invested in the events that affect the MCs. The plot will unfold around the characters rather than the viewers simply being told "Ok, some crap happened 10 or 20 years ago, but that's not important, here's a fight scene." Antagonists will be properly developed rather than being bland and, well, generic.
I could go on an on about the failings of this horribly generic show, but I'm rambling so I'll shut up. Anyway, just one man's opinion. Take it for what it's worth. |