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Jul 13, 2015 1:59 PM

Oct 2014
Here you will create a demigod character, demigods must have one Greek God parent and one human parent. They may only posses one power.

Age: (13 - 21 for campers and representatives. 21 and up for staff)
Role at Camp Demigod: (Eg. Staff, Representative, Camper. Campers are what make up Camp Demigod, they are the Demigods looking to train and fight, note that all characters are Demigods. Representatives are admin characters that are on the Camp Council, they run the camp.)

God Parent's name: (Eg. Zeus)
What that god is in charge of: (Eg. Zeus is the god of the sky, lightning, thunder, law, order, justice.)

Power of your Demigod: (Include an explanation here please)

Preferred weapon: (the weapon that your Demigod is most proficient at using)

Personality: (At least ten different characteristics.)

Biography: (100 word minimum)

Looks: (in spoiler)
WymsicalJul 15, 2015 1:35 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Jul 14, 2015 2:18 AM

Oct 2014
Name: Wakazaki Itami
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Role at Camp Demigod: Representative and Founder of Camp Demigod.

God Parent's name: Hades
What that god is in charge of: God of the Underworld, dead and the riches under the Earth.

Power of your Demigod: Corrupted Darkness Manipulation, Itami has a clump of physical darkness next to his heart. This darkness is his fears, pain and hate. He draws on this and expels it from his body as a weapon.

Preferred weapon: Dagger


- Calm
- Natural Leader
- Gloomy
- Reserved
- Pessimistic
- Has some humor, but it is mostly dark humor.
- Bookworm
- Defiant
- Experienced and wise despite his age
- Has lots of pain within him that he normally tries to cover up

Biography: The Book of Beginnings is his bio, so I ain't putting it here.

Looks: [spoiler]

WymsicalJul 15, 2015 4:10 AM
Jul 15, 2015 12:04 PM

Jul 2014
Name: Kara Torra (K.T)
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Role at Camp Demigod: Camp Representative

God Parent's name: Zeus
What that god is in charge of: God of the sky, lightning, thunder, law, order, justice

Power of your Demigod: Eye Of The Storm
This is a very variate power that mixes the elements of a, well, storm. Basically, she can use storm-like abities, but not for lightning arcs, thunder strikes, razor winds or such.
Her main use is to stimulate her nerves for incredible speed and reflexes, in the meantime her body seemingly enveloped in blue lightning sparks and lightning seemingly following her eyes as she moves at such speeds that sometimes a blink is enough to lose her. Also, she can perform shocking palm strikes and use thunder force in her palm to give her force like from a cannon, usually using it at basketball, and the thrown objects resemble a whirlwind
Secondly, she can use lightning on electrical devices to fix or break them, also envelop her weapon in sparks

Preferred weapon: Daggers, be they dual or thrown
(Cause i guess basketballs dont count)

-hard working
-cares about others and puts their wishes above herself's
-brutally honest
-likes cute things and sports
-at the beginning quiet, gets talkative as the situation progresses
-usually calm, but when she's annoyed she sports great rage
-usually rational, but can be silly
-at the beginning cold, but if you get to know her she warms up
-on the outside doesnt seem athletic, but she's actually very skilled
-can be adventurous

Biography: At the beginning, Kara was a normal kid. True, not very social, a tomboy and the single kid of a single mother, but she had her few friends and sports: tennis, soccer, baseball, volleyball, and, her favourite, basketball. Everyday she would go to practice, being both a good passer and shooter, but more of a passer. She seemed like she had a trump card over other players, be they male or female, as she was faster and stronger by them, also some of them described "lightning in her eyes" and gave her the nickname "lightning god". She soon discovered in secret, when she accidentally broke the TV when she hit it lightly to make it work, that she had a lightning power. She didnt tell her mom, but she in secret started developing it. One day, after a won match in the finals of the inter-high campionship, after she left the team's steak party, she was walking on a dark alleyway to home. However, as she was walking, she was playing with lightlg sparks in the palm of her hand.
"Lightning in the eyes, eh? Some lightning god i am..." she told herself, but she suddenly felt someone behind her. When she turned she saw a creature she couldnt recognise that lunged at her the moment she turned. Even if scared, she managed to quickly evade it and run away with the speed of lightning, reaching home in a second. Shocked by what she has done, she went in and started questioning her mother that eventually explained everything, and told her that now that they found her, she had to go to Camp Demigod. Even if she wasnt very happy, Kara conceeded and traveled to the so called hiding place for people like her.
"Its not that i don't like the unlnown of this, but i hope they have sports..."


(Yes, this is a genderbend Kuroko, with slight modifications, havent you noticed already?)
LightSpark090Jul 16, 2015 2:59 AM
Jul 15, 2015 1:34 PM

Oct 2014
Yeh I noticed that before the looks xD Do you want to make her your representative character or no? Representatives are basically the student council since they run the camp. You can change it after this if you want,

Jul 15, 2015 7:59 PM

Jul 2014
For now this is only her, so yeah, SC her.
Jul 15, 2015 11:55 PM

Mar 2015
Name: Karuya O'Rielly
Age: (13 - 21 for campers and representatives. 21 and up for staff) Fourteen
Role at Camp Demigod: Camp Representitive

God Parent's name: Posiedon

Power of your Demigod: (Include an explanation here please)
Water Boost: Being the daughter of the god of the sea has it's perks, and this is one of them. When standing in water, she is given a slow healing effect that can fix minor wounds, and give her a small stamina boost to assist her. She also sharpens her senses when touching water, and becomes more aware and alert. Interestingly enough, she can't drown either, as every time she steps into water, a small bubble of air surrounds her, this allows her to swim to surprising depths, though she is still affected by the tempature of the water.
Preferred weapon: (the weapon that your Demigod is most proficient at using)
Modified Tonfas that when a button on the grips are pressed, extrude metal spikes that are held at an angle from the pole, making them suitable for lethal strikes.
Personality: (At least ten different characteristics.)
~Always easy going
~Capable of handling herself in combat
~Sort of a loner
~Doesn't have many friends
~Sporadic and random
~Kind of weird unless you know her
Biography: (100 word minimum)

Karuya never really had a normal home life, even before she found out she was a demi-god. She was the result of a drunken one night stand afterall. Even gods make mistakes sometimes. She ran away from home when she was ten, learning to live on the streets and scavenge for food. That was before the monsters came for her, before she found out what she really was. Her mother never even noticed she was gone, and Karuya's life improved considerably over the next few months, that is, until she was cornered in an alleyway by a man who was less then human. She barely escaped the monster, and began running form it, heading in a random direction in an attempt to hide from the monster. She finally reached camp demigod after two days of running. Exhausted, injured, and overall pushed to the limits, she collapsed at the borders of the camp, and the camp members took care of the monster with minimal effort. She has lived in the camp ever since that day, becoming a camp representative wasn't hard for her, and at the age of thirteen, she began her duties as one. She has never stepped foot outside of the camp borders, and refuses to talk about her past before she came to camp with anyone. She sports several large scars on her back, and one on her leg, and she refuses to talk about these, even with her friends. How she got them has always been questioned, but she never tells. This day is just another one for Karuya in camp demigod.

Looks: (in spoiler)[spoiler]
conman2163Sep 11, 2015 5:56 PM
Jul 16, 2015 12:08 AM

Oct 2014
Jul 16, 2015 7:18 AM

Aug 2013
Name: Selja Razo
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Role at Camp Demigod: Camper

God Parent's name: Hephaestus
What that god is in charge of: God of the blacksmiths, craftsmen, metal, metallurgy, fire and volcanoes.

Power of your Demigod: Master Tinker

Preferred weapon: Huge wrench

- Lazy, usually hard to get to do anything that she isn't interested in
- Stubborn
- Carefree
- Joyful
- Talkative
- Hardly any kind of sense of danger,
usually does stuff others would find too dangerous, just because noone told her
to not to do that
- Calm
- Adventurous
- Very curious, especially about others personal info like history
- Always carries tools around
- Often tries to fix something if finds anything broken


Jul 16, 2015 9:05 AM

Apr 2013
Name:Hector Vasco
Age: 18
Role at Camp Demigod:Camper

God Parent's name: Athena
What that god is in charge of:wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, mathematics, strength, war strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill

Power of your Demigod: Strategic Dominance: He can share his sight with his owl, greatly increasing his scouting abilities, and he can think 3x as fast as normal people, making him incredibly crafty in combat. He is also a master tactician and knows how to counter almost any strategy. Has genius level IQ.

Preferred weapon: Greek Spear and the Shield of Aegis

Personality: (At least ten different characteristics.)
-Slightly lazy

Born into a family of aristocrats who prided themselves on military and combat prowess, Hector did not feel at home with his family at all. He could not do well with sparring and combat, and he showed little interest in politics and military. His passion lied with the arts and culture. He studied many ancient texts and historical archives, and through that found many ways of waging war. Noticing this potential, his family persuaded him to take another shot at military-this time as the tactician and strategist, and he dominated the battlefield, with his reconnaissance and tactics destroying the enemy troops before they could even think. He accepted this as a fair compromise between him and his family, so long as he could pursue knowledge. Thus, the great strategist Hector Vasco was born

Looks: (in spoiler)
Jul 16, 2015 11:50 AM

Mar 2015
Oooooohhhh I get to use something I don't very often now a days

Selja and Hector
WymsicalJul 16, 2015 3:20 PM
Jul 16, 2015 1:49 PM

Jan 2013
Name: Minna Mueller

Age: 15


Role at Camp Demigod: Camper

God Parent's name: Kratos

What that god is in charge of: Personification of Power.

Power of your Demigod:
Herculean Being: Absurd physical strength and recovery rates to blows, she can fight most mythological beings such as werewolves and overpower them brutally, while at the same time taking a brutal pounding and still being able to stand.

Preferred weapon: Custom Battle Hatchet, can and will use any melee weapon, or suitable object around her however.


Blood Knight

Biography: Minna's Birth In Central Germany was not a thing born of love or kindness, but of a God who got carried away and took advantage of a mortal woman during his own duties. Being the result of said union, Minna's Mother was never able to control or constrain the girl lacking the will or ability to do so, meanwhile her father didn't show the slightest interest in anything to do with the girl other than to send her into battles or instruct her in the use of the power she had.

One day from one of her so called hunts the five year old returned to an empty home with a message from her mother saying she couldn't take it anymore. Though the girl wasn't sure what it said having not entered school, having a neighbor to read it to her, the girl became scared when officials from the state came to bring her to an orphanage.

After fighting her way out of confinement she would spend the next several years, stealing food, killing animals for meat which she didn't die from eating raw thanks to her fathers gifts, though she eventually learned how to cook with fire. As the years went by the girl pretty much toured the countryside, killing various creatures from lore, when SDF agents later captured the girl and asked why, she replied it was the only way to get her father to visit, or other gods at the least.

One year after her capture, it was found that her backwards and primitive ways of living, were near impossible to reverse or change via traditional means.Attempts to make the girl remove her fur and blood soaked rags were stopped after they met with violence that proved difficult for security to deal with.

As were attempts at education. When contact with the mother was made, in spite of criminal charges, the woman, a Karen Mueller, Age 30 of Essen, Germany, refused to even speak with the girl. Which in turn cut off another means for the SDF to deal with the girl causing a tribunal.

In light of her rogue operations against mythological creatures and her only crime being petty theft, and vagrancy, it was decided to hand the young Minna over to the camp to see if they would be able to salvage the girl into something useful.

RedArmyShogunJul 18, 2015 8:06 PM
Jul 16, 2015 2:51 PM

Oct 2014
@Navy how many times can she transform consecutively?
Jul 16, 2015 3:04 PM

Oct 2014
Hmm, i think that turning into normal animals like birds and such should be unlimited but monsters should have a limit of three transformations.
Jul 16, 2015 3:10 PM

Oct 2014
Alright, when thats done...

Jul 16, 2015 4:02 PM

Dec 2011
Name: Enyo Malal
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Role at Camp Demigod: Campers

God Parent's name: Minos
What that god is in charge of: One of the Judges of the Dead

Power of your Demigod:
Soul-bound Guardians

Preferred weapon: Scythe


Biography: Enyo, ironic to who her father is, spent a good portion of her life being judged by her peers. She was often ostracized and bullied due to her quiet and stoic demeanor. Simply because she was a bit timid and unintentionally cold at times, people excommunicated her. This lead to her becoming distrusting and intentionally harsh to other people as she doesn’t really expect anything but hostility from them. It as well turned her a bit into her father as Enyo herself began to easily judge others off the most trivial of actions or appearances as they had her, albeit she kept it to herself and simply analyzed those she came into contact with. Even when she reached high school and Enyo became quite popular, she still remained hesitant to personally form bonds with others and preferred to simply watch and examine the behavior of others. Though she did show a softer persona, to her Guardians, which she could now hear, speak with and somewhat summon, however. It’s clear to those that see that she greatly cares for them as her family, especially as Enyo doesn’t speak of her real one. It might not even be far off the mark to say that she wants to increase her power in order to keep them materialized for good, wanting them to be by her side permanently.

Jul 16, 2015 5:04 PM

Oct 2014
Jul 17, 2015 12:04 AM

Jun 2015
Name: Alia Lanstan
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Role at Camp Demigod: Camper

God Parent's name: Aphrodite
What that god is in charge of: Aphrodite is the goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation

Power of your Demigod:
  • Entrancing: Her beauty can be entrancing and can help her in convincing mortals to get what she wants
  • Emotions: She can tell the emotion of another
  • Nature: She can also induce nature into her biding as well

Preferred weapon: None at the moment
  • kind
  • caring
  • emotional at times
  • loving
  • energetic
  • intelligent
  • loner
  • quiet
  • seductive
  • Entrancing
  • open-minded

Biography: Alia grew up in a home with just her father living a little more then a regular life though she has always felt different she never looked to much into it. boys always surrounded her and therefor girls did too and she was considered popular because she was a daughter of a movie star though she didn't want to be she had urges around boys and would think about dirty things. she was able to get them to do anything she wanted and she was also able to give good love advice. she told her father about this and he moved them back to hollywood and she never received an answer as to why he did such a thing, she was switched to a private school and usually was a loner around others after her father told her a story of a woman name Aphrodite who was experiencing the things she was and knew she didn't want to end up like her she even went as far as not talking unless spoken to and avoiding people and doing other things to keep her mind off her thoughts until one day she was approached by a boy from her school that pushed up to her and she was entranced by it but didn't get farther then just him touching her face before she remembered and pushed him off of herself and walking home early as she was jumped on by a weird creature and screamed out as she turned and looked into it's eyes it backed away from her and she stood and ran off home she waited for her father to get home and told him what happened and he explained to her that her mother was Aphrodite and that she would have to go to camp demigod and she thought it out and said her goodbyes to him once he dropped her off and now she was more open minded then ever before.

Lifetime_QueenJul 17, 2015 1:36 AM
I know what I want, and I won't stop trying.
Quitting? I can't, for now I'm flying.
It's impossible, it seems, but no matter what, I follow my dreams...

Jul 17, 2015 1:19 AM

Oct 2014

Emotions: She can control the emotions of others
Influence: She can influence others into doing as she asked with her beauty

These two powers control/influence other people's characters, unfortunately that isn't acceptable. However, if you make these powers able to affect say... Pegasuses or some other specific monster... then that would be fine.

Nature: She can also induce nature into her biding as well

^ This power, does it mean that she can influence animals or actual plant life?
Jul 17, 2015 1:53 AM

Oct 2014
Alia Approved!!!
Jul 18, 2015 8:04 PM

Jan 2013
Well there you go Wym.
Jul 18, 2015 9:50 PM

Oct 2014
Minna Approved!!!
Jul 20, 2015 10:49 AM

Jan 2013
Name:Rita Nightrose
Age: 16
Role at Camp Demigod: Camper
God Parent's name: Nyx
What that god is in charge of: is the Greek goddess (or personification) of the night. A shadowy figure, Nyx stood at or near the beginning of creation, and mothered other personified deities such as Hypnos (Sleep) and Thanatos (Death), with Erebus. Her appearances are sparse in surviving mythology, but reveal her as a figure of such exceptional power and beauty, that she is feared by Zeus himself. She is found in the shadows of the world and only ever seen in glimpses.
Power of your Demigod: Night call, shadow power, Dark glimmer.
Night Call: Make it dark around her and easier to use her other powers.
Shadow powers: She can control shadows and use them to make weapons and armor out of them. The shadows are stronger at night then daylight.
Dark Glimmer: She can make her shelf look like something a person fears most. This is hard for her to do and she can only keep it up for a short time.(4 post at most)

Preferred weapon: any she makes out of shadows.

Personality: kind to people that are kind to her. Quit most of the time. she is very intelligent. She is cold to those she dose not know. She is hateful to those that hurt her or the ones she likes. She is willful and dose not bend to others easily. She is secretive and dose not like to sear things about who she is. She is truthful about what she say. She is quit to anger. She get bored of things fast.

Biography: (100 word minimum)(working)

Jul 20, 2015 12:31 PM

Apr 2013
Name: Talia
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Role at Camp Demigod: Camper
God Parent's name: Athena
What that god is in charge of: The Goddess of knowledge and War tactics

Power of your Demigod: Armor transformation
Talia is able to change what she’s wearing to fit her environment. She’s able to change into things that she has worn before but only things she has worn. Usually she uses it to change her normal day clothes quickly or into her armor when it’s needed.

Preferred weapon: Dual swords
- Quick witted
- Brave
- Tactically skilled
- Competitive
- Insightful
- Adventurous
- Social
- Studious
- Graceful
- Persistent

Biography: Ever since she was little she was different. Talia stood out as the little know it all that never really cared for sitting in a classroom and learning things she could do easily. She was always on her own not really interacting with the other students. She often had a fair amount of people who hated her and those who wanted to be her friend just to use her to do well in school. She had been left on the steps of a church shortly after being born and had transferred to the foster care system. She moved from house to house, Family to family almost every year. Not staying in one place to long let her see the many parts of the world. She often was a good kid till she got bored with what she had and acted up to get moved to somewhere new. When she was about five years old she knew she was different and found out she was a daughter of Athena, but always kept it to herself never telling a soul. Her abilities being a demigod helped her stay safe and kept her secret concealed.

Name: Violet Sky
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Role at Camp Demigod: Camper
God Parent's name: Artemis
What that god is in charge of: The Moon Goddess of Hunt

Power of your Demigod: She’s able to control and communicate with animals.
Her powers allow her to communicate with wild animals and use their senses such as seeing through their eyes or hearing as they do eventually being able to shift into the animal . She can call upon those who are near to help her out when she needs them.

Preferred weapon: Bow and arrow
- Agile
- Quick witted
- Night Owl
- Brave
- Curious
- Insightful
- Adventurous
- Athletic
- Strong willed
- Organized

Biography: Violet grew up in a small town near the ocean. She didn’t have much but she was comfortable where she had lived. She never knew her real parents just the couple that had found her one night on their porch after a storm had blown through. She was found in a basket with a small piece of paper that had only her name written on it. As she grew up she found herself outside most of the time in the woods behind the house playing in the creek. She seemed to have a normal life till she was about ten. Violet had talked to animals ever since she was little. Her parents thought it was just a game she was playing but when she didn’t grow out of it they thought she was going a bit crazy, so she began to keep quiet about it. She would talk to them while out in the woods where no one was around where she learned about Artemis and how she ended up here. Now knowing this Violet wanted to know more about her and search to see if she could find her.


Edited a picture
Alice157Aug 30, 2015 5:08 PM

Jul 20, 2015 1:05 PM

Oct 2014
Talia and Violet are...


@Link, for the Dark glimmer power, could you please reduce it to 2 posts?
Jul 26, 2015 3:02 PM

Jul 2013
Name: Alex Raycliff
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Role at Camp Demigod: Representative
God Parent's name: Hades
What that god is in charge of: Underworld

Power of your Demigod: Instant analyzation of great amounts of information and memorisation along with putting it into practice

Preferred weapon: Sabre

Personality: Alex is a quiet introverted kid, who is naive and will not speak her mind, even when forced to. Of course, she knows more than she lets on for the simple reason that she is usually orrisroot in rooms when people dont realise her being there, or simply don't take note. She usually talks to people from a neutral standpoint and will rarely start a conversation herself. Also wonders if it is her fault she suffers from Athazagarophobia and often questions her existence, of course, it always goes back to how at least she was useful for her brother.

When she does start a conversation herself, it is usually because what she has to say is very important the same as if she tries to speak up during a group meeting, of course, she is usually ignored by the peers so over the years she tried to do it less and less. Hence, her lack of presence only becoming more, and more obvious.


Looks: At first glance, second glance, and third she looks like a preburescent boy, ad is often mistaken to be one, she doesn't enlighten anyone either since she never finds the guts to speak up, even in the demigod camp, nobody has yet to have voiced the truth of her genre

UlteaJul 26, 2015 3:12 PM
Jul 27, 2015 1:36 AM

Oct 2014
Oh it's Hotaru! xD

Jul 28, 2015 3:28 PM

May 2013
Name: Kain Smithers
Age: 17
Role at Camp Demigod: camper

God Parent's name: Hermes
What that god is in charge of: messanger God,

Power of your Demigod: Lightweight, his body feels lighter to him then most campers. he can run faster, jump larger distances and is quite agile.

Preferred weapon: Lances

-easy to get along with
-likes to eat
- enjoys a good fight
-laughs a lot

Biography: Kain was always a goofball in school getting in trouble or dodging whatever work he could. he played many sports and did surprisingly well at them thanks to his powers, tho he didnt realize it at the time. he enjoyed playing on a team and would always do his best unless something distracted him. It wasnt until someone from the camp pointed out his heirtage did it all make sense to him. suddenly he wasnt a big shot anymore realizing his powers was not his own. ashamed of himself he dropped out of all his sports teams before moving to the camp to serve his duty.

Jul 28, 2015 3:31 PM

Mar 2015
Jul 29, 2015 7:24 AM

Nov 2009
Name: Alice Francois
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Role at Camp Demigod: camper

God Parent's name: Zeus
What that god is in charge of: (Eg. Zeus is the god of the sky, lightning, thunder, law, order, justice.)

Power: lightning

lightning bean

lightning bang!

lightning boxing

lightning arrow


Special ability
has yet to learn..

Preferred weapon: bow n arrow

Personality: Alice is a rather strong willed and optimistic girl. She is always striving to do things as well as possible, though she struggles with her studies at times. She is also very nice and sweet with people. she is fun to be around while at the same time she is always looking to have a good time. She is always quick to help people in need and tends to put others before herself. She loves dancing singing, poetry and cheerleading.
Biography:he grew up in an orphanage until eventually she was adopted by a nice lady that took her in and treated her like if she was her own daughter. Because of this kind deed that was done to her she became the person that she is. Where she always wants to to help others just like her step mom helped her. She and her mother did a lot of stuff together like singing and dancing and ballet. She loves to sing and express herself through poetry and songs witch she loves to write. after she found out about her powers, she came to this camp

appearance: [spoiler]
SakuraSweetHeartJul 29, 2015 7:51 AM
Jul 29, 2015 7:55 AM

Oct 2014
Jul 29, 2015 9:16 AM

Aug 2013
Name: Permo Ostran
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Role: Camper

God parent's name: Pan
What that god is in charge of: God of Nature and Forests

Power of Demigod: Wisp Druid

Preferred weapon: Scythe




Additional info:
Even though Permo is able to summon wisps, the wisps tend to come to him often to just talk, hang out or complain about something

Permo is currently only person who is able to communicate with wisps
RauziAug 3, 2015 2:20 AM
Jul 29, 2015 11:39 PM

Oct 2014
Jul 30, 2015 7:52 AM

Nov 2009
Name: Sakura Aoi
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Role at Camp Demigod: (Camper)

God Parent's name: Poseidon
What that god is in charge of: (God of the seas, earthquakes, and tidal wave.)

Power: (water)

Explanation: She has the ability to use water and ice magic through her wand

Hydro pump

Hydro Rain

Water Shield

Water Temperature

Ice storm

Ice queen

Ice creation

Special Ability

Preferred weapon: staff
Personality: Kagome is a very straight forward person, she isnt shy and doesnt back down, she's got a bad temper. If you ever get in a fight with this girl prepare to lose because she knows how to kick ass. She is slightly aggressive and it a take charge kinda person, but only when people are in dire need of it. Her hard ass persona aside kagome is a very sweet girl, the kind that will help a little old lady cross the street without a second thought. She is very over-protective of the people she cares about.
Kagome has a habit of saying “shut up” Or “”go to hell” whenever someone asks her questions on something she doesn’t know or understand or embarrass her. She has a great fondness for anything sweet. Kagome is shown to be highly intelligent as she has gotten a perfect score on every exam and is talented in Physical Education in her
previous school.
bio: when she was born she had a very energetic and happy childhood. she had the love of both her parents and they where financial stable. they lived in the wealthy part of Paris where she was born and raised. but then one night everything changed. her father was brutally assassinated before her and her mother. this left her and her mother in a wrecked state and it ruined there financial life. they had no choose but to move to Japan where they can get the aid of kagome’s grandmother. Everything just went downhill from there. her mother started to abuse alcohol in order to forget the painful memories which caused her to lose her mind. she then started abusing alice, this lasted for two years.
Kagome Summed up the courage to call the police and her mother is now getting treatments for her problems. She lives in a small house with her grandmother, which made her enroll in Rupei Mej Academy. She isn’t really happy about going to this school but she knows she has to get stronger. She wants to find her fathers murderer and kill him. She will do and use anyone to achieve her goal. she must first achieve this by coming to this camp and training
Looks: (in spoiler) [spoiler]
SakuraSweetHeartJul 30, 2015 8:41 AM
Jul 30, 2015 12:13 PM

Oct 2014
Aug 21, 2015 8:18 PM
Sep 2012
Name: fyanya anteiku
Age: 16(13 - 21 for campers and representatives. 21 and up for staff)
Gender: female ^^
Role at Camp Demigod: camper

God Parent's name: Sappho
What that god is in charge of: ocean and poerty and flowers and ladies
Power of your Demigod:
she can bake really good and conrtol the waves of the oceana nd the moon and the tides and the she can make girls fall in love and she can write any song and it will be a smahsh hit!

Preferred weapon: sexy whipp xD

Personality: (At least ten different characteristics.)
she is very sweet and wants to be outdoing but she has anxitety and gets shy she will make friends by haning out in the librabry and reading poetry. has a lot of friends, she is cheeky and laghs when her friends do stupid things because they are very silly and make her laugh.

Biography: (100 word minimum)

fia antes si the baby girl of the great greek goddsses Sapphon. sappho, as we all now, is a gril of the world, wise and beatiful. fia was born from sapphos left frecklet hats a couple inches from her face. when fia exploded out of her mole she killed her mothe rb but not before her mother said unto her, "my childe..... go. shwo the world that womens are here" and fia, already and adult cradling her moms head in her lap, said through big buble tears... "mom...... ok i will" and she did. she left the world and went to the country to spreaed the word of womens. shef found that she was very ostriched because she was bpart god and she was scared and lone without hthe sappho. sappho came to her in a drem and saids, "fiatm, your sad and scard but dont be anty more. there is ab lplace to go for you to be safe" and she gave her a map but it wasnt a real map it was just an imangine map in her brain. so fia took this mpa and her willpower and went to the camp on the map , lookin for freinds and a new purpos in life

Looks: (in spoiler)
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Aug 21, 2015 11:01 PM

Oct 2014
Umm, can you please fix up the spelling mistakes...?
Sep 2, 2015 1:14 PM

Oct 2014
Name: Hei
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Role at Camp Demigod: Is not part of the camp

God Parent's name: Helios (Titan)
What that god is in charge of: Personification of the sun

Power of your Demigod: Is able to wield the suns fire as his weapon.

Preferred weapon: Spear

- Calm
- Friendly
- Surreal
- Kind
- Encouraging
- Loyal
- Honest
- Modest
- In a sense, quite regal
- whimsical

Biography: (to be discovered in rp, this character is for story purposes.)

WymsicalSep 2, 2015 1:26 PM
Sep 21, 2015 4:50 PM

May 2015
Name: Balut Haadara
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Role at Camp Demigod: Camper

God Parent's name: Vulcan
What that god is in charge of: Volcano's,As a smithing god, Vulcan made all the weapons of the gods in Olympus. He served as the blacksmith of the gods.

Power of your Demigod: The power he has is to to summon a weapon created by his forefather Vulcan that is made of the strongest metal and was forged in the heart of the great Pompei as it burned, Incenarius. Incenarius is a Molten two-handed Hammer with unbreakable metal but costly to use over too long of time. Its primary point of damage is that its a Brutal Hammer but also that its super heated so only he or others of the correct Lineage may wield it.
Preferred weapon: Incenarius - Hammer of Pompei


Headstrong , Honest , Loyal , Devoted , Ambitious , Happy , Cooperative , Persuasive , Active , Tough , and Lively.

Biography: Balut had grown up with a rather different childhood then most, he had no parentage, no family to know of and grew up in care. In care he learned to look after his fellow children and was always the one to pick fights with bullies and those wanting to harm or make fun of his friends but his life changed when he got to the age of 16. On his 16 Birthday he spent it alone having nobody to spend it with, everyone he grew up with in the kids home had left and had their own families but nobody adopted Balut, On his 16th birthday a deep calling resided within him, a calling to his true parentage, Vulcan. Deep from within himself he called out not knowing what it would cause, he yelled out Incenarius' name, the Molten Hammer of Pompei. Upon spawning the hammer it burned down his care home, luckily nobody was there at that time and Balut was presumed dead. He infact left his home to find what it was that called him and to find out more about his Godly Parentage.

Looks: Balut - Appearence
XenocobraSep 21, 2015 4:54 PM
Sep 21, 2015 5:09 PM

Mar 2015
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members

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