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Apr 20, 2016 2:02 PM

Apr 2015
In the old Club (Mangaka desu-) There was a topic where people posted their art, and thats about it, as I recall it, it wasn't that popular nor active, but what would this club be if it didn't have that topic here. HOWEVER to make things more interesting I've made this into a game, this is how it works:

You have to upload a piece of work that is yours then say what you think of it, like what you like and what you don't like about it, then the next poster will have to give his/her HONEST opinion about what he/she thinks about that work and then they upload their own work, say what they like and don't like about it, and so on....
If you ever feel like you wanna say something about a work that isn't from the previous user but a user before go ahead just put an [@] if u want to inform the poster.
I also ask you, i need more then 1 piece of feedback.... so... heres my comic I posted a few days ago


Yo! YamamotoSensei here. After some misunderstandings and some kind of awkward discordance with some members, I feel the need to remind that in this group, every feedback is supposed to be constructive.

Keep in mind that not everybody has the same level of skills and not everybody has access or the money to get adequate tools. So please, consider other people's situation when giving advice.
YamamotoSenseiApr 23, 2016 11:54 AM

Im not bad at english Im just a horrible speller
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Apr 22, 2016 9:38 AM
Mar 2016
hmmm, lightcha.. do you know that making this game is pretty dangerous, considering that honest comments usually hurts?.-.

SHIKAAASHHIIIIII, BUUUTTTTTTT (but, not butt-.-) since I'm here, I feel obliged (go away alice, shoo shoo) to give you some comments (alice, go away, you may kill someone here)

*ignoring weird narrates on my head that I typed out.-.*

sooo, yeaaahh

Apr 22, 2016 5:56 PM

Apr 2015
It seem like I've given you the wrong idea, what i meant is. Giving criticism isn't the thing I had in mind what I had in mind is:
If a person is overconfident in themselves they wont know if what their making is good or not, or they will always think its good regardless of what others think *cough*cough*George Lucas*cough*, if a person is never given feedback(like me) they wont know if what their making is good or not, if a person is given encouragements in this case constructive criticism, they´ll make more.
Considering the fact that this club already isn't that active I wanna make it active and I want this club to grow(or atleast be more active) a way to do that I think is feedback, we show our work, we give our thoughts and continue. But don't be mean, give constructive criticism, try and analize what the person was trying to do/make and give your though. AND lastly don't take insults so seriously, if you ever work in creativity, you always get hate comments regardless of how good your works is, like me!(I get nothing but negative points in Imgur, seriously people hate me there)Also pay attention to what you say.

NOW in case you don't wanna read all that, this is what I basically mean:
This topic is for constructive criticism I'm gonna have to change the topics title, don't take insults so seriously and give your opinion without hurting anyone
Now can we try this again

Oh one more thing @arisu_otherworld "The thing sucks, I didn't read the story, believing there's no instruction to do so,try using a g-pen " the heck I was baffeld when I saw those words, also YOUR SUPPOST TO PUT SOMETHING OF YOUR OWN did you not read the rules

Im not bad at english Im just a horrible speller
Apr 22, 2016 11:18 PM
Mar 2016
@lightcha I'm guessing you don't really like un sugar-coated critics. ok, ok, I admit I was wrong in being too straight especially when you've worked really hard for something. the girl you drew (second one) was nicer.

what I meant by try to use g-pen is that you should try lining it (bold it) with a drawing pen. I can't post a work rn, tbh. I forgot to type that on my prev comment. that's my fault, I admit,but I will post some once my exams are over (around three weeks from now)

well,I didn't want to fight or anything here, seems like you're pretty sensitive. you posted two pics so everything's fine, right? .-.

well, true that me only commenting perishes the purpose of the game. I'm pretty sure the others would do it properly though. *oh, and I actually DO read the rules!! XD
Apr 23, 2016 12:32 AM
Mar 2016
So anyway, how do you attach an image.-. #newbie
Apr 23, 2016 1:01 AM
Mar 2016

ok there u go

arisu_otherworldApr 23, 2016 1:07 AM
Apr 23, 2016 4:06 AM

Apr 2015
arisu_otherworld said:
@lightcha I'm guessing you don't really like un sugar-coated critics.
Now your just making people think i will nothing but good criticism, reciving negetive comments/feed is fine by me , i was saying that because other people can get seriously hurt by that kind of stuff

Your image doesnt look that bad, it looks more incomplete
lightchaApr 23, 2016 4:11 AM

Im not bad at english Im just a horrible speller
Apr 23, 2016 1:37 PM
Jun 2014
uufh! It's been a while and I come back to see this. Ok, arisu, You got a warning... just a small one, no big deal but be careful. Anywhere on this group, feedback is supposed to be constructive and try not to be rude at all.

@lightcha, while getting proper inking tools is necessary, I think you should focus more on getting anatomy and perspective right(not perfect, but better). Keep practising, look for references and keep practising.
Work on backgrounds, they are hard, but do it, just do it. You will thank me some day, really.
I also recommend you to get a scanner. If you can't, at least get an editing software to fix the contrast so we can see the images clearer(ask me if you need help for that).

@arisu_otherworld, There isn't much I can talk about in your drawing since the style isn't something that follows strict rules of anatomy and I can't tell if your style is consistent from only one illustration. But I can see that your lines are quite rough and irregular(maybe because it's just an sketch).
Apr 23, 2016 8:37 PM
Mar 2016
@lightcha yep, it's incomplete :/ i wanna complete it but no time :'3

@YamamotoSensei seems like I was too rude for my own good, oh well. Sorry for making a fuss. Anyway, it probably looks bad.. because I drew with pencil and photo with camscanner (do u know the app?) They usually autofix the photo we take, and the soft strokes are usually kinda erased. I think I will photo the normal, real life, sketches in the future.
Apr 29, 2016 11:42 AM
Jun 2014
OK, this activity went inactive after 2 submissions. I didn't want to participate because people might feel bad about the gap in skills between me and most of the other members (it has happened, not in this club or the old one, but it has).

Never mind, here I go anyway. This is my latest painting, first time using only watercolours:

@arisu_otherworld , yes I know the app, I personally don't like it for art, it's very good for graphs, charts, text and stuff like that, but its usability for art is questionable. And I have scanners, so I don't need to take photos of my art(unless it's ridiculously big).
Apr 29, 2016 10:49 PM

Jun 2014
@YamamotoSensei Oh wow, you're actually pretty good. The proportions are better than what I could ever do, nd the wrinkles in the clothes are reasonable, too (I suuuck at wrinkles, ugh). She looks kind of stiff and posed here, tho, but the shading is nice on the girl. The background, however... Looks rushed and half assed. It took me a while to realize that the pillows are actually folding paper... But I blame the art materials. I personally don't have experience with watercolor, but it looks as if the paintbrush had too much water or something, so you had to layer it more to have the color pop out more. Also, it seems as if the paint got all dull, as if it were mixed with pencil lead. I recommend inking things in and erasing the pencil marks before coloring?

Here's an example of watercoloring that I really like (not mine). Notice how thin the layers are (water) as opposed to the brighter/darker areas (with more paint):

Here's mine:

Sorry it's only an Instagram screenshot. It was rushed due to it being a request, so I didn't have time (nor did I want) to fix her headband, ahh~ The chest area also looks awkward to me, but I have no idea what I could've done to it.
worldsimoutoMay 6, 2016 11:34 PM
( ◞・౪・)◞ Your waifu is shit~ ˖°
°˖ Get a husbando~ ー(´▽` )ゝ
*does the megane thing*
(⌐⊙ω⊙)و ̑
May 6, 2016 10:16 AM

Apr 2015
Dear god you get Request!?!? man your all so ahead of me, I agree with you on the cheast area, the parts bottom of the area look like they could have been put more work into, (this ones just me) but Id put a background in. the forehead looks Amazingly well done. I dont own water colors. I think you have an artist/manga carear ahead, im kinda jelous

Anyway heres my work, a quarter view:

Camara quality dued to low bouget the thing I most regret is the stains, I made the grave mistake of eating while working, i also hate the the shading didnt turn out so well as a I anticipated, and lastly the ponytail and the right arm look the same i didnt notice that until i was making this post :(

Im not bad at english Im just a horrible speller
May 24, 2016 10:14 AM
Mar 2016
@lightcha I think the hair is too thin and shoulder is too rounded (?) but you had nice detail in the collar. tip: use your study lamp or bed lamp to light your drawing for better results in the photo.

@DarXX26 the curves didnt have any fatal problems for me. I think the hand and fingers looks more awkward. I know right, rushing gives the worst results. Nice job though, the outcome looks great :) Oh and I'm talking about the second pic.

edit: oh, oops. I forgot :p I think I like how the picture came out to have a nice resolution. What I don't like is.... well, to be honest everything?.------. it IS an old drawing after all.-.
arisu_otherworldMay 31, 2016 7:17 AM
May 29, 2016 3:44 PM

Apr 2015
@arisu_otherworld I dont have a lamp.
I like your drawing style their, I do question why not the full image and that girl has a thin neck. On one final note: You did not mention what you like and dont like about your work. did you forget the rules again?


lightchaMay 30, 2016 7:34 PM

Im not bad at english Im just a horrible speller
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