Name: Keiko (Blessing)
Age: 16
Department: Angel/Devil (wants to be only angel, tries to control devil side, so if only one class is available, it will be angel class)
Bio: Her mother was a half-angel, father a half-demon... she was born from this unholy union. Not knowing of her family's secrets, she lived a sheltered life in her human form for 16 years. On her 16th birthday, her angelic and demonic side began struggling for dominance. Barely controllable, her powers are very unpredictable, and often swayed by her mood. Before this transformation, she was always happy and outgoing, but since the power struggle began, she is quiet and tries to distance herself from people in order to keep her moods under control.
name: Lylia Corinne
age: 16
sex: Female
eye color: heterochromia (One blue, one green)
hair color: purple
approximate height:
human: 4' 9"
wolf : Average size
demi-wolf: Extremely large
characters attitude~ As a human: Kind but distant to others. Friendly but awkward when confronted by emotions. Loyal to those she allows close to her. Ruthless towards injustice and fierce in a fight. As a wolf: Friendly and kind, adventuress and outgoing. Somewhat careless at times. As a wolf is the only time she truly feels comfortable and free... However when angered, she has a terrible temper which unleashes her demon-wolf form. Demon-wolf: Fearless and strong, there is little that can sstop her once she loses control.
Found wandering alone as a toddler, she was adopted by the healer in a peaceful village, and given the name Corinne (meaning maiden). She started training as a healer when it was discovered that she has talent for the use of herbs and magic. She once found an injured wolf and healed him with her magic. The wolf began following her around and soon she was rarely seen without him. Shortly after another lone wolf appeared. Though the villagers accepted her friendship with the wolves, whom she called Faelon (little wolf) and Kael (mighty warrior), she was thought of as odd.... The villagers renamed her Lylia (wolf mistress). Then one day near her 15th birthday she herself transformed into a wolf, and the villagers, in their fear, shunned her. Against the wishes of her adopted mother, she left the village to find a place she was accepted. No matter where she went, as soon as others learned of her secret, they became fearful of her. Since then, she has kept her transformation abilities secret, which is why she tries to keep people at a distance. This is somewhat difficult at times, because people are naturally drawn to her, and her true personality is open and friendly. She now goes by the name of Lylia Corrinne, to remind her of her beloved adopted mother. She often wears contacts to hide her strange eyes, and covers her strange markings with makeup.
Shortly after she left the village with her two wolves at her side, it became known to her that the other two wolves also had the ability to transform. She also learned that Faelon resents being called "little" wolf, which Lylia loves teasing him about.
Name: Tia'Caelianna
Gender: female
Age: 15
Race: Nature Fairy
Weapon: Bow and arrow
Power: Communicates with nature, therefore can manipulate nature as needed. (Such as flowers blooming, vines growing, wind blowing) Also, has the power to change her outward appearance, although she has not perfected this, so it is only for a short time and only slightly.
Short Bio:
Tia is a young, carefree (sometimes careless) fairy who likes to spend her days out having fun. She loves animals, nature, and excitement. Being the youngest in her very large family, she is a bit spoiled therefore she is a bit of a tsundere. Although she is good-natured and somewhat timid, she can be clumsy with her powers, and sometimes she forgets to control them, like when she is angry or upset. She loves beautiful things and often changes her appearance. Due to her lack of control at times, her eyes tend to change color with her moods.
True appearance:
Appearance enhanced with magic:
[url=] [/url]
Username: jaderose75
Names: Twins- Tia'Caelianna Za'Baelesti (just call her Tia) and Lia'Eilianna Za'Baelesti (just call her Lia)
What clan u like to be in: Elves
Position: Princess/Archer (both)
Tia: Carefree, kind, a bit careless, but can be serious when the situation calls for it. Excellent with a bow and arrow, as most elves are.
Lia: Timid, well-behaved, very ladylike. But threaten her family or any she holds dear and she can be fierce. She is second only to Tia with a bow & arrow.
Bio: Tia'Caelianna (meaning "Magic Archer Lady") is the second daughter of the royal elf family Za'Baelesti (meaning Royal Guardian Elves). Tia is a carefree maiden who likes to spend her days out having fun. She is not always on time for the royal functions and doesn't like following the traditions of the royal family. Try to get her to behave like a proper lady and she is more likely to disappear, especially if a formal dress is involved. But she is a loyal elf and will always be near if there is trouble. She loves her family and always watches over them, as well as the rest of her people.
Lia'Eilianna(meaning "Mistress Blue Lady" is the third daughter (if only by a few minutes) of the royal elf family Za'Baelesti. Like most twins, she is almost the exact opposite of Tia. Quiet, demure, loves wearing dresses. During royal functions, she is a bit shy, but charms all the guests. When she gets a chance she escapes to her favorite spot in the woods, wear she can shed her princess air and be herself. She loves animals, nature, and her family.
Corinne (maiden)
Lylia (wolf mistress)
Maia (brave warrior)
History: Found wandering alone as a toddler, she was adopted by the healer in a peaceful village, and given the name Corinne (meaning maiden). She started training as a healer when it was discovered that she has talent for the use of herbs and magic. She once found an injured wolf and healed him with her magic. the wolf began following her around and soon she was rarely seen without him. The villagers renamed her Lylia (wolf mistress). Five years later, the country broke out in war, and her peaceful village was annihilated. Being the only survivor, she once again wandered aimlessly at the age of 6. Her affinity for animals helped her survive until she was once again discovered by a stranger. This time the lady that found her was a fierce warrior with a kind heart, and the head of the village. Later it was discovered that her adopted mother, the head of the warriors, was none other than Skatha herself. She brought Lylia into her village of female warriors and raised her as a daughter. The village accepted her as part of the family and taught her the warrior ways. Soon, it became apparent that Lylia had as much talent fighting as she did healing. She was adept at all fighting styles and weapons, but she favored the bow and arrow, chakrams, and her weapon of choice, double swords. Once she proved herself in battle, the sisters gave her the secret name Maia (brave warrior). This name was only to be known by the warrior sisters. To all others she remained Lylia (wolf mistress). After learning all she could from her warrior family, Maia set off to protect innocents from suffering the same fate as her beloved childhood home. By her side were her loyal companions: Her white wolf, Faelan (meaning little wolf) , and a beautiful hawk, Eriu (meaning peace).
Position and Country: Freelance Mercenary/Assassin/Protector of innocents
Home land is: Isle of Skye (also called Island of Shadows)
Family and Friends: Her birth family is unknown, first adopted family destroyed, left second family (family of female warriors) to help anyone in need. If she ever is in trouble she can call on her warrior sisters for help by sending her hawk companion as a messenger or walking into their dreams.
Personality: Kind but distant to others. Friendly but awkward when confronted by emotions. Ruthless towards injustice and fierce in a fight.
Your God: Scathach (or Skatha) A warrior Goddess and prophetess who taught martial arts, healing, and protection. Goddess of War and Righteous Vengeance. Her name means she who strikes fear.
Pic of You:
True appearance:
in assassin disguise enhanced with magic:
in ninja disguise:
Name: jaderose75
NickName: Miki
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Teacher or Student: Student
Type: Tsundere (Looks sweet and helpless, has a bad/violent temper)
A short summary of yourself: Will do this a bit later
Looks Like:
Ranking in school: A
Grade: 12
Human or demon: 1/2 (both)
Dorm or Home: Dorm